Bedtime Music
Back from her days as the girlfriend of then Governor Moonbeam, here is Linda Ronstadt with Blue Bayou.
Labels: bedtime music, Jerry Brown, linda ronstadt
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Labels: bedtime music, Jerry Brown, linda ronstadt
What the hell is it with all the YouTube videos?
I thought this blog is the home of Los Angeles politics, now you are posting a bunch of fluff videos.
If I want that crap I will go to TMZ or the Perez site to see uninportant fluff stories.
Linda Ronstadt was great until she became corpulent and pro-Mexican-illegal immigration. Don't know what happened. Some weird brain chemistry from eating lard or something.
Vast barren distances lie between the cause and effect in the above analogy. Though I suppose within the realm of abstract thought there is viability.
As for Linda being corpulaent. I'm not so sure she was into that whole S&M scene..
I think Linda WAS Mexican on mother's side. Had spent her life getting by on dad's German-sounding name, then went whole-hog into the mariachi scene and her other "roots," too bad it came when she was so fat and lost her looks, came off as just sinking.
Just curious, why do most people on this site who skewer others cruely do so anonymously.
Easier that way?
They wouldn't do it otherwise. They're sucky haters obviously leading horrible lives.
Michael, I loved that song. I actually sang along. I remember it from junior high..or was that high school?
-anonymous but not mean
It's a matter of taste Michele. If you travel much around our fair City you'll find a host of tasty treats on "skewers". There's of course, the skewered bacon wrapped hot dogs. This tasty treat should be consumed anonymously, and with mustard which you can purchase in the German section of town.
I like the YouTube videos. Keep them coming. Play some rap though.
Yeah play Tupac or Vanilla Ice or that dude that married Britney. Yeah play that Federline, He's a rapper..
Or better yet, let's each do a home video clip that we have up on YouTube. Come on - everybody has one.
I'd love to see a bunch of anonymous bloggers in some home video.
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