Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Monday

Mr. Tamar Galatzan and VICA head Brendan Huffman has a letter in Monday's Daily News praising the selection of Marcus Allen as the new CAO for LA. Brendan, how come they iced the plan to dump Robin Kramer until none of us are looking?
Joel Budd writing in the Economist is the latest journalist to delve into the development issue in Los Angeles. Though he captures well the usual NIMBY/BANANA/CAVE anti-growth mentality, the story also makes it clear why the city has to look at all types of growth strategy including smart development and transit oriented development. We just can't get keep growing out.
The MTA and the City are trying to encourage more people to use public transit yet at the same time they're cutting service on the lines that the most transit-dependent need most. Makes sense of course. Even Tony Villar finds fault with it.
Except for some of the NIMBYs who read this blog, most of you probably have no idea who Sandor Winger is, but he's the man that anyone wanting to annex Las Lomas and other prize properties in LA County has to get through. The Newhall Signal profiles the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Local Agency Formation Commission who spends his days pouring over proposed county maps and often tells guests he "feels crappy." Maybe on his desk: new plans to annex Las Lomas?
Labels: banana, cave, lafco, las lomas, mta, nimby, port of los angeles, real estate development, transit oriented development
The pollution at the Ports is not just the disels but Jack Hoff's farts.
Mayor Sam, Brendan Huffman and Tamar Galatzan are big time supporters of Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga which will hurt Tamar if she runs for Wendy's seat or just for re-election. Studio City is watching.
The Economist article is way off base in a lot of ways. First of all, L A isn't trying to become "a normal city," in the writer's terms. We have no subway and the existing rail is "skeletal," as he says, and notes that almost no one takes it.
Then he goes on to fault those living downtown, "singles and childless couples," for keeping cars despite being near more mass transit than anyone else. (Yeah, because most of them can't get to where they want to go, and not safely at night.)
He says Las Lomas was nixed becauses the city knows we have to "grow upwards, not out." No, dum dum, it was nixed because it would bring too much traffic to an already gridlocked area, and due to water issues.
He makes fun of people on Ventura Blvd. who oppose a 130-unit building but again, scoffs at gridlock issues -- in a city with the worst traffic anywhere and where, he noted himself, there's no quality mass transit to speak of.
He quotes that UCLA "expert" idiot Shoup who always comes up, and has an IQ on a par with Woo and Reyes, his partners-in-crime intent on building dense buildings without parking. Parking is bad, says this Economic idiot. We must get rid of parking to force people on mass transit. Which he knows doesn't exist and may not for decades.
I'd have made this comment, but Joe (who's up in arms about the L A Times requiring registration), guess what? To register as a commenter with the Economic, you have to give your full name, Date of Birth, all kinds of personal stuff. Screw that.
A plan by VICA to "dump" Robin Kramer?
C'mon, guys, only Mayor Villaraigosa could do that, but, why would he? She is the rudder that steers the ship USS Los Angeles though the perilous shoals of the City Council and all the other dangerous waters of this community.
Just who do you suppose is running the city while Antonio is off compaigning for Hillary?
Sometimes you guys post such inanity I think that ZD has crept into your minds or something.
...Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is calling again on Villaraigosa's political team. This time, the team is being sent to North Carolina for that state's April 17 presidential caucus - just prior to the Pennsylvania primary. Ace Smith will be the state director, aided by Michael Trujillo and Miguel Espinoza.
Robin is just on loan to Antonio from Eli Broad. It's true that she runs the show. If Antonio is Mickey Mouse, then Robin is the person inside the suit. If you see Robin walk out the door, that means it's officially over for Antonio, his support in this city is over...and don't stand too close to Villaraigosa if you she her get re-called to Eli's office.
So if you believe the walls are caving in around Antonio, this would be one of the late signs that it's O-V-E-R for the mayor and everyone wants to get out before the investigations begin.
LA Daily Blog
6:01 even Zuma has it better put than you. Who said VICA was trying to out Robin Kramer? I think Mayor Sam was just asking Brendan what he though about Robin's sitch since he wrote a letter in support of Marcus.
Zuma you're right, if Riordan pulls the plug on Robin then it is over for Antonio. And from what I've read here and heard elsewhere its not a question of if but when. Broad and Riordan are not so quietly planning for a post-Villarraigosa LA.
Brendan and VICA need the mayor on their side on a number of issues. How better to "make nice" than to write a letter supporting a mayoral appointment? a letter that doesn't cost them anything???
The Mayor owns Brendan, what are you talking about? Ask Jimmy.
I wish the mayor would come to his senses and dump Robin. He can go back to being the old Villaraigosa that people voted for because he was good and right. Back when he did things for the right reasons not because he was driven by Broad/Riordan people.
He doesn't need them anymore. He can do this on his own. I have more confidence in his ability with them gone. It's not too late Antonio! Come back from the dark side.
Lucky for all the Hillary supporters that the Ace/Trujillo team are in North Carolina!
"80 FAKE TEXTILE MILLS SAVED BY HILLARY" coming to North Carolina.
"WWG" going the "RED SPOT ROUTE",
Also, Villaraigosa's (police??) advice team of Ace Smith, Michael Trujillo and Miguel Espinoza is headed to North Carolina to help Hilary Clinton.
"He doesn't need them anymore. He can do this on his own."
With all due respect, for whatever leadership qualities Antonio possesses/any actual talents he has...he DOES need them (Robin) and he can't really do it on his own.
Don't make the mistake of falling into the illusion of thinking that any one person is a one person operation. If Antonio was good at being Robin Kramer (details), then maybe he would need someone who could help be an ambassador for the city and issues.
But especially in Antonio's case...doing what he is currently doing -- AND Robin's job...HELL NAW! And this is no time to have someone else have to step into her shoes, either. She was Chief of Staff (running the show) for Riordan & the midst of a city crisis. Won't be very smooth sailing without her as a rudder.
Damn! I thought this blog got rid of Zuma dogg. He's practically a household name, but so is Charmin toilet tissue..
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