The City is in a budget crunch, the Mayor wants to raise your garbage fees, but you wouldn't know it when it comes to how much of your money the City Council wants to give away in fee waivers to politically connected organizations to put on a variety of events, some of which are religious. The total of waivers to be given away this Tuesday alone is over $50,000 for events such as L. Rob Hubbard's Birthday (isn't he dead?), the Blessing of the Animals and other nonsense. See the detail below:
For those of going down to speak against Las Lomas, you may want to give tribute to Zuma Dogg and put in a speaker card on each of these waivers just for fun.
For those of going down to speak against Las Lomas, you may want to give tribute to Zuma Dogg and put in a speaker card on each of these waivers just for fun.
Labels: city budget, fee waivers, Los Angeles City Council
Well, well I learned about google spreadsheets, google documents and that the blessing of animals cost us all $5,847.00.
Los Angeles Times, Daily News or Zuma Times need to explore the money City of L.A. is providing to the non profit organizations.
This is great Mayor Sam putting the spreadsheet so we can all see. Isn't the Old Memories a low rider car club? When is Laura Chick going to audit every council office because we can tell you there is so much abuse and no lazy reporter goes after those stories.
The City keeps talking about "belt tightening" measures. (That's actually what it is called on the agenda.) When the real problem is stuff like these fee waivers -- and even more so all the non-profits that City Council and the Mayor funnel money into. All in the name of kids, and elderly, or the poor.
1) City is given Federal and State funds to provide services. (Also tax breaks and subsidies are provided to developers in exchange for public benefits.)
2) Elected officials (Mayor and City Council) funnel the money into their crony non-profits where there is no accountability or transparency -- and the public doesn't get the actual services the money is supposed to be used for; or the project can't be completed.
3) Elected officials come back and ask for more money to complete the project or provide added services.
4) The mayor blames it on Blackberry use.
DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED...California politics is about one thing and one thing only...there is Federal and State money -- and tax breaks and subsidies being handed out.
And there will always be vultures fighting for their chunk of flesh.
To become an elected official is to basically say to your conscious, "There's money being handed out -- and SOMEONE is going to grab it...may as well be me. Cause if it isn't me, it will be someone else.
And the powers that be, already in charge of the shady distribution of these public funds and public trust (the people controlling the funneling of this money into non-transparent/no accountability "cahoots racket" non-profits won't pull the switch for a politician and back them for office, if they aren't "on the team" in the first place.
For example...in the Assembly race for Nunez's seat...Villar's cousin John Perez is the person anointed to keep the non-profit ball rolling. (So I can guarantee you he will not be pushing for audits into non-profit spending.)
SUMMARY: Don't be fooled by the warm and fuzzy photo opportunities and helpful sounding non-profits...
If you are an elected official in Los Angeles...that means you are the one anointed to funnel the Federal and State money into your backer's non-profit.
Good luck on the belt-tightening.
HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU ANTONIO & CITY COUNCIL...Just like the party is over on the subprime bonanza lending...and the party is over on the aggressive/risky lending that fueled profits while it lasted...
no more room to funnel your chunk of change off the top, anymore.
So stop screwing around with this Blackberry bullsh*t. You're walking around like the Emperor's New Clothes. You're not fooling anyone -- and everyone is on to you. (Otherwise, how would I know all of this.) Don't worry that Zuma Dogg knows this. Worry about the people who told the people who told me.
(Didn't I blab about a D.A. investigation into the Housing Dept before it was public info? I was told to please stop talking about it, cause I was allowing the corrupt politicians to cover their tracks.)
Now you have to hike the trash collection fees cause you're like heroine addicts hooked on shady money.
As usual, Huizar shines as the most wasteful and with the most Mexican- only events. Almost $20,000 of the total is his stuff -- like the Huizar's Winter Wonderland and El Grito that he puts on in addition to the city's Santa Parade.
Underscoring that his Mexican district is not a part of L A and can't relate to anything the "anglos" do so they have to have their own parades and pomp and religious festivities for Mexicans.
Alarcon, Cardenas and even holier- than- thou supposed fiscal conservative Parks weight in, too -- Parks with the $3,000 for the truly stupid-sounding celebration of L Ron Hubbard's birthday.
These same old ethnics and Janice Hahn have always been the worst offenders, using city money to run for office continuously.
The bone marrow walk is a modest amount for something actually good.
Z.D. In your last post for clarification, did you mean Housing Dept (LAHD) or Housing Authority (HACLA)?
Here is the link to Guidestar:
and the LOMOD filing by Rudy Montiel of HACLA.
Why is this guy making $400,000k per year with benefits to run properties out of LA City when he has so many problems with Section 8, the housing developments & Shelter Plus care. Additionally, does this include his HACLA salary or is it above and beyond?
Let him focus on LA and stop going elsewhere on our dime and time!! And then we can't figure out why we have homeless and gang probelms.
Both need DA to look into them. Chick does not have the will or the clout.
The worst of these was several years ago when the Council approved a fee waiver for Louis Farrakah and the Nation of Islam for about $45,000!
Get rid of DONE and the ever useless Neighborhood Councils. Especially the Glassell Park Neighborhood Council.
Bradley wants $3000.00 for a "Public Safety" forum, remember how well attended the Diversity Forum was...
1:25 pm
this is the worst liar in earth!!
Montiel does not know how to even run his family life. He, however is very good at doing the talk but not doing the walk. It is known inside the HACLA that he is a major failure but the commission chooses to ignore what is going on. Didn't the LA Times report that the HACLA was spending over 7 million in legal fees? and to think that the HUD OIG issued a report on oversight of legal fees and the lack of oversight by HUD, Montiel, show us the proof!!!. Many cases in superior court just sit tight as the LAFD will look small change compared to what is going on at HACLA.
Yes, the DA needs to look into his deals as well as those for Estrada Courts and "commissioner" Del Angel. This will show ties to Alatorre, Pacheco, Huizar and long time foe Phil Chavez!!! oops! forgot Villaraigoza.
oops! forgot Villaraigoza.
don't leave him out.
on HACLA, what do you mean homeless??? there are 200 or more vacancies at Nickerson Gardens, a project situated in the heart of Watts!! Why can HACLA not rent those units? other residents live in a height of fear, with prostitution, gang occupied units, drug houses and even illegal dog fights in these vacant units, why isn't anyone doing something about this?
Villar, watch this as it will unfold in your next campaign, and it will hurt you.
REAL SOOOOOON NOW Mr Montiel will be brought down - good thing that he prays before he eats..........as stated in the LA SLIMES, Left elpaso came to cali and used tax payer dollars to purchase his housing drives a company car makes more money than the chief of police, has everything but a sense of fashion and good looks, guess you can't have everything.
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