Sources Say Writer's Strike Will End Tomorrow
Excuse me for posting something that isn't about personal politics, or a personal observation...but no one mentioned that the writer's strike will end tomorrow (Saturday February 9, 2008). This affects the local economy, so I thought I would post the info in case anyone reading is affected. (The City and County is certainly affected, right?)
Besides the Ports of L.A., Hollywood show business is a big economic industry for the city. And since LA City is $600-$700 short (budget deficit even WITH Prop S money), I wanted to put it down for the record and notify people who may not have heard.
Remember, it's "Zuma Dogg with news before it happens". So you can expect to read about it in the newspapers on Sunday.
Set yourself a Google Alert for "Zuma-Dogg" if you want to receive updates on topics and issues that aren't posted here. (You don't want me to kill this blog with non-stop posts throughout the day, here. Plus, stock market updates throughout the day at, too. The Batcomputer is HOT!)
AND THANKS TO CLINTON CAMPAIGN CONSULTANTS WHO READ SATURDAY'S POST ON "HILLARY THE SCREAMING NUTCASE". ZD can tell that you spoke with the candidate and she really is trying to stay calm and keep her tonality at levels that are tolerable to humans. It's working and it DOES indeed make her less hateable! I heard her best speeches ever this week! (Much more commanding. presidential-like and less nutty.) She'll never be an Obama, no one will, so you can't blame her for that. But at least she won't be driving away her core supporters over tonality issues. Now I'm sorry I mentioned it!
The spending nutcase:
Mitt Romney spent more than $35 million of his own money trying to get himself elected, but he made frequent miscalculations and his campaign faced challenges from the start, some from obstacles beyond his control.
Suspicions about Mr. Romney’s Mormon faith consumed his campaign early on, only to seem to fade from view. But his advisers and outside experts agree that the unease ultimately helped pave the way for Mike Huckabee, a former Southern Baptist pastor, to emerge from the backbench of the Republican field to win the Iowa caucuses, a central, costly goal of Mr. Romney’s strategy. Then Mr. Romney’s aides failed to anticipate the collapse of Rudolph W. Giuliani’s candidacy, leaving no one to halt Senator John McCain’s resurgence among moderate Republicans and independents.
Screaming and tonality makes one hateful?
How can you say that?
Remember, she doesn't ahve a captive audience that is forced to sit through two or three minutes of it.
Repent now, you time wating fool.
Resolve to be a beter person and not such a drag on society.
If you do, I amy stop picking on you. I'll at least think about it.
Here is a table of McCain's top political contributors.
Most of
these are involved in the Subprime Scandal. There is banking, big
media, IS and IT for federal gov., foodservice for gov., energy giants,
big pharma, and large equity investment firms.
This is the kind of the information that could help
expose McCain as the true Washington insider he is, and NOT a defender of the Constitution and the people.
He takes his marching orders from.....:
Top McCain 2007 Contributors
1 Citigroup Inc (Subprime Scandal) (Class 3 asset questions) $145,050
2 Blank Rome LLP – (attorneys) $141,400
3 Greenberg Traurig – (1750 lawyers) $129,987
4 Merrill Lynch (Subprime Scandal) (Class 3 asset questions) $119,675
5 Goldman Sachs (Subprime Scandal) (Class 3 asset questions)
6 IDT Corp – (telecommunications) $80,150
7 Pinnacle West Capital $77,850
8 Bank of New York Mellon (Subprime Scandal) $74,000
9 JP Morgan Chase & Co (Subprime Scandal) (Class 3 asset
questions) $72,100
10 Irvine Co Apartment Community $68,400
11 Broadcasting Media Partners $67,800
12 MGM Mirage $66,100
13 Credit Suisse Group $63,350
14 Lehman Brothers (Subprime Scandal) $61,450
15 Bridgewater Assoc $58,300
16 Cisco Systems $56,850
17 Triwest Healthcare Alliance $54,250
18 FedEx Corp $52,100
18 Wachovia Corp (Subprime Scandal) $52,100
20 Morgan Stanley – (Subprime Scandal) (Class 3 asset
questions) $51,950
Villaraigosa is on Doug McIntyre right now using the tragedy of SWAT officer being killed to get attention. we all know he's a low life but this goes beyond that. How can someone be so insensitive to the family of this officer and be out there for photo ops and radio talking about himself again?
How about some equal time? Let's post Clinton's top political contributors.
Oh yeah, can't talk about that, without getting into some real hot water. ;)
Thanks for opening up that can!
Word has it that Hillary is going to stop shaving he rlegs and under her arms, stop showering, and getting aski hat and dark glasses.
Let's get behind the new Shrillary for President!
President of the Zuma Pussy fan club.
^^^ but will she stop shaving her face????
Hillary has a Lesbian lover in Georgetown.
I was really scared when I turned on the news last night and heard about the guy who went to city hall really pissed off cause they didn't allow him to speak out at public comment. He had been going for a long time to city hall then yesterday took a gun and shot the Mayor, and others. For a minute there I thought they were talking about Matt Dowd and Mike Hunt. The reporter did say the guys was looney and had mental issues. Sound familiar??
Here's the story.
KIRKWOOD, Mo. (Feb. 8) - Ten days after losing a federal lawsuit against this St. Louis suburb he insisted harassed him, a gunman stormed a council meeting and opened fire, killing two police officers and three city officials.
Thornton was often a contentious presence at council meetings; he had twice been convicted of disorderly conduct for disrupting meetings in May 2006. Most of his ire was directed at the mayor and Yost, McNichols said. Thornton was well-known at City Hall, often making outrageous comments at public meetings, according to the weekly Webster-Kirkwood Times
Why the hell did they not have metal detectors?
The perps must have been illegal alien mexican gang members
and it was the fault of Villraigosa and Bratton and the ACLU
Did you guys read that? Egomaniac Dave just ripped all the other bloggers on Mayor Sam. He can't stand to not have things his way. No body reads the moroon any more.
If you want to learn about the Clintons, Google the Clinton Chronicles. If these types of individuals are our leaders brace yourself for what its coming.
There is a new movie about Hillary, I still have not been able to see it. The Clintons for sure do no want us to see it.
hey 9.02
ONE BIG BIG DIFFERENCE between us and the Missouri shooting:
we WON OUR FEDERAL CASE against the city council!!!!!
if anyone's gonna start shooting at City Hall it'll be one of the gun carrying loser councilmen.
this blog should be able to identify them. anyone??
" — As globalist tool John McCain rises to the forefront of the GOP party, it becomes increasingly likely he will oppose Hillary Clinton in the general election. Behind the veil, this fixed-election might be indicated by maximum contributions from globalist kingpins David Rockefeller to Hillary, and Kissinger to McCain: FEC filings."
Globalis want to control the world, it will be the end of Democracy an this great country.
Billderbergs, Rockefellers, Roschilds, J.P. Morgans etc.
they control the Federal Reserve, the oil, the media.
"Those that control the images control the opinion"
ICE, ICE, Baby, some good news, ICE/INS should do this every day in Los Angeles area.
Feds raid Van Nuys printer supply company for illegal immigrants
Matt then you should know if you guys think you get harrassed its exactly because of this incident. You guys behave just as mental and immature. I'm amazed you guys are allowed into city hall. Forget about 1st ammendement you guys are a bunch of morons who need to go get a job and stop behaving like children.
Politics Schmalitics... Is Hillary Bi or full bore Lesbo? Who wants to know, who cares. Will McCain live through a first term? Who cares. Did anyone read the header to this blog entry? If the writer's strike ends tommorrow will I immediately go into The Donald withdrawals or will the network provide some decompress time?
Public Meeting Last Nite
attended by rosendahl, city parks staff, city attorney's office (incl. Mark Brown, Mike Nagle, and Rocky's personal rep. who I've never seen before), many layers of LAPD (many), Michael Hunt (in his ninja outfit, looks like KKK is gone), Matt Dowd, all the Venice regulars, Sidewalk cafe owner's rep, Mike Bonin, Mark Antonio(poor guy)Grant, the Argonaut editor, and Ch. 35.
The City proceeded to explain the new ordinance. Before they got too far Bill Rosendahl acknowledged Ibrahim (the painter and drummer who has a court order to allow him to drum in a certain place for a certain time), Bill allowed him a 'comment' which turned out to be a 2 minute drum solo on his djembe (African drum). It was crazy as hell, he's standing up among the seated crowd, in a trance-like state, drumming a huge uptempo solo in the rec center. after about 30 or 40 seconds, Matt Dowd started a hand clap in time to his drum solo. after another 10 secs everyone started joining in the hand clap. It was an incredible 'Venice' moment, caught on Ch. 35 too.
After a couple of minutes it faded out, Ibrahim made comments about the 'noise ordinance' never working ever at venice, and then left.
City proceeded to explain their new regulations, after which was the public comment period.
That's where Matt Dowd and Bill Rosendahl repeatedly clashed with each other, matt trying to ask valid relevant and practical questions about enforcement from LAPD, and elicit a response, a dialogue (if you will), but Bill showed how threatened he was by hiding behind (its a democracy, your time's up, let everyone else speak first before you have any more time etc).
Finally after mnay public speakers had their 'turn', (and sorry to inform them, last night was NOT the nite to be suggesting changes to this ordinance, the time for that was during the last 8 months of all our federal court conferences, when we made this new ordinance), Matt Dowd again took the podium and got the relevant questions out:
1. since we all have a 'lifetime' permit that we paid for, do we have to PAY AGAIN for this new permit?
(which elicited an explanation to the crowd about the fees and permit costs, including a 'trade-up' period for free.) thank-you, says Matt Dowd.
2. Did the federal judge say that this new ordinance only 'appears' valid at this time, but it IS NOT set in stone, and is able to be challenged? (City attorneys huddle together like rats and have mini conference)
"No, its not set in stone."
Thank you says Matt Dowd.
3. "Bill Rosendahl stated at the top of the meeting that the judge has now 'thrown the last ordinance out' , says matt Dowd. "So we need to know that since you're introducing a new ordinance, can you still enforce any aspects of that old ordinance, including the lottery and the current space allocations?"
(mini conference of the rats)
Nagle: yes we are still enforcing parts of the old one. we only dropped the 'nominal utility' and the noise sections"
back to live now on this blog:
hello, any legal people out there? can they possibly possibly pick and choose specific sections of an ordinance to enforce with LAPD officers, when the ordinance itself has been officially recognised as being unconstitutional by the mere fact the judge is replacing it????
and they're replacing it with zones, something completely different from anything they had in the past. something that the judge has supervised personally.
but until this new thing gets voted in by council, they still believe they can enforce 'bits' of the old one.??????
we'd love to hear from educated souls who understand this technicality.
9:02 am,
Do you really think I would do something like that? No wonder you are always dazed and confused.
Meanwhile, everyone reading this knows you are spinning, it doesn't seem to be working, you continue to reveal yourself, and you are becoming more of a joke. Really desperate, actually.
I heard someone fell out of an airplane, and I thought of Hillary Clinton. I heard someone who raised illegal campaign funds and ended up killing themselves over it...and I thought of Hillary Clinton. I heard someone is screwing a fashion designing planning director for the city, and I thought of the mayor.
You keep going, and I'll keep going...on the main thread!
Keep on losing're picking a battle with a guy who has nothing to lose, and you have everything to lose. Keep spinning!
Well, "Tommorrow" is today and guess what?
Another scoop by Zuma Pussy gone awry.
Maybe it was the drummer who dazed poor Zuma into a trance, thinking that if he keeps making predictions, sooner or later one might come true.
A monkey will jump out your ass befoe Zuma will ever know anything ahead of the world, because he gets all ihis information by reading obscure publications and blogs and other people's thinking.
The trick is to do it YOURSELF, loser. Conceive of the issue and logically think it through. Then, move to verify it the old fashioned way; by hard digging and calling and walking and asking.
The reason you are never really a success is because you are by nature lazy and want to get things the easy way. Good reporters work hard to conceive, fashion, check out, verify and then write the story.
I know, that's too hard for an ADD afflicted fool to comprehend.
Good luck in the new lottery. Soon you can go back to begging on the beach with Illegal Matt and Mike Hunt (love that name).
Hillary will "never be an Obama."
Thank G-d. That guy drives me nuts, the way he "preaches" without saying anything, just like his mentors Jesse Jackson, and that nut pastor of his at Trinity United in Chicago. Ever hear that guy go on about how white people is the cause of all the woes in America, folks? And then he gives his biggest Person of the Year Award to Louis Farrakhan for 2007.
And Oprah telling people at the UCLA rally that she's going with him because "that's what my voice told me to do." Well I know some people whose voices told them to jump off a building and fly. Gag me with a spoon, Obama and Oprah.
Confused again! I posted the story on Feb 8th. It is still Feb 8th. Not tomorrow. Tomorrow will be Feb 9th. GET IT. Again, you're too hostile to even get the date right. win again, smart stuff!
"...because he gets all ihis information by reading obscure publications and blogs and other people's thinking."
If Reuters, CNBC, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal are "obscure publications", then o.k., I read obscure publications. And yes, reading blogs and listening to other people's thinking is part of the process, too.
It's OK to do that, dummy, just don't claim any "scoops" and tell us how smart you are.
You have no creative, or innovative thinking. You are just a two bit loser.
Face it , your life is a huge waste of time and talent.
Go get a job and start being a man.
Get some self respect and deal with your worthless existence.
Life cannot be good for you.
we hear talk right now about the strike on Fox news.
and 9.12 you sound like my dad, at his worst.
exactly like it.
very very annoying, pal. if that's your plan to be annoying, then its working.
I'm sure you actually meant every word though.
that's what's sad about you.
you ever hear that bullshit from your dad?
now you're him.
and its sad.
And you have made that loser your life long obsession. What does that make you?
Oh, and BTW, must be brainwashed if you think that Hillary is a kinder, gentler human being just because she has softened her tone!!!
6:31 am,
YOUR LACK OF READING COMPREHENSION IS TRULY MIND BOGGLING!!! You NEVER get things right. I mean, you really must be dumb in the truest sense of the word.
In my entire life , I have never come across anyone who reads, but takes away something that isn't there.
You said, "you must be brainwashed if you think that Hillary is a kinder, gentler human being just because she has softened her tone!!!"
I commented that I noticed she changed her speaking tone from screaming to speaking.
If I say a hitman put a silencer on his gun, that does not imply that ZD thinks the hitman is being more compassionate.
BUT YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND THAT ANALOGY EITHER. I really for bad for someone who has to go through life misinterpreting everything you survey. No wonder you are always so angry, loser. AND YOU ARE A LOSER.
And everyone see how you try so hard to spin me...but all you are doing is showing them how dumb and jealous you are. SORRY!!! ZUMA DOGG EMERGED ON THE SCENE...GET OVER IT!
Let's see - has tomorrow come yet? I guess not. It is still today.
It depends on what "it" means, right President Clinton?
ZD, you are worthless as a prognosticator, newsman or pundit.
All you do is repeat other people's stuff. We call that a "hack".
And, your nuancing and parsing is reminiscent of lawyers arguing a case; you'rfe no lawyer, you barely got out of high school.
Lastly, only assholes talk about themselves in the third person.
Now we know what you are.
David, this man must know you; he is so accurate about everything.
P.S. Why don't you call home once in a while? All the stocks you told us to buy are in the tank.
5:36 pm,
I used to think you had some good inside dirt on people, but i see i got bamboozled, now. I never told my mom to buy ANY stock, except Apple at $15.00 (that's right, $15), gold when it was at $800/oz and warned that the market was going to tank come Jan 08 -- then even more in Feb '08 (back in october '07.)
And I spoke with my mom on Friday, Thursday and Tuesday.
So people reading at home know...this loser has NO-THING!
And if I'm such a hack, why don't you post the original sources where I get my predictions if they are so obvious. They aren't obvious because it's based on research -- and my opinions are usually contrary to popular opinion. I don't take any on piece of info and run with it, douchebag. If I'm a my hacks, loser. You won't because you can't.
I post it all on a blog (, so it is timestamped for the record, so losers like you cannot lie about what i said.
it's all there on the blog: I'M SHOCKED AT THE ACCURACY. HEARTBROKEN AND QUITE SICK TO MY STOMACH OVER IT..Cause I didn't cash in. I should get an award for being the most shockingly accurate financial market prognosticator on the planet, currently. I WILL BLOW AWAY ANY EXPERT YOU CAN FIND ON EARTH WITH MY PREDICTIONS...
And can you imagine how certain I am of this, to make such a cocky and obnoxious claim? I CAN MAKE IT and if anyone doubts it, start checking my posts -- and see what happens next!
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