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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday

Don't forget to Vote for Your Choices in the Mayor Sam Awards

Why is it so important for Mayor Villaraigosa and other elected officials to pass the Mayor's shady phone tax increase, Measure S? In order to pay for a 23% pay increase for non-emergency city workers. Pass the word, when was the last time you got a 23% pay raise? By the way in case you missed it, you absolutely have to catch Zuma Dogg's Measure S themed holiday parody.

When Steve Hymon asked where the funds to build a "subway to the sea," Mayor Villaraigosa accused the LA Times Columnist of "raining on his parade." That's a great way to avoid a simple yet serious question on a taxpayer funded project. Of course the Mayor loves nothing more than riding in parades and having his photo taken.

Daily News columnist Sandy Sand gets it half right when she finds foolish Goofy Jan Perry's plan to ban fast food in South Los Angeles. Decrying the nanny state, Sandy says its education and capitalism that will address the issue of obesity. So far so good - but then she heads right over to government sponsored universal "Arnold-Care" as the other answer. Sigh.

The Daily News supports the move by the City Clerk's office to take over the elections for Neighborhood Councils. Though it's going to cost a little more, it may lead to further participation and at least cleaner elections. With foolishness like this going on, the Councils need all the help they can get.

A new monorail is about to be pressed into service - at Disneyland.

The City Council is going to cut back cablecasting of it's meetings to one per month - that's the Santa Ana City Council. This is the same Clowncil that bans City Commissioners from blogging. Sounds like they have some issues with openness and transparency down there in Orange County.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

If Ch 35 cut down on airing Council Meetings I am sure Homeless Dave, Matt and others would not show up those days.

December 26, 2007 12:37 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Who cares about raining on the Mayor's parade?

The answer to Hymon's question is that Yaroslavsky's idiotic ballot measure a decade back prohibiting the use of county sales tax transit funds on subways has made it virtually impossible to actually answer the question.

That notwithstanding, while the federal ban on tunneling down Wilshire was in place (thanks to Zev's buddy, Henry Waxman), there couldn't even be a rational dialogue about or advance planning for the subway extension. Now, thanks to some hard work done by the Mayor and others (yes, we must give credit where credit is due sometimes) there can be, and Hymon's question isn't entirely irrelevant like it would have been two years ago.

The other answer is that it's too early for there to be a full funding plan, or for one to be necessary. No public funding source will commit that much money so far in advance or let it sit around waiting several years for construction to begin. Hymon should know that.

All the MTA needs right now is enough money to work on the planning and engineering for a couple more years to get the project to the point where an application can be filed with the feds for construction funding. That's when the feds will ask, "where's the rest coming from?" and push will come to shove.

December 26, 2007 6:43 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen (removes hat and bows low with flourish):

Sots, this is a red letter day for you for you will be ecstatic to know that I, if you will, was wrong in my prediction that Car 940 would be still parked in the same spot adjacent to a certain residence on San Rafael Avenue. The car has apparently been moved.

(Raises eyebrow) I'm expecting all sorts of merriment and excess blogging, given that one of my predictions turns out to be WRONG. For this is, after all, a game, savvy?

December 26, 2007 9:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Captain Jack, Car #940 was towed away.

December 26, 2007 10:11 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Car #940 was driven away on Saturday, December 22nd by LAPD.

December 26, 2007 12:32 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It must have broken down - I saw it hooked on the back of a Division tow truck.

December 26, 2007 12:47 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The sky is not blue.

December 26, 2007 2:07 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Captain Jack Hoff and his boring comment about the cop car, is stupid as usual.

This idiot (Captain Jack Hoff)posts useless and stupid information just like the rest of the Blogging Burros. Maybe one day these idiots will have a real story to post.

December 26, 2007 2:08 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I agree. Captain Jack Hoff is an idiot. Either that or a poorly paid tool.

December 26, 2007 3:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I am wondering why it is that some people would continue to frequent a blog if they don't like Mayor Sam or any of the bloggers or the posters.

Serious question.

If something TRULY irritates me, I more than likely wouldn't go back and subject myself to boredom or anxiety.

December 26, 2007 5:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I think L A should also cut down its public meetings to once a month, and hold them in different rooms without being posted, so zuma can't find them even then.

And then with a masked nutcase like matt and a KKK or Nigga-wearing hunt also chasing around the building, the security guards would throw them out for sure before they find the place.

The Jabba the hut lady in Van nuys couldn't move around the building fast enough no matter what, so sadly we'd be spared her daily dose of wisdom, but surely some others would manage to find the room in time to scold and inform the Councilmembers on how to run the city before dusk fell upon us all.

December 26, 2007 7:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

2:07 and 3:08: Captain Jack is NOT Jack Hoff.

Captain Jack IS a boring idiot who apparently lives near Mt. Washington and has nothing better to do than spy on the Mayor's ex-wife longingly, but Jack Hoff is amusing now and agin even if he claims to live in the west valley with his Mexican wife and little meztizos, and never gits out to do anything fun.

But at least Jack Hoff isn't the one spying on Corina while pretending to be on a yacht in Malibu.

December 26, 2007 7:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Thanks for clarifying that, 7:36 -- I was starting to get confused myself!

Now I have to look up "meztizo"...

December 27, 2007 9:22 AM  

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