Zuma Dogg Sings "Proposition S Is Going Down" To The Tune of "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" (Holiday Family Carol)
Holiday Greetings from Zuma Dogg! Everything's chill for the holidays, but although it's Christmas Eve, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be thinking about "Voting 'No' on Proposition S".
So here's a little ZD Christmas Carol, "Proposition S Is Going Down", sung to the tune of "Santa Clause Is Coming To Town".
Send this as a YouTube Holiday Greeting Card
NEW 12/25: Streaming Audio or download "Prop S Going Down" to your iPod.
Zuma's Community Carol
So here's a little ZD Christmas Carol, "Proposition S Is Going Down", sung to the tune of "Santa Clause Is Coming To Town".
Send this as a YouTube Holiday Greeting Card
NEW 12/25: Streaming Audio or download "Prop S Going Down" to your iPod.
Zuma's Community Carol
Labels: los angeles politics
Can we mute this idiot box?
Can we mute this idiot box?
Yes, yes you can mute it. There is a mute button. You knew you weren't going to like it. Why did you listen in the first place. When the new song comes out from a group I don't like, I assure you, I don't watch it on YouTube.com.
It sounds like a one-man anti-Zuma band again!
Higby is this your Christmas present to us? No thanks, send it back. No one wants it.
Yeah, thanks for the stupid ZD video links screwing up my PC again.
To the person crying that the video link screwing up your pc...you really should seek the help you need. blaming ZD youtube video links on screwing up your computer, now???
It's 1:13 on the coo-koo clock...Coo-koo! Coo-koo! Coo-koo!
That was the best Christmas Eve present EVAR! E-V-A-R!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Happy Holidays to you and yours, and please come back to town soon.
I'm jumping on the "No on S" train, and I need to know how I can help. This ... is gonna be fun!
Now that I have seen a picture of Valley Doll, I amy be persuaded to change my opinion.
VD, when can we dicuss this privately?
"...I see when u r shady,
I know when' ur a fake..."
we approve of the lyrics and the delivery
This might be a bit more believable if Zuma Beeyotch hadn't prophesied just as illiteratly that "Prop R" would fail miserably. (Whatever happened on that -- aren't we on about the 2nd or 3rd round of "this judge will strike it down" which never happens).
That one will be struck down when James Hahn goes to jail for political corruption - also predicted heavily by this broken record blog that threw a victory party when Villaraigosa was elected.
And Prop S is wrapped in even less BS spin than Prop R was.
Face it folks, people aren't fed up with ALL politicians making a life of it - just the BAD ones.
And there's better ways to get rid of the bad employees than laying off everyone at the plant every few years.
I've come to one understanding about thinks ZD predicts - the opposite always happens.
I wish I could get him to handicap some race horses for me, so I could rule them out as possible winners.
12:05 pm,
First of all, first you are talking about me, and how wrong I am, then you start talking about Hahn predictions??? (I didn't even show up until Viagraosa already fucked up the city??? What kind of paid spin merchanary are you? Maybe I should start complaining about problems with Villaraigosa's administration and start talking about Hugo Chavez.
Remember I was talking about Prop R, then Mailander told me to start looking into Prop H. Turns out, I ended up speaking more about H, than anything else. (Although Prop R was the more activist friendly issue, cause it was about Council.)
Yeah, I was against, R...sure...but banged my head against the wall on Prop H. It lost by only 4%. Many, felt that if ZD had stayed home for all those public comments on TV 35 (broadcast four times each) -- and hadn't called into the radio once or twice a day for two months, it may have passed.
(Even Garcetti and Wesson spent time trying to spin ZD in person, trying to get me to see the light on why Prop H was good. Didn't work. And it went down by only 4%, and even Mr. KABC felt that's less than the impact HE felt I made on the issue. L-M-F-A-O!!!]
Meanwhile ZD also said:
* AB 1381 was illegal. (It was)
* Tenant's relocation fees were outdated and need to be increased. (They were)
* Condo conversions/tract map approvals were in violation of vacancy rates. (They were -- and City Attorney and Council had to start enforcing.)
* ZD said Special Event Fee Waivers were shady. (They were, and the shadiness has been dramatically cut back.)
* Bradley/EBE/NC conflicts of interest. (There were. Jessica M and others!)
* Union raises: DN and Council said it would be 13%. ZD said 25% -- or more. (Who was completely on the money, who who was flat on their face wrong?)
* Non-profit affordable housing scam with CRA/LAANE. (Oh yeah, LA Times picked up the story.)
* Grand Ave Project flaws: (It's coming true, already.)
* City Not Paying Attention to Affordable Housing Requirements. (I think that's been proven to be true.)
* Non-Profit Scandals: (What non-profits has Villaraigosa fired-up lately? IT'S ALL ABOUT NON-PROFITS IF YOU LIKE PUTTING MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!!!)
* D.A. investigation into Housing Dept. (There was...ZD CALLED THAT ONE!)
* ZD calls subprime bubble burst -- and it's effect/recession talk (3) three months early. (Early enough, but not too early.)
* Wyvenwood, Wyvenwood, Wyvenwood!
* I'll list some more later.
It's not like R. You're average person WAS suckered by the language, and it wasn't that big a deal to your average Joe, because it's not money out of their pocket.
Wait until they hear about Prop S and the negative effect it is going to have on their bank account and wallet. THEY AIN'T GONNA GO FOR IT.
So you know what...maybe Prop S is the best thing ever for the City.
There will be plenty of money spent (allegedly raised by a mayor who promises political favors in return for money to spend on prop s advertising.)
But Zuma Dogg and others in the community feel the mayor has no business even putting this on the ballot. And like AB 1381, it's up to the people to fight for what's right.
Villaraigrosa has a hell of a lot of nerve asking for more money after the crap he pulls. HELL NAW!
We'll see what happens. Meanwhile, in my opinion, I'm jumping on the winning bandwagon on this one anyway. I mean...who the hell is going to vote "yes" to let some political thug tax their phone and internet?
Good luck 12:05/12:07 (same person U can bet on it.) We'll see what happens. I think this is one of those where if it's another close one...some folks will have wished they didn't piss me off and drive me right back into Council Chambers -- back on public access TV -- and calling the radio daily --
ALL OVER LAUSD & PROP S. (Those are the two issues I am focusing on in early '08. Plus, the elections, of course.)
Cry on, crybaby! p.s. your candidate has "no shot".
C'mon Zuma, get yourself a yurt within walking distance of the City Hall and show us all what you got.
The Council events are so boring since you gave up and turned your attention to running the the stock market, the NYSE and the OTC.
We NEED your inanity and lack of undestanding about anything that is happening to help illustrate just how smart our Council really is.
So, let's spend another year spinning like a top, living like a bum, and pissing off everyone in sight and smell range.
Me, I'm betting that you fade out like the crybaby that you are, and one day, disappear entirely.
That's what happens to crybaby losers you know.
The council and mayor will use scare tactics to lie and deceive the public about Prop S. They will say if it doesn't pass the mayor will cut cops and firefighters instead of city staffers, city cars, city cell phones, special event waivers, and so much more they could do to save money. Interesting they keep saying we're in a state of emergency yet every time you read council agendas there's thousands of dollars being wasted on special event waivers.
I'm hoping I fade out, too. I'm trying to break the energy pattern that has sent me into chambers the better part of the past year and a half. But then YOU, more than anyone 6:04am, are the person responsible for keeping me in ZD activist mode, instead of ZD Malibu mode.
Of course I am. You are my pussy and I can make you do anything I want, just by pointing you in the right direction.
Being a pliable instrument is natural state for you, you are such an insecure wimp.
So, keep being an activist and continue to experience the wonderful feelings about being barely tolerated.
And do make it to the Council meetings; we are workiing up some nice surprises for you this coming eyar.
Thanks for the warning. Should be fun! Working up surprises, huh? Like what...throwing the law out the window?
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