More Background On Bradley/E.B.E. Conflicts of Interest WIth LA City Planning Officials & The LINK To Dirt Burnell (See "Fraudulent Permit" Complaint)
ZD's Original Dirt Burnell Story
Dirt Burnell Fraudulent Permit Complaint
Huizar's Wyvenwood Consultant
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ZD's Original Dirt Burnell Story
Dirt Burnell Fraudulent Permit Complaint
Huizar's Wyvenwood Consultant
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Bradley YouTube page
Humpty Dumpty Sat On The Wall
Humpty Dumpty________________
Damn, someone is hijacking my name, and I know who it is. But, I see that he got deleted as well. ZD, you are so insecure. Go see a shrink.
But, it's OK for him to use my name, because he said exactly what I would have said if I ever wanted to post to this moron's blogging.
But, now that I'm here, let me say that those units at Wyvernwood are way too old for people to inhabit; they are over 50 , maybe 60 years old now. The lead based paint has been ameliorated, but not totally removed. The living conditions are squalid and no self respecting person would want to live there as the units are today.
Which means that only illegal immigrants and people like ZD who have no income and live off the public dole would live there; people who basically have no other choice.
I don't know Fink, but if he wants to tear the whole mess down, that works for me. All it will do is improve the quality of life in the district, bringing working class people who will support nicer stores and businesses. More trees can be planted.
Since Mayor Sam is a REPUBLICAN, maybe he could explain the nicities of improving the way of life instead of preserving substandard living conditions. It seems he is hosting a BANANA.
If you don't recognize that term, 3rd grader, then ask, and I'll define it for you.
There's the Phil ZD knows and loves.
Thank you for presenting the other side of the story regarding fink/wyvenwood better than anyone in the CMs office was able to.
what about the protected trees they are seeing if they can find a way to cut down.
and remember, like so many issues in CD 14 (AND others, but it seems especially in CD 14, based on MY experience (# of calls and emails from the district) -- it's the shady, behind closed doors manner in the way a lot of this stuff takes place.
And things like infiltrating organizations and neighborhood councils with villarhuizar people.
like steve fink of wyvenwood, for example: doesn't his son sit on the NC in Huizar's district affecting Wyvenwood? Plus, all the other people Weezy "controls" at the NC level. Like the NC 32 President who lives on that 710 property at such a schweet rate, even ZD could afford it. (No wonder they are fighting so hard to run tunnels under the area, so they can stay.) Stuff like that. Plus the stuff YOU do Phil. But I'm glad you are back.
And where are all the people of Wyvenwood gonna go when they are kicked out (if they find a "loophole" regarding the historic buildings and protected trees)?
I know you like to catagorize and place different values/worth on people...but from a human perspective and a numbers perspective...where are they going to go...the streets of Los Angeles?
Have you ever heard of supply and demand, or doesn't Deming know about that?
Here's the deal. People live where they can afford. Period.
There is no need whatsover for "affordable housing" or rent controls. All it is is a lot of hogwash and political stupidity.
If you transfer the wealth (rent control) you let people live off of the property of others. The owners respond by not keeping the property up, no painting, no landscaping, no maintenence that can be deferred will be performed. It is a recipe for slums.
Charging the market rate will cause all things to work properly.
You ask, where will these people go? The answer is, to the outlying suburbs where they can afford to live, where land is cheaper and rents are cheaper.
It is not the duty of landowners or landlords to give free or subsidized housing to other people. It happens only because politicians know there are more tenants than landlords, therefore more votes. Duh.
Rent control is confiscation of property by the government and gifting it to others. Nothing Higby would sanction, nor me.
If you had a job, you wouldn't either. But you don't because you prefer to be a failure in life and convince yourself that you are doing "something"; you're not, you are basically doing nothing, nothing but being a gadfly.
Go get a job and some self-respect, then you can talk like a man. Until then, you are just a gadfly.
Just when you were starting to walk, you fell back down. sorry about the anger issue you suffer from.
so push 'em out to the outskirts? sure...the obvious answer any idiot can think to say. (And I used to say it, until I spent some time speaking with the regions top experts (not political thugs that live in fear) -- and i found out, when you take the "obvious/any idiot" approach -- to push 'em further out sounds nice...
until you double their commute time and further wreck the quality of their lives -- and who is going to do all those jobs in the city they are doing (like them or not).
So all the extra commute time will make traffic even worse...for starters.
CAPTAIN JACK...ISN'T THIS SOMETHING YOU HAVE SOME INSIGHT ON? [And what about Mr. Superbowl party/dirt burnell? are they related?]
But Phil, here's the seem to pick and choose who you care about. that's not compassion, my man. And the other thing...i don't wanna get into a discussion about rent control and affordable housing, because in a true free market i would probably agree with you. issue here is that any idiot can let all the developers build all the luxury condos and Grand Avenue projects -- without any checks and balances/holistic/big picture plan.
So a few billionaires (and the politicians who they back) decide it all luxury housing for the rich...everyone else can move 60-90 minutes away - and commute. but then you don't the type of Manhattan city you are trying to create.
The answer is:
We do not need traffic or long drives.
We need public transportation. Workers can have the quality of life they seek and can afford if they will give up one thing; their cars. That is why New York City works; the workers have no cars. They take trains and subways and buses.
But if we keep on with rent controla nd subsidized housing, we'll never get the public transportantion that we need to solve the equation.
Compassion? I save it for my charitable donations and my pro bono volunteering time.
Fair? The only fair I know is in Pomona.
Phil is right about this one. The black (Perry, Hahn, who tries to be), Parks and low-rent Hispanic leaders want landlords/ higher income folks to subsidize their poor. They should live in suburbs they can afford, and we need to build the mass transit so they can commute. Yes, they can get up earlier to get to work on time. Plenty of middle class workers do it now -- do you think most people who work in the highrises of Beverly Hills and Century City live in the area? "Affordable" housing for these workers means high-rent for the blue collar and clericals.
In every market where there is too much rent control, the landlords can't afford maintenance (yet the courts "demand" they do it), so for example when there's an earthquake, those buildings are the first to go down. Like in Santa Monica in 94.
This is an expensive city. We are educating the children of the poor so not building schools for those who subsidize them. Now, it's the upper middle class with kids moving away so the poor can live here, paid for by those who remain. Crazy. Sure you would like us to pay to subsidize an apartment "even you can afford" or matt, but that's not the priority of decent working people. I wouldn't even want my kids exposed to people like you. As you choose to be a dirty-mouthed physically dirty person, you belong with others of your kind. Where you can afford without a job or any useful function in society.
speaking of the valley and richard alatorre....what's up with las lomas. is dan palmer mayor of the valley? hello to Hilary Norton. (She used to work for Alarcon).
much more to come...
look at the avalanche valley doll just triggered, y'all!
About affordable housing..where would you have the seniors go? Out in the desert....anywhere as long as they give up their twenty and thirty year homes, or out of the apartments they have had for 20 years because they lost the house because Poppa had no hospitalization?
She lives on $640 a month.. men on $728. Some who were executives make $1,000 to $1,500; but apartments at $750 and small houses $1,5000. What are they supposed to eat. They can not get aid if they make more than $1,000 on SS. How do they pay for their food, laundry, health insurance, home insurance, car insurance yet, we can give everyone who lives on the streets $205.00 a month plus $100.00 for food. We give SS to new immigrants from almost any country who are over 62, a SS check each month. Yet, they never contributed to it.
People come here legally and illegally and claim to be disabled and collect $700 a month. Most of these people are under 40 years of age.
Vote for anyone who will give seniors who have worked a minimum of 20 years in this country an additional $500 dollars a month to live.
All the children born in 1947 are starting to feel the pains now. What will happen in five years? "Soylent Green" ?
Hilary Norton has worked for many CD's. Moved out to be a lobbyist( under another job title not registered) and has done well for herself. Her husband worked for the City and has moved to another position as a "consultant". Thats keeping the City in the family.
what's alatorre lobbying in granada hills for mike roos' property there. a little ol' hillside that alatorre/armsbrewer/roos want to cram in more homes than the community plan calls for. but that's why you call in alatorre & associates to get the job done.
So you got the granada hills project and the las lomas projects that alatorre is involved in. And the community ain't too happy.
more to come...
Yes Phil it means
Or something to that effect.
I absolutely agree with private property owners having the right to tear down old non-performing properties if they feel they can build something that will work better for them and potential customers.
I am absolutely opposed to the government getting involved such as in Lincoln Place or Chase Knolls. Though Chase Knolls is a cool development with all kinds of retro trendy World War II era type construction if the folks who bought want to turn into some kind of pink stucco Vanilla brand development out of Santa Clarita, so be it.
At the same time just as much as the government should get out of the way of private properties, developers should not be using government in shady deals to gain a competitve advantage as it sounds like is probably the deal with Dirt Burnell, et al.
someone asked me yesterday if people get kicked out of a place that is gentrifying, where do they go if they can't afford a place in LA?
I said Missouri - or there's always Waterloo (50% cheaper to leave there, 19% less salary = 30% net increase in buying power). For what it costs to rent at Wyvenwood, Lincoln Place, etc. they could BUY a nice house with a big backyard, etc.
Is there a constitutional right to live in a certain place? I don't think so. If you can't afford to live by the beach, well, uh you don't OR you do something to increase your income.
If that is wrong, where is my voucher to live in Beverly Hills? Where is my government sponsored BMW because after all I deserve to live beyond my means sponsored by the government right?
And if you really want to help poor people, donate to your church/temple/mosque/etc. or start a charity.
Don't take my tax dollars to do it; however I'd probably donate to your charity.
See how that works?
Stupid liberals.
Thank you Zuma Dogg for exposing that Alatorre, Armbruster, Mike Roos, Granada Hills property story.
I know all about that one.
First the advisory agency said no, then City Planning staff said no, then the neighborhood council said no, North Valley Area Planning Commission said yes (naturally), neighbor appealed the decision to Citywide Planning and voila - the owner got permission to build his houses that go against the Community Plan and Politics beat the Neighbor.
One has to wonder what business Roos and Alatorre have in Granada Hills stomping all over their Community Plan....
More to come on this story too. I will see to that.
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