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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bradley/E.B.E. Back In The Mix Over Dirt Burnell (Remember, Fraudulent Permit Complaint With Building & Safety)

I URGE you to read this previous Mayor Sam thread about the issue that is once again, before us.



Shady 1
Shady 2
Shady 3
Shady 4
Shady 5
Shady 6


HE'S BRADLEY/E.B.E.: Developer, Activist, Planning Facilitator, NC Boardmember and so much more. (As in so much more, it's all becomes one big "conflict".)

I don't know if I have ever come across an individual that galvanizes the community (from all interests and parties) like Bradley/E.B.E. And I don't mean in a suportive way. Bradley/E.B.E. sure does seem to piss-off a diverse political cross-section of the community. The only three people I think he DOESN'T piss-off, are CMs Garcetti, Huizar and Reyes. (I heard those three are teaming up with Bradley/E.B.E. at DIrt Burnell. Remember someone dumped all those fraudulent permit documents into my email inbox. (MAN, was it uncomfortable in Council chambers for ZD when the whole Dirt Burnell/Fraudulent Permit issue was being blasted on City TV 35. (STILL ON THE LACITY.ORG TV 35 ARCHIVES, Y'ALL!!! Keyword: "Zuma-Burnell".)


[MAN...I think a whole lot of elected NC and CC officials just got a little nauseaus...because they know what is at stake over what is about to unravel. There was some collatoral damage, last time, over all of this. But this time, the force is stronger in not only their commitment to "fix the glitch" (Bradley/E.B.E.) -- the network is stronger.

Hey Bradley/E.B.E. One of two things is about to happen. You will be stepping down from a few of your positions (WAY too much conflict)...or you will be taking down some pretty big fish. (And ZD hasn't even mentioned THOSE people yet, cause he was warned to leave those sharks alone -- cause they bite back...but what the f*ck...this is some really corrupt stuff going on in the Garcetti/Reyes/Huizar "Triangle of Shadiness" -- and ZD feels enough diverse of a constituency is united toward the goal of cleaning up this corruption...So to the two fellaz behind the person behind Bradley/E.B.E. -- and to Steve the historic tree and protected tree consultant -- and all the people subject to the recent DA investigation at the LA Housing Authority...

You'll understand why ZD has to up the ante. I'm kinda like a weather vane that points in the direction based on the community winds...and right now...Bradley/E.B.E. issues seems to be generating the most breeze.

Glassell Park NC, Bradley,

Where is the Glassell Park NC Land Use Committee? Where's the community

The 2007 Glassell Park NC has yet to hold a Land Use Meeting despite being an
active STANDING Committee.

The only proposed Land Use related action(s) for Glassell Park NC have been
1) By Tony Butka: Hey... do nothing... continuing to render Glassell Park NC Land Use Committee inactive.

2) Glassell Park NC's board members and Pro LA (Developers Coalition) members Bradley, Butka, Fitzburgh, Bagasao, Smith: Change name to Economic Development Committee through board action (rendered illegal.)

3) Butka and By-Laws Committee recommendation change the name of Land Use and Planning Committee to Economic Development and Land Use Committee.

This proposed amendment is buried within the cloak of a proposed ByLaws package of 25 amendments, insufficiently disclosed, where Bradley has not allowed the due process of any discussion on the individual amendments in Glassell Park NC meetings.

One of Bradley's current clients Victory Outreach led by Glassell Park NC boardmember George Smith is before the East LA Planning Commission this (past) Wednesday Oct 10 for an appeal re: the proposed new Victory Outreach sign.

So...the ONLY 2007 Glassell Park NC Land Use action to date is the support of the Victory Outreach sign.

Are there any developer's bias's or conflicts here?

Mike Gealer
Glassell Park

What has Glassell Park Neighborhood Council done with the CNC (local building
application) reports?

While the community HAD been duly informed (on GPNC website) of any area building applications (CNC reports) the 2007 Glassell Park NC hasn't passed on the reports to the public.

What has Bradley done with these CNC report(building applications)he receives from the City?

Is there a conflict of interest here? Being that Bradley is an expeditor of the building permit process in the City Of LA?... a hired hand that guides a person through the building permit process

Why are Glassell Park NC's Board members and Pro LA (Developers Coalition) members/founders Bradley, Butka, Fitzburgh, Bagasao, Smith withholding local CNC reports(building applications)to the public? Do they not want community input on their projects?

One of Bradley's current clients Victory Outreach, led by Glassell Park NC boardmember George Smith is before the East LA Planning Commission this (past)Wednesday Oct 10 for an appeal re: the proposed new Victory Outreach sign.

Are there any developer's bias's or conflicts here?

Mike Gealer
Glassell Park


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Ah, what?

October 13, 2007 12:20 AM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:


i admit, only a small percentage of people reading this thread will be able to follow what i am getting at. but that's what all those links are for. basically, this is the re-fresher thread -- and it will all be explained, from top to bottom this weekend and this week. en mi opinion...this issue of Dirt Burnell and Bradley/E.B.E. (in general) is about the shadiest issue at the NC level (and City CM/Planning level). It's the no-joke issue that brings out all the top level insiders. THIS GUY BRADLEY HAS GOT TO GO...AND EVEN ZD OPPONENTS SEEM TO HOLD THEIR NOSE AND CONTACT ME OVER "MR. DIVERSITY" aka: Bradley/E.B.E.

October 13, 2007 12:34 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You criticize a duly elected black man only because you are a wanna be black and are jealous.

Your prejudice is apparent to anyone who reads this blog; all you want to be is noticed and you say and do anything that will get you attention.

Now you come into our district where we have elected and follow one of our leaders, and try to make trouble.

You don't even live in the city, let alone our district, nor do you pay any taxes, so what give you the right to drift in from fancy Malibu and cause this ruckus?

Stay home an luxuriate in your fancy van on you fancy beach, white boy. We'll handle our own affairs the way we see fit.

Butt out.

October 13, 2007 3:45 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

That Bradley guy looks like a psycho in the stalking video. He looks like the guy you read about in the news who killed his ex-wife when she dumps him. A wacko alert for Bradley.

October 13, 2007 4:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

true resident, how in the world can you use the word Bradley and prejudice without putting them together in the same sentence? Don't you remember the Diversity Forum/Yom Kippur fiasco and Bradley's shameful cover up?

May be the issue is Bradley's misuse of the Neighborhood Council, and it's as simple as that. Gotta be wary when one goes after the messenger, and not the messenger, as you are doing.

October 13, 2007 7:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The ZD has been warned; stay out of our district and our business. Go harass them downtown and take up their issues, but these are OUR issues, not yours.

So keep your wanna butt in Malibu or somewhere they will be civil to you. We are not downtown or Malibu. Get it?

October 13, 2007 7:51 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"A true resident said...
You criticize a duly elected black man only because you are a wanna be black and are jealous."

If Bradley were white, yellow or green we will still want him out. It's the man...not the color ..thats repulsive.

He has two CD mexicans(brown men)and one CD white man... Garcetti and they are all involved in the Dirt Burnell expose...They, as well as Bradley, are equally guilty.

October 13, 2007 7:54 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"true resident said...
The ZD has been warned; stay out of our district and our business. "

True Resident,

You cannot threathed anyone...
A warning is a threat. Zuma Dogg can make enough to live in one of Garcetti's new condo's should he file action against the NC. A few smart lawyers would love to do it pro bono.

It is known that the GPNC has a LOT OF MONEY and each munber of the board has a lot of money INDIVIDUALLY, which would tie all of you, and all of your properties in litigation for years.

October 13, 2007 8:03 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Bradley has done more for the city as a volunteer then anyone I know of. He cares and organizes huge community fairs to have information to residents about quality of life issues. Not many can say they've done one thing. To attack him will be your bad KARMA.

....Former Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alatorre is enjoying a second coming at City Hall.

Six years after he left the public stage -- his reputation in tatters after admitting that he took cash from people trying to influence him -- he has returned as an advocate for companies seeking city business. He is also an informal advisor to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

On behalf of various businesses and unions, he has called upon at least five City Council members and mayoral appointees at the Department of Water and Power, the Department of Recreation and Parks, the Planning Department, the Housing Department, the Port of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports and the Community Redevelopment Agency, according to interviews and

October 13, 2007 8:16 AM  

Blogger Mayor Sam said:

True Resident should not have said that. Now Zuma will cover the story even more and will probably make a special visit to GPNC. Well at least it will be exciting for the pueblos there.

October 13, 2007 8:19 AM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:



the people behind andy are not gonna be happy you pissed me off first thing in the morning.


October 13, 2007 8:40 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Zuma don't you ever sleep? Your button has been pushed but I like when you go after the clowncil who are the highest paid in this nation and are more corrupt. Instead of sending the message that illegals are breaking the law dumb ass city council members once again are catering to them to make life nicer. Under a new measure, all home improvement stores with more than 100,000 square feet of space will be required to set aside space for day laborers that includes plumbing facilities.


October 13, 2007 8:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Bradley has done more for the city as a volunteer then anyone I know of. He cares and organizes huge community fairs to have information to residents about quality of life issues. Not many can say they've done one thing. To attack him will be your bad KARMA


As crazy as that stalker Bradley looks he would bring you a large knife not bad Karma.

Why do people defend such a pompus and arrogant ass-hole. Remember how Bradlry reacted to the NC meetings being video taped and he was also wrong as well.

October 13, 2007 9:17 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


don't hate on our homie.

October 13, 2007 9:22 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


No Zuma DOESN'T sleep. Blogging machines don't NEED sleep...only coffee and chronic.

I TOLD YOU THIS WAS THE BIG ISSUE THAT THEY DON'T WANT ZD TO BLOG ABOUT. (Have you ever seen these types of threats before. Oh, yes we did...LAST TIME he covered this story.)



October 13, 2007 9:26 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Did Fat-Head Johnson have anything to do with Dirt Burnell ? If he did, then maybe a smear campaign was being orchestrated by Rec. Leader and some staffers. Only a thought. Time to read some about Watergate.

October 13, 2007 9:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

ATTENTION "TRUE RESIDENT": Are you crazy? A threat such as yours is punishable by law (under the anti-terrorist portion of Federal law).

I hope you find the cave you slithered out of, and then slither back and stay there.

October 13, 2007 9:42 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

9:35, it's spelled "Fathead," not "Fat-Head."

October 13, 2007 10:30 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

When people make racial charges, it's best to ignore them. Explaining that you would want Bradley out if his skin was green is pointless because youre talking to a person with an IQ of a tree stump.

October 13, 2007 11:44 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

That woman Bradley stood in back of while she talked should take that video to the DA immediately.

I'm calling Reyes (my councilmember) first thing Monday. This is going to stop.

October 13, 2007 12:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

8:03 a.m. sounds like matt, of the "we're unemployed, maybe homeless hobos who harass the city instead of making living, we call everyone from electeds to mere city employees nasty names, scream at some like Rosendahl deputy at our NC meetings, waste tons of time and drag down the level of city hall to our sewer level -- then, if anyone tries to object to what we do, we sue the city and all taxpayers because we don't earn a living. So you whoever you are from Bradley's NC, be warned, that's how we operate so I am intimidated you to shut your mouth and let me trash you in peace."

Anyone who supports zuma or matt on this blog is part of their scheme.

October 13, 2007 12:42 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

8:03am not matt dowd (en mi opinion). there ARE others in the area who feel the way 8:03am feels, as much as you would like to think anything relating to civil violations must be matt.

(you shady minimizer.)

October 13, 2007 1:21 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

12:22 - Reyes ain't gonna do a dam thing. None of the CM's are gonna do anything. They figure that the best way to keep their power is to confuse the citizenry a la divide and conquer.

The best thing everyone can do is to hold them accountable come election time.

October 13, 2007 9:53 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Jose, ain't that the truth.

Reyes (and Alarcon, Hahn, Perry etc.) ARE engaged in an "divide and conquor" mentality.

But since the wealthier districts like Rosendahl-s 11, WEiss's 5th, parts of Garcetti and LaBonge, all of Smith and Zine --- are sick of paying more taxes than ever, and getting less BACK than ever (police, schools, ANYTHING),
Reyes/ Perry/ Hahn/ Alarcon are hurting the Westside, Posh Hollywood and West Valley's reps.

These voters don't take the time to figure out citywide battles: they demand, get US 0UR SHARE BECAUSE WE CARRY THE WHOLE CITY ON OUR BACKS.

October 13, 2007 11:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


October 14, 2007 2:43 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

9:35, it's spelled "Fathead," not "Fat-Head."

It might be able to be either one of those. Look it up.

You all choose weird topics to argue over.

October 14, 2007 2:48 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

True resident, you are kind of freaky staying up into those wee hours of the night, typing your rude ass comments.. not making a lot of sense. Hatin'. Being a dick.

Go do something productive.

October 14, 2007 2:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Go do something productive like ZD?

The wanna be black boy who loves in a van, takes everyone's time up during public meetings to flog his website and beg for alms to provide him with gas, food and coffee money? Just saying "y'all" doesn't make you black.

That non-taxpaying non-productive low life?

At least we get things done in our district and do it for the community. The low life lives off people's charity and styles himself some Crusader Dog. Let me tell you, he is off the mark almost all the time.

But, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, and he may be right about Alatorre. But, that's not his story, it is the LA Times.

ZD lives off other people's hard work and toil. He is a leech on society and a timewaster to boot.

He should go back to selling tee shirts on the beach in Venice and stop bothering the world. He doesn't even live in the city.

So let him "fire up"; Bradley will not be displaced by him or anyone else. he is duly elected and has done it the legal, proper way. ZD is only elected by himself.

October 14, 2007 4:05 AM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:


You crybaby sissy! What a sissy you are.

I guess it's just a coincidence LA Times wrote about Alatorre after i started to write about him regarding LAANE. So shut the f*ck up you crybaby sissy.

YOU think Bradley is gonna be able to withstand this round of community pressure. Are the 3 CMs gonna go down cause of Bradley?

Hope elected officials don't end up with charges over all of this. We know there is a lot to protect.

October 14, 2007 7:36 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Re:Bradley's planning and KARMA

In the two years I served on the GPNC with Bradley and the other six years I've known him,
Bradley hasn't done SQUAT for the community, other than self-serving grandstanding and or networking his City Planning or his NC politics. There isn't a more alienating person in Northeast LA.
Even Those who haven't quit the GPNC are mostly dismayed
at Bradley's unilateral and dictatorial style. Just look at the Current 2007 Bradley GPNC record after 9 months under his tutelage. SQUAT.
Oh ,Victory Outreach got their sign.

Bradley's Karma is speaking for itself.

October 14, 2007 8:21 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What is this Dirt Burnell stuff?
What part did Bradley/EBE have in it?
The area CM's?
What is , and or who is Dirt Burnell?
What was fraudulent?
This very unclear.

October 14, 2007 8:27 AM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:


look at the links i provided on the latests bradely/e.b.e. thread.

October 14, 2007 8:52 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


October 14, 2007 11:30 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"But, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, and he"

"may be right about Alatorre."

EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT ALATORRE. The fact that his lobbying without permit is what ZUMA is talking about. Zuma is right about GP becuse the residents of GP FEED HIM INFO ABOUT BRADLEY; all the time. Bradley is on his way out...just wait.

October 14, 2007 7:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I'm not sure everyone knew HOW bad Alatorre was until ZD started in on him. Especially us newbies.

I can tell you this. David Z. kicked ASS on that story and many residents I know spoke to him and he was not the only reporter working on the story. He just beat them to it.

Great job and great story David Z. You rock! Do a follow up. Follow up with all the CM's Alatorre is involved with or has "projects" in their districts.

October 14, 2007 9:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

BRADLEY is a duly elected man? Ha ha ha....ho ho ho...hee hee hee. I'm howling here.

NAME ONE THING EVER that Bradley has done besides a few forums. You can't. Who are you, some developer wanting something in the Glassel Park NC boudaries?

Ha Ha Ha Bradley..

I like the one who is threatening Zuma Dogg. Eww..scary. Ha Ha

October 14, 2007 9:25 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Dirt Burnell?
where's the link ?
Where's the info?

October 15, 2007 12:31 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Now you hitting on our homie Richard.

Stay outta CD 14 Mutt.

October 16, 2007 12:39 PM  

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