THANKS to Kevin James of 870-KRLA for making THIS dream come true! Full hour interview, in studio, with special guest "Big Joe from the Mean Streets of East LA".
* WHY DID SOMEONE SEND ME THIS INFO?: Jennie Carreon de Lacey is one of the Directors at SEA Charter Schools/LA and is on the Board for "Coalition for Clean Air". (Last time this person sent me an email, it was about some TV news chick.)
* HOW MANY UN-DOCUMENTED WORKERS ON MAYOR'S STAFF?: Gotta watch those paid consultants via non-profits like ZD has been warning you about. Think people will care? (Probably not, unless he was sleeping with them, too.)
Needless to say, if this were Republican, you would be seeing no end of front page stories and television coverage. But give this one time. The blogosphere will do its digging, and when it comes to salacious stories, the public will eventually be informed. And then there is the little matter of the divorce proceedings.
* OLD NAMES POPPING UP ON ZD'S BATCOMPUTER: Why did ZD's Batcomputer bring these names to my attention, today? Mary Lou Villar, Foster Adoptions, Deborah Villar, Rudy Diaz, Marth Molina, Clinica Romero, Raul Estradas and others? I THINK IT IS IN RESPONSE TO EVERYONE WHO KEEPS TELLING ZD TO "FOLLOW THE MONEY" AND RUN (BLANK'S) NAME INTO THE BATCOMPUTER.
* WHY DID SOMEONE SEND ME THIS INFO?: Jennie Carreon de Lacey is one of the Directors at SEA Charter Schools/LA and is on the Board for "Coalition for Clean Air". (Last time this person sent me an email, it was about some TV news chick.)
* HOW MANY UN-DOCUMENTED WORKERS ON MAYOR'S STAFF?: Gotta watch those paid consultants via non-profits like ZD has been warning you about. Think people will care? (Probably not, unless he was sleeping with them, too.)
Needless to say, if this were Republican, you would be seeing no end of front page stories and television coverage. But give this one time. The blogosphere will do its digging, and when it comes to salacious stories, the public will eventually be informed. And then there is the little matter of the divorce proceedings.
* OLD NAMES POPPING UP ON ZD'S BATCOMPUTER: Why did ZD's Batcomputer bring these names to my attention, today? Mary Lou Villar, Foster Adoptions, Deborah Villar, Rudy Diaz, Marth Molina, Clinica Romero, Raul Estradas and others? I THINK IT IS IN RESPONSE TO EVERYONE WHO KEEPS TELLING ZD TO "FOLLOW THE MONEY" AND RUN (BLANK'S) NAME INTO THE BATCOMPUTER.
Man, get a show! Awesome entertainer!
Alright I've had it. I really really like the whole Mayor Sam / Zuma Dogg take on civic-minded local coverage.
But I am really over the less-than-mediocre aesthetics herein.
MIGRATE TO WORDPRESS. Buy a good theme or have one designed. Hell, even use one of the popular ones. Then familiarize yourself with the most BASIC plugins.
This blog needs help. Your multimedia delivery sucks.
Good info should not be burdened with lo-fi technology.
Another thing.
Find another copy of the Kevin James photo. That jpeg is f*cked.
Everytime you copy and save a jpeg, the image reinterpolates pixels degrades some. Find the original. Use it and no other.
Kevin James is a decent looking guy. Don't make him look shabby.
UGH! There are 10th grade kids out of school for summer who could help with this stuff.
Get a job, loser.
So, let's think about this - which is worse, sleeping alone in a stinky van, or sleeping with good looking women all over the city?
Go Antonio!!!
Get a life, ZD!!
ZD, the URL is
So, let's think about this - which is worse, having zero integrity or sleeping alone in a (possibly stinky) van?
Go ZD!!
All Muck is Local: Los Angeles
By Will Thomas - July 8, 2007, 11:00 AM
George Torres-Ramos is the owner of a successful chain of supermarkets situated throughout low-income neighborhoods in Los Angeles County. He's also under indictment, facing 59 counts of charges spanning from racketeering, violence in aid of racketeering, conspiracy to harbor illegal immigrants and several types of fraud that netted over $100 million. Along the way, Torres has been accused of bribing several officials to help secure liquor licenses. He’s also suspected of orchestrating three murders.
The trail to his indictment traces back to the end of the Clinton era. Officials at the Drug Enforcement Agency had long held suspicions that Torres was trafficking cocaine in his grocery trucks, but had never had enough evidence to to charge him. Torres’s business association with one Horacio Vignali eventually changed that.
Vignali had been identified as one of Torres’ business partners by the DEA, but any investigation into Torres had subsequently run out of steam. But Vignali became public news when his son's prison sentence for cocaine trafficking was commuted by President Clinton on the way out of office. Remarkably, President Clinton had received commutation requests from the sheriff, the U.S. Attorney, two Congressmen, the L.A. County Supervisor and the current mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
The commutation caused an outrage, spawning among other things, a 2002 congressional investigation. But it was this commutation, combined with the business relationship between Vignali and Torres, that spurred investigators to take a broader look at the Los Angeles grocer. What they found was a trail of evidence connecting Torres to extortion, racketeering, bribery and murder.
According to investigators, Torres exploited and even physically abused illegal immigrants working for him. And he allegedly bribed two city officials with the hopes of gaining a liquor license. Torres provided a former planning commissioner with a truck, tickets to sporting events as well as an apartment to ensure that the man was living in the right district to help him. He is additionally accused of conspiring with a member of the Los Angeles Central Area Planning Commission in order to help procure additional liquor licenses.
And while Torres has not been indicted for drug trafficking, it's clear why the DEA had suspected him. Torres allegedly employed drug dealers to muscle out his competition. According to the indictment, he ordered one of his employees, Ignacio Meza, to kill two members of rival gangs; later, Torres had Meza killed as well.
Throughout all of this, Torres was able to avoid being convicted of any charges, despite plenty of suspicion and two charges of carrying a concealed weapon. But there are worries that his lack of a record was more than just luck. A raid of one of Torres’ business sites produced a copy of a confidential DEA report, suggesting inside connections. And an unsettling story has recently come forward from Deputy City Attorney Asha Greenberg.
It happened when Greenberg was investigating a complaint that Torres was illegally demolishing low-income housing in order to build a parking lot. She claims that during her investigation she received two calls from staff members of L.A. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, followed by a call from Delgadillo himself. Greenberg recalls that Torres had told Delgadillo that an indictment would hinder his ability to procure and maintain liquor licenses. Greenberg says “It was very unusual for Rocky to call me…. Given the calls that came earlier, I felt pressured.” Nevertheless, Greenberg continued her investigation, and the case was eventually plea bargained down to a misdemeanor.
Delgadillo for his part denies the nature of his call, claiming that he never pressured Greenberg and he ultimately deferred to her recommendation. He also says that his call was in response to an “external inquiry” about the case. However, Delgadillo is engrossed in his own problems currently. He is facing ethics complaints from the local bar for giving his wife access to a city car, and for using staff members to run errands and baby-sit his children. Last week, the LA Times editorial board called for his resignation.
So it's an understatement to say that George Torres-Ramos had long-reaching influence in Los Angeles politics. And as interesting as this case has been recently, it will be even more interesting to see if the case reveals more of Torres' friends in high places.
The fact that "Zuma Dogg" has come to my attention is a very sad commentary on the times we live in.
Why is "Zuma Dogg?"
Go ZD!!!
Get a life!!!
Zooma Dogg is funnier.
Excellent point!
And haters it was not a slam on ZD.
The reason you're being alerted to Jennie Carreon is that she was the last "other woman" REPEATEDLY rumored to be sleeping with our u-dick-quitous mayor (figure our what that means).
2+ years ago Carreon was on AV's city council staff and ever present at any funtion he attended, but NOT really doing much "work" to speak of, which would have probably been pre-Mirthala Salinas (who, of course, if much too high profile a whore to sleep with JUST a city councilmember). Salinas had to wait until he was at least a mayoral candidate again.
Newbies like ZD have too little history with the blog to keep track of the players well, and Mayor Sam's just dialup-it in anymore.
Someone turn Chief Faker from the dark side, and you'll be able to keep up.
Whoever tipped you to her name, ZD is trying to tell you to follow the trail of used condoms and used-up (and thrown away) concubines.
Mayor Villar, just like Solomon of old -- except for the "wise" part.
7:36 AM
Gee, there is just SO much that COULD be said here, but THIS will suffice:
Sleeping alone in a (possibly stinky) van will not only help you keep your integrity intact, it will keep you clean and free of hideous diseases!!
Sleeping around like a whore with other whores will turn you into a "typhoid Mary" in short order!
Hmmmmmm ... the van is sounding better all the time!!
I don need no stinkin' vans; I'll take the cuties, putas or no, at least they bathe.
Cool! I hear in Africa they think they can avoid aids by showering right after ... so you're probably safe ... =ox
I'd bet $1000 Villar has chlamydia.
If you stink the way ZD does, you needn't worry about safety in sex...
He just asks himself if it was good for him.
Man, my thread posts may be down (cause of more limited computer access this weekend, which is now back to full access), but also, the amount of info coming in on a couple issues.
OF COURSE THE NEW ZD #1 ISSUE IN THE "FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE" COUNTDOWN...LAUSD/CHARTER SCHOOL BAMBOOZLE (and yes, ZD now has the names and links to each other to outline the "bamboozle" angle).
AND...until now, ZD hasn't weighed-in on the Mayoral Harem stuff.
But now, it's about to become an avalanche. (Did you see today's/sunday's daily news headlines regarding how the latino community feels betrayed.)
And that's after only one name.
And hookin-up with a news reporter is one thing...but when the names out of the black book, start including chicks who get City jobs out of it...well now we're talking about something else.
PLUS, the ethics violations stuff to come out soon...(over this, and other staff related stuff)...
As of all the reading I just did this afternoon, ZD must advise an "all bets off" as to whether the guy is going to be "forced" to step down.
Factor in the fact that he was a "no show" at the Clinton event...
AND although ZD is not taking an official "bet the farm that he will step down"...
If I "HAD" to bet as to whether he will be stepping down, or not...
If you look at what's to come...ZD SAYS, "money is on will step down."
AND I WOULD LIKE TO ADD...that although I would LIKE the mayor to step down, for political reasons/ I don't trust him as Mayor of LA,
The fact that something like this personal stuff would be a factor in his demise is a sign of an "emotional flaw". And not unique to Tony, Clinton or ZD. It's the same thing in the music biz, or any HIGH profile, pressure job.
This happens all the time in the record biz, in Hollywood with actors/actresses on the set...
But in show biz, if you sleep around with people you are working with and the "casting couch", it's not a "taxpayer"/"citywide" issue.]
Here's what ZD thinks happened to the mayor:
YOU ARE TRAPPED IN THE FISH BOWL. Your world becomes very small...So much're in an exciting arena, with people like Salinas all the time...a lot of adreniline, stuck together for long hours...again, no one to turn to...a feeling of isolation...turns to frustration...and you take the "emotional bond" one step further. And you have some big shots in show biz, that end up spending all their day, just trying to arrange the next "fix" (event or meeting) where you can be together, and slip away when no one notices, or after the event.
IT'S A LOT OF FUN...Meanwhile, there is always the #2 person, who is left running the show (ALWAYS better than the actual Program Director/Hollywood Producer/elected official could anyway.
HOWEVER, no one elected Robin Kramer to run the city.
SO THE POINT IS...Although many people are happy to see the mayor in this kind of situation, cause you are HAPPY the mayor is suffering personally.
ALTHOUGH I HOPE HE STEPS DOWN...I hope if anything comes out of this, he will see the "cause" that is leading to this "effect", and will be able to free himself from the burden that drives him down a degenerate path.
Man, you can laugh all you want at ZD...On a personal level, I do have empathy and compassion for the mayor for what he is going through. IS due to his "emotional flaws" that fame highlights magnifies, then pours kerosine on. is a shame that all of this has happened. I'm sure the toughest part to get over (especially for everyone else, too), is how you WISH you could have done it differently. So much potential...couldn't you just be that "functional" straight-laced, buttoned-up guy".
HOWEVER, that's the illusion. were never meant to be mayor. That is not a's like ZD trying to be a councilmember. If only I could, "do a little more of this", and "a little more of that"...
ZD calls it the "it must be nice" factor. He is who he's not that the guy got into office and totally changed. Everyone knew all of this about him, the entire time. So now, he's running his process with a whole bunch of spotlight...So bro, congratulate yourself for all you have achieved. You will be "in-the-house" the role you were actually meant to be all the private sector.
NOT A SLAM AT ALL...Bro, you just can't have people like us, in formal/buttoned up/totally accountable to the public positions.
So, you've always wanted to be like Bill get out there and be like Bill, or Gore, or ZD or Batman...people can like you a lot more as an outsider without concern of general fund "fraud, waste and abuse".'re a hard guy to not want to I hope you give your demons the "tony robbins" treatment so you can hopefully make amends to yourself and the other people important in your life.
You're right on about the Bill Clinton thing. The "Latin" Bill Clinton is how he sees himself. The main problem with that is that Clinton's IQ is orders of magnitude higher. So is his political instinct.
Man, is it painful when you can relate to these words. They are about the loss that degenerate behavior like ZD's and other will cause someone:
They're still racing out at the Trestles, But that blood it never burned in her veins.
Now I hear she's got a house up in Fairview, And a style she's trying to maintain.
Well if she wants to see me, You can tell her that I'm easily found
Tell her there's a spot out 'neath Abram's Bridge, And tell her there's a darkness on the edge of town
Everybody's got a secret Sonny, Something that they just can't face
Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it, They carry it with them every step that they take
Till some day they just cut it loose, Cut it loose or let it drag 'em down
Where no one asks any questions
Or looks too long in your face
In the darkness on the edge of town
Some folks are born into a good life, Other folks get it anyway anyhow
I lost my money and I lost my wife, Them things don't seem to matter much to me now
Tonight I'll be on that hill 'cause I can't stop
I'll be on that hill with everything I got
Lives on the line where dreams are found and lost
I'll be there on time and I'll pay the cost
For wanting things that can only be found
In the Darkness on the Edge of Town.
5:35 - don't forget that Clinton had more help from the press to cover stuff up, just like the Democrat Times of Los Angeles helped Mayor Viagra-osa.
I love this blog!
The biggest emotional wreck in all of blogdom is giving advice to The Mayor of Los Angeles on how to straighten out his life. Man, like Imus used to say "You can't make this stuff up."
That is the biggest laugh I have had in years; a total wasted hulk of a former person is advising a guy who is in a small crisis on how to survive.
What a loser; ZD do you ever look in the mirror? Is this a guy you'd take advice from?
Go see a doctor and start taking your meds again.
It wasn't really meant to be advice, as much as compassion.
Cause even if you hate the guy, he is still a human being going through the toughest kind of emotional pain...the high profile kind. And to people who feel he brought it on himself...
then THAT'S why you should feel compassion and empathy for him as a person. Because something pretty painful caused him to behave in a way that would cause so many to take pleasure in his pain.
But those people are running dysfunctional patterns, themselves...and some of them now know ZD doesn't want to run that pattern.
He doesn't have to. If you get off your ass and do a little research, the fraud, waste and abuse does all the work for you.
LAUSD is gonna be a biggie. It ain't about the kids, y'all...
I don't get it.
Why would a guy who can't take care of himself enough to shave, shower and live a dignified life be in a position to cousel or feel compassion for anyone else?
This is a scam, a bamboozle, a fraud. You are preying on some other unfortunate in order to try to justify youor own miserable existence.
Don't worry about our Mayor, he'll be back stronger than ever.
Worry about your bus money and your coffee money and your gas money, and all the poor folks who's olafactory senses you offend when you pass near to them.
Don't worry about our Mayor, he'll be back stronger than ever. "NOT"
great show on Kevin James. classic ZD.
good work.
This website causes anal bleeding.
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