This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
The post is pointless and tasteless. The woman is pathetic, makes lefties look like fools (the right should love her), but she did lose a son.
The post isn't pointless and tasteless -- Sheehan is pointless and tasteless. Yes, she lost a son. However, any sympathy for the lost of her son (and she had plenty) she squandered long ago. Sheehan has pissed all over the memory of Casey Sheehan.
Like the late great Redd Foxx said about Eleanor Roosevelt....
"thats an ugly white woman"
She's ugly by any racial standard! Yeeccchhh!!
If my son had been killed in that fiasco, what I would do would make Cindy Sheehan look like the soul of sweet reason.
Hooray for her!
Just remember Casey Sheehan enlisted and re-enlisted. Besides not agreeing with his mother's politics, it is obvious he did so to get the hell away from her. But of course, his opinions are to be ignored in favor of mama moonbat's.
Let us also not forget mother moonbat disowned her son when he re-enlisted.
The funniest part is how the liberal left is now throwing her under the bus since she's now calling out the democrats for not keeping their campaign promises to get us out of the war. Bash bush and you're a hero to the liberal media.
anonymous 9:23 said "...would make cindy look like the soul of sweet reason."
You're way to liberal to ever raise a son that would ever enlist in the army. Possibly, you're so liberal you would abort your son just to prove you're a democrat.
Well, you're half right.
11:19 - what have you been smoking lately?
Cindy Sheehan is the stupidist women I have ever seen in my life after Hilary Clinton.
Cindy's son must be kicking his casket after seeing how his goof ball mother acts in public.
This brave man joined the military to serve his country and he knew what he was commiting to.
Yet his retarded mother makes a jack ass of herself along with the herd.
Bush sucks! But we need to show the World that we mean business and America Rules.
All these bone heads who can not understand should leave our country.
UH, those birkenstock sandals look like they're left over from the 80's, yuk...zuma, are they yours?
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