"GREAT MORNING CIUDAD DE LOS ANGELES!!". Beautiful to hear the birds greet the sunrise from the east. And as the sunrise reflect off the "MONOLITH OF GAFF and GRAFT ON SPRING STREET". There is one 3rd. floor employee who at this moment is probaly crunching his tummy, and just maybe, is thinking about another.
Yes the "BUZZ" regarding "SONCHA WATCH" and the possible "BABY VILLAR" continues to grows. Just this morning, KABC RADIO Doug McIntyer alluded to a "PREGNANT PAUSE". The, the site that broke the "MISSING RING STORY", is linking to the comments by KFI's "JOHN AND KEN".
Last night if you tuned in to the "BLOGGIN RADIO HOUR" with KRLA Radio's Kevin James and our own Mayor Sam. The commented about an past female caller who alluded about the "CURRENT AFFAIRS" of the "POLITICO FORMERLY KNOWN AS ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA", tony villar.
Yet as the "CYBER BUZZ" grows, what is coming from the 3rd. Floor "PENTHOUSE SUITE" in the "MONOLITH OF GAFF and GRAFT ON SPRING STREET" ?? This..................silence.
So as the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" continues their "REDIRECT SPIN ONSLAUGHT" on the "ROCKTARD". "SONCHA and BABY VILLAR WATCH" continues.
Yes the "BUZZ" regarding "SONCHA WATCH" and the possible "BABY VILLAR" continues to grows. Just this morning, KABC RADIO Doug McIntyer alluded to a "PREGNANT PAUSE". The, the site that broke the "MISSING RING STORY", is linking to the comments by KFI's "JOHN AND KEN".
Last night if you tuned in to the "BLOGGIN RADIO HOUR" with KRLA Radio's Kevin James and our own Mayor Sam. The commented about an past female caller who alluded about the "CURRENT AFFAIRS" of the "POLITICO FORMERLY KNOWN AS ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA", tony villar.
Yet as the "CYBER BUZZ" grows, what is coming from the 3rd. Floor "PENTHOUSE SUITE" in the "MONOLITH OF GAFF and GRAFT ON SPRING STREET" ?? This..................silence.
So as the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" continues their "REDIRECT SPIN ONSLAUGHT" on the "ROCKTARD". "SONCHA and BABY VILLAR WATCH" continues.
For a little background, just WHO are the mothers of Villaraigosa's kids before Corina? There are 2 or 3, aren't there?
This midget mayor is exposing this infro on Rocky to try and take the attention away from him and his new BITCH or BASTARD THAT WILL BE BORN IN 9- MONTHS notice that he is not on TV as much! come on people let's not be stupid!!
And, what will the baby's name be? Mayor Sam, please start a naming contest. I think his/her first name should start with a "T", so his/her initials will be "T.V.". Very appropriate.
get ready for President Billary in 2008.
My newly coined term for the winner, President Billary Clinton.
its a landslide, forget the rest, theres no beating the tag team of Clinton and Clinton.
how Antonio is gonna fit into the plan is now the big question.
maybe Trujillo can actually tell us on this blog exactly where his precious Mayor is headed now.
I'm thinking its all downhill for tony villar and tonya villar. (if its a girl).
I'm saying it is a girl.
I have my reasons.
If it's a girl..."CHOLITA";
If it's a boy...."CHOLITO"
Wait...did he knock up a city hall staffer or is the rumor that his tv correspondent lady is "with child"?
"T" for Toilet Brush?
How about "Toiletta" or "Toiletto"
Having 4 or 5 illegitmate bastard kids hardly registers on the Richter scale in LA; BUT it won't play in Peoria!!!
Tony Villar will be villified if he ever tries to make a move in national politics. BIllary is probably calling emergency meetings as we speak to figure out how to get Villar off of her campaign.
The shit will start flying immediately! It could cost her the election! Wow! I can hardly wait to see the drama unfold! Would someone please pass the popcorn???
How do we know it's another pregnant woman that caused Antonio's break up? Antonio is no stranger to STD"s, as most whores aren't. Could it be that he infected Corina? Does Corina have a knew prescription for penecillin?
All the symptons are there, sudden weight loss, added irritability, reclusive behavior. It is known in the eastside that Antonio's "back problems" for which he spent some hospital time was just a code name for treatment for either gonorhea or syphlllis - is that how they're spelled?
How much is Antonio paying the LA Slimes?
..Whether you sample your news feed from ABC or CBS (or, yes, even NBC and MSNBC), whether you prefer Fox News Channel or National Public Radio, The Wall Street Journal or The New Yorker, some of the journalists feeding you are also feeding cash to politicians, parties or political action committees. identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.
I see libel problems ahead...
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking (files flightplan from SF to Santa Monica, grabs David Clarks and directs crew to do preflight inspection of Citation):
Sots, guess where I was last evening? I was up in the Bay Area having supper with pirates from two politico camps (e.g., Newsom and Westly). Now why would pirates from here be supping with pirates from there? I'll give you a clue. The talk wasn't all about sailing, savvy?
One of the wonderful things about being a pilot is being able to fly to places that require a bit of travel (e.g., Miami, D.C., SFO), and partake in the jet set sort of life. But it's also rather handy to be able to pop up and visit folks who know you have information that you are willing to trade on too.
Buzz is indeed growing, and it has reached the ears of potential political rivals. THAT was the topic of conversation last evening as was Numero Uno's Numero Uno connections, the school district takeover, Don Jose, Gil Cedillo, and a few others worth mentioning. All of this information is being filed away for use at a later date by those who would use it. Favours cards were handed out, and I came away with more than a few.
But the big surprise came when the pirates from Govnah Moonbeam's camp came to hoist a pint and inquire about the Rocktard. Apparently they have a theory that this information is being fed NOW so that other information is quietly moved to the backside so that someone is a little more appealing when it comes time to pick and choose a Numero Dos, savvy? Of course they want their man to be Numero Dos, and not someone else's. Now why would someone from a NoCal pirate crew have a theory about THAT?
And just before the evening was over, several of the Miami pirates (who had been sent to see if there was anything worth seeing and heard a bargain's worth) arrived in time to have a nightcap with me and the crew. Bankable was the term that was thrown around (e.g., "With all this going on, just how bankable is he as a political candidate for higher office?") (Rolls eyes) With the Miami pirates, its always about money, savvy?
By the time you read this, sots, I will already be strapped into the cockpit and requesting clearance to fly back to Santa Monica. If you hurry, you will be able to catch Jack Sparrow and his Crew as they deplane.
Oh, and before I forget, our original grinderman will be in town this weekend playing with the band he's on tour with. He tells us that several of the above mentioned already have requested (and received) comp tickets. (Laughs) Fancy that. Criminals going to see the coppers. Only in America.
Is it just me or do others think its odd that as easy as it is to hire a PI or follow Antonio's black cars and find out who the other woman is not one single person has publicily stated. Not the newspapers who have all the resources to do it.
What makes you think people don't already know? Maybe some people are holding that information for a more opportune time - just like Antonio saved those salvos against Rocky. Parke is notorious for this type of "smoking gun" harboring. That is what he gets paid for.
Besides, word on th street is that Antonio not only cheated on Corina with Mirthala, but that he also cheated on his mistress with another woman - the one that is pregnant. I guess that is cheating squared. What kind of world do we live in were evenmistresses aren't safe from cheating husbands?
While everyone gets torqued about rocky's car troubles, what about tony? Did LAPD drive him to rendevous locations? Who paid for that? Or did he ditch security like he did with keith brackpool on asia trip?
AV is always in the company of attractive young women -- here and when he's out of town. Staffers, other city employees, media types, the staff of other politicos he has meetings and conferences with, wifes of supporters and opponents, as well, etc., etc.
Any interview, any "away" game, any "meeting" with a subordinate, any meet and greet, any fundraising dinner in the ballroom of a big hotel - also covered by the media (with 300 rooms upstairs), is a possibility.
"I'm just gonna go up and make a few "calls" before dinner, team. Talk to Corina, check on the kids. I'll be back in a hour."
"Sure, boss." "He's 'in a meeting' guys" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
If you'd have followed Bill Clinton's motorcade around D.C. a a decade ago, do you thing anyone would have figured out Monica Lewinsky?
It's not like his people are driving him up and dropping him off at whore houses or sleazy motels in the middle of the night.
That's for after he retires from politics.
LAPD officers who use to be on his detail early on couldn't stand working for his "high maintence" self. He's the most horrible, rude asshole anyone could work for. You all know that the Metro detail with him have to keep quiet although city hall insiders all know because there are no secrets there.
Captain, just heard that possibly Congressman Becerra should be added to your list. Again, LA Times harps on Rocky when they should be going after Numero Uno wtih Cedillo, Antonio, Jose, Becerra and other Latino politicos
What about Villaraigosa's sniff-sniff-sniff coke parties.
Let's play!
Who is bisexual?
* George Torres, who is charged with racketeering, conspiring to violate RICO, violent crime in aid of racketeering (VICAR), “honest services” mail and wire fraud and conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens;
* Manuel Torres-Ramos, 53, of Arcadia, George Torres’s brother, who was also arrested and charged with racketeering, conspiring to violate RICO and conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens;
* Steven Torres, 26, of Downey, who is George Torres’ son and is charged with VICAR, has agreed to surrender;
* George Luk, 58, of Beverly Hills, a member of the Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center Authority Commission, who is charged in the RICO conspiracy and five counts of “honest services” mail and wire fraud, was arrested;
* Steve Carmona, 39, of Pico Rivera, a former commissioner with the Los Angeles Central Area Planning Commission, who is charged in the RICO conspiracy and five counts of “honest services” mail and wire fraud as well as one count of loan fraud, was arrested;
* Gloria Mejia, 57, of Montebello, who is charged with conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens, has agreed to surrender;
* Mario Solano Garcia, 52, of Los Angeles, who is charged in the RICO conspiracy, has agreed to surrender; and
*Carlos Monterroso, 51, of South Gate, who is charged in the RICO conspiracy, has also agreed to surrender.
So many towns in rural Mexico have been depopulated in this way that you have to ask if the cure is worse than the disease. It's rather like the Vietnamese village that had to be destroyed in order to be saved. Such small rural towns have been depositories of traditional Mexican culture, which is attractive to many people. But the disastrous socialism practiced by the 20th-century Mexican government has ruined village life economically, and the immigration safety valve looks to ruin it socially. As Mario Garcia, mayor of a small community in Zacatecas state has bemoaned, "People have one thing in mind, and that is to go to the United States."
Corona was an unrepentant radical. "If by socialism," he wrote in his autobiography, Memories of Chicano History, "we mean someone who believes that the principal means of production should be regulated by government or by the people in the form of coops, then I would call myself a socialist." But his vision was a very indigenous one. "I believe in the American dream," he told Mario Garcia, who collaborated on the book, "or at least in my version of it. I interpret it as a hope and a wish, which has not been completely fulfilled for all Americans such as Latinos and other racial minorities. It's similar to the dream of the Mexican Revolution, which also promised freedom, equality and democracy. Clearly, that hasn't been fully achieved. In both cases, they're unfulfilled dreams."
Any relation?
Miguel Contreras, who literally grew up in California's farm fields, moved on to its cities and eventually became one of the nation's most powerful urban labor leaders, died of a heart attack on Friday, May 6, 2005. He was 52. Contreras was on his way to a meeting when he was stricken, said Ben Monterroso, western regional director of the Service Employees International Union. He died on the way to a hospital. Contreras suffered from type 2 diabetes.
Ben Monterosso & Carlos Monterroso
Monterroso Enterprise Inc. 8362 Rosemead Boulevard. Pico Rivera, California, 90660 (562) 949-0827
All these council people, city controller,and city attorney do they take random drug test? and if not, they should I would'nt want my councilman or councilwoman and that includes you to mr.midget Villar,getting high at work!!
Antonio has to be desperate because today he has his staff telling people the Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council is decertified which is an out right LIE!!!! You have to ask why he would be telling his staff to say that to people. Why would our midget mayor be so concerned with this particular Neighborhood council when he has far more important things to worry about like his entire political career.
Investigate Steve Carmona
Helped George Torres gain alcohol permit at one of his S.L.A. stores.
City planning commissioner Steve Carmona helped the 740 club pass its fire and building safety .
EX Mayor Riordan Spokesperson: Steven Carmona (????)
Any relation to Steve Carmona
02/14/03, Ralph Carmona (Planner, Bario Planners) Los Angeles, CA 90032, Antonio R. Villaraigosa Council Member - CD14 1250526 - Villaraigosa for Council
1:39: None of the above. All of them have more than earned their reputations as ladies men.
They were supposed to have elections in January, they got pushed back over procedure -- then missed a quorum. And overall, it's sad to say, although Boyle Hts is the most community active area that I have ever seen, their NC is kinda unorganized.
First of all, I called over to Huizar's office to see if the anon blog comment saying that the mayor told staffers the BH NC has been decertified was true.
I was told they had no knowledge of that...and that Huizar told his staff to get on the phones and call people and remind them to show up for the next meeting.
1) Cut the board in half from 51 members (requiring a 26 member quorum), to 23-27 members (requiring only 14 for a quorum).
This way, you will get rid of the slackers, not showing up, forcing quorums to be missed, leaving the active board members.
The positions of "public relations"", "City oversight" and "special events" officers should probably be eliminated, because those positons are dead weight for the most part, that haven't accomplished anything.
Need to re-vamp the by laws. It's their own by laws that are making it hard to jump through the hoops.
But, the by laws chair isn't doing anything. So look for DONE to put the by laws re-vamp in the hands of the committee to get the job DONE.
Also, have all elections for all positions at once, once a year...not different elections, for different positions scattered. (Deming's head popped off when he heard this.)
And speaking of elections, ZD has heard the City Clerks office feels they can handle the elections in the next year, or so...which will make them less shady, and free up DONE from a lot of election administration, and allow them to focus more on empowerment/outreach.
So common BH have the most passionate constiuency in the deserve to represent yourselves to the fullest.
There's plenty wrong with the NC system...but please make sure it's all on the other side of the rope. Show up at the meetings...and fix the by laws to facilitate quorums.
S-T-A-Y O-N T-O-P-I-C.
If I wanted to read about NC, I would have gone elsewhere.
Luke Ford,
An individual that has worked in porn for over 16 years as an active actor/producer.
Nevermind the fact that Luke Ford isn't even his real name.
But now we have Doug Mctyre, who in 2002 said the Porn Industry should be kicked out of LA and not allowed to operate in the United States.
So which is Doug? We can kick out the pornographers -- but if they have something you like, its ok to use their LIES and misinformation.
BITCH...I WAS about to delete your ass...cause YOU are the one off topic. (Saying stay on topic is off topic, bitch!)
But I wanted everyone to see what a loser you are...Waaaaaaaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaah...i wanna read about the mayor's love life...
try the howard stern site, crybaby.
LOL thanks ZD. Yup there are some very suspicious people on the BHNC board that on purpose fail to show up cause they want to control certain issues. Without them there they can't vote. They've done it a lot the past year.
John &Ken KFI are hilarious but I'm tired of them getting on Rocky. They did mention the Telemundo woman. Can someone post a photo of her here? Let's see what she looks like. What happen to the affair with Jenny Caron and Dora Garcia. Everyone knows how those two little girls got their jobs in city hall.
Antonio is nothing like his father. His father obviously took his wedding vows seriously and has been married to the same woman for 47 years.
V.....illaraigosa's claim that his father later gave another son the exact same name he had given him also is inaccurate. That other son was christened Anthony Gustavo Villar, and today he is a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Anthony Villar, 45, has gone so far as to personally contact Villaraigosa to challenge him on why he has publicly vilified their father, said Estela Villar, Anthony Gustavo's mother and the wife of Antonio Ramon Villar Sr.
The second family of Villar Sr. portrays a husband and father who has been gentle, loving, kind and deeply religious - and who in 47 years of marriage to Estela has never abused either his wife or their four children, nor shown any hints of alcoholism.
Any takers as to when Rocky resigns? when he decides that he has had enough crap from Antonio's operatives?
And then Jack Weiss will run in a special election to fill the vacancy?
Steve Carmona: member of Los Angeles Board of Public Works as an appointee of Mayor Riordan....
Just like a mexican to knock up a woman and not take responsibility for them.
Mr. Mayor, I thought you were suppossed to be a role model not a continued reminder of a stereo-type?
You can take to guy out of the hood but you can't keep his manhood where it does not belong. Shame of you Antonio. My kids think since you did it, it is ok for them.
Antonio's father is a man. Mayor Villaraigosa is still a boy.
There will be no baby. John and Ken and Red Spot and a gaggle of idiots can't seem to get that through their heads. But what would they have to do in their pitiful, empty lives if they didn't make crap up about politicians and spew it out on MayorSam and other blusterblogs.
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