* ZUMA'S "ZAP" JOINS VILLARAIGOSA'S "Excellence Committee" TO COMBAT "U-SUCK": (Unified School's Underachieving Community Killers)
TOGETHER, we can cut the administrative waste and beauracracy that takes money out of our classrooms.
First of all, the problem with Brewer's "Evergreen" audit: Just a summary of all the other audits done over the past ten years, BY LAUSD THEMSELVES. So some of the people critical of LAUSD in the past, are suspect of audits done by the group, themselves.
ELIMINATE WASTE: How about no more perks, no more free parking, no more bottled water expenses. If you are a beauracrat or administrator at LAUSD, you better start working-out, cause you don't want to be seen as "fat" to trim. Cause LAUSD needs to go in for liposuction, y'all...yeah, yeah!
Oh no...remember all those people who supported people who Antonio did not back. Well guess what...YOU LOST...and payback is a bitch. But that's O.K.: They are about to overturn the vending ban on Venice Beach and you can sell incense with Zuma Dogg to help pay your bills.
I hope words like "duplicative" and "redundant" don't make you think IG ZD is talking about YOU: Cause you'll be the first ones selling incense at Venice Beach with ZD, Matt Dowd and Michael Hunt.
OH NO, them conservative republicans may be losing power in the rest of the country, but they are taking charge of the school system, from a philosophic point of view (whether Villar's posse is democrat, or not). That may, or may not be a surprise to you. These conservative repulicans feel before you can do anything else constructive at LAUSD (no pun intended), you have to stop the bleeding of money being wasted; so the school can have enough money in it's bank account to do some real things.
Love it or hate it, you know ZD likes to be on the right side of the bandwagon. And for the immediate future, it looks like this is the bandwagon, y'all. And to the people scared Team Viagraosa will drop the AB 1381 lawsuit...Zuma's Bat Computer says that ain't gonna be so easy, cause so much time and money has gone into it. I'm not saying the shameless posse won't try...ZD is just saying it ain't gonna be so easy. Uncle Eli and Antonio will just have to "backseat drive" the school system as they can through the muppet school board. Now go help the kids.
We break up LAUSD into segregation!!! Right, just
what all the hueros would like to see.
Fire the poloTICS who have done squat and let the TEACHERS make the true necessary improvements for the future society, our children.
Is there a majority-Hispanic school district anywhere in North America that isn't fubar'd?
Is there at least one?
So much for your "upsets" and gret ideas.
Your blog has no influenceon the voters, it is just a few whiners jacking each other off thnking you are doing something while the world goes on without a pause.
Antonio is a doer who will get things done while you all whine about it.
Next time try knocking on doors and using shoe leather to win elections.
a) Antonio gets things done with millions of privately donatated money that he now has to approve city projects over.
b) and shoe leather and knocking on doors...HA. a) is much better.
and of course we are going to whine and complain about it. don't you know the mayor's "bigger picture" plans. it doesn't involve helping kids. the mayor better tell the school board to cover the tracks of that shady charter antonio supports...OOPS, too late.
Dear Jesus,
What do I have against Antonio Vallaraigosa?
1. Antonio asked for my endorsement (and I gave it to him) when he was running for Assembly and said "ONLY A LATINO" could represent that assembly, BUT later gives the latino seat up to a liberal non-latino (Goldberg) over a latino. (Portill0).
2.Antonio, at the request of the teachers union UTLA, supports a liberal non-latino (Tokofsky) over a qualitied latina candidate (Flores-Aguilar) for School Board.
3.Antopno, as Speaker of the Assembly, REMOVES two latino legislators from being committee chairpersover two latino members.
4. Antonio, as Speaker of the Assembly, passes the Speakership to a non-latino (Hertzberg) over two latino members (Cardenas & Cedillo).
5. Antonio, as Secretary of the Assembly, and MEMBER of the UC Regents, fails to criticize, or in any way, attack the ban on affirmative action.
6. Antonio, at the request of the unions, attacks our "cousins" - the Native Americans - effort for self reliance by opposing Proposition 5.
7. Antonio rewards Ron Unz, the author of the anti-bilingual education propersotion 227, by placing him on a premier state committee.
Jesus, the facts are that the liberal Mexicans (as you call them) abandon their race when the Latino isn't liberal. For example, Molina endorses Feuer over Delgadillo and Solis endorses Chu over Arguuello and Villaraigosa endorses Tokofsky over Flores-Aguilar.
The reality is that Villaraigosa, Molina, & Solis have taught us that a person's race isn't the important thing, it's their idealogy........
Published about Antonio in 2001
Whenever this MEChista Mayor and his mutant ethnomilitant slimebag hermano Nuñez are ready to stop trashing law enforcement and drooling over the illegal aliens and start representing the people who pay their bloated fucking salaries, we'll be here waiting patiently.
Can you send me a copy of your post to my email, to confirm this is the Bat Computer?
Does not compute -- does not compute!!!
How can 6:46 & 6:54 make sense?
I mean either Antonio endorses qualified officials over his own race (thank god) or he is a mechista ethnomilitant latino trying to take over the City.
I on the other hand think that the Mayor does what he believes is right.
It's right to support candidates who are qualified regardless of race & and its right to support people's right to congregate and march.
2 rights make the mayor right.
The Mayor is a winner and The Bat Computer and Zuma Dogg are losers. They whine and complain and criticize because they can't have it the way they want it.
Of course, getting ajob, making some money, running for office never occurs to Zuma and his trusty Bat Computer.
It is better to sleep in a van, get two minutes a day ranting, dancing and whining for a camera, and blaming the world.
Mayor Villaraigosa is a good thing for LA; just compare him to the wimp he displaced and the do nothing city he inherited.
He just appointed a first class new Executive Director for LA World Airports. She knows her stuff. He has upgraded every part of the city he has touched so far.
Lay off of him and deal with the lazy bureaucracy that he has to fight every day if you want to do any good at all.
And, get a job, take a shower, shave, and lose the cheap shades.
I hope beyond hope, that the Mayor is what he says he is, sincerely interested in real reform, because God Almighty this district needs reform. Real reform, not just window dressing which is what I fear we are going to get.
The hardest part of real reform, is that the programs that are instituted show some immediate gains before leveling off. It is not a coincedence that the time frame for showing gains is closely linked to the election cycle of 4 years.
Many new programs will over a short period of time, show gains, but most of them are penny wise and pound foolish.
Take Open Court. A few years back with great fanfare, the district launched Open Court, a designed curriculum that standardized instruction in elementary schools in Language Arts.
Millions were spent training teachers how to use it, curriculum was re-aligned to strip the classroom of everything except Language Arts and Math instruction, and millions more were spent on a whole new series of supplies for every student in the district.
For the first four years, Open Court showed dramatic gains and pols and administrators (off school site admin) hailed it as the breakthrough education has been waiting for.
In the fifth year and beyond, guess what, scores began to plateau. Was it the program, or was it at the expense of Social Studies, Science, and the Arts? It was window dressing, political window dressing.
And such has been the effort at reform.
Reform, real reform must be systemic, it must re-examine how we educate our children, how our institutions operate, how the market uses what we produce.
Breaking up the district is just more window dressing. Simi Valley is 1/10 our size, and has the same problems. So does Burbank, Inglewood, and San Diego. Contrary to popular belief, size truly does not matter. It’s what you do with the size.
LAUSD is a gorilla. It’s time that the gorilla assert it’s strength. The Board needs to inform the State that we will be testing the second week of June when our instruction is complete. Testing at the beginning of May is crazy, 20% of the curriculum still hasn’t been covered. We have 700,000 students that we represent, that’s more than a million voters. (Ok, maybe not a million voters after Tuesday’s participation).
LAUSD needs get the Ed Code changed so that when ONE student is a constant roadblock to 40 others accessing education, that student will be removed permanently from the classroom. That when a student fails a class, they must make that class up, that parents of truant students be held financially responsible for the waste they cause. They need to fight for the kids, not the kid.
LAUSD needs to create an atmosphere where quality teachers seek and stay in the employment of the district. I hear calls all of the time to get rid of the bad teachers. I laugh. No one, and I mean NO ONE wants to get rid of the bad teachers more than the teachers themselves. They give us all a bad name. Bad doesn’t mean unpopular, bad means unable to deliver instruction. The reason I laugh is that we can’t replace the teachers we are losing through attrition now. Market forces are dictating that we keep the bad teachers, hey, they are willing to walk into a classroom, which makes them one step better than what we would have if we fired the bad teacher.
Look, it’s not about salary or benefits. This is not why teachers are leaving. They are leaving because this district is unwilling to fight for the classroom. Every day, this district, the state, and the Federal Govt create more ways to make our jobs more difficult.
Reform is something that this district has been doing for the past 30 years. Systemic change is needed now. Schools need to be de-politicized.
I do hope that the changes that are coming are worthy of the title reform, I just don’t expect that they will be.
One word: vouchers.
I am Zuma's Bat Computer. Most of the time I respond to his requests. Today I was doing a scan disk and found this info even though I didnt know it was in the library on Antonio. The Bat computer, besides having the quickest response also has the biggest archive. I published it knowing Zuma was busy on another case.
Regarding the airport what would you like to know?
"He just appointed a first class new Executive Director for LA World Airports. She knows her stuff. He has upgraded every part of the city he has touched so far."
Upraded city?
The tax on passengers has just been repealed?
The hotel employment and payment scam?
Pay off?
Zuma's Computer asks
"which ?"
Walter, If I thought for one minute that vouchers would have a real impact, I'd open a private school tomorrow and start lobbying. Vouchers will just get the owners of private schools rich, not change the nature of education.
The abuses at private schools are profound. One reason test scores are so high, is that the kids who will score low have their tests pulled before scoring.
Another is that private schools can cherry pick their students. Let me cherry pick in the public school and I'll send our test scores through the roof.
There are no simple answers here guys, but there are answers.
Let's start here. Not all kids are going to college. We have the highest percentage of kids going to college ever, but it will never be all of them.
Our school systems do nothing for students not going to college. An exponential expansion of Trade Tech classes must be created to address the kids dropping out.
They are dropping out because the school they are at offer them nothing for their chosen career path.
What the hell has your "Mayor is a winner" done besides fail at everything he has gone after? He's a DO NOTHING mayor that has no shame. He's the clown of LA and even those who voted for him are now asking Where is James Hahn? You are in the minority. Let's do a poll and see what people think of the midget mayor with no brains, no vision, can't get anything done. Its embarrassing his only accomplishment is planting trees and getting residents to pick up brooms. That's it. That's his record for 2 years. Oh and getting frequent flyer miles.
What galaxy are you living in?
Villaraigosa is poling off the charts; his positives are 84% to 16% negatives; almost unheard of in these parts.
You need to get back into the swing of LA and get out of the CD 14 naysayers.
Antonio will be re-elected in a ladslide, definitely in the primary.
Sorry Walter, it isn't your karma yet.
Was that poll done in Boyle Heights or Highland Park?
Boyle Heights and Highland Park can't stand the midget mayor. Those are made up polls. Those illegals can't vote and people in LA are fed up with little dictator Antonio. He has nothing to speak of as far as accomplishments. Even his kiss ass council is now beginning to go against him. If Huggy runs for Mayor he would embarrass Antonio. All the media is reporting that Antonio's stunt with the illegals will definitely hurt him if he ever even thought of running for gov.
What do Latinos think of Villaraigosa, he is a lier and a piece of shit.
Los Latinos ven a Villaraigos como un mentiroso y pedaso de mierda.
Antonio V. is a do nothing. He uses his office and our tax payer money to help bloat his self esteem, with his affairs and always using the media. We should do an investigation into the projects he is involved with. The Latinos are a majority here now and the thought has to stop being to protect and idiot Latino politician. Antonio needs to be recalled.
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