Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Thursday

More after the jump!
Zuma Dogg reports that Clowncilman Jack Weiss - who may soon be fighting a recall challenge - is proposing that environmental impact reports for new development be prepared by City Staff rather than third-party firms hired by developers. While NIMBYs are giving this a hip-hip hooray, lets not jump for joy just yet. There is no guarantee that bureaucrats won't bungle the reports or even worse, that City staff wouldn't be pressured by Clowncil Members to make the EIRs come out whatever way they wanted. The best bet is to let the applicants file their own report, show that they're in compliance and then let stakeholders support/refute the findings as part of the review process.
Walter Moore and the Red County Blogger both take on LA's completely wrong plan to extend rent control to newly constructed buildings. This confiscatory practice goes beyond being unfair, practically it will have a chilling effect on the production of new housing in the city.
Lots of glee at the death of Jerry Falwell here and here. Though a fitting tribute of sorts came from his arch-nemesis turned friend, pornographer Larry Flynt. Flynt, who was sued by Falwell for slander many years ago has a classic line detailing the relationship the two developed in the years after the landmark court case: "I always appreciated his sincerity even though I knew what he was selling and he knew what I was selling."
Watch your wallet! The City is considering raising taxes, uh, I mean fees while cutting back on the few services they already provide, in order to balance the budget and make up for all the spending like a drunken sailor they've engaged in the last few years.
Conservative Claremont is considering allowing medical marijuana dispensaries in their city, while liberal, diverse, open-minded Los Angeles is seeking to ban them. I don't touch the stuff, preferring vodka myself, but honestly pot should be legal. In the meantime, follow the will of the voters who passed Proposition 215. Or face the wrath of Zuma Dogg.
Felipe Fuentes has declared victory in his bid to succeed Richard Alarcon's record short term in the State Assembly. However, opponents believe his razor-thin margin could disappear, forcing the Democrat into a run-off with Republican challenger Jose Bonilla.
Sunday: Tune in for a post-mortem on the performance of former anony-blogger turned Tamar Galatzan campaign manager, Michael Trujillo.
Labels: Mayor Sam's Hotsheet
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Mayor, You got the story wrong. The proposal is not to let City Staff prepare EIR's. Jack Weiss's motion is to allow the City to designate the firms that will prepare an EIR and then bill the developer for the cost. This will separate the developer from actually hiring and paying the firm that prepares an EIR on it's own behalf. We currently, as constituents, have some influence with our Council members. We currently have zero influence over a Developer or their choice of firm to prepare their EIR. This is a fair,
and more honest way of leveling the playing field. Doesn't this, in principle, come closer to what your slogan says,
"Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold"?
This motion would would put the gold in a more neutral zone and allow a community much more influence in the case of EIR's than it presently has.
You shouldn't have any influence over the developer as a private business other than to offer suggestions.
Anywaz, whether its city staff or the city picking, lots and lots of room for shadiness there. For example, lets say Wendy Greuel wants to get some votes in Sunland Tujunga. She pressures the city staff to pick an anti-big box EIR consultant at your request.
Or some council person has received a lot of money from a developer. The council member puts the screws on to choose a pro-developer firm.
No, it just doesn't make sense.
Joe, by the way, you need to read Thomas Sowell's book on economics and learn how the free market works. I think you've been listening to those socialists you work with too much.
With all due respect, a community should have more influence over a development than just "offering suggestions". After all,unlike the developer, we have to live with whatever it is they are proposing.
Currently, EIR's are payed for by the developer to a firm they hire.
How cozy is that?
And, no, I am far from a socialist,
nor have I actually met one.
At least that I know of.
Does Abbie Hoffman count?
Re raising taxes and calling them fees:
The Mayor and City Hall crack me up. What is their response to court decisions that invalidate their illegal taxes on the grounds that they required voter approval? Why, to enact more of the same illegal fee hikes, of course!
Will someone out there with a brain please start running for City Council? Imagine how great this city could be with normal, tax-paying, people from the real world, with private sector experience, running it.
P.S. Letting City Hall pick the company that does your EIR and sticking you with the bill is insane. You think the selection will be based on quality of work product and price? Nope. It will be based on size and frequency of campaign contributions. Plus, you, the taxpayer, would have no ability to do anything about overcharging or sloppy work.
State Assembly District 39 race and the Magic Numbers!
Felipe Fuentes Magic number is 151. With 490 Absentee and Provisional yet to be counted, Mr. Fuentes may be a little less confident in his hard work results then he is letting on. If any combination of the four other candidates garner 140 votes, then it is Run Off Time in the 39th Assembly.
The ballots will be counted tomorrow Friday May 18th at the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder in Norwalk.
You can bet Mr.Fuentes will have someone there overseeing the count, I know Mr. Bonilla will.
With the Fuentes Campaign already spending over 150,000 to win a sure thing, what will it cost to bring this baby home?
One last thought, with a run off depending on such a slim number, there may be a recount pending.
See you in Norwalk…
Damn, I wish LA had the balls to do this to all the immigrant marches. Again tonight there's another one and how much is this costing the LEGAL taxpayers in this city? Their bill would be a lot higher then this one.
....How much does free speech cost? Exactly $17,674.06, according to Latino activist Armando Navarro, who received a bill from the city of San Bernardino....The bill mostly covers the services of about 40 police officers, a captain and motorcycles to monitor the rally, which was also attended by counterdemonstrators.
Anything election to get rid of Bitter Bitter Bernie. Hell yeah, y'all let him run for Burke's seat and get away from us.
Where did you get the magic # of 140?
If your # is correct about the provisionals (which I doubt), then he would need 153 votes to maintain the 50+1 (and 490-153 does not equal equals 337)
regarding the LAzy Times article where Herb Wesson more than hinted he wants to be Mayor and then the article makes a bunch of delcarations as to who will and won't be running for what office.
Forgot one thing...everything changes if Prop. R is overturned, which I think is still a consideration that should have been mentioned inthe article.
Antonio and his Metrosexual partner Fabian will march tonight. Assholes!! They support illegals but who cares they've destroyed this city.
...Illegal migrants worry about kids.
Parents urged to draw up instructions on care providers if they're swept up in raids
CALHOUN, Ga. - Increasingly fearful of getting swept up in a government raid, some illegal immigrants in this Georgia carpet-mill town and around the country are drawing up legal instructions designating someone to take care of their children if the parents are jailed or deported.
Can you imagine if every staffer got to charge this much money? This is bullshit. Shame on Felippe
Council OKs $7,500 contract for Fuentes....The City Council approved a $7,500 consulting contract for former City Hall staffer Felipe Fuentes on Wednesday — the day after the Democrat was elected to the state Assembly
Somone needs to buy Joe B. some books by Thomas Sowell.
May 17, 2007 8:22 AM
This is usual when it comes to the Fat Communist Mexican Mafia.
The council approves a ridiculous deal for Fuentes so he can pay some of his utility bills and spread the rest between Tony, Alex, Yolanda, James, Ackley and Richard. All at our tax payer money.
Know ask yourself why are our streets in LA not paved?
Good morning ladies and gentlemen (removes hat and bows low):
And a good morning to the one of the Five who inquired as to the health of one of the crew, he assures me he is much better and will be returning to work shortly.
Sots, do you know where I am? I am in Puerto Rico at the moment and have a late lunch meeting scheduled with someone from Florida, savvy? Ran into him down by the quay as he is also headed north for the pirate regatta. He made an interesting comment in that he wonders which side Villabarbosa is really on. Does he support the constabulary? Or does he not? When he marches to-night, is he supporting his Men In Blue? I was at a loss to explain that one, savvy? Especially when loyalty to one's crew is a valuable commodity. A lesson that someone we all know cannot seem to learn. But then again, I'm not the one who has knowledge of a certain handshake deal regarding development near a certain airport. I'm just a pirate I am.
Oh, and one more thing. Somebody needs to go back and check with that certain policeman who is suing a fellow policeman for sexual harassment. Even I heard the radio piece on NPR about how the nasty habits of some officers have not changed. Perhaps this might have something to do with it.
Oh bugger. I think I hear a bat computer coming this way.
Funny story on Rush. Rush was eating at a New York eatery last evening. While in conversation with his lady friend, a shadow then over took their table in the presence of "Slick Willy". after exchanging plesentries, Rush return to his business. Then a few minutes later "the shadow returned with another person, this being our Mayor who wanted to meet the famous talk show host. After this, Willy, Pollo, and Burkle returned to their entourage and went off into the night. Knowing the reputation of these three, the red light area of town were in for quite a night.
marching down the street in a rally is way more legal than speeding on the freeway.
don't be hypocrites. speeding causes accidents and fatalities, wastes fuel, and pollutes the environment.
remind me to ask the cops to beat the fuck out of you 7.40 when its your turn to protest something you don't like.
respect the 1st, 8th and 14th amendments.
look them up if you don't know how they apply in this instance.
Matt Dowd you loser clown. Boy, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw loser Matt wearing a hat like Zuma and sunglasses. You're definitely GAY but that's ok just admit and stop stalking ZUMA. No job, small dick, no brains, no education but a big crybaby. You need someone to kick your butt and make a man out of you. Go back to New Zealand. It would be worth it to pay one of those out of work actors to show up next meeting you're at and say on the microphone Matt Dowd has the smallest dick.
Are you suddenly an expert authority on U.S. Constitutional Law just because you can play a few riffs on the guitar?
you don't need to be an expert to understand the Bill of Rights fool.
they're designed not to be vague. so the average intelligence can understand.
wow, the hate club is out.
and umm, yeah, a former ACLU president has picked up our Sect. 1983 lawsuit after we obtained some decisions from a federal magistrate judge regarding our complaint.
I also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction. last time I was there in federal court, the honorable judge seemed to be agreeing with me.
May 24. 10 am Judge Dean D Pregerson. thats next week. addressing that preliminary injunction with our attorney.
nobody ever said they were an expert, but I'm doing ok for a guitar player.
talk to me next week.
oh, thanks for acknowledging that I can play. that's something. everyone hates me first. then you'll see the good side.
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