Dollars Per Vote
By Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles,
The Daily News today has a report on the economics of the other day's six-percent-turnout election for the school board. This passage caught my eye:
"Galatzan raised more than $1.5 million since the March primary - most of that donated by Villaraigosa's Partnership for Better Schools - which equates to about $71 spent for each of the 21,563 votes she garnered Tuesday."
"Her opponent, incumbent Jon Lauritzen, received $550,000 since March, most of it from United Teachers Los Angeles. That equates to nearly $36 spent for each of his 15,301 votes."
Did you catch the dollars-per-vote figures? For her, $71 per vote; for him, $36 per vote. And note the sources of funds: Villaraigosa and the teachers' union.
Guess how many dollars per vote I had to spend in 2005? Go ahead, guess. Give up? Around $2.50. Why? Because when you have an actual message that appeals to people, you don't have to bombard them with glossy mailers every five days.
However, you DO have to let them know you exist. So get out your credit cards and checkbooks, people. If you want to upgrade the City's Mayor, then help me raise the $150,000 in matching funds needed to participate in the televised debates. If it helps, think of it as your buying a pay-per-view pass to a really good fight. You can contribute at
The Daily News today has a report on the economics of the other day's six-percent-turnout election for the school board. This passage caught my eye:
"Galatzan raised more than $1.5 million since the March primary - most of that donated by Villaraigosa's Partnership for Better Schools - which equates to about $71 spent for each of the 21,563 votes she garnered Tuesday."
"Her opponent, incumbent Jon Lauritzen, received $550,000 since March, most of it from United Teachers Los Angeles. That equates to nearly $36 spent for each of his 15,301 votes."
Did you catch the dollars-per-vote figures? For her, $71 per vote; for him, $36 per vote. And note the sources of funds: Villaraigosa and the teachers' union.
Guess how many dollars per vote I had to spend in 2005? Go ahead, guess. Give up? Around $2.50. Why? Because when you have an actual message that appeals to people, you don't have to bombard them with glossy mailers every five days.
However, you DO have to let them know you exist. So get out your credit cards and checkbooks, people. If you want to upgrade the City's Mayor, then help me raise the $150,000 in matching funds needed to participate in the televised debates. If it helps, think of it as your buying a pay-per-view pass to a really good fight. You can contribute at
They should do this in LA.
San Bernardino bills activists, sparking anger
A leader calls the $17,674 charge for a pro-immigrant rally a clamp on free speech. The city won't insist on collecting.
Dollar per vote doesn't mean ANYTHING...your $/vote goes down for every dollar you raise because NO ONE LIKES YOU outside of the other wackos....
But here's a question...can you even start raising money now for office? Don't you have to wait 18 months?
And look where it got you.
Maybe Walter Moore should become Villaraigosas
Assistant of the Assistants of the other Assistants
Chief of Staff. Then maybe he will have a chance of
serving the public or he would just be another gofer
like Jimmy Blackman and Miky Trujillo.
I worked in a precinct poll. We worked 15 hours and received $85.00,approxinately $5.75 per hour. Only 8 people voted; 4 walk ins, one poll member and 3 absentee ballots. We had four poll workers people at $85 per shift, an inspector at $125.00 and troubleshooter at about $200. $765.00 to collect 8 ballots. Approximately $9.50 cents per vote. The other precint had 40 ballots, six people on staff. Over $1,000 to collect 40 ballots. In addition the City had to rent the facility. Yet, the school board and the teachers union spend MILLIONS to get our 48 votes. They should take the LAUSD and the teachers union money to increase the salaries of the teachers.
Wow, Walter we didn't realize you spent a whopping $7.50 in the last election! But you must be counting your own vote among the 3 that you got. David Duke must have registered to vote in LA that year.
Moore is better comedy!
how about you look up the word 'transparency'.
I originally wanted to contribute just to see the fight, even though I know you're not going to win.
who wouldn't pay to see Tyson (wesson) vs Moore.
but your refusal to engage the community and answer simple questions indicates that transparency is going to be your biggest problem.
If the answers are going to make you look bad, maybe you should reconsider the whole question of even running.
save some face now, rather than having to hide it later.
is the stubbornness a French trait that you picked up? no, maybe its the arrogance. my bad.
Villaraigosa wouldn't have a prayer in debate against Walter.
Hey Wally the feds are going to make the illegals legal. Then what do you do for a comedy routine? Villaraigosa don't care about you. You were a joke in the last election and you are a bigger joke now. Where do you work Wally? How much money do you make? And what happened to the neck-tied shark? These are not inappropriate questions for a job applicant and mayor of LA is a JOB. You won't even answer on MS, imagine what it will be like when you are asked in public, and you will be asked. Laura Chick is the next mayor of LA. You should be slamming her but you can't. She's way out of your league.
Laura Chick? methinks ur out of ur mind.
Eric Garcetti fancies himself mayor by default too, if Prop R survives and Villaraigosa vacates.
Mayor of LA is a job? Villaraigosa told me it was a means to an end! But how would he know? He's never had a job.
Millions of dollars on a two bit election.
The winners of Tuesday's election are.
LAUSD kids and parents.
Very funny.
The fact is, I got more votes (11,409) than half the people now on City Council, and spent less on my campaign than they spend on floral arrangements for their campaign headquarters.
Also, the one time I was included in a debate that was broadcast to the public by radio, 65% of the people who "voted" at the radio station's website voted for me.
So you staffers can tell yourselves I don't stand a chance. Meanwhile, the contributions are coming in, and the radio ads keep getting broadcast. It's up to the voters of L.A. to decide whether they're willing to contribute to replace Villaraigosa with me. I hope they do, but it's out of my control.
Walter, I plan to go against the flow and vote for you!
And the City Council districts are 1/15th the voting size than the election you ran in...divide your total votes by 15 and then see if you get more votes than what CC members get ya fucking moron.
And as for the radio are the fucking odds that a radio channel with Hannity and O' Reilly as hosts would be more supportive of a wacko?!? What did the rest of the radio stations say? Or for that matter the voters of Los Angeles?
Thank you! If I win, I think you're going to wind up being PROUD to be a part of L.A.'s city government. We'll actually focus on improving the city. If we do it right, other people will come here to see how they can copy what we've done.
Also, you're not alone. I've already received a number of contributions from people who work for the City.
As for you, 8:57:
Why so angry and potty-mouthed? Can't we discuss things, and even disagree, civillly?
Time will tell how many votes I get.
As for your analysis of districts being smaller, you may be right, but I don't think so. In fact, I think you've got it backwards: the City Council Members each had much bigger budgets than I, far fewer opponents, and much smaller geographic areas to cover.
They had enough money to get a flyer or three in every voter's hands. I didn't. Most people didn't even know I was running. Yet I still got more voters -- in some cases twice as many voters -- as people now sitting on the City Council.
So we'll see.
Yes, we'll see. See you lose. Again.
Bitter doesn't become you, my angry friend.
Seriously 8:57, what's the problem? You seem to be taking Walter's candidacy very personally. You come here every day, call him names, curse at him, etc., etc.
Guess how many dollars per vote I had to spend in 2005? Go ahead, guess. Give up? Around $2.50. Why? Because when you have an actual message that appeals to people, you don't have to bombard them with glossy mailers every five days.
Why send out the glossy mailers? So you can get the lazy "undecided" voters of their collective asses and into the voting booths. That's a little something Galatzan and her ilk learned in Electoral Campaigning 101. Maybe Wacko should take the course instead of wasting his time blogging.
Bitter doesn't become you, my angry friend.
The only reason you blog here, Walter, is because you are bitter that you lost and Antonio won. I am not bitter for correctly predicting that you will lose again.
Not only are you bitter, but you are delusional. Why don't you make good on your promise to move to France? We don't want someone who has such obvious contempt for everyone else.
Don't contribute one dirty penny to Walter's $150,000 wet dream. It's a losing proposition, and you will become bitter for contributing to this loser.
P.S. Where's that resume?
New math Walter. Perhaps Lauritzen should hire you as an incompetent math teacher as his last pathetic act on the school board.
Ever hear the term apples and oranges? Any idiot running city wide is going to get more votes than most council members, moron. There are basically 15 times as many voters citywide, and it was a higher turnout election, you dufus!
And of course you will rate the best on KKK Radio...
You're making Alvin Parra look like a genius.
"Guess how many dollars per vote I had to spend in 2005? Go ahead, guess. Give up? Around $2.50. Why? Because when you have an actual message that appeals to people, you don't have to bombard them with glossy mailers every five days."
Hate to break it to you Wally, you lost!
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