Props on securing four years of job security, vacation, sick time and all the other perks of office. You might now think of outsourcing your "DRIVER", err, Staff person to our Assemblyman Kevin "CARPETBAGGER" De Leon. He'll need someone to help him navigate the roads of his "GIFT" from Speaker "FLABIAN".
I imagine that you were flashbacking to the day, a few years back when another CD 14 councilman was having his kickoff rally for re-election. In that building on the corner of Soto and Cesar Chavez that day, were the likes of Dennis Zine, Alex Padilla and you. That person was not as lucky as you. Nick Pacheco faced "HIS POLLONESS" and a establishment that was determine to use CD 14 as a "SPEED BUMP", on the way to bigger and better things. Worst his supposed friends abandon him, including you. After all "HIS POLLONESS" was to become the "face" of Los Angeles. This and the lost of his trusted advisor Loyld was hard on Nick and led to the "CUT AND PASTE SCHISM" between Nick supporters and the "POLLONISTAS".
Now back to the present, with all this behind you, and with even Pacheco supporting you. What "HUIZZY" will the masses in CD 14 get ? will it be the "FORMER HUIZZY", that would be the one who wasn't afraid to take on "HIS POLLONESS", carve his own identity on issues. Or will we see the "LATTER HUIZZY", this would be the one who did what "HIS POLLONESS" and "PARKE-que" wished.
"HUIZZY", you have at least 8 years to create a LEGACY in your old neighborhood. You ran on a "SAFE, CLEAN, and, GREENER" platform. People are tired of the "LOST GENERATION" of youth, who worship the "GANGSTA CULTURE". Residents want more police for their taxes, err, garbage fees (what was your stance in the campaign against Nick ??). People want open space preserved. And cultural landmarks such as the Southwest Museum, you promise to keep in Highland Park.
In closing "HUIZZY", as you take the pledge in three weeks, we wish you the best. After all we live here. At least we don't to have say "D'OH COUNCILMAN PARRA" (BTW, great way to use JOE AVILA as a model for the "HOMER" piece). We at the "RED SPOT INSTUTUTE" will be watching. Call on us at anytime at .
Props on securing four years of job security, vacation, sick time and all the other perks of office. You might now think of outsourcing your "DRIVER", err, Staff person to our Assemblyman Kevin "CARPETBAGGER" De Leon. He'll need someone to help him navigate the roads of his "GIFT" from Speaker "FLABIAN".
I imagine that you were flashbacking to the day, a few years back when another CD 14 councilman was having his kickoff rally for re-election. In that building on the corner of Soto and Cesar Chavez that day, were the likes of Dennis Zine, Alex Padilla and you. That person was not as lucky as you. Nick Pacheco faced "HIS POLLONESS" and a establishment that was determine to use CD 14 as a "SPEED BUMP", on the way to bigger and better things. Worst his supposed friends abandon him, including you. After all "HIS POLLONESS" was to become the "face" of Los Angeles. This and the lost of his trusted advisor Loyld was hard on Nick and led to the "CUT AND PASTE SCHISM" between Nick supporters and the "POLLONISTAS".
Now back to the present, with all this behind you, and with even Pacheco supporting you. What "HUIZZY" will the masses in CD 14 get ? will it be the "FORMER HUIZZY", that would be the one who wasn't afraid to take on "HIS POLLONESS", carve his own identity on issues. Or will we see the "LATTER HUIZZY", this would be the one who did what "HIS POLLONESS" and "PARKE-que" wished.
"HUIZZY", you have at least 8 years to create a LEGACY in your old neighborhood. You ran on a "SAFE, CLEAN, and, GREENER" platform. People are tired of the "LOST GENERATION" of youth, who worship the "GANGSTA CULTURE". Residents want more police for their taxes, err, garbage fees (what was your stance in the campaign against Nick ??). People want open space preserved. And cultural landmarks such as the Southwest Museum, you promise to keep in Highland Park.
In closing "HUIZZY", as you take the pledge in three weeks, we wish you the best. After all we live here. At least we don't to have say "D'OH COUNCILMAN PARRA" (BTW, great way to use JOE AVILA as a model for the "HOMER" piece). We at the "RED SPOT INSTUTUTE" will be watching. Call on us at anytime at .
Hey, does anyone know why tomorrow and ALL NEXT WEEK COUNCIL MEETINGS HAVE BEEN CANCELED???????
Its hard campaigning. Off to Mexico for sun, fun and .....they must all get a reduced rate ticket.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen (removes hat and bows low):
Congrats to Don Jose again for garnering only 6K votes in a district where the voting opoulation is at least6 or 7 times that. With numbers like that, the organization behind Don Jose should be thumping themselves heartily on the backs! (winks)And of course, the sot who felt that the quote I left from Theodore Roosevelt the other day was part of the "digital wasteland" must have been thumping themselves elsewhere when they were in secondary school. Fie sirrah, digital wasteland indeed!!!!
Sots, do you know what it means to have your feet held to the fire? It means that you must do something (not someone) in order to have avoid getting your tootsies toasted. Let's do something rather different, shall we sots? Let's hold the Clowncil's johnsons to the fire each week.
On each and every Friday in perpetuity, let's plan on having a Mayor Sam Weenie Roast as an open column where the common folk can blog away about what the Clowncil members are NOT doing since this blog, if you will, is among the more important "must reads" on the banned list, savvy?
The crew and I will throw the first weenie on the fire, and that is the weenie that belongs to the Clowncilperson in charge of the Ports 'O Call shops in San Pedro for that person does NOTHING to help the small businesses (like the tobacco shop owned by Mrs. Karpeles) survive. (Smiles warmly at Mrs. Karpeles) Bless your heart, Mrs. Karpeles and give my regards to your son.....savvy?
Aye, 'tis a good idea Cap! Methinks I mayest dabble and stolch about. Jay Hun, Tom Le Bongo Drum, and the Wheezy bloke shan't know what knocked the wind outta their sails.
Does that councilperson need a "TUTOR JOHNSON" with battery power ?
Good evening Mr. Spot (removes hat and bows low):
Perhaps. (Looks puzzled) But wouldn't the plastic melt under such intense heat caused by friction?
Oh and before I forget. Our grinderman leaves on the 15th to tour with a professional musical troupe from Britain for a few months. We shall miss him, but hope to replace him temporarily with a one of those rebel Celts from the Piedmont provided we can come to some sort of arrangement, savvy?
Oh bugger. I just realized something. The Celt is all spine and no weenie. (sighs) Bloody Celt, they'll be no living with 'im since 'im drinks hooch and will want to bring along one of those beer launching fridgies that a certain Duke thought up. (
Captain Jack,
"GO RAIBH MAITH AGAT", for the invitation. Confer with me through the e-mail link.
Eddie is Red Spot
Red spot has now definitely proven him/her/itself to be a fraud and/or carpetbagger unworthy of any ID, no matter how anonymous, that uses the numeral "14" in it.
No true CD14 constituent would ever, ever, identify the Southwest Museum as being in "Highland Park" - no not never.
Only "turistas" and meddling Westsiders do that. The SW is and has always been in Mount Washington, AV's former launching pad, and the reason nearly every CD14 candidate since the last redistricting has his mug photo-shopped in front of a picture of the museum on that mount, to send tailored mailers to the entrenched and occasionlly redflagged, but relatively affluent voters there.
Further, those portions of HP adjacent to the SW (in all 37 directions) are also ALL in CD1. So don't try and bullshit back that it's "close" to HP, or people there "call" it HP. Not and survive the tongue-lashing they don't.
No way, Huizar would "promise" to "keep" it in a community it's NOT EVEN IN! The move alone would condemn those already decaying structures.
FRAUD, FRAUD, FRAUD, Red Spot is NOT a CD14 district dweller, GUARANTEED.
As a card-carrying lifelong CD14 "stitch" (home-groaned, and here to stay), I DEMAND that this blog stop the false advertising by one of it's hoster/posters and require that the fake "grano rojo" from somewhere else cease and desist from using "CD14" in any form.
SW in HP? GEEZ, next you'll be telling us Boyle Heights is part of "East L.A."
Payaso . . .
Kevin D. knows what community the SW Museum is in.
Now who's the carpetbagger?
Ha ha, "Red Spot's" a fake. Probably never even been to CD14.
Isn't anyone on this blog what they actually claim to be?
ZD's not really a dog, Mayor Sam isn't a Republican (he endorsed Villaraigosa), and Moore is not "better" by any definition.
This comment has been removed by the author.
10:51 aka. "CLOWN BITCH"
Mount Washington, Highland Park, whatever keeps property values up. I hate to cause your "LITTLE PITO" to sag, but yes I do reside in CD 14. BTW, Highland Park was at one time in CD 14. but Mt. Washington was "GERRYMANDERED" so that "HIS POLLONESS" would not have to live in that shack in Hermon. Good Try but you are wrong again.
There are so many mistakes in your "correction" I may not have time on my measly private industry lunch hour to correct them all (but DAMN, are you ever thin-skinned!) Don't ever run for office, whatever you do.
Let's dissect the tons of errors, the fake CD14 "stitch" offers up:
Mount Washington, Highland Park, whatever keeps property values up.
(You're definitely not a CD14 resident, but you are a GD Republican, and probably a GD realtor.)
Highland Park was at one time in CD 14
Technically correct, but only accidentally on your part, since part of HP IS in CD14, still, just not the part that's connected to, or ever confused with MW, even by shady lying realtors, and certainly the portions near the SW museum.
but Mt. Washington was "GERRYMANDERED" so that "HIS POLLONESS" would not have to live in that shack in Hermon.
Okay that's a multi-part mistake, and I'm not even sure where to begin.
Most of MW was gerrymanded into CD14 before Tony V. announced, but NOT the part he lived in at the time. It remained in CD1, where it always was, which would have made him ineligible to run in CD14. It was ONLY so he COULD run to be a fake city councilmember that he moved to the "shack" in Hermon for a year, or at least pretended to. A second round of gerrymandering AFTER he was elected, that shifted the lines just enough so that his crib would be legit in 14, allowed him to move back "officially".
At no time has Mt. Washington ever fallen into Highland Park. Short of a 10.1 on the Richter earthquake, it never will. If they could land helicopters on the hill, the MWashingtonians would never even set foot in HP. They are at "worst" "Eagle Rock-adjacent." (That's another CD14 community, out-of-towner -- look it up).
This is all public information, even for fake Cd14 people like you. Read something besides blog from time to time and you'll get schooled.
Good Try but you are wrong again.
Bad try. No zip up your trou and go back to Pacoima, or whevever the hell you REALLY live.
P.S. 9:33, this one is ALMOST as dumb as Eddie, and just as thin-skinned, but he spells slightly better. Doubtful, but possible . . . I think maybe Red Snot actually attended something other than an LAUSD school.
Or, he's got a bootleg spell-checker attached to his blog interface.
Damn Red Spot, I knew most of that and I live in Garcetti's district?
Do you even live in L.A. city? Or are you like that Greg Nelson, ex-NC GM clown that keeps driving up from his beachfront home in Orange County to tell L.A. people how to "fix" their communities.
There sure are a lot of hypocritical pundits floating about.
Red Spot or not, considered the commentary, misinformation, and just really bad "endorsements" that have come down out of this blog, you guys on MS really should leave CD14 issues to people who know something about it.
I've never seen so much bad info passed through one online location. Can any of you even find the eastside on a map. Maybe a large print one?
Sounds to me like this guy is one of those Westsiders that decided to move east and "gentrify" some homestead, and just pretends the rest of us aren't there. You know the kind, he tells friends coming to see him that his house it "near Pasadena" and never mentions the letters L.A. Would starve if there wasn't a Whole Foods near work to stop before heading back to the wilderness of this district.
Pretty sad state of affairs. If he doesn't live in the district, he's lying. If he does he's too ignorant about it to be making commentary about it's state of affairs.
I'm pretty sure "Huizzy" knows which district which community is in.
What a hoot, I'll bet the red spot even calls the 110 the "Pasadena Freeway".
"BLUE BASH HOUR", keep it coming.
Your admission of immense errors and lack of complete knowledge of the district is hearby acknowledged.
Might as well roll over and tell them where to stick MS lap dog.
11:46 said: 'but yes I do reside in CD 14'
Oh boy, let me guess "Highland View ESTATES"?
What a bunch of "COLLECTIVIST" rants. here are some thoughts on your "ANTIGUA COFFEE HOUSE BANTER".
Their will be "80 FAKE POSTS FROM RED SPOT IN CD 14" in the next few months.
Orange County today, CD 14 next.
You keep coming back for more, QUE NO ??
Whole Foods dosen't have "TOFU CARNE ASADA". I would perfer "DUSTY'S" to Old Towne Pasadena.
I would of hope that the driver, err, staffer would of educated him to his district.
Young staffer, that what the freeway was called before they changed the number designations. BTW, we called the 710 the Long Beach freeway.
1:37, 1:38, 1:39 aka "BLUE SLUDGES".
thanks for engaging in this exercise of "BLOGGIN BANTER" Have a great weekend from the "RED SPOT INSTITUTE IN CD 14. We have been, and will continue to stay in our "PUEBLO, SWEET, PUEBLO".
So now we know that Red Snot is just one of the old farts that can't sell his own shack in the district and bitches all day about the good old days when you could buy underwear at Cortlands for 99 cents (new, not used like the stuff he gets for 99 cents now at Goodwill).
You can post all you want, faker, but your rants will always be followed by FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD.
(The 110 is the "Arroyo Seco Parkway" or the Harbor Freeway depending on where you're headed from downtown. Never has been the "Pasadena Freeway" - it only got called that because it led into Pasadena).
Maybe now it's "Red Spot with NO reason" (to be anywhere near CD14, after dark).
Why don't you pick on another district, know-nada? If we need Republicans here, we can always import them from Glendale and Monterey Park.
"People, sweet people"
What are you, a cannibal?
Red Spot may live in CD14 but he's no insider (but i don't know if he ever claimed to be?)
Same with Capt Jack Sparrow.
But everybody has the right to their opinion.
But even the journalists at the LA Times, who really should know what's going on' don't bother to find out.
That piece by Robert Greene on the LA Times blog was laughable. Of course all the interest groups in a community are going to turn up at a celebration victory!!!
Marcos and Minnie let you out early today.
I love those "STAR-LIT" nights.
......... and that level of "TOLERANCE" you "BLUECRATS" expouse ?, thats it "DIVERSITY OF COMMUNITY". You remind me of a "ROBERT BYRD KLUCKER".
Wha' th' F! "Tofu Carne Asada"
Not only NOT a CD14 stitch, not a real "Red" at all.
No self-respecting, or even self-hating Republican would eat TOFU.
Red's eat RED MEAT, and that's NO stereotype.
The blog has been had! Damn, another blue-tinged RINO.
I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!
Time for Governmental Meds, perhaps?
Or, maybe time for private schooling.
Vouchures !!!. That way future little red spot will learn how to wrote, errrrr, write.
Hey there are no republicans in Monterey Park...
and Antigua is a great little spot my daughter loves the mexican hot chocolate....
only the green tree hugging elite call it the "Arroyo Seco Parkway" Pasadena freeway is what we residents on the Hermon Ave called it.. and not that "Via Marisol" for Mount Washington and the soon to be converted to a "chuck e chesse" Southwest Museum I think the indian tribes will claim it from the Mr Cheese and turn it into a Casino!
As for the carpet bagger....have you seen his community representive with "most'est" Ms Yanez. District 44 is more like the Price is Right! Sacramento donor's "Come on down!"
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