Tuesday Open Thread: L.A. Political Cartoons. . .

Consider this your open thread for Tuesday, and by all means suggest subjects for future cartoons.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
The pics are funny!!!!!
Thank you. I haven't tried drawing anything for about 20 years or so. It was fun. I think I'll try to do one a day.
East Coaster moves to LA and fails at politics...again and again and again
Drug Dealer from eastside becomes Mayor.
Who in this world is Brady Westwater?
In response to the story on Mayor at The LA Daily he posted the following at LA Cowboy Blog :
"It's great reading and I think the overall impact is that it by examining a few personal flaws of the Mayor common to many people at this time, it allows him to correct the record when his personal popularity is so high that a few past misstatements will do him no harm."
Do you Member?
"Los Angeles-born, UCLA-educated Villaraigosa, the son of a poverty-stricken Mexican immigrant family, is a dynamic speaker with boyish good-looks and a spell-binding smile. He’s also a tireless campaigner and shrewd politician, with an optimistic spirit and restless energy. He’s known as a consummate coalition and consensus builder."
"Mayor Villaraigosa has abandoned 350 poor families who he courted during his campaign for mayor and through his tenure-ship as a councilman for the City of Los Angeles . They have been left at the mercy of a real estate developer who has demonstrated an intense desire to destroy 13 years worth of a successful community farm", says Tezozomoc, the elected representative of the South Central Farmers.
Source: PR WEB
LATINOLA posted this:
"Antonio Ramon Villar, Junior, was the oldest son of Antonio, Senior and Natalia. However, when Antonio was still in kindergarten, his parents were divorced. Although her grew up in a poor household, he became dedicated to improving his lot in life and became a labor lawyer."
Did he or did he not pass the bar?
How could Villaraigosa (Villar) have been a labor lawyer?
Another lie?
Why did AV mention his mom's foster history to the public?
The inauguration was about the city not personal shit.
"I am here today because of the indomitable spirit and the boundless faith of my mother, Natalia Delgado. A woman who struggled as a single mom, who sometimes worked two jobs to put her kids through college. A woman who went through unspeakable circumstances as a victim of domestic violence and a foster child in a home plagued by alcoholism. A woman who suffered more than her shares of life's indignities, but who never, never, surrendered her dignity.
Source: transcript AV speech
The Truth
"More recently, even the moving story Villaraigosa has often told of having been raised by a single mom singularly devoted to him has come under scrutiny.
It turns out that Villaraigosa's late mother, Natalia Delgado, remarried and had a second family - including another son, Rob Delgado, the mayor's half-brother - while Antonio was still living at home.
For Villaraigosa, those childhood recollections may simply be what he would like it to have been, something Campbell said is not unusual.
"Memory is not a tape recorder or a video recorder," he said. "People sometimes remember something from their childhood that they swear is real but which turns out to be something from `The Brady Bunch."'
Still, some of the psychologists and psychiatrists who were asked to familiarize themselves with Villaraigosa's early life say that the most compelling impact on his development may not have been the influence of his mother - who he says spoke five languages and read him Shakespeare."
Antonio Villaraigosa
AKA Antonio R. Villar, Jr.
Born: 23-Jan-1953
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Mayor of Los Angeles
Father: Antonio Villar, Sr.
Mother: Natalia Delgado (d. 1991, liver cancer)
Sister: Mary Lou
Sister: Deborah
Brother: Antonio (half brother)
Wife: (unknown)
Wife: Corina Raigosa (m. 1987, 2 children)
Girlfriend: Arlene
High School: Roosevelt High School, Los Angeles, CA
University: East Los Angeles College
University: BA History, UCLA (1977)
Law School: JD, People's College of Law (1985)
Mayor of Los Angeles (2005-)
California State Assembly (1994-2000)
American Civil Liberties Union Southern California President
Pacific Council on International Policy
Assault 1977 (acquitted)
Let's Play Truth or Lie. SEEMS LIKE MARY LOU LIES TOO.
*As a child, Antonio Villaraigosa watched helplessly as his father beat his mother and then walked out of their lives. He was in middle school when he learned that his father was remarried and had a new baby boy.
*Villaraigosa got into fights. He dated around. He was kicked out of one high school and dropped out of another. He had his arms tattooed: "Tony {heart} Arlene" and "Born to Raise Hell."
*There would be trouble: an assault arrest, two out-of-wedlock daughters.
*Villaraigosa's sister, Mary Lou, remembers a time when she, Antonio and their little sister, Deborah, dressed in their best clothes, sat on the curb for hours waiting for their father, who never showed up.
*Struggling to support her family on her own, Delgado sought to brighten the bleakness by focusing her children on their studies. "She was always reading to us," Villaraigosa said. "She was one of those people who could quote Shakespeare and Keats. Her idea of a cool night might be to read 'The Raven' out loud."
*she urged her children to spend their afternoons in the neighborhood library. They were prohibited from going to City Terrace Park, where the Geraghty Loma gang — armed with knives — would gather.
*Mary Lou recalls her brother coming home as a teenager, bloodied from fights. "It was scary," she said. "Everywhere you walked, there were gangs. It was dangerous. That's all there was to it."
Looks like Lisa Sarno is doing Antonio's dirty work. You figure out of 1,000's who volunteer in neighborhood councils this bitch reports 18 bad incidents. NC reps should write to Daily News and tear her apart and tell them the positives NC's have done in their neighborhoods. Many have done more then the idiot clowncil members.
Neighborhood councils put up too much fight...City says more violence, intimidation reported
He did NOT pass the bar. The statement is a half-truth: he may have dedicated his life to becoming a labor lawyer, but he did not, in fact, become one. Dedication does not equal success, alas.
Your ego knows no bounds.
How can Antonio senior divorce Natalia when he was never even married to her. Seems that the facts point out that she was "the other woman" since Antonio married Estela in a Roman Catholic Church ceremony. The church only allows one marriage per lifetime.
And you can't be very poor growing up in City Terrace. Every eastsider knows that City Terrace is a step up from your run of the mill East L.A. neighborhood, City Terrace is full of homeowners, not renters - this is the neighborhood that Zev Yaroslavsky was born into. If Antonio had grown up in Boyle Heights, then he might have a claim to poverty.
In fairness to Antonio Sr. - who went on to raise a family of 4 - all college graduates - Natalia died of liver cancer, Antonio Sr. still lives, who was the alcoholic? It might be true that Antonio Jr. witness the abuses of alcoholism, but was is really at the hands of his father.
Another re-dacted, re-edited, re-written East L.A. story brought to you by Parke Skelton. Who's next?
LOL. For stating facts?!
8:20 She died of liver cancer?
That sounds like an alcoholic to me.
Why would AV judge his father and not his mother.
Maybe she was type of woman who exaggerates, lied about Villar Sr to her kid, Antonio Villar(aigosa) Jr.
Many women do this out of revenge. If man doesn't love them, stories are fabricated & tarnish Villar Sr.'s reputation. She instilled hate, revenge, grudge in her kids towards their father.
Great story on the author who wrote the piece of MAV. It seems that the entire story might not be true.
LA Observed. What a friggin surprise. They kiss AV's ass so much it reeks bull shit 24/7
At this point any counter story will not help.
The damage was done and each of us can do research. I DON'T need LA Observed TELLING ME HOW I SHOULD THINK! I can make my own decisions and if AV lied, he's cooked.
Question the promises
Article Last Updated:11/20/2006 08:43:13 PM PST
Re: "The man, the myth" (Nov. 19):
Your article on our toothsome mayor hit it right on the head. We do not know fact from fiction when he opens his mouth. He looks good, he sounds good, and he says wonderful things. But now we have to question some of the blather that comes from this cornucopia of promises. He is going to fix the school system?
Every Department of Water and Power bill I receive shows that we are still paying the increased "fee" on the trash containers that was supposed to fund 1,000 more police officers for our fair city. All I see are increased salaries for the mayor, council people and the whole chain of city employees - and, oh, yes, that $2 million-plus settlement for a fireman to cover a small dumb act of a few not-so-smart cohorts.
- Ira Kaplan
Woodland Hills
Source: LA Daily News Opinion Section
Mayor lied.
Prop H Affordable Housing Scam
Florida Scandal
Animal Services Scandal
Didn't complete full city council term after he said HE WOULD do so!
Danny Villanueva pay for play
Meruelo Pay for Play
Taylor Yard
2 Out of Wedlock Kids
DWP Hikes Fess & No New Cops
Prop R Scam
Used City Council staff for campaign while on taxpayers money and time.
Visits China spends 500k on trip and staff. Opens Tourism. Or is it an avenue for Chinese spies to get data from US. Remember: Clinton and China spies?
Mighty Midget Liar supports Huizar?
I will not support Huizar.
Hey Walter,
How's Dirty Harry?
Senator Richard Alarcon (left), Speaker Robert M. Hertzberg, Councilman Bernard C. Parks and Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa
I'm reluctant to say a whole lot about this as I'd like to be working as an aide myself for this district come March, but to me, Alvin Parra does seem much more involved in the life blood of the community of El Sereno than does Huizar. And honestly, I haven't seen much out of Huizar here.
Parra was behind the launch of the 90032 Voice a few years back, our little neighborhood paper that's continued on after his departure to work for Huizar (I've enjoyed it less since he left, but it's something that it's continued on). And I just have this sense that Parra is deeply committed to this place. Who else runs the risk of trying for a seat that he's lost already three times before? It's almost a little Abrahan Lincoln-y. Those past failures alone are almost enough for me to back him immediately, as our District of late seems to need someone committed to here.
I guess the only hesitancies I have are in regard to his qualifications for leading the district at large. He's definitely an El Sereno guy. But our District's much larger than just El Sereno. He'd absolutely be perfect for a Nieghborhood Council spot--but we'll see.
I feel like I need to get out and talk to some folks, before I say I'm for or against one or the other. Though, I will say Huizar's got some unflattering nicknames in these parts. I'll try to keep an eye on this, now.
And I've got to add that I'm highly disappointed by the tone that's been set almost immediately. I feel like the 14th District deserves better.
Source: http://ensie.blogspot.com/
Antonio Villaraigosa, the man with a made up name made to look Spanish, has delivered the greatest bunch of bull in public that the country has seen in a long while.
Among his many political achievements, former gang member Antonio Villaraigosa managed to blow his election for Mayor of Los Angeles, the largest “Mexican” city outside Mexico City. Villaraigosa, whose management of the California State Legislature while he was Speaker was laughable, gave the rebuttal Democratic radio address while President George W. Bush was in Latin America visiting Mexico, Peru and El Salvador (something no sitting United President has ever done before).
So, why would Antonio make such stupid comments? While he is Hispanic, he isn’t a spokesman for Hispanics. He doesn’t hold office and probably never will again.
Speaking of “pandering,” isn’t he the LA politician who slithered into the mud of the Clinton Administration’s pardon scandals by sponsoring favorable treatment for a big time drug dealer son of a friend and supporter of his? And, Antonio, isn’t it true that the Mexican drug cartels that have become so powerful became so during the Clinton Presidency, during your years in the California State Assembly. Where was your chastisement of drug lords and President Clinton and his lack of drug law enforcement?
The facts are that President Clinton pardoned a major drug dealer that Antonio Villaraigosa sponsored for lenient treatment and the father of the convicted major drug dealer contributed massive amounts of campaign money to Antonio Villaraigosa and William Jefferson Clinton. One has to wonder, given current federal investigations of Clinton’s pardons, if campaign money was all that changed hands between the Los Angeles drug dealer’s family, President Clinton and Antonio Villaraigosa.
In responding to President George W. Bush, Villaraigosa has resorted to his old tricks of “pimping” for others, not “responding” on behalf of the Hispanic community, and, certainly not for me.
Antonio Villaraigosa, former Speaker of the California Assembly and like his patron,William Jefferson Clinton, a heavy recipient of drug dealer campaign money -- is not, I REPEAT, not a spokesman for the Hispanic community.
Raoul Lowery Contreras P.O. Box 83426 San Diego, CA 92138
The media darling Villaraigosa is a friend and defender of crack cocaine-dealing kingpins, violent black and Mexican street gangs and child molesters.
Antonio Villar(aigosa)
"We didn't cross the border - the border crossed us" - On Columbus Day 1996, Villaraigosa, who wants unrestricted illegal immigration, enthusiastically joined a march on Washington demanding an end to Proposition 189, the popular California amendment which banned illegal aliens from using public services
The fact that this blog believes anything Tony Castro writes is hilarious. Walter i thought for you sure you would do a quick fact check instead of taking everything Tony writes as the truth.
Tony Castro....
Copyright 1993 Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University Columbia Journalism Review
July, 1993 / August, 1993
By Charles Rappleye; Charles Rappleye is a free-lance journalist living in Los Angeles and author of All-American Mafioso: The Johnny Rosselli Story.
Tony Castro's last line of defense was as ironic as it was cunning. Yes, he admitted to a federal district court in Los Angeles this past March, he had invented many of the stories he wrote for the nation's best-read supermarket tabloids. Yes, he had even invented the sources cited for those stories, and yes, he had authorized his employers to write checks to those sources, checks he had then cashed himself in bank accounts created for just that purpose, checks that totaled, over the course of four years, more than $ 200,000.
All that was true, Castro's attorney told the court, but justice in the case should take into account the fact that, in Hollywood, all the tabloids operated that way. Reporters were required to submit outlandish celebrity stories, true or not, stories substantiated by cash payments to sources, even if those sources were known to be bogus. While other reporters had authorized checks to roommates, hairdressers, and personal masseuses, Castro had simply gone one step further and pocketed the tip fees himself. His only crime was that, in the hall-of-mirrors world of the scandal sheets, where the boundaries of law and ethics were routinely traversed, Tony Castro had lost his way...
While the hearing shed new light on the tabloids, another remarkable story in the courtroom that day was all but overlooked. That was the tale of Castro himself, an accomplished writer who fell out of favor with mainstream journalism and gradually shed the trappings of personal and professional integrity until he was indicted by a federal grand jury...
A new editorial regime had been installed at the Post, and when Castro was informed that he would be kept on a short leash, he quit and went back to Cambridge. His colleagues had all departed, but Tony lingered for months, until in October he was arrested for charging more than $ 100 on a false credit card at a Harvard bookstore...
Castro made waves in the office by adding a shortwaisted black mink coat to his high-style wardrobe and arriving for work in a steel-gray Mercedes 450 SL. At one point his editors felt compelled to run a background check on Castro to see where the money came from...
Meanwhile, among the reporters, the grumbling began again, as it had in Texas. At times, Castro's stories seemed too good, too colorful to be true. A column about the disco scene in Beverly Hills described a crowd as including "a man with a baby boa around his neck, a man pretending to be a Palestinian guerrilla with an Arabian sword, a woman wearing a silver-plated brassiere, another woman looking the part of a harem harlot . . .," and so on. A copy of that column found its way back to Texas, where colleagues recalled a similar story that had been spiked by the Post copy desk; it described the crowd at a Houston boutique opening as "a safari-suited man with a baby boa around his neck, a man pretending to be an Arab guerrilla with a large Arabian sword, a woman wearing a silver-plated brassiere, another woman looking the part of a harem member. . . ."
"He was in love with the idea of being a columnist in Los Angeles," Hamill adds. "I think he thought the glamour was bigger than it was..."
That something took place in 1982, during a city council campaign, when, unbeknownst to his editors, Castro volunteered to assist Steve Rodriguez, a political novice running against a longtime Anglo incumbent representing a largely Hispanic district. " He said he was from Waco and he'd been thinking about this election and how we could win it," says Rodriguez, now an attorney employed by the city's Community Development Department. "He came off as trying to help an Hispanic candidate, like his roots were coming out. We were totally flattered."
Castro did help, advising on the design of campaign literature, penning internal memos under the alias Lance DeNiro, and writing glowing stories on Rodriguez in the Her-Ex. Al Juarez, a member of Rodriguez's staff, told a reporter soon after Castro's involvement came to light that he recognized the risk Castro was running, "how it could jeopardize his credibility as a journalist. I said, 'Tony, why are you putting yourself on the line like this?' He just giggled."
Rodriguez ultimately lost the election by a narrow margin, but Castro was not through with him. Word began filtering back to Rodriguez that Castro had turned on him and was preparing an investigative series that would include campaign improprieties and alleged CIA connections among the staff. Rodriguez was stunned. "It was a nightmare. We welcomed him with open arms, and he tried to bury us..."
Castro was bottoming out, personally as well as professionally. By this time he was married, to model Renee LaSalle, who had given birth to their first child. Desperate for cash, Castro began appearing as a female impersonator at a nightclub called Los Barrolitos, appearing under the name Raquel and collecting as much as $ 150 in tips a night. The club soon closed, and Tony was back on the street...
In October 1992, a federal grand jury returned an indictment against Castro and his wife for tax violations, conspiracy, and mail fraud; a month later, they pled guilty...
How interesting and typical that, unable to defend the Mayor on the merits, you attack the reporter.
Previous Poster.
Save your neurons.
Your post serves no one but Le Mayour Villar.
I said Villar.
Not Villaraigosa!
Mr. Villar is mentally ill. Incapable of serving all. He will only serve himself.
You can X Castro for writing his piece. You can X Villar for F'ng up in the past and present.
But one thing you can't do is change the truth because it WILL catch up to you.
Pete, let go man. You can survive without chaparron. Let him go.
Previous Poster at 11:02.
Save your neurons.
Your post serves no one but Le Mayour Villar.
I said Villar.
Not Villaraigosa!
Mr. Villar is mentally ill. Incapable of serving all. He will only serve himself.
You can X Castro for writing his piece. You can X Villar for F'ng up in the past and present.
But one thing you can't do is change the truth because it WILL catch up to you.
Pete, let go man. You can survive without chaparron. Let him go.
Gee, sure looks like Antonio is using people to do damage control. Say what you want about Tony Castro at least he had the balls to report on Antonio's family lies. Too late Antonio you are the talk of the city and no doubt have lost tons of support. People are asking what has he done as Mayor? Supports illegals, implemented a tax for trash unnecessarily, fought LAUSD and won the battle, created a "slush fund" reported in last week's papers and the list goes on.
"few personal flaws of the Mayor common to many people at this time"
Brady, wtf are you on. He is the mayor. Lead by example and you shouldn't glorify his flaws as common acceptance. One of the FEW PERSONAL FLAWS may be disastrous to the common people, us.
orale 11:02 chaparro lover,
"The fact that this blog believes anything Tony Castro writes is hilarious. Walter i thought for you sure you would do a quick fact check instead of taking everything Tony writes as the truth."
My response-
"The fact that this blog believes anything Villar(aigosa) says is hilarious. Peons i thought you would do a quick FBI investigation and check what homeland security issues Villar (aigosa) has lied to us since office nstead of taking everything he says as the truth.
Dear Mayor Villar,
When you look in the mirror what do you see?
A lonely man amongst fame and fortune. A man with so neverending hatred towards his father. A man who lives a fake marriage. A man who finds the NEED and WANT to embellish and fabricate stories of his past and win a new voter.
You used your family.
You used us.
Brady Weatwater....
Identifies with the flaws that were brought up by the reporter in the story on AV.
LAObserved’s Kevin Roderick thinks it might be bilingualism, but I doubt it. Rather, look for a large-scale affirmative action program on the level of the Times’ much-vaunted Latino Initiative program in 1998. For those of you not nerdy enough to know, it was a paper-wide effort to do what Hiller will probably propose: hire more Latino writers while making everyone else write more stories about Latinos whether they’re deserving or not. “Considering Latinos make up 40 percent of the population in Greater Los Angeles,” a press release from the Times boasts, “it’s a no-brainer to figure out the ‘why’ behind this action.” The Latino Initiative obviously failed, ’cause here we are again.
Although, the Los Angeles Times has never responded to my request, a Times VP for communications did respond to LAObserved.com's Kevin Roderick on the question of how whether paramedics were detained an additional 15 minutes by security before treating Frank Del Olmo for an apparent heart attack that killed him.
Martha Goldstein emailed LaObserved.com that ,u source was all wrong. "...Totally inaccurate and irresponsible," she wrote. "The fact is that a Los Angeles Times editor met the paramedics upon their arrival at The Times building and immediately escorted them to Frank del Olmo's office."
Adds Roderick: "Wouldn't be the first time that newsroom scuttlebutt turned out to be erroneous."
source: Tony Castro Website
Luke Ford responds:
Since when does a reporter automatically accept the word of a publicist? Kevin Roderick apparently does. He apparently thinks that because a Times flack, a paid liar, tells him that a story is wrong, it is wrong.
Mark Glaser of OJR.org has the same inclination. He writes out in his stories his belief that publicists and studio flacks tell him the truth.
Kevin and Mark are establishment journalists. They believe what the establishment tells them unless there is strong evidence to the contrary. I, on the other hand, instinctively distrust official sources and I regard publicists, without evidence to the contrary, as paid liars.
Why on earth would anyone automatically believe the Times VP? Why does her public relations immediately dismiss the reporting of other sources? This flack may be telling the truth here just like a stop watch will tell the correct time twice a day. But there's no correlation between publicists and truth.
Neverthless, that's the story that was circulating among people who attended Frank's memorial service last Tuesday. I also heard it from separate sources, who also attended the service, in the days after.
Source: Tony Castro Website
This time, the self-described moderate McCainiac moonbat has outdone himself, attacking fellow liberal Kevin Roderick for “sitting around on his ass all morning” and being “bland,” and then libeling all non-CBS apologists from the blogosphere as “rightwing thugs and partisan gangrapists” who “have already moved on to their next media gangrape.” Lest the idiot accuse me of misquoting him out of context, here’s his entire entry, in context:
I am merely reprinting what LA Observed scooped.
Are the reporters fact checking skills not relevant?
The Castro piece at its core tries to paint a picture of someone who embellishes the truth, when in fact there is no "there" for Castro to report on.
1. Carole Lieberman -- a Beverly Hills psychiatrist who has never met the mayor is identifying symptoms in someone she has never even had a conversation with? Perhaps Castro met her while he was working as a cross dresser in those same neighborhoods.
2. Herman Katz -- Walter have you actually read the Jewish Journal story Tony cites? (http://www.jewishjournal.com/home/searchview.php?id=15980)
That story is a glowing story of how a single teacher can actually make a difference, something i'd think you can relate to as well Walter in your new profession. Read the Jewish Journal story and then reread the Castro piece that mentions Katz and you can see that Castro was merely selecting what he wanted to help paint his picture, not the truth.
3. W. Keith Campbell - Again someone who has never met the Mayor all teh way from Georgia commenting on the Katz story -- again Walter read the Jewish Journal piece and see if this make any sense.
4. The father -- ahem, did anyone else notice that the father is on the sexual predators list -- the Megans Law website for sexual predators, LA Observed posted it yesterday. So i doubt the father's word is anything that can be trusted. But again a reporter who was fact based would have known this, but i suspect this reporter didn't want the facts to get in the way of his truth distorting piece.
5. Art Pulido -- He has pocketed approximately $36,000 for his work on various Anti-Villaraigosa campaigns all of this can be found here:http://ethics.lacity.org/efs/public_index.cfm
He is a Hahn & Pacheco hack. Someone who loses twice to the Mayor probably doesn't want to say positive statement about that person. Nevermind that Art's sister (a teacher) has a restraining order against him.
6. Sport's Career -- Because the Mayor used the words "quick feet" in a speech Tony then probes the Mayor's sports career and draws a parrallel between what Rocky did placing it on his resume and what the Mayor did -- mention that he wasn't a first string player. The Mayor admits he wasn't a star athlete, where is the story? But because Tony quotes Nancy Irwin another "expert" who has never met the Mayor but seemingly has a spot on diagnosis. Odd isn't it?
7. " Are you Real" The title of the segment that Tony Castro ends his piece with -- now perhaps the real question should be asked of Tony if he is "real." But we will leave that to experts like "walter moore" to figure out. So after using flimsy evidence and so-called "experts" to weigh on a piece he then can make the argument has wanted to make the entire time.
Walter you seemingly like to play the loyal opposition card all the time. Which is fine, but before you go off and on your own blog and on this one loving and enjoying the Castro piece to death, becareful. Your reputation for honoring fact-based journalism is being watched.
You can't hide the truth from the people.
People must know.
Your damage control is pathetic!
Hey AV Staff Peon.
I'd be worried about my boss instead of walter. AV has so much shit in the next few weeks coming out that will make the castro piece look nice in comparison.
Hey 11:50 -- in about 10 minutes it will be noon and time for your medication.
Yes i am an AV staff peon -- how did you know?
Man you are good --
Seriously the quality of back and forth on this blog has really suffered.
How about you tell us all now what these negative stories on the Mayor coming out-- come on give us a snippet.
Show us how "in" you are by telling us.
11:44am You posted so much junk that you have to be a paid Antonio staffer or a groupie. You won't hear anyone at meetings these days say anything nice about our midget mayor. Boy has the tone changed from just months ago when everyone thought he was the golden boy. Not anymore. Kevin proved to everyone how bias his reporting can be. I guess he doesn't like if anyone criticizes Antonio and attacks them. Bad move Kevin. E-mails are flying about your raving about Castro and how idiotic you look standing up for Antonio when much of the city is sick and tired of him.
You are the most informed person on this blog.
What junk did i post,accept the truth?
How about you do some research, figure out what you want to do with your life, and live it. And stop your cracked out version of political analysis.
its lame.
You lack vision.
You lack team work.
You lack sanity.
Surely, you must be ashamed of your exaggerated praise to promote Villaraigoosa.
Here's the real man. Not Midget Mayor who is a fabricated character of Esqueleto.
"...A few Tuesdays ago, the American people embraced this seriousness with regards to America's policy in Iraq. Americans were originally persuaded by the President to go to war in part because of the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and in part because they were told that it would help reduce the threat of international terrorism.
"Neither turned out to be true. And now, after three long years of watching the same back and forth in Washington, the American people have sent a clear message that the days of using the war on terror as a political football are over. That policy-by-slogan will no longer pass as an acceptable form of debate in this country. "Mission Accomplished," "cut and run," "stay the course" - the American people have determined that all these phrases have become meaningless in the face of a conflict that grows more deadly and chaotic with each passing day - a conflict that has only increased the terrorist threat it was supposed to help contain."
Hey 11:54 -- in about 9 minutes it will be 1 min. before noon and time for me to bring give you the medication you speak of.
We laugh at Parke Skelton who wishes to be perceived as the saviour of minorities. On the contrary, he causes havoc below his plush OAK HILL NEIGHBORHOOD. You look down minorities in EL SERENO from your plush OAK HILL CASA. You hate us and spill out racism from your mouth into our polticians.
So to Ace Smith , Parke Skelton , Ulysses Sanchez , Michael Trujillo , Jaime Sanchez , Jimmy Blackman and Nathan James I apologize. NOT!
From the high perch of the RED SPOT OF REASON IN CD 14". The '
"BLUE BLOOD LETTING" that is politics in this region of L.A.,is indicative of why we need a different perceptive in this area. Both sides have fought each other for power for decades. Yet the problems remain the same (gangs, proverty, lack of high wage jobs). The general populance is resign upon waiting for the largest that is goverment. Yet their is a vibrant segment of the populance that is willing to work hard, create colilitions and partnerships, but are stymie by a political system that rewards the privelige few. Hopefully a new group of community leaders will arise and take control over their own destiny by expousing local control of their goverment
Red Spot of Reason,
Can you name a few community people that are worthy of this good honor?
Park Skelton is a good guy.
Huizar is a good guy.
Parra is a good guy.
Sarno is a good guy.
I was hoping that you would be one of them. Yet I would have to question your judgment if you called Lisa Sarno a "GOOD GUY". Better check out that myopia
It's called obvious sarcasm. I know Sarno is a WOOman
Gee even clowncil members are talking about Tony Castro story and are embarrassed. Antonio has to be humiliated because to be psycho analyzed in print to the entire city or at least a couple of thousands and basically state you've been a liar has to hit his ego. Well, what goes around comes around and its about time.
How does someone get in touch with Michael Hunt or the loser Matt Dowd? I'd love to sit and have a discussion with them. Someone needs to tell these morons to start acting like men instead of a gay couple with nothing better to do then act like crybabies. What a bunch of weak ass men or should I say ladies. Is it true that Michael Hunt is really a woman and hasn't had his surgey? Is it also true Matt hasn't gotten laid in over 6 years? Maybe that's where the bitterness comes from.
Have you seen this?
Doesn't anyone find it very, very strange that Villar is NEVER photographed with HIS FAMILY? I'll bet his wife is getting paid handsomely to keep her mouth shut! And those kids...oh, my God..how embarrassing!
Villar is ASHAMED of his family...doesn't fit in with his narcisstic image of himself. The one and only time they were together was on his "inauguration" day! They looked, oh so Mestizo...all of them. But I really feel sorry for his wife!!!! Unless they are living separately, she must be MISERABLE!
Doesn't anyone find it very, very strange that Villar is NEVER photographed with HIS FAMILY? I'll bet his wife is getting paid handsomely to keep her mouth shut! And those kids...oh, my God..how embarrassing!
Villar is ASHAMED of his family...doesn't fit in with his narcisstic image of himself. The one and only time they were together was on his "inauguration" day! They looked, oh so Mestizo...all of them. But I really feel sorry for his wife!!!! Unless they are living separately, she must be MISERABLE!
Around seven years ago Republicans in the State Legislature were asking for tax cuts in the midst of one of California's biggest budget surpluses recorded. They wanted the State Government to refund California's taxpayers' money.
According to currently termed-out Assemblymember Ray Haynes, "Then-Speaker (and Democrat) Antonio Villaraigosa said that the legislature is giving peoples’ money back to them — when the legislature spends the money on the important Democrat-created government programs. In his mind, you and I paid our taxes, he gave the money to his supporters, and that is how he gave us our money back." (Opinion Editorial, 5/28/04. http://republican.assembly.ca.gov/members/index.asp?Dist=66&Lang=1 )
It seems to me that our Mayor is doing the same thing with the trash fee increases. It's sad, really. No matter how our Mayor tries to reinvent himself, his past comments have a strange way of coming back to haunt him ("we clean your toilets.") That was a real bright comment!
To: 6:18pm
Yeah i've noticed that too about the Mayor not being photgraphed with his famimly.
Yet when you go on his very PUBLIC website -- the family is the first photo up. Maybe you are an idiot 6:18pm that doesn't know anything.
50 million people don't go to his site at once or at all.
50 million do watch television at once.
He's hiding his familia dude, and get over defending his sorry puny ass with little fruit to show.
Gaussia are you female or male?
Interesting. I love manboys.
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