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Thursday, October 12, 2006

If This Doesn't Kill Prop. R, I Don't Know What Will...

First, a featured quote from 10/12/06 headline article in LA DAILY NEWS: Jeffrey Shell, president of Comcast Corp.'s programming group in Philadelphia, contributed $500 to the Proposition R campaign, saying he was asked to contribute by his friend Tim Leiweke, president of AEG.

"It had nothing to do with my employment here. I'm good friends with Tim Leiweke, and to tell you the honest truth, he gave me a (brief) explanation on the proposition and why it was important. I don't remember what it was, but it seemed sensible and I decided to give. It was a personal favor to a friend."

Firms, unions have stake in keeping council members in office

Special interests bankrolling a November ballot measure to give Los Angeles City Council members an extra four-year term have also contributed $129,000 to council members' political campaigns and officeholder accounts, according to city Ethics Commission records.

"Of course, the special interests want to maintain the status quo as long as they can. They know what they have and how to wield influence. They know how the game works," said Doug Heller, executive director of The Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights, a nonprofit, nonpartisan consumer and political accountability group based in Santa Monica.

"They give money to the politicians and they give money to initiatives that will preserve these politicians in power. It's what happens when you have a political structure that depends on money.

"Money flows and money talks."

Ethics Commission records also raise questions about the influence of lobbyists in supporting the measure.




Anonymous Anonymous said:

You're right -- you "don't know what will" as you don't know much else about the city.

How much longer is City Council going to tolerate Zuma Bee-yotch's "elect this clown to council" campaign speeches during the public comment period. Now that he's declared residency (some cardboard box, no doubt), in a specific district in order to run there?

The "vote for me I'm running for city council" rants at the beginning of each general comment session HAS to be illegal! At the very LEAST unethical to use publicly funded airwaves to campaign under the guise of commenting on issues council can address.

They certainly wouldn't tolerate council members encouraging people to vote for them during council sessions.

Will this finally muzzle the mad dog?

October 12, 2006 1:56 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

When a single $500 contribution from anyone, anywhere, "kills" a proposition then we've lost our way, and become a nation of unthinking sheep.

October 12, 2006 2:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What, I thought the advancing HORDE of 2000 ANGRY neighborhood council "leaders" upset because THEY didn't get first refusal on Prop R was already killing the measure.

What happened to all THAT?

The list of NC's officially opposing Prop R has grown by only SIX tiny, NIMBY councils since all the original hub-bub last month and THOSE six combined, supposedly representing one-quarter MILLION residents, tallied far less than 1,000 aggregate votes in their last area-wide elections.

MORE sub-sub 1 percenters heard from. More people with no backing at home playing "leader" citywide, without mandate.

THAT's a scam; THAT's unethical.

October 12, 2006 2:08 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You would think with all the bad publicity these clowncil members have had they would know better NOT TO TAKE MONEY FROM SPECIAL INTERESTS. A reporter needs to investigate how and why League of Women voters and Chamber started to put PROP R on the ballot to begin with. You ask the clowncil members and they say, "I don't know." B.S.

October 12, 2006 2:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Here we go again with attacking the NC's. Hey moron it sure seems like you must be worried of the NC's otherwise you would be singing a different tune. I know that tons of residents are listening to the little group of NC's you mention but they're not so little anymore and word is spreading through e-mails like fire. People are more pissed now knowing the money and from WHO they got it. Start singing a different tune loser.

October 13, 2006 5:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

That's four . . . millions to go.

October 13, 2006 9:45 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

OH, see now, the ranters on this blog NEVER tell you the whole truth.

You'd think the NC-leader types were ALL anti-Prop R, but here I get my voter info pamphlet, and who's signed onto the "Pro" R side but two names MUCH more in play, and better positioned than that old forced-into-retirement ex-GM hack skulking the City's Halls.

Noah Modisett, cofounder of the Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils, says YES on Prop R.

Raphael Sonenshein, the newly named executive consultant to the city's NC Review Commission says YES on Prop R.

Chink, chink, chink (is there ANY NC armor left covering the sub-sub-1 percenters?)

October 13, 2006 1:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

1:16pm If you were in the know you would know no one takes Noah seriously. He is ONE person and IS NOT SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF THE ALLIANCE. Also, we all know Noah is the biggest kiss ass to Antonio.

Gee, out of the ENTIRE CITY the clowncil members got 2 PEOPLE to support them. the NOT ON PROP R people have more than that and aren't using money from special interests.

October 15, 2006 8:03 AM  

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