This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
He's better than a politician.
And knows what DISCIPLINE is. I love L.A. Sorry Dr.Cortino. Especially sorry- gobble gobble Goldberg, your girlfriend deserves a medal...
L.A. Times=Sour Grapes
Thank God the school board went against AV!!!!
It's so refreshing not to have more cronyism. They could not have chosen anyone more opposite in color, creed, and stature!
LAUSD is a battlefield and they need a military man to fight the battle.
This appointment will really piss off the Mexican midget...and make a lot of parents, teachers, and citizens very, very happy!
Wouldn't it be great if his Polliness stayed in China? It's so great not to wake up and see his grotesque face on the news every morning!
Why not pick an educator? Beacuse the LAUSD superintendent does not educate; he/she manages. It's the same reaason why Steve Jobs doesn't program and Herb Keheller doesn't fly.
Given the logistical challenges of the district, it makes perfect sense. And if the admiral does well, life will be that much easier for the executives who do work on curriculum and pedagogy.
this guy may actually be ok for this. ethical and unpolitical, disciplined and organized. 4 things a school superintendent needs. the mayor can still have input to the school district, but he doesn't have to control it. he can go to public comment and make his recommendations, just like I do. Mr Brewer will make sure resources actually make it to the classrooms, so why not give this guy a chance, to prove himself, and the school board move. finally, as acting mayor, why doesn't Garcetti have some kind of role right now with this super process?
Yes, of course, LAUSD campuses are all being run by "professional educators" . . .
How's that working for us? (Not so good - or well - depending on whether you gots the money for private schools, Wacko!)
When the Admiral starts teaching classes, then I'll worry.
Better an Admiral than a political hack lets say like Jacka$$ Goldberg
Do a little homework, won't you PLEASE??
"From March 1999 to August 2001, Vice Admiral Brewer served as the Vice Chief of Naval Education and Training in Pensacola, Florida."
What is he?
Communist (insult?)
Excuse me, but the LAUSD has not been run by someone whose career was education. It was run by an "outsider" -- a former governor of another state.
So let me ask YOU: How did that work out for you? Do you think the current state of the LAUSD supports putting another inexperienced outsider in charge?
Or might it make a smidgeon of sense to pick someone with, say, experience running a school system? Or perhaps a degree of some kind in education, maybe a week or three of dealing with the wild world of K-12?
No, you're right: teaching highly motivated, college graduate naval aviators how to fly is just like running an LAUSD elementary, middle and high school. My bad.
In fact, let's never look at an individual's credentials or experience when hiring. Heck, those silly physicians haven't cured cancer after all this time. Let's put a mechanic in charge of cancer research. After all, mechanics know how to remove and replace defective parts. Isn't that the type of no-nonsense person we want running America's medical research institutiions?
That, class, is our old friend, reductio ad absurdem.
Walter, you were doing okay until you used the analogy of a doctor and mechanic. Fact: Doctors' don't run hospitals. Professional administrators do.
I've been a teacher, and I know the difference between administration and teaching.
Since when does managing 700,00 students, tens of thousands of employees, and hundreds of campuses bear any resemblance to leading a lab or reciting poetry?
Let's try it another way: Should a classroom teacher -- even the best in the district -- lead the district just because he/she DOES have experience in education?
Meet your next mayor!
Couldn't Mónica 4 Change García tip off the Mayor's office that this was happening? What happened to that pipeline?
Gotta love John & Ken who have been blasting our Mayor Conquistador. They are making fun of Antonio like the other talk show hosts stating this is the LAUSD giving the middle finger to our midget mayor.
Dispatches from "Steerage" continues for P.R. Specialist/ Scribe Helfand. "JOURNALIST DUKE" latest Press Releast gives a "DIRTY" view into the environmental conditions in China. Smoggy, choking air grips the major cities of China. Yet, "HIS POLLONESS" stresses his commitment to turning L.A. into a Green City. I do remember a certain American, big city mayor who was invited to England. That mayor had critizise his own goverment on not signing the KYOTO TREATY. China and India are exempt from the CO2 requirements. I would hope that Scribe Helfand would question "HIS POLLONESS" on this. Note to Helfand, nice how "HIS POLLONESS lefted you and the other lowly "STEERAGE PASSENGERS" to swelter in the Shanghai Terminal while he and "CLOWNCILMAN WEISS and ZINE" sat in air-condition confort.
THOUGHT TO PONDER, I wonder what "HIS POLLONESS" has in mind for the "LAUSD 7" after they gave a "COLLECTIVE MIDDLE FINGER" to the mayor, over the selection of VICE ADMIRAL BREWER for the Superitendent job. Even "ANTONIA JUMBO GARCIA" went along with this selection. Trouble ahead for her. To paraphraise "CAPTAIN JACK", she may walk "HIS POLLONESS"'s Plank, if it dosen't break first. Admiral Brewer made a quick, positive inpression on the L.A. Press Corps. Reporters were joking on how the "LAUSD SEVEN" had given "HIS POLLONESS" the classic "CHECKMATE"!!!!!!. Lucky for "HIS POLLONESS" the TOUR CONTINUES.............
Monica "tipped" but Monica couldn't stop it from happening. That just gives MAV (actually his handlers), time to put together a "we're SO disappointed" spin package.
Everyone is acting like LAUSD timed this to happen when the "mighty" mayor was out of town. More likely, HE went out of town knowing they were going to do it, so he'd look LESS impotent, and they'd look MORE sneaky.
I do not blame LAUSD or the Mayor for this appointment. I also don't think Admiral Brewer is a bad person. However, I raise issue with this country's continued belief that running school districts is all about management, discipline, and administration. Any educator knows it is more than that, and that is the main reason why LAUSD is the way it is. Administrators without 'real' K-12 experience know that educating is a tough job today. It's not only because our social fabric is dysfunctional. The main reason is lack of funding and that there is no place to enter graduating kids into for JOBS. Our society is more dependent on information and the mind nowadays, which means not enough JOBS to physically enter people into for work. Most tasks are becoming more automated now, and that involves only specialists to design and mantain. Not everyone can be an information, cpu programmer, writer, intellectual with no job, or artist. Socities throughout hisotry have either been tied to land that needed to work in order to grow food and sustain their communities, or have been industrial socities that have employed people for work. WE DO NOT HAVE THIS ECONOMIC CONTEXT ANYMORE. So I do not understand where this country and their new superintendents think they are going to place these kids into for work. No one has solved this, including superstar economists for RAND or what have you. I'm sure Bush would just say, send them into the military for death. My point remains, where will these kids work in the future. Solve that, versus thinking that all kids need to be educated into intellectuals who will eventurally think of mugging you.
I'll bet 1 million dollars that av will not have the ballsssssssssssssss to fire the admiral.
why? because the black community will eat his lunch.
I guess romer got the last laugh while scream check-mate av.
once again the latino community got screw because av is out to lunch.
Is it just me or is our Mayor checking out the fine China lady?
For all those who have had it with our midget mayor and his photo ops and do nothing attitude what LAUSD board did was not only a slap in his face but I say "KARMA." I agree with poster no way in hell Antonio has the balls to fired Brewer. South LA whiners and complainers would have his ass. Word around the city is this was one of the best things LAUSD board has done in a long time.
Does anyone know why didn't Antonio's wife Corina go on the Asian trip?
Yeah, he's checking her out. That's his nature, he can't help it. When he's dad skipped out on him he thought that conquerinfg women would make hime a man. He lives by this false assumption to this day. A perverted version of the napoleanic syndrome.
Historically, LAUSD has gone through phases in the job requirements and background desired for superintendent -- whether professional educators, business and finance experts, and most recently a former governor and DNC chair. But however impressive Brewer's military and personal resume, I doubt that either he or MAV will be able to meaningfully "transform" LAUSD. The institutional problems run too deep, and in a few years we'll still be talking about the same issues.
Regarding this recent appointment: I hear only two things coming out.
1) How every political body is spinning.
2) Antonio & the Black community will be at odds, if Antonio considers firing the Admiral.
This is really irrelevant and old news, when considering how political bodies operate. There will always be politics, spin, and ill feelings floating around. However, these politicians still have the public on their minds and will pay attention to public opinion (even though it may not seem like it) when it comes down to the bottom line. It might not reflect everyone's ideal operation, but they still try to.
I also think their staffs read these blogs. Trust me, I know many of them at I am sure many of the contributors to this blog know the politician's minions.
I suggest we continue to contribute policy ideas and suggestions on this blog, versus some of the extreme editorial comments that appear to just be venting and sarcasm.
In terms of this educational issue, why don't we all turn to the research and studies coming out of UCLA and USC department of education. They have many education institutes publishing studies and reports. If we read them and actually pay attention to research (do your own, if you find the university reports lacking) then we can actually contribute sensible ideas that the politico staffs can maybe contribute to their bosses during legislation (both the clowncil and board of uneducation).
I know most of them at CH and BOE don't listen in a way that meets our expectations or sleep during clowncil meetings, but at least these blogs will not be a bunch of short soundbites that sound like gossip.
11:23am you're living on another planet if you think for one moment the idiot clowncil members give a damn what people think. Just look at the way they've voted for bullshit and wasted our tax dollars. Look at how corrupt they are all knowing full well rushing and putting Measure R on the ballot was deceiving and yet they did it anyway. Wake up!!! WE need to get rid of these losers.
Doesn't everyone in this city realized that we have the most stupid (GPA - 1.4) retard in the maryor's office? He has NO credentials and is completely and totally unfit to hold ANY office!!!
Not only that he is morally and ethically bankrupt!!! He is anti-American and Un-American! He is a radical Mechista and has divided this country. Everything out of his mouth is My People or "Us v. Them"!
He is cultureless, artless, feckless, illiterate, immoral, and is a first class liar. He is surrounded by his goons and he is nothing more than a pig with earrings!
And on top of everything else, he has accomplished NOTHING!!!! AND HE IS LINING HIS POCKETS WITH OUR MONEY....HE IS A CROOK!!!!! IT'S IN HIS DNA!!!!
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen (yawns and takes a sip of rum):
Feeling comfy on the the davenport and enjoying an apertif, I am. To the kind fellow who suggested that we add Ms. Garcia to the plank list, please be assured that Ms. Garcia's name was put quickly forth by several other people. We have not placed her upon the plank just yet, but are seriously considering doing so. The thing that holds us back is a little more information from the spies in City Hall.
Speaking of which, the sots have been oh so very quiet as of late. Do you suppose the pirates have them bound and gagged and locked in the privy adjacent to Villabarbosa's office?
Methinks someone is holding his breath and waiting for the other shoe to drop, savvy?
Also, the law firm that handles the City business with respect to Measure R has been giving political advice to several on the plank. Nasty business, it is. I give my advice freely, and don't ask anyone to pay for it. Zuma lad, take my advice. Armani becomes you.
ROMERO-ON-THE-PLANK, NUNEZ, DELEON, PADILLA, CEDILLO and of course Ms. Garcia pending word from a leaky pipe in the 4th floor loo WALK THE PLANK IN NOVEMBER. The rest walk in March.
Go ahead AV, fire the black man. See what it did for Hahn? We know that the black folk have short term memory (evidenced after they vowed not to support him again - they did). But if he attempts to fire Brewer, there will be a backlash. Brewer is not "bitter Bernie" so folks will be pissed.
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