George W. Bush's Record: Worse than Academia's?

As the debate over illegal immigration continues to rage, its interesting to note some statistics. Despite Republican tough talking, President George W. Bush has completely rolled over on the issue of enforcing the border.
When it comes to national security, the President has sided with big business and special interest groups, over the safety and well being of the average American, including immigrants who have come legally.
Writing in the National Review, John O'Sullivan notes that Bill Clinton had a far better record in border enforcement than George Bush's, whose record is indeed, laughable.
For instance, in the years 1995, 1996, and 1997, there were between 10,000 and 18,000 worksite arrests of illegals annually. In the same years about 1,000 employers were served notices of fines for employing them. Under the Bush administration, worksite arrests fell to 159 in 2004 when there was also the princely total of three notices of intent to fine served on employers.As The Carpetbagger blog opines, that has to be a hard pill for Republicans to swallow!
I have an idea. Why don't you immigration-obsessed republicans splinter off from the GOP and form a third party? That way, you clear the path for the Democrats to take over in 08.
I am proud to announce that my friend Vinny Fox is having a new version of the peso printed in commemoration of my efforts towards reducing 'polarization' between America and Mexico.
And if you get EVERYTHING that you want -- and the "eelegals" are all sent home (after their kids have all been "Uhmericanized" by LAUSD), what then?
Admit it, this is just some plan to take over Mexico starting in Chihuahua using disgruntled ex-L.A. schools students who miss having ketchup as a "vegetable" on their school cafeteria trays as the Fifth Column for an "three-conquista."
Bill Clinton had a far better record on welfare reform also.
He eliminated General Relief from single people. All that is left is Aid to Dependent Children and women MUST work for their money or train to get a skill. They all take turns leaving thier babies in the day care that is run by the other welfare moms.
Go Bill Clinton..
Maybe it is true that Bill Clinton was the first Black president and the last Republican president.
Ah, the good ol' days of BJs, cigars, and blue dresses..
And fat girls...
You can have those days again (at least the fat girls), just hang out with Villaraigosa when he goes hunting for new city commissioners. There's a "one fat girl" quota on every city commission now. I don't know if they come with cigars or blue dresses, though.
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