ITA At It Again?
We've received word that ITA may be blocking access to blogs via City owned computers. Apparently you have to get on a list or get some kind of special permission to view blogs. This came up when some city workers couldn't get on the blogs run by City departments (Fire Department, Animal Services, etc.).
If you have information about this, please feel free to post here. Lets hope censorship has not reared it's ugly head.
If you have information about this, please feel free to post here. Lets hope censorship has not reared it's ugly head.
So far so good from the City Atty.
Lord knows the blogs are available in the CD12 offices.
There are two suggestions I would offer so that City Employees can get around this:
(1) Get around whatver type of filtering the ITA department is using with anonymizing software and proxy DNS servers.
(2) Setup their own Wi-Fi network through downtown, and hook their machines up to it with a wireless bridge router.
It's just time and a couple hundred bucks to get this going.
The last thing I want are more filters on the lives of government workers. If anyone needs to read political blogs, it is this group of human beings.
How about the Mayor's office?
ACLU Antonio censoring free speech? I guess the blogs were okay when they supported him, but now that the worm has turned and Little Tony is getting whacked his "deep seated liberal philosphy" is going out the window. So let's recap -
He's now anti-free speech.
He only supports labor when they are not his own employees.
He's pro-business and anti-poor citizen farmer.
He's not going to run against Schwarzenegger... he is Schwarzenegger.
Animal Services employees at the shelters can't view Blogs but the administrative offices on Figueroa can view them.
Works fine at the Department of BS. (Building and Safety)
Censorship?! That's not censorship! Bureaucrats should not be blogging at work. On their own time, at their own computer, they're free to blog away.
I hear the odds are 2 to 1 that the new Animal Services won't make it to December. An abusive personality, staffing issues and overcrowding at the shelters are already undoing the poor guy. Laura Chick should do a performance audit of Animal Services...
Bok's honeymoon is already over. He has to step up and manage his department and leave politics alone. He get no love from his staff. They hate him, but the knee jerk activist like him. What a dilemma.
Bok's honeymoon is already over. He has to step up and manage his department and leave politics alone. He get no love from his staff. They hate him, but the knee jerk activist like him. What a dilemma.
6:34, 6:38, you sound like the same person, ADL. Boks is doing a fantastic job. The staff love him, except maybe the ones who were doing a bad job. The only ones who dislike him are ADL/ALF because he won't cow tow to their desire to have one of their terrorists as the new AGM. The shelters are crowded because it's kitten and puppy season. It's that time of year. Take a look at Boks' numbers. Killing is down, adoptions are up. Stats are in the site He even has his own Blog Boks is the best GM we have ever had in LA. Hmm, maybe you are the ADL person that wants his job?
Blogs fine...
LA City ITA was having server troubles yesterday, so maybe that explained the problem accessing the blog. But Walter Moore's right (for once in his sorry life), that public employees shouldn't be blogging on work time.
That said, the whining about Ed Boks in Animal Services sounds like more sour grapes. Sure, some employees don't like him because he wants them to do their damn jobs. They loved Stuckey because he let the inmates run the asylum.
Boks is definitely swamped, but that's because there's so much to do to clean up the mess made by years of indifference. Give him time.
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