Smith's Promises
Here is some video from back in 2003 when Greig Smith was first running for City Council. Among other things, he promises to close the Sunshine Canyon Landfill. Did he keep any of these promises? Blog away dum dums! (Click the play button in the middle of the image to watch).
Mayor Sam - You are a liar. You said, "he promises to shut down Sunshine Canyon."
On the video, Smith says, "I am the only one with a specific plan to shut Sunshine Canyon Landfill."
Moreover, I watched the several weeks of city council meetings, and it was because of Smith pressuring the Mayor (who promised to shut down the landfill, and then reneged last August) and the other councilmembers that the city is now reducing the trash to Sunshine by 600 tons daily this year, 1000 tons daily the following year, and so on, until the city doesn't dump any of its trash there in five years.
Smith is the one with the RENEW LA plan to get the city to zero waste and reduce the number of trash trucks on the highway by setting up a conversion facility in each waste shed.
So screw you and your fat mouth and your intentions to agitate controversy by twisting and exaggerating the trush, just to try to get people to read this blog, which is realy just a place for you to cut and paste other reporters real news and writing.
Have you ever done a days reporting in your life? Have you ever interviewed a dozen people for a story, identifying them by name, and contrasting their views with others of those of experts? Go get yourself a real job you loser.
Uh oh, somebody pissed Mitch off.
Dum dum,
If he is proposing to shut down Sunshine Canyon (by offering a plan) obviously his end goal is shutting the landfill down, and hence that's a promise he's going to do it.
Otherwise, its just words, as is your post.
Nice try.
Actually Smith said "I am the only candidate with a plan to close Sunshine Canyon once and for all".
It took him 3 years to get RENEW LA out there, he supposedly had this "plan to close sunshine canyon" back when he was running for office.
He also promised to keep his office open on weeknights and weekends... hasn't happened once.
He also promised to increase LAPD presence... WE HAVE LESS NOW THEN WE DID THEN.
He also promised to "Send ALL land use decisions to Neighborhood Councils BEFORE" he makes any decisions... go ask Jim Alger how that is working out. (Remember, he threatened to sue Jim and other board members of that council)
Smith hasn't kept one of his campaign promises, not one. Even his RENEW LA Scheme is nothing more then a way to make it LOOK like he is doing something heading into his re-election campaign. All he is really doing is giving the Sunshine operators time to replace the City contracts so that they can keep it open.
So Mr. Anonymous,
Does Greig Smith have open hours at his office on nights and weekends?
I didn't think so.
Are you suggesting he had the specific RENEW LA plan back in 2003?
I didn't think so.
Go whine elsewhere...
Smith did NOT do all he could to shut down Sunshine Canyon Landfill once and for all.
He tells the Council what they want to hear, the community what they want to hear, the mayor what he wants to hear and then he starts planning his next run.
Greg can't close it because then who would donate money to Mitch Englanders' City Council campaign?
Or did you forget he is a lobbyist for BFI?
Greeg Smith does not take all planning and land use issues before his neighborhood councils. That is the biggest, biggest, biggest lie I've ever heard.
He does the opposite. You want a 3 story building? You got it. Show me the money.
You want to put 10 houses on the side of a swampy hill in the middle of a residential neighborhood? He'll give you more than 10. Just show him the money. (Or one of those fake police badges. He loves them.)
He has Phyllis Winger working as his planning and land use deputy. She is the same one who worked for Bernson. She is always for the developer. That is because her husband is the president of the North Valley Area Planning Commission and he tells her that she is for the developer.
Smith = Loser
Yeah right.
Englander is not chief of staff material. He is dirty campaign running material. None of the other chief of staffs can tolerate him.
Playback is a bitch!
(where are those night and weekend hours?)
Greig Smith proposed and the City Council adopted RENEW LA. A plan that offers and alternative to landfills.
Greig Smith pushed for a plan to divert the dumping of city trash at Sunshine. A plan was adopted and the city is on a glide path to end the dumping of city trash at Sunshine.
Greig Smith has called for more recycling and conveting trash into energy. In todays Daily News the Mayor called on the sanitation department to speed up efforts to recycle and convert trash to energy.
Greig Smith pushed this agenda. The Daily News has recognized him as the only elected leader who has made any real contribution towards closing Sunshine Canyon.
He has not yet achieved his goal of closing Sunshine but he appears committed and working in that direction. I think the folks in CD-12 need to continue supporting Greig Smith's efforts.
Oh SHUT UP with this RENEW LA Crap!
WHERE ARE THE INCREASED COPS (and Englander joining the reserves so he can also claim to be a "policeman" when he runs for office doesn't count)
6:46 am
Yes, everyone just get in line and support our leader regardless of the lies, deception and conflicts...
...where have we heard this before?
Well, he is one of the only two Republican councilmembers. He probably adores Bush and wants to rule like him.
I wouldn't say the Daily News ever "recognized" him. He has done the minimal amount of work he could do on Sunshine Canyon considering in all of his years as a chief of staff, he should have had the exact answer to getting the City out of that mess.
Although I'm on the other side of the Valley and not in his district, I would have been disappointed in his efforts if I lived there. I learned about the landfill during secesseion and I've been fascinated with the story ever since.
I'm sure the residents do support his minimal efforts, but I think the residents who are involved in the North Area Coalition have more answers than he does. Those people are all over the City with their message. They are in several newspapers every day. I've heard Wayne Hunter on the radio about 5 times this week on different stations.
RENEW LA is a plan to shut down sunshine canyon because it offers another approach of dealing with our City trash. An approach that may just change how all trash is dealt with.
Whether you like it or not, RENEW LA is a workable plan. Political rivals attack Smith because he has been unsuccessful in closing Sunshine but offer no alternatives themselves.
They focus on what he has not done and ignor what he has accomplished. It will never be in their best interest to commend Mr. Smith for his efforts.
Contrary to opinions expressed by others on this blog, Mr. Smith does seem to have a close relationship with many neighborhood councils. Many of these councils have links on Greig Smith's web site. One notable exception the the Northridgewest Council of which, Mr. Smith's self described rival, Jim Alger is the President. Given Mr. Alger's effort to politicize every issue to his own benefit, I am not suprised the relationship between Smith and Alger is frosty.
Also contrary to opinions expressed on the blog site, Greig Smith is listed as a fellow supporter of the North Valley Coalition in their efforts to close the dump. If he is not a supporter, change the web site.
Now this attack on Englander, I have never met the guy. His motives as a Reserve Police Officer may be selfish however in California 17 Reserve Police Officers and Deputy Sheriff's have been killed in the line of duty. Two were reserve officers for the LAPD.
Regardless of the motives, when you put on the uniform you became a target and are expected to as a peace officer. He puts his life on the line for this city for free.
How many people on this blog are willing to make that kind of commitment?
OK, you don't know the guy? YOU ARE THE GUY!!!
Englander does NOT deserve ANY kudos for USING LAPD to try and improve his career. Many people die in car wrecks too so bad comparison. When Englander does something heroic like, hmmm... say go into an area after a major disaster and risk his life to save others, then maybe we'll give him some kudos. Until then, he and his ilk have been responsible for more deaths caused by that damn landfill that he will have to work real hard for a long time to pay that back.
As for a website link. Smith not having the Northridge West NC Website linked on his City site demonstrates how petty he is. He doesn't send ANY land use decisions to ANY Neighborhood Council and hasn't ever. Alger got fed up with his bullshit and called his sorry ass out for it. Smithy and crew can't handle it so you attacked him. Then Alger mopped the floor with your sorry asses repeatedly.
Oh and Mitch... didn't Greig say he wouldn't work with the NVC because they politicized things?? (Read back to Grarbage cronicles)
Englander is so pathetic he is posting for himself.
How sad.
They actually held those weekend and evening office hours, and nobody came, as in, maybe one or two times the whole time!
But Smith didn't stop trying to get the city hall government closer to the CD12 people. He started video conferencing in Van Nuys, which has been used a LOT and he started the once a month city councilm meetings in van nuys city hall.
Smith does deserve credit for the Van Nuys video links.
Now the citizens don't have to travel all the way down to City Hall to be ignored by the City Council.
If Smith wanted government to get closer to the people he would quit this pathetic fight with his local Neighborhood Council and treat them with some respect.
Unfortunately they believe that NC's are there to serve them instead of the other way around.
2 words homeowners: caveat emptor. Uh...honey, there's a landfill next to the place we want to buy.
Don't worry, it'll be shut down in the next few years according to our councilman!
Yeah...huh, right. Its a landfill. Been there, gonna be there, ain't going nowhere. Anybody who lives there should understand that - period.
I'm looking forward to paying more taxes to truck my crap to some place miles away so the non caveat emptors get there way. Thanks...Talk about the tyranny of the minority.
Hey putz... the issue here is 2 fold.
1- the people were there long before the landfill ever expanded into Granada Hills (When Smith was chief jackass under Bernson)
2- Smith made a shitload of promises he knew he couldn't keep and now gets called out on it.
The Van nuys thing is nice, to bad he didn't promise to bring city council meetings to van nuys when he was running, he wouldn't be 0-4 on his bullshit meter.
Anon 5:10, Likely Mr. Alger or one of his intercircle, equates a peace officers death while serving others as being not more tragic than someone dying in a car accident. What is particularly disturbing is his suggestion that reserve peace officers, working for free to help others, killed in the line of duty is not a big deal.
Then he suggest Mr. Alger's self serving photo op flight to the gulf was a greater sacrifice then the sacrifice these volunteer peace officers make everyday.
I know Mr. Alger has an inflated opinion of himself but can you say, EGO.
Perhaps Mr. Alger needs to be honest with our Law Enforcement community and tell the COPS their job is no big deal. If they get killed it is no more tragic than a car accident.
Is that what the rest of you Alger supporters believe? How about you voters in the 38th District?
For those anti Smith, Alger supports, folks who suggest Smith has done nothing to help get more cops, look at todays MSN web page. Every big city in the nation is having trouble recruiting cops.
Mr. Alger's campaign plan, Make every issue a campaign issue, offer little or no details, look for anything that gives candidate Alger traction, engage a team of dirty tricksters to name call but don't ever make a commitment.
Personally, I think that Smith gives way more respect to the NCs than they deserve. Talk about a bunch of un-elected, self serving, self absorbed loud mouths.
Englander is a little turd of a man who has to anonymously blog "look at me I am a hero" to trump up his council run in 5 years.
He is terrified that Jim Alger has gotten a lot of traction in political circles despite the attacks against him.
What Englander fails to realise is that Alger is probably the least of his concerns. There are a few "real" police officers who are considering running both against Greig and definitely against Mitch. Keep watching Alger, then wonder why you lose the election bozos.
Mayor Sam,
The first post is absolutely correct in its analysis of Smith's rhetoric, and your headline is misleading.
Having a goal is NOT the same thing as issuing a promise. My goal can be to head to the moon, but I'm not going to promise anyone that I'm going to get there. Your goal might be to promote open-minded civic discussion, but I doubt that you'd promise to do so.
Whether you think the plan is any good or whether Smith has put any real effort into it is another story.
So Mr. O'Connel, does that mean Mr. Alger actually applauds the efforts of Reserve Police Officers and Deputies who volunteer to patrol the 38th District for free, including Officers Smith and Englander?
Also given that these reserves received the same training as "Real" Police Officers, does Mr. Alger concur that reserve officers should be commended for their sacrifice?
I didn't hear a promise to close sunshine, other than a plan. Why spin this other than what it is. Whos the liar now, mensos
Smith may not have lived up to all of his promises, but compare him a moment to Tony Cardenas. Cardenas promised "leadership that will protect our community." This is a community that has been the dumping grounds for LA. It seems all Cardenas has actively worked to protect is his relationship with Waste Management.
We'll take Smith.
Comparing Smith to Tony Cardenas was not made to pat Smith on the back but to shine some light on the pathetic situation the residents of Sun Valley are in with a leader like Cardenas. Have any of you heard Cardenas speak out against the Bradley landfill expansion?
So Mr. O'Connel, I guess that is a no, Mr. Alger does not applaud the volunteer effort of Reserve Police Officers and Deputies who risk their lives protecting the citizens of the 38th Assembly District. 17 Reserve Peace Officers have died in the line of duty in the State of California.
It takes to to tango Mr. O'Connel. A simple, Yes Jim Alger applauds their commitment and sacrifice, would be the right thing to do.
Well Mr. O'Connell, My point is made. Mr. Alger is the problem not the solution.
Vote for anybody but Alger for the 38th District.
anon 4:28am - Well for the record I am not Mr. Oconnell, nor do I know or have a stake in the 39th and I think your a buffoon.
You have been twisting words to draw your own conclusions and not addressing one single issue that has been brought up.
You really think your smart attempting to spin your way out of things but your really a complete moron.
Smith has not kept a single promise he made in that speech. Not a single one. Having no defense you decide to attack Alger who has done nothing but hold Smith accountable for his actions or inaction.
To laud Englander's once a month police patrol while calling a trip into a disease ridden disaster area by Jim Alger a "self-serving photo-op" is beyond the pale. I have looked back and read the blog archives from late August and September of 2005. Jim didn't bring any photographer with him, he couldn't have the plane was loaded with supplies.
Jim contacted a CBS news crew out of Knoxville when the supplies they were sending down from Jackson weren't getting through. That action but the focus on Biloxi which up until then had been pretty much ignored because of the overwhelming visuals of New Orleans.
The entire time he was doing this his website made no mention of it. The media caught wind of it in LA because of what he was doing.
Jim's actions evacuated hundreds of people, fed hundreds more and saved countless lives. If you are such a low human being as to denigrate that service while trying to heighten someone else's, it merely shows your hatred for Jim Alger, and shows us all his strength in standing up to people like you.
Kathy, I am going to have to agree with you. I am beginning to wonder if that poster doesn't suffer from mental illness.
How is it possible to look at something blue and swear it is green? There is only one person I know who walks these halls who can spin something like that. Here is a hint, he is about 5 feet tall and looks like a weasel.
I first thought it was an uncanny talent, now I am wondering if the City Health Plan will cover brain scans because there is seriously something wrong with that man.
Well Ms. Wiston you are entitled to your opinion. You are a typical Alger supporter. When you do not like what is being said you resort to words like buffoon and moron but what do you expect from an Alger supporter!
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