This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Interesting articles in the Breeze and Times today about the state ordering ships to cut pollution at the ports. There's been so many articles on this topic recently it's hard to keep them all straight, but it looks like this may actually mean something telling from the resistance from the shipping companies. Noel, is this as good as it sounds?
I hear Padilla is about to lose one of his endorsements.
-fly on the wall
I hit the fly on the wall.
Anon 8:55 AM:
Thanks for raising this issue.
The unanimous vote of the Air Resources Board to adopt these regulations is a good signal. Probably most important are the comments of board members and staff regarding the profound health risks, and the urgent need to reduce these emissions.
The regulations themselves are useful first steps, but nowhere near what is needed to deal with the problem.
For example, the regulation on ships deals with their auxiliary engines, which basically power their generators for on board electricity. These auxiliaries produce about 10% of the emissions of the ships, the other 90% coming from the main propulsion engines, which are not addressed by this regulation.
According to the Port's Emissions Inventory (EI), ships contribute 56% of the diesel particulates from port operations. If this measure reduces the auxiliary emissions by 60-70%, that is between 3 and 4% of the total port emissions. While every little bit helps, when the combined ports grow by 7% per year, the 3% reduction is wiped out in 6 months, and we are back to square one.
Again, according to the EI, terminal equipment is responsible for 11% of the emissions, so the same logic as above applies.
Every single area of port operations, ship main engines, trucks, trains (remarkably dirty), and harbor craft (ditto), need to be pursued with equal determination, or the emissions will only continue to grow.
These are very useful regulations, and a good first step, if only relatively a baby one. The committment of the CARB Board and staff to work on this problem, and their forthright statements about the clear and present danger to the public health, are also good.
On the other hand, we have a lot more work to do. If the ports double, or triple, or quadruple, in size over the next 20 years, these steps alone will do little or nothing to stem the tide of death and sickness.
UH OH. . . somebody tell Steve Hymon at the Times that MRS. ALVIN (Parra) CHIPMUNK, may have a problem with her payoff for hubby's dirt dishing to benefit Huzar in the CD14 special election, UH OH!
DOH, not again (Alvin's NEVER getting off of that couch!)
Los ANGELES, CA 90012
December 6, 2005
The Council of the City of Los Angeles
Honorable Members:
On November 14,2005, the Mayor transmitted to the City Clerk the appointment of Ms. Nellie
Rios-Parra to the Board of Library Commissioners. The City Ethics Commission received Ms. Rios-Parra's pre-confirmation Statement of Economic Interests on December 2, 2005, and following our review of that Statement, is providing this letter to the Council for your consideration as part ofthe confirmation process. A copy of this letter is also being provided to Ms. Rios-Parra at this time to assist her in avoiding any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of her term as a City official
for the Board of Library Commissioners.
Ms. Rios-Parra reports on her Statement an income interest in the Youth Development Program.
Therefore, should any matter involving this interest come before the Board, Ms. Rios-Parra should seek the advice of the City Attorney before acting regarding whether she will be required to disqualify herself.
We are unable to assess if, or how frequently, Ms. Rios-Parra would be in a position of having to recuse herself. For your information, when a member of a Board or Commission is disqualified from acting on three or more agenda items in a year because of a conflict caused by the same interest, the City Ethics Commission is required by Section 707 of the City Charter to determine if the Commissioner has a significant and continuing conflict. If the City Ethics Commission so determines, it may order divestment of the interest causing conflict.
In addition, please be advised, however, that interests disclosed on CA Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) are not the only interests that can give rise to a conflict of interest. As an example, in some cases certain business activities of the clients of board or commission members' employers or sources of income may require recusal by that board or commission member. Additionally, recusal may be required on matters under City Charter Section 222. That section provides that the City Attorney, upon request, provides a written opinion concerning the obligation of a City offcial or board to refrain from acting on a matter that may violate State law or where action may otherwise not be in the public
interest for the board or commission member to act in a particular matter, contract, sale or transaction. In the event that any matter comes before the Board that raises potential conflict of interest issues, we encourage the nominee to seek the advice ofthe City Attorney before acting.
If circumstances arise that do require the nominee to recuse herself from acting on any matter, the enclosed Recusal Notification Form should be used by the nominee to notify the City Ethics Commission for purposes of Charter section 707, as well as the Mayor's Office pursuant to Executive Directive 2005- 1.
For your additional information, as a part of its review process, the City Ethics Commission also regularly requests and verifies that nominees to boards and commissions are registered electors within the City of Los Angeles. We have received a completed Residence Verification Form whereby the nominee affirms that she is registered to vote in the City of Los Angeles.
This staff report will be scheduled for formal review by the City Ethics Commission at its next meeting pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 49.5.7. If the Commission's formal review results in a different conclusion at that time, our office will notify the City Council.
LeeAnn M. Pelham
Executive Director
Thanks for clarifying the context Noel. It does sound like a tentative step in the right direction (if the companies comply). I'm tired of the false choice between environmental concerns and loss of jobs.
5:40 In LAUSD graduate terms--can you translate the information to LAUSD English?
"LAUSD English" is an oxymoron. . .
One thing you have to say for AV, he's pays his debts ON TIME.
Alvin Parra SLIMES Pacheco with anonymous packets of lies right before the NOVEMBER 8 special election.
AV nominates MRS. Parra to an L.A. commission seat NOVEMBER 9, the NEXT damn day.
He just wanted to wait and make sure he wouldn't need the CHIPMUNK's special SLIME services for a runoff.
November 9, 2005
Honorable Members of the City Council
c/o City Clerk
Room 395, City Hall
Honorable Members:
Subject to your confirmation, I have today appointed Ms. Nellie Rios-Parra to the Board
of Library Commissioners for the term ending June 30, 2006. Ms. Rios-Parra will fill the
vacancy created by Susan Key, whom I removed on November 9, 2005.
I certify that in my opinion Ms. Rios-Parra is especially qualified by reason of training
and experience for the work that will devolve upon her, and that I make the appointment
solely in the interest of the City.
Very truly yours,
Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Wasn't Alvin Parr in jail for extortion?
Unless it was his family member
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