This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
GREAT JOB, ZEV! Are you already on site trying to get on camera.
3rd world transit solutions for the SFV. great.
In the tradition of flying aces, bus drivers have started painting little pictures of cars or trucks on the sides of their buses after each collision.
Try walking for a change.
You can place your bets, make big money!
How much money did Antonio pour into helping the Orange line prevent these accidents? He put more officers at intersections, cameras, signs etc. and none of it is working.
There are traffic accidents all the time. Ultimately getting more people into fewer vehicles will reduce the number of accidents.
The outcry over this is mainly just curmudgeons looking for an opportunity to criticize. Nothing new.
People are fat, try walking.
8:51 a.m.
You should know by now, Antonio doesn't plan "ahead" because he doesn't expect to be sitting in the same chair by the time the shit hits the fan (or the bus hits something else).
Move, move, dodge, weave, pivot, then MOVE ON (repeat).
If he could teach L.A. drivers his "keep-moving-and-avoid-taking-responsibilty-for-outcomes" dance, there would never BE a traffic accident within the city limits.
(By the way, how's the "save the Southwest Museum" dance going, Antonio? Can't get a non-profit that requires permissions from the city to expand AND sits on public property to do your bidding?)
A-V spells "impotent".
Wasn't Antonio nearly falling off his seat this Sunday on KABC when he was practically yelling what a huge success this line is?
You guys wanted a cheerleader, you got one. Just like the yell leader currently occupying the White House.
Give me an I, give me an M, P, O, T, E, N, T... what am I "IMPORTANT."
That's what is spells, right?
1.8 GPA, nuff said.
Shut up prev anon!
Make me, previous AV-loving, commie-lefty-liberal (closet fascist)!
Andrew is correct. Crossing gates could also help make the bus faster. And, whatever they cost, it would be cheaper than the legal fees and settlements in the many lawsuits the Orange Line will generate.
As for the person who refers to himself "Archie Bunker," uhm, you refer to yourself by a TV character's name, and I'm the one who's supposed to "get a life?" Whose did you have in mind? Fred Sanford? Thank you for your helpful comments, and please check with a friend before you open your new "Kittens N Gators" petting zoo.
Remember, Walter only cares about domesticated animals. Wild animals are game (pun intended).
They are called "wild" animals because they belong in the wild, as opposed to unfenced city parks. We don't want any alligators getting run over by the Orange Line now, do we? And isn't the subject here the Orange Line? I'm sure there's a different venue for saving urban alligators....
Hey Walt-
Lesson #1
We don't go by subjects here. We just type whatever we want under any post. May as well learn it.
One of the best parts of the new LAX settlement, is that the Green Line will be extended 2 miles to the north (Sepulveda and Lincoln) providing easy access to the airport for passengers and employees - and truly reducing traffic in the airport area.
Crossing gates for the Orange Line would be nice, but they're not gonna happen. Too expensive. Those buses weigh about 1/6 as much as a blue line train and can stop much quicker. If you guys wanted crossing gates, you should have put in a train, or better yet, spend some real money and build a subway. But no, Zev had to cancel all the subways. Nice going, Zev.
Employees maybe, but passengers? On a bus? I'm trying to picture myself leaving for vacation with my family of 4's luggage and carry on bags and transferring buses 3 times to get to the airport.
Yeah right.
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