Pacheco Will Respond to Negative Attack Mailers
Councilman Nick Pacheco Will Respond to Negative Attack Mailers From Huizar Campaign
Los Angeles, CA - Nick Pacheco will hold a press conference on the Spring Street steps of City Hall November 3 at 10:00 am to respond to the negative attacks made by the Huizar Campaign.
What hit piece you ask. It has to do with La Collectiva again. Same shit. Different day.
I think the saying goes something like "desperate people do desperate things..."
Isn't it ironic that the phone bank that Parke and Huizar claim Nick owned - which he never did -is now owned by Mario Solis - the person who conducted that sham poll putting Huizar 15 points up. The same equipment used for the "Marina Message" is the same equipment being used by Huizar to try and breath life back into his campaign. Mario is about the most unprincipled person in politics right now. Uneducated and unprincipled. Sounds like Antonio. Nick gave Mario a start in politics now he's mired in that cesspool known as Skelton's Black Septic Tank. What's that saying Mario - once you go black you never go back?
Is Alvin Parra going to at this press conference?
Many complaints I demand to discuss with Alvin, how can I get in contact with him?
Mayor Frank,
I saw that hit piece, it makes no mention of La Colectiva - at least not by name. Skelton knows he's got a lawsuit waiting up his ass if he does go that route.
The mailer did say that Nick owned the phone bank - not true, the phone was owned by a corporate entity and leased to another corporate entity and it is now owned by Targeted Communications.
The mailer mentioned that Nick is still attacking Antonio - when and where Parke.
The mailer says that Torres' mailers attacked Antonio's kids - not true, they criticized Antonio's parenting - two very different things.
Why would a campaign that has over $600,000 and outspending Nick by 3 to 1 resort to attacking. And attacking on old baseless shit. Who's panicking Parke?
Is Nick announcing his lawsuit against Alvin Parra at the press conference?
What's more, Jose Huizar whole heartedly endorsed Nick in 2003 despite all these false allegations. Have you no shame Jose, we now know you have no backbone. What a way to make a name for yourself in politics - you will forever be known as Jose the Titere - look it up Parke.
I agree poster. Jose campaigned hard for Pacheco in 2003 and slammed Antonio any change he got. He said Antonio wasn't the type of councilman CD14 needed but Pacheco was the one with the vision and knowledge. If Team Huizar is sitting so pretty with all his endorsements and money why go negative this late in the game? Could it be their running scared of grass root support. To have a crook like Alvin Parra doing the dity work is another indication as to Jose's guilt by association.
Another endorsement for Jose.
LA least they state the truth.
...But does Huizar have the vision? We admit to falling back on hope here. We’d sure like it better if he stopped trumpeting his good relationship with Villaraigosa, against whom he campaigned in 2003. We picked Villaraigosa then, too, but the vision we were hoping for was kept in check until he became mayor
quit whining you pussies. don't do the crime if you can't stand being outed on it - and this revisionist crap you all post here about nick being innocent is about as convincing as karl rove's denials about outing plame.
and frank/brian - beware selling your soul to pacheco.
Who is Frank and Brian. I thought Frank worked for Huizar?
What a campaign strategy Parke has developed. "Vote for Jose because the other guy plays hardball politics against our beloved Tony the Liar." This is East L.A. politics Parke, and by those standards, this campaign is still very tame.
What's the matter Parke, your candidate can't run on the issues or his record. It's all a smoke screen and it is despicable how Parke keeps playing the Latino community. Only a racist pig would flood a community with such misinformation. This strategy really says a lot about how you feel about us Parke - we're just a bunch of stupid Mexicans, right. Just because the only Mexican you have a relationship with - Tony the Liar - is stupid, it doesn't we are all dimwits.
You better hope there is no runoff because that is were you will get exposed.
I would like to submit an article for you to consider for your blog. It seems to relate to topics you have posted previously. Please email me at
Parke Skelton
I was going to volunteer for Huizar. Reading your corruption into the Mexican American community and how you have accomplished to divide it instead of unite it, is a disgrace!
I will not volunteer! You lost a valuable asset and many votes.
Why do you hate the Latino community so much Parke, why?
Amazing, I found out this morning I live 2 streets from Parke. Home value will go down living next to corrupt officials.
Phew, good thing you put up another post - that last one was still going last night (nearly hit 200 comments), took 4 days to scroll to the end.
Home values there are actually going up because of the development that Parke fought to keep out of his backyard. Funny, huh.
Besides, that troll never shows his face in the neighborhood. Rumor is he's a vampre.
Home values went up statewide moron, not just on Parke's backyard.
Had nothing to do with the halted development. Parke does show his face, from his window. I use binoculars and he is some ugly, fat, curly haired dude, hippie looking idiot that doesn't look like he showers. How's Athena the dog, Parke?
Hey, hey there 9:21
We feel your pain. Parke assumes CD 14 voters don't know who he is, on the contrary, they do.
Until recently, voters were blind to the back room deals this guy orchestrates, and it's now exposed. All I know is this.
Parke Skelton fears not knowing, fears not having control!
His psych file says so.
parke skelton is the walrus.
Mayor Frank,
What is your e-mail. I want to send you that mailer everyone keeps talking about but it seems no one has ever seen. Let your readers make up their mind, Antonio's children were not targetted.
The only reference to his children was in the box highlighting Antonio's "Break the Cycle" cliche that he used over and over again. It is stated that "Antonio was a teenage father - so was his daughter, no cycle broken here." The implication here is that Antonio wasn't there for his daughter - why didn't you harp on this stereotype Parke? The only stereotypes you manipulated were the ones that supposedly victimized Antonio -single mother, high school drop out, poor little Mexican boy - there are plenty of stereotypes where Antonio was the victimizer, beginning with his daughters.
R Torres
Let me rephrase (and use small words so YOU don't feel like a moron, 9:46 a.m.):
1) Home values went up at several times the rate of other surrounding areas in that community, as result of having the higher priced homes in that development.
2) The development wasn't halted. No one said it was. Parke tried to halt it but failed on all fronts, including having someone from Villaraigosa's assembly office come and speak on his behalf at city hall hearings. The commissioners yawned and said "thanks, whoever you are" then proceeded to give the developers everything they wanted (how powerful).
3) The only player who ever had any affect on making the development more palatable to the neighbors was Pacheco. When he was in office he forced the developer to work with cmmunity representatives on mutually acceptable lanmdscaping in areas abutting the existing homes. He also made them reduce the number of total homes by about 10 percent to allow for more open space, and limited grading and other disruptive work to shorter hours than the city allows. His field staff then made the developer postpone its open house to start selling the homes because they hadn't complied with all those agreements with the community yet.
After Pacheco left office Villaragosa's field staff allowed the developer to void many of the previous mitigations and ignore the agreements with the community.
NOW, Huizar the "land-use" king (Maybe it should be land-LOSS king, since his board LOST an area high school site while at LAUSD) chimes in. He tells the community at a forum that if HE had been the CM way back THEN, he could have SAVED the day and made everything much better (not realizing how BADLY he just dissed AV and his CM staff by saying that)
Okay, some of those weren't very "small" words dude. You must NOT be LAUSD.
I still feel like a moron, that won't change, I am an LAUSD graduate!
10:25 Thanks for explaining.
Yours truly,
We were at a community meeting and a resident asked Jose when he came to speak who was paying for the signs and was it legal to post on the schools. Jose replied, "LAUSD pays for them and NO its not illegal. There has to be some type of ethic violation I would think.
Parke has lots of nerve attacking Nick on "owning" a phone bank. What he does not tell people that he and "AV SPY Hacopian" owned a phone bank together to do all there dirty deeds.
The phone bank was used for the Caruso gutter campaign Hacopian ran in Glendale last year.
Hey Nick, how did the press conference go? What, virtually no coverage. Again? Too bad.
If you hadn't squandered so much money on incompetent staff, you might actually have been able to get some mail out. And you wouldn't have to be doing desperate press events with garbage cans -- that no one will cover.
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