This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Looks like Alvin Parra got his payback for the sleazy, sneaky negative mailers he left during CD14 campaign. His wife has been appointed commissioner.
Calling for a commitment to reading and education throughout Los Angeles, Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa today announced his
appointees to the city’s Board of Library Commissioners… current Commission President Robert Chick; Rita Walters,Julie Mendoza,Dr. Tyree Wieder, and,
Nellie Rios-Parra, a teacher and past President of the Southern California Kindergarten Conference.
CD 14 sickos strike again.
What does Ollie North have to do with any of your little chickenshit politics in CD14?
Go away.
SCROLL back, and read the words at the top... "OPEN THREAD" means "open to discuss ANYTHING" including CD14.
Did you REALLY think Mayor Frank started a SPECIAL thread here on a "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" politcs blog to talk about OLLIE and CONTRAGATE all over again?
Boy, once they drink the AV koolaid they lose half their IQ points, too (down to 36.5 - net).
ALVIN's going to have to kiss her backside a TON more than that for having screwed up her LAUSD race a couple years ago("HOMER SIMPSON OF L.A. POLITICS"). Rumor is she gave away their dog, so ALVIN could live in its HOUSE out back, for good.
That's ALSO AV's way of letting "Homer" know he'd better be happy having RISEN to the #2 spot in a mid-sized NC, because that's the PINNACLE of his political climbing!
Go Ollie. He's the man!
Semper Fi, Mac.
These little CD 14 weenies can kiss my globe and anchor.
That's Semper Bi, in your case!
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