This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
This listing must be a welcome relief for Mister John Edwards, as he is probably thinking it takes some bit of the attention off him and his sleazy, low-rent moves.
I encourage everyone to go one post down for the real news from CD 14!
How much did John pay you Brian?
John didn't pay Brian. Robert did (if you know what I mean).
The solicitation letter was obviously cranked out automatically. So what, Frank? You'd need to show us JH personally asking Torres for a donation to make the case for hypocrisy. Second-rate war room ripostes don't alter the meaning of the Pachueco-Torres relationship.
- Below Colorado
Huizar would have to GET an issue first, in order to focus on it.
Huizar issue #1. Villaraigosa (who abandoned the district mid-2003 in order to run for mayor), likes me better than Pacheco.
Huizar issue #2: SUPPORTERS of Villaraigosa (who looked the other way while he abandoned the district mid-2003 in order to run for mayor), like me better than Pacheco.
Huizar issue #3: CONTRIBUTORS to Villaraigosa (who helped pay for AV's abandonment of the district mid-2003 in order to run for mayor), like me better than Pacheco.
Huizar issue #4: Weak-kneed CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS (who sucked up to Villaraigosa just in time to be on his bandwagon), will pretend they like me better Pacheco, until Pacheco wins, of course.
Huizar (Mayor Sam's) issue #5: Lying scumbag Chief Parker (who tried to cover for AV's lack of any accomplishments on council by claiming to have PROOF of 80 new neighborhood watches in CD14) likes Huizar best.
Huizar issue #6. I need another paying job, and I really don't have a clue how to fix lAUSD.
Below Colorado...
What MORON, running for office in CD14, would hire even MORE IDIOTIC staffers and campign people that would ALLOW someone that they CLAIM is satan in the flesh to even BE on their mailing lists???
Did they also crank out auto-letters to James Hahn and Doug Dowey. Is ANYONE ebven close to being a PRO on that side, or are the idiots running the asylum. How about taking all that new money to hire someone to check the database that's read the L.A. Times a few times in the last 2-3 years.
Just like AV taking dirty pay-for-play money while skewering Hahn for it. DIDN'T PARKE & Co. learn ANY lessons from getting beat to death be the press over that one? Maybe you need to lay of the weed while you're stuffing the envelopes over there in Pasadena...
Check your damn lists? How hard can that be?
Get real; we've had our share of amateurs in CD14. Time to take off the training wheels and put SOMEONE back in office understands how the city works, and isn't just phoning it in through last years interns -- upgraded to "Field (Failed) Deputies."
Ms. Dalila Sotelo (Eagle Rocker),
What about the close Huizar-Torres relationship?
They went to UC Berkeley together, Torres was the Huizar family attorney and they know each other very well. Better than Pacheco knows Torres. There is more there than meets the eye. You do a little digging and there is muchmore there.
Does it have his signature or not? He either meant to send it or not, or the campaign sent it out. If he did not know if went out, it truly does show how far removed he is from his own campaign. that is how he will govern the district, far removed.
And you live above Hill Drive!
This is really bad news for Huizar.
Time for Huizar's people (who don't LIKE dirty campaigns, wink, wink), to try and slime someone else on Pacheco's campaign staff.
How about that nice lady that's calls for signatures and volunteers. She sounds like she might enjoy speeding down Figueroa a few miles over the speed limit.
Get on the Barkan, have her DMV records checked (just don't get "dirty!")
The Huizar camp say that Torres was on the voter registration list. Well, he wasn't. His address is in Alhambra. The fact is, Huizar sought out Torres for a contribution. In fact, Torres got another solicitation from Huizar just this week by email.
Parke's rant against Torres failed to mention that the main focus of one of the "sleazy" Torres mailers was to warn CD14 people that Villaraigosa never intended to be a councilman, or do anything for the district, he was just using CD14 as a "one-night-stand" in order to run for Mayor again in two years.
Now who's sleazy...???
Shame on Torres for calling Skelton, Barkan et al. "white advisors."
They're obvioulsy, ummm...
(Oh, never mind!)
wow, I'm starting to serious second thoughts about Huizar, even if this is computer generated. The bottom line is that Huizar accepted the donation and is commending Ricardo. It's just dumb politics.
2:05 - I think too many people know Pachueco is the unemployed lawyer in this race who needs a job.
We'd have to be crazy to waste our council seat either on charity for Nick or to let him and his buddies use it for their political vendettas. Time to move on!
2:14 - the meaning of the Pachueco-Torres relationship -- for this race -- is all in the Torres mailers of the last campaign. You and they can't change that. Nick says himself that they blew his candidacy away.
2:28 - So what does that tell you? Obviously these solicitations are getting pumped out automatically from donor lists that haven't been politically purged. You can jump up and down like monkeys but you don't have a substantive issue.
Torres introduced "racism" into the 2003 campaign
What exactly is the purpose of Huizar's paid thugs hiding as anonymouses here, and describing John Edwards of Pacheco's campaign in the previous blog as:
Having an Irish accent?
Being Eurotrash??
Etc., etc.
MORE hypocrisy!
Didn't see anyone mention that Robert Urtega was a Latino.
2:36 p.m. said
"We'd have to be crazy to waste our council seat either on charity for Nick or to let him and his buddies use it for their political vendettas. Time to move on!"
NO, we'd have to be even CRAZIER to waste our council seat on charity for Huizar because his board seat isn't full time (which means he's an UNDER employed atty.), or to let him and Villaraigosa continue to control and get nothing done for ANOTHER 18 months. Time to GET SOMETHING DONE, AGAIN!
Welcome back, Nick. Constituent service has been shitty since you left, and the council staff can't even spell "constituents" let along serve them.
Anon 2:36. Although Huizar criticises the mailers now, he didn't have any problems with them in 2003. One month after the mailers were sent out, Huizar endorsed Pacheco in his race against Villaraigosa.
Huizar appears to be talking out of both sides of his mouth.
This was a campaign screw up over 500 bucks.
Skelton should be ashamed of himself.
2 words...
Yes, I know how to spell it morons.
You lost my vote Huizar, I have been browsing the internet for news about you and I found this site. It is difficult to understand why you have hired this type of staff to say so many weird things. I am not voting for you anymore, sorry, change your staff and then we will think about it.
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, last week filmed a cameo on the set of "Walkout," a film about a civil rights-era protest at a public high school in his East Los Angeles district.
And while his day job is the Speaker, Nunez, who played the part of a cop, has just one line: "Get back in class or you are going to get arrested."
At a luncheon Friday, Nunez assured reporters the bright lights of Hollywood would be nothing. After all, he performed in a college theater group alongside Oscar winner Benicio Del Toro.
Nunez said a friend, "Walkout" producer Moctezuma Esparza, offered him the role in the film, which is based on a true-story of a Mexican-American high school teacher who mentored students in the 1968 protest.
Question is, will Nunez be back?
So Sleazy Huizy finally got caught!!! Its about time voters are finally seeing what they're in for if they vote for a slime ball like Jose. He has nothing to offer CD14 but his baggage being carried over from LAUSD. Someone shld ask Sleazy why he endorsed Pacheco in 2003 and campaigned hard for him now all of a sudden after slamming Antonio all over the district in speeches he's gone to his side.
CD14 needs an experienced councilman who has the grass root support and hit the ground running. That's Pacheco. I hate Jose at community meetings using the same terminology Antonio did during his campaign. "I'm going to roll up my sleeves" I have all these endorsements etc. etc.
If there are any reporters out there who has the balls to chase these stories please do so.
1. It states that Eric Robles is a volunteer. He use to work for Congresswoman Royalbal Allard. I'm sure he's getting paid but by who
2.There's a rumor that Jose Huizar just bought a house on Brittan/Cesar Chavez. Is this true?
3.Antonio mailed out flyers to CD14 residents saying he's having another community meeting Aug. 13th at Talpa Church in CD14. Why all of a sudden is Antonio spending so much time in CD14?
4. Antonio's name was on Nat'l Nite out in Northeast w/Jose, the Northeast Community cleanup where he announced Jose, and there's a LAPD basic car meeting at Salesian High School where Jose graduated on Aug. 9th. IS ALL THIS TOO MUCH OR WHAT??? ANTONIO USING CD14 RESOURCES FOR JOSE.
Pacheco and Torres are co-sinners.
Whatever else may exist, we only know about the Huizar mailings to Torres because Torres is showing them to Pacheco.
Which means that they are together again.
What intelligent perosn would have anything to do with Torres, or Pacheco, knowing what losers they are?
Don't go away mad, Nick, just go away.
Like the man said, your 15 minutes are up.
8:29 p.m. said...
"What intelligent perosn would have anything to do with Torres"
The real question is, what moron would post something using the term "intelligent" and then spell "person" wrong.
An empty headed dumb-as-a-sack-of- rocks AV/Huizar supporter, that's what perosn!
Show me the LIGHT, AV the Father, Jose the Son, and what... Laura Chick the "wholly" ghost!?
7:20 PM
AV-Huizar-Meruelo are buying up property due to the Metro rail that will run through that area, then MTA will buy up that property at a higher price and the idiots make profit off of constituents tax dollars.
Antonio Villaraigosa is a control freak, he does not want other Latinos to prosper. He will keep everyone at arms length to success if he could.
Isn't Blackman one of AV's Deputy Mayors? Can he be appointed to a commission board? Talk about favors. AV once again proves he's full of bullshit when he said throughout campaign he wouldn't appoint special interests, friends, family, people who endorsed him. Jimmy is a moron. Did nothing for CD14 as chief of staff. He's the laughing stock of CD14
Isn't Blackman one of AV's Deputy Mayors? Can he be appointed to a commission board? Talk about favors. AV once again proves he's full of bullshit when he said throughout campaign he wouldn't appoint special interests, friends, family, people who endorsed him. Jimmy is a moron. Did nothing for CD14 as chief of staff. He's the laughing stock of CD14
You people have too much time on your hands. Don't you have jobs or families?
My question is this:
If John Edwards is on this site 24/7, why hasn't he defended himself? I may not be a candidate for City Council or anything, but I have a documented history. I can prove I exist and list my accomplishments. If someone questioned my life, I could answer...
So what is the point of this 'story'? Both Huizar and Pacheco are dumb enough to ask for money from this guy, but only Pacheco accepts?
When Villaraigosa was Assembly speaker, Ameriquest gave $75,000 to a political committee he controlled. The company hired him in August 2001 after he left the Assembly, paying at least $10,000 for "business development and business consulting" — tasks Villaraigosa told The Times were "strategic thinking and problem solving." And the Arnalls, their company and top executives have contributed more than $15,000 to Villaraigosa's mayoral campaigns.
If the Senate confirms Arnall as ambassador to the Netherlands, he would be required to resign as chairman of Ameriquest, though he would remain the principal owner. The management team that has run the business on a day-to-day basis for several years would continue to do so, Ameriquest's public relations firm said.
phil krakover----av---parke skelton
Below is an e-mail i Just received from one of our favorite characters MEAT.
rom : Meat Steak
Sent : Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:39 AM
To :
CC :
Subject : Good-Bye Forever
Dear Chief Parker and Mayor Sam,
I am writing you guys this e-mail to announce my decision to leave Los Angeles and pursue law school in Arizona (my original home). While this blog at times has been the most annoying thing I've ever been a part of, there have been instances of true undeniable fun. Every time I'd make one of your crazies go insane for instance -- or I'd blast some ignorant dum-dum out of the water, all fun times.
I want to also tell Mack Reed and Kevin Roderick that meeting them in person was funny since neither knew who I was when they shook my hand.
Mayor Sam - Chief Parker perhaps we crossed paths at some point I'll never know -- your identity has been a bigger mystery to Angelenos than mine ever was.
Lastly, I'd like to apologize to the following people -- people that this blog crucified for being me, but never were.
So to Ace Smith, Parke Skelton, Ulysses Sanchez, Michael Trujillo, Jaime Sanchez, Jimmy Blackman and Nathan James I apologize. Your names were always popping up as being me, but i never had the guts to actually "out" myself and clear the air for all you guys. For the record, and this will be the last time i ever write this again -- neither of the individuals named above have ever been MEAT.
Again I thank you guys for providing this wonderful site -- this is the last communication I'll ever write to you or your site.
And don't forget to "blog away dum-dums!"
Morrison's second entry of night, something about macaroni and cheese, sends me scuttling to MayorSam for actual blogging. "Blog The Night Away Dum Dums" Sam says. (I like to think that I had a hand in the title of that post.)
Sparks Fly Over District Bonds Plan
L.A. school board members split on the measure's fall timing and use of its revenue. Two members walk out, delaying action to today.
As board President Marlene Canter tried to call for a vote on the bond measure, board member Julie Korenstein stormed out of the meeting, refusing to cast a vote.
She was followed quickly by board member Jose Huizar, who shouted "Pass!" when he was asked for his vote as he left.
mack reed is and was always MEAT
blog away dum-dums!
Who is Cynthia Ruiz??????
. She is a family member of a mayoral candidate Councilmen Antonio Villaraigosa.
2. She is working on his mayoral campaign.
3. She is involved in fund raising for the Villaraigosa mayoral campaign.
4. You have placed Ms. Ruiz in a position that compromises the integrity of the Mayoral debates with her ability to provide insider information to one of the candidates, such as what questions will be asked and to which candidate , which N.C. Representative will be asking the question and to which candidate. This was not the intentions of CBS and the Alliance which would lose all credibility.
5. Ms. Ruiz has set up her own standards as to who will attend the mayoral debate.
6. Ms. Ruiz has not participated in an Alliance meeting.
7. Ms. Ruiz was part of a group of board members of the LA-32 NC that sent a letter to the Alliance criticizing the Alliance on the Mayoral Debates.
8. Ms. Ruiz has shown partiality over candidates, with comments made in reference to Mayor Hahn, (She was glad to leave a sinking ship, after she was dismissed as commissioner.)
9. Ms. Ruiz was not asked to fill in at a meeting by the assigned East LA/South area representative Robert Jimenez as stated by the Alliance.
10. Ms. Ruiz was not asked by the East LA/South area representative to replace him as the current representative.
11. The Current East LA/South area representative Robert Jimenez is supporting me as his replacement.
12. Ms.Ruiz failed to work only with the President of the LA-32 but did notify all other board members via e-mail as to who was on the list. This was not the intention of the alliance in setting up the guest list from each NC.
Richard Acosta
LA-32 NC President
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I don't think we have to dwell on Cynthia's private life. But I don't understand why she was selected as an area representative in the first place when she doesn't sit on the board of a neighborhood council? But that is a question Noah Modisett should answer. Cynthia's getting involved to start a political career and there's nothing wrong with that. But she must expect to take the knocks if that is her plan. Finally, is Cynthia the exception or are there any other area representatives who do not sit on neighborhood council boards? Of course, it would be nice if Noah answered questions on Mayor Sam and didn't just issue statements.
Villaraigosa has accused the imcumbent of pandering to NCs by providing new funds, but he has never mentioned how he would make better use of these councils, other than a vague "work with them" -- something he has not started yet in his own district.
He has also pitted them against each other, as explained in other threads on this blog - to achieve his and his staff's own agenda, against NC's stated wishes. This is not exhibiting "hand-ons" leadership, to steal his mayoral campaign slogan. It betrays a "hands-off" my authority, frame-of-mind. This candidate by all accounts does not like to "share" power, in any way, and is threatened by people who know what they want and need before he arrives to "tell them" what he thinks they should want and need.
Is Jose Huizar really responsible for 61% of Latinos dropping out as stated by some media?
Mr. Parke Skelton, Chief Parker "The Yes Man."
It is a shame that you post here using a nickname of sorts, but alas I understand your own demented mind. You belong in an insane asylum.
Also, why is the IRS looking into your personal assets and company? Have you been laundering public money through your business? Are you and AV laundering it together?
"We made some drastic cuts, but before I ask voters for additional funding, the district needs to budget its money more wisely and efficiently," he said. "That puts us in a difficult position to ask for more local funding when the district has a long way to go to improve its budget process."
School Board President Jose Huizar
Huizar just championed the A-G program which will cost around $100 million to implement and drastically increase the drop out rate - especially among Latinos. Kind of late to become a tax conscious elected official, isn't it. Yet another example of Parke Skelton dictating policy for our Latino community. Do you also tell Huizar what hand to wipe with, Parke? What would look better on a campaign brochure?
Jose has been on the board for four years and giving ALL students the increased possibility to drop out. You should know, college is not for everyone. With the new system if you are not college bound, might as well drop out in the 9th grade. It's a great idea but so is utopia.
An individual would have to have the decency and guts to come out and be the whistleblower for the incompetencies and back deal rooms of Huizar. Will a good conscious person please tell our government of the hypocrasy and white collar crimes occurring at the level of politics in Los Angeles?
When are we going to see Sleazy Huizar's list of accomplishments as prez of LAUSD? What can he possibly list? A higher drop out rate, 48 killings in LAUSD schools since 2003, worst overcrowded schools on Eastside etc. etc. etc.
Hey, you forgot that Huizar just ran a "campaign" costing over $400,000.00 in the district and is still at 12%.
That included giving out mugs in the parts of CD14 that his school board seat did not cover, and taking out ads in the Eagle Rock newspaper.
For this, I heard Sleazy Huizy is going to be investigated by the LA City Ethics commission big time!
And yes, Chief Parker is a biased idiot.
Sue Burnside must be a Trojan Horse in Huizar's camp. I thought she was Tokofsky's (Huizar's arch enemy) girl.
In the "The Chat Room" David Cobb is not the sharpest knife in the draw. Didn't he realize he was insulting his own client when he called it a Pacheco-Villaraigosa race? Isn't Jose man enough to stand up against Nick? Must the mayor-elect fight the LAUSD president's battles for him?
He called it a Pacheco Villaraigosa race so all of the AV support transfers to Huizar.
Huizar is not AV and he is stupid to mark them under the same knife.
I saw Huizar at LA County Democrats Dinner, and he can't even acknowledge regular folk. I could care less about both, I don't live in CD 14, but Pacheco who was also there came off more real.
Millions could go toward new LAUSD garage
The Los Angeles Unified School District is again considering building a $49 million parking garage for top brass and their staff a year after the plan ignited an outcry over finances.
Millions could go toward new LAUSD garage
The Los Angeles Unified School District is again considering building a $49 million parking garage for top brass and their staff a year after the plan ignited an outcry over finances.
Wait, didn't Richard Muerlo friend of Antonio and Jose's buy Taylor Yard land from LAUSD by bidding just a $mil over LAUSD? Now I see they have $49 mil to waste on garage. The kids in Northeast area could have had a school but Jose thinks a parking garage is more important.
Definitely don't vote for him.
Friedrich Nietzsche also said "God is dead." I'm sure Skelton has this posted on his wall somewhere. And Nietzsche also said, "I think, therefore I am." With a little variation this applies to Tony the Liar and Sleezy Huizy - the quote should read "Parke thinks, therefore I am." They should put this quote up in their office walls.
Rene Descartes said "I think therefore I am." Jose Huizar says, "I think....what Antonio tells me to think."
Why on earth would we want anyone associated with Mr. Cokehead running our schools? Wasn't she on the clock when he was using?
Haven't we given him enough access by electing his protege to the Mayor's office? Lou couldn't even get more than 1000 votes when she ran for council last time.
Can you say drunk driving record?
This is what will happen next. From the incompetence of leadership at LAUSD, we will see a major lawsuit from previous LAUSD students that were cheated from an education.
Major $$$$, better save the parking garage money for the lawsuit administrators. The A-G will not work, it will create more drop outs. You cannot force students to enter college, you can give them a choice instead. This is not the way Huizar. Not every student is the same.
This is what will happen next. From the incompetence of leadership at LAUSD, we will see a major lawsuit from previous LAUSD students that were cheated from an education.
Mayor Frank,
Until today, I realize you really might be Parke Skelton.
Shit. Why are you here? Must be boring at work.
The bickering from Parke the wannable latino and the anon seems neverending. Parke, get a life. Find a real job you commie bastard. Son of a b****! Go lick AV's ass some more and finish licking Huizar's on the weekends.
Making News: LAUSD Votes to Build a School at Belmont Site
Ulisses Sanchez Information Technology Specialist William C. Velasquez Institute 2914 N. Main St., 1st Floor Los Angeles, CA 90031 Phone-(323) 222-2217 Fax-(323) 222-2011 is now recorded as taken, by one Ulisses Sanchez, of New Jersey Street, Los Angeles. Oddly, the two-year-old registration record, due to expire 11/04, did not show up in NetSol upon previous searches.
A Ulisses Sanchez is listed as webmaster for the Mexican American Political Association and has served as a Villaraigosa spokesman in the past.
Ulisses Sanchez (MAV operative)
SEIU funds new Democrat think tank
Desperately in search of ways to start warding off the evil eye of Karl Rove, fat cat Dem donors and Andrew Stern's SEIU are finding a new think tank
In a novel approach for the Democrat party, a group of left-leaning investors said it has raised $80 million in pledges to fund thinking, in hopes that thought and actual policies might be the secret to victory in coming elections....
"People need something to believe in," said one unnamed investor in the new Democracy Alliance. "We Democrats have always believed, but now we're looking for that 'something' -- you know, a concept or principle or idea...whatever that means."....
However, a spokesman for the Democrat National Committee expressed concern that "this new so-called thinking strategy might divide the party, and reduce the amount of money available for our TV ads which make people feel bad about Republicans."
"People always run after the latest new thing," said the unnamed DNC spokesman. "But when they find out how difficult thinking really is, we're confident that they'll come back to the DNC."
Janitors say move could sweep away their jobs
A mixture of chants, bullhorns, pots and pans, and homemade maracas emanated from a group of about 40 people with union signs walking slowly in a circle in front of Holyoke Center, their concentration fixed on Harvard Planning and Real Estate's administrative offices.
What particularly concerned the union is that ABC Cleaning is non-union. ''The day after they hire everyone, they could fire anyone," said Courtney Snegroff, internal organizer for SEIU at Harvard, who planned the rally. The union fears that the janitors could get their hours reduced, or worse, get laid off.
The janitors said they are anxious to talk with Harvard.
''We're Latin Americans; we live for our work here, that's how we survive. So we're very worried and afraid of what's going to happen," said Alberto Toj Garcia through a translator. Garcia has been a janitor for six years at the Botanic Gardens, the cleaning contract to which could be taken over by ABC.
Who signed the letter of recommendation for Vignali?
I guess if Nick is slime then Villaraigosa/Huizar are the satanists of our society.
I do not support our Mayor, but I do support our future Councilman Huizar:
Jeffrey Anderson in the LA Weekly checks in on the father whose family name has figured prominently in two mayoral elections, and finds more questions looming about Horacio Vignali than about the son who was famously (or notoriously) pardoned at the request of Antonio Villaraigosa, Gloria Molina, Sheriff Lee Baca and Cardinal Roger Mahony, among others. Up in Minnesota, where young Carlos Vignali was tried and sent to federal prison, the cops on the case still talk about the Vignali family cocaine ring. The U.S. Attorney (now local judge) who prosecuted Carlos tells Anderson:
"We all felt the kid was a sacrificial lamb who was told to lie down and do his time, and that the family would take care of him when he got out. That punk kid was not the mastermind for kilos from South America. Our sense was that the father was well connected. But we could never tell who in Los Angeles was protecting him."
A senior federal judge there says prosecutors here, politicians and the media all gave Vignali a pass: "The whole thing stunk...It had money and corruption and fraud written all over it." Anderson's peg for the story is that, years after it was first reported that "the DEA long suspected Horacio Vignali was a major drug trafficker with ties to organized crime," he is still a big player in downtown L.A. real estate.
whois: erik robles?
Who is replacing Jose on the LAUSD Board?
Eric Robles was the field deputy for Congresswoman Roybal Allard. He recently took a leave of absence. Sleazy Huizar lists him on his letters as a campaign volunteer. Will someone find out if Eric took a PAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE since the Congresswoman did endorse Jose? Someone is paying Eric and as taxpayers we need to know who. Trust me, he's no volunteer.
Antonio has really gotten himself in a mess.
A new contract would boost salaries as much as 34% over five years. Agency workers already earn more than most of their peers in the state.
.........How is Jose going to explain this one? Antonio doesn't make Jose look good in this one by admitting what's wrong with LAUSD
Do city programs help LAUSD?......Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa recently launched a review of what he estimated are the city's 95 youth programs costing $290 million a year in an effort to assess how the programs can better prepare children for Los Angeles Unified schools, long-plagued with high dropout rates, low test scores and on-campus violence.
All this talk about the Torres pieces! Has anyone ever seen these pieces? Does anyone have a copy? I'd like to see them and judge for myself. So far we've only heard what Antonio and his team say about them. I like to judge them on my own- do they really say that the 14th District was only a one night stand for Antonio? Why are they still haunting the Antonio people after all these years? Again, anyone got the piece? Mayor Frank, can they be posted on this blog?
To 6:40 a.m.
Villaraigosa has already promised to endorse a mayoral campaign supporter from CD14 -- for the board position currently held by Sleazy. It's another wannabe, under-employed attorney who's failed repeatedly at previous public office attempts, and (seriously) one who has NO background whatsoever in public education.
More about that in the coming weeks (because knowing AV, there's probably more than one person he's "promised" this "elected" position to, already).
Can you say "political machine" boys and girls.
Look up Daley (the elder).
Nice post 9:43 AM. Care to name names? Man or woman? Private attorney or public attorney? What previous offices did he/she run for?
If true 9:43 AM poster, that means the rumor of Jose's COS running arent' true cuz she ain't a lawyer.
9:53 a.m.
Private attorney (but no one can name any significant work he's done). . .
Qualifies as an "ethnic minority" in TWO categories (both helpful in Huizar's LAUSD district). . .
Badly botched attempt at city council (but not in the past couple years). . .
TRUST ME, AV has promised this to more than one hanger-on.
Art Goldberg? Ricardo Torres? Corrine Sanchez? All could run for the LAUSD BOARD
Then tell Ana Cubas to stop calling me for support.
sounds like Ana has bitten off more than she can chew.
Keep it clean 2:03.
9:43AM 2005.08.08 wrote:
"It's another wannabe, under-employed attorney who's failed repeatedly at previous public office attempts"
Weezie is 2 for 2 running for office, pendejo.
Anon:6:40 am
Her name is Lou and she teaches at ELAC. She worked for Alatorre as field deputy. She ran 3 times and lost.
According to Lou both Anotonio and Huizar will support her for School board.
I think the Lou comment is ludicrous. Lou is not an attorney. And, the Coaltion for Kids -- Riordan/Broad -- pulled their support from her (and endorsed Nellie)because they found out in the eleveth hour that she had not been forthcoming with them. The list could go on and on concerning why Huizar/AV will not support her.
I think there is a weight requirement for serving on the Board --- must under 200 pds. That should rule some of the rumored candidates out of the anticipated Dist. 2 race.
Anon 9:09p.m.
Who are the rumored candidates for Jose Huizar seat.
high-powered meeting of a different sort took place last week among Los Angeles Unified School District officials and United Teachers Los Angeles.
In an effort to set a new tone, Superintendent Roy Romer, school board President Marlene Canter and UTLA President Pat Duffy went on a two-day retreat in Oxnard, where they sought common ground as the district finds itself under attack.
LAUSD spokeswoman Stephanie Brady said Canter came up with the idea similar to retreats held by some of her predecessors as a way to meet with Duffy, who is new to his job, and Romer and his staff to discuss a variety of issues.
One of the topics was the upcoming union negotiations, but it was also a chance for Romer to develop a new relationship with the school board.
Romer and former board President Jose Huizar were said to have, at best, a chilly relationship, with neither man giving support to or finding it from the other. With Canter coming in, board members said they hope to see more cooperation between the elected officials and the staff.
The district is facing pressure from all fronts these days. With a high dropout rate, improving but still-low test scores and increasing levels of campus violence, there have been calls ranging from a breakup of the district to turning all power over to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Read up a little bit and you'll see who the rumored candidates are. Neither of the two are serious candidates (one has run to many times) and the other (has run around the block too many times).
Anon 9:47
Where you referring to Alvin Parra?
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Prev. Anon,
Did you work for Gloria Molina in the past?
Do you know Alvin Parra personally?
Maybe this won't be deleted, Mr Parra has problems, if he runs, they will be exposed, it is freedom of "so called" speech.
I love America, I left Cuba to speak my mind, and I still get censored. Hola Joe Ramallo, payback is a bitch right?
no, i did not work for molina.
It is well documented that Alvin's memo to Riordan torpedoed his wife's chances of beating Tokofsky. A quote from the LA Times: "A memo written by [Nellie Rios- Parra]'s husband, which was excerpted in most Monday editions of The Times, outlined several conditions for Rios-Parra's candidacy, including a proposal that Broad give $2 million to her current employer, the Lennox School District, and a multimillion-dollar donation to Occidental College."
So, is Alvin a contender....hardly.
I would vote for Alvin Parra for School Board.
Lou ran three times. The smart money says Ms. Cuba won't receive endorsements of her former bosses (Huizar and Padilla).
Still, I'm sure the list is long of potential candidates. Ask
AJ Duffy who his candidate is.
You must be related to Alvin then. After what he pulled, I'm surprised his wife stayed with him. He another government employee eating my tax dollars. No thanks.
Why can Lou win if she has both Antonio and Huizar support.
10:16 PM
Yea right? I would vote for Alvin only if I am heavily into drugs and cannot think for myself.
Good point. She can't win even if she had their support (which she does not).
I'm voting for Triumph the Insult Dog.
I say we have Romer move to around Gage and Brooklyn and have him run to replace Huizar. Let's see how much support he has.
Anon: 1:07
It Gage and Chavez. And it would be very funny to see how lost Romer would be in East LA.
As much as I respect and admire Chavez, it's still Brooklyn to me.
Yup, Brooklyn for me too. Chavez was a good man, but why change the dam street name.
It matters because Brooklyn is in New York City and it was named by the previous Jewsih settlers to this area.
It really doesn't matter much if it's called Chavez or Esperanaza street to me. What matters is the pride of ownership people may get by being able to name streets after things or people they aspire to emulate.
To that extent, I'll meet you all half ways. Just get the city to sweep and steam clean the streets and call Bushilandia if you want.
Bushilandia sounds good too!
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