This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
The Big OOOOOOOOO is Back.
Welcome back Big O, here's a past post relating to you, don't forget to study your lines:
Who will rescue Tony from the Dark Side? Will it be
Han Solo Huizar - solo because that's the way you're going to end up in the special election, Tony's going to hang you out to dry - he'll break his commitment to you just like he has with any other meaningful commitment he has ever made.
Princess Maria E-Leia Durazo, will she find out that Tony is actually her twin brother? There'll be some red faces if this is true.
Jabba the Big O, maybe he can freeze Tony's ass in carbonite so it's the first thing he kisses in the morning.
Darth Sidious Alatorre, proving the dark side is powerful indeed.
Chewbobby Hertzberg - who's more cuddly than a wookie?
Ludlow Calrissian - another twelve inches and the spitting image of Billy Dee.
Obi Wanna-be Skelnobi - for getting a dumb ass like Tony elected, Parke should be granted immortality.
Queen Amagorda Molina - with the right hair due and a ton of integrity she might pull it off.
Darth Barkan - running this blog is indeed doing the emperor's dirty work, any Jedi left?
of course
Tony's new name would have to be Loose Truthtalker, what shall his destiny be?
Not even this blog can escape the marketing force of George Lucas coupled with too much time on my hands.
3:07 PM, June 03, 2005
Give me a break! Nicknames like "Big O" were probably cute during your days partying it up at ELACC at the house parties, but now as a father and as a married man, it only makes you seem like a big boy in an adult's game. You're Rolando Cuevas. You should leave it at that.
from: londie
Did you ever attend the great parties?
Did you attend RHS Class of 86?
ANON 9:40
Why are you so mean?
My brown brother from another mother please stop hating on me.
Here's my line to you:
God loves You.
Hey Big "O", isn't it pathetic when you have to plead?
"...please stop hating on me."
ANON 9:19
Its a joke you idot.
The Big OOOOOOOOOOOO does not need anyone aprroval.
ANON can call me names, and crack jokes about me but names do not hurt.
Judging from your girth, Big O, neither would stick and stones.
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