Who Is Mayor Sam?
Some folks have been trying to out Mayor Sam, so I thought it would be fun to see if any of you can guess who I am.
Is Mayor Sam really:
Is Mayor Sam really:
- Dan Shallman
- Karl Rove
- Jim Hahn
- Joan Milke Flores
- Sam Yorty, Jr.
- Ace Smith
- Teri Hatcher
- James Carville
- Leonard Shapiro
- Doug McIntyre
- Lindsay Lohan
- The Fourth Floor Blogger I
- The Fourth Floor Blogger II
- Larry David
- Some other person
That's true, I am much better looking than you are Westsider. :)
Duh..everyonealready knows who you are. Haven't you noticed how litte hits you are getting now? No one cares.
First strike: I am not Lindsay Lohan.
Maybe not Lindsay Lohan - but clearly just as self-absorbed
Clearly just like ADV who is going to run this city into the ground like he did my community. Ask the resident of CD14 if they care Lindsy Lohan, but AVD screwed them big time.
Chief Faker Mayor Sam can handle the scrutiny, but obviously you and your brother John can't.
Where are the 80 neighborhood watches, Faker?
Without the Hahn CPT (Cut and Paste Team), Mayor Sam you have lost a lot of your hits!
See, those people aren't getting paid anymore.
Better find a new angle quick!
Oh PLEASE! Mayor Sam was self absorbed before even Lindsay Lohan's GRANDMOTHER was born.
He invented it!
I vote for Fourth Floor Blogger II.
Fourth Floor Blogger 2? I thought there was only one.
Now that your site's become a ghost town -- who cares who any of the avatars are...
Back to work, all of you Hahn-haters, or Antonio won't be picking up your options.
He's already going to leave most of his brain-dead field staffers out "in the field" so he can write-off their time to the district. Just like he wrote off their mayroal campaigning time to the district.
This blog is soooo intelligent I bet Mayor Sam is really Paris Hilton – not Lindsay Lohan.
I thought there had only been one Fourth Floor Blogger myself until someone mentioned to me that he enjoyed Mayor Sam alot more when he was blogging at Fourth Floor.
Since I am pretty sure FFB1 was female...
anyone besides me wondering if Pacheco pulled the plug on the filing of the recall signatures because AV promised to stay neutral in the CD14 race?
also, i think mayor sam is a woman.
Hey Boi - Remember, I know who you are too!
If FFB is female, then who is it??
Troy Edwards
Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know!
You're... "some other person!"
Whaddoo I win?
The FFB1 was the main blogger on the Fourth Floor but there was an FFB2 who posted as well. FFB1 sometimes posts to Mayor Sam but not lately.
who cares, distraction, bye bye
Mayor Sam is actually not one person. You can see this because of the difference in the tone of the articles "he" writes.
My understanding is that the entire thing is the brilliant creation of a political consulting firm out of Orange County. Each of the three principles of that firm write the articles. Hence, the difference. Two of them are women by the way.
What they need to do is to compile a Mayor Sam Style Guide so their articles are very consistent.
That is the biggest piece of bullshit I have ever heard.
No way they are from OC! They know the Valley and they keep messing with Stuart Waldman.
Maybe the women know Stuart!
One of the women from Huggy Bear Herztberg's camp knows Stuart because he used to be her boss.
I thought stuart was a woman?
2:18 p.m., would this by any chance be the same O.C. firm that created the "Join the Republican Revolution" scam mailer in 2003 that Villaraigosa used to con the blue-hairs in Eagle Rock and Garvanza in CD14 into thinking he was more "conservative" than the incumbent councilperson??
Yes it would be.
DIStraction again
Mayor Sam is Scott Svonkin
Chief Parker is Brad Sherman
MEAT is Nick Pacheco with some bad-ass reverse psychology double twisted hawk style technique
Westsider is Ruth Galanter
Republican for AV is Richard Murelo
Athena is Cynthia Ruiz
Sacramento Nighties is Janice Hahn
A free autographed picture?!! Are you serious?! Get a life and do everyone a favor. Please, remain anonymous!
Everyone knows its Dan Shallman, John's brother. You opened your mouth to the wrong person and they told one person and then it spread like wildfire.
Sweet! Another picture for my picture book of crap.
Cindy M. must be bucking for a position in the new Mayor's entourage - but I say we get the fine citizens of Miami to pay this freight, since they wanted to "clean house" at L.A. City Hall so much. How about it Fla. "hisssspanics" -- start popping for this ticket:
ITEM NO. (55)
RESOLUTION (PADILLA - MISCIKOWSKI) relative to authorizing acceptance of gifts for the purpose
of financing the Mayor-elect’s transition activities.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
1. RESOLVE to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City of Los Angeles to solicit and accept gifts made to
the City for purposes of financing the Mayor-elect’s transition activities for any expenses incurred
prior to August 30, 2005 and to deposit any such cash gifts in a public trust fund hereby established
for such transition purposes in a cumulative amount not to exceed $200,000 and with no gift from
any one source to exceed $10,000.
2. RESOLVE to ACCEPT any gifts made by the donors to the City for such purposes on behalf of the
3. RESOLVE to AUTHORIZE the Mayor-elect’s transition organization to make expenditures out of
the Fund for the sole purpose of paying the costs and expenses reasonably associated with Mayorelect
Villaraigosa’s transition activities, such as paying for staff, acquiring equipment and supplies
and funding the reasonable costs of inauguration events, and AUTHORIZE the Controller to deposit
any unspent cash gifts on hand after payment of all the costs and expenses associated with Mayorelect
Villaraigosa’s transition activities into the City’s General Fund.
4. RESOLVE to REQUEST the Controller to process any requests for disbursements submitted to the
Controller by a designated representative of Mayor-elect Villaraigosa’s transition organization within
24 hours of receipt of such request for disbursement.
5. RESOLVE to AUTHORIZE and REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare any necessary agreements,
documents or other instruments to memorialize and implement the foregoing; AUTHORIZE and
DIRECT the President of the City Council to execute any such agreements, documents or other
instruments on behalf of the City, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality;
and REQUEST and AUTHORIZE the Department of General Services to make available suitable
office space on a temporary basis for the Mayor-elect’s transition activities.
"Everyone knows it's Dan Shallman, John's brother." Thanks for the solid sourcing on that one, Newsweek. Come on, doesn't anyone have anything but rumors and innuendo on this?
Right now, from what we can tell, it's as likely to be Karl Rove as it is Shallman or any of the other alleged likely candidates.
Hey 7:43-you must ne th eonly person who doesn't know who Mayor sam is. WAKE UP.
Dan Shallman
i think mayor sam is satan
You cuys aren't thinking straight. All that cutting and pasting hinders original thought.
Think of it this way: Who has the means and motive to do this stuff?
Flacks with a lot of time and staff to do research. Flacks who have worked in and around City Hall. Flacks who want to say they "did something" for lack of a long work history.
Plus, only men have the ego and agressive tendencies to write like Mayor Sam.
So, here is what we are looking for:
*Ex-Flack for Mayor Riordan or other Citywide
*Under 35
It's likely Mayor Sam is a team effort of Matt Szabo and Ben Austin.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true...
Dan Shallman
Who's Mayor Sam?
Simple, the owner of a dying blog.
Ben Austin...what an incredibel ego for such a person....
I think Mayor Sam, the site, is a subsidiary of Shallman & Skelton. I think Mayor Sam, the person, is Dan Shallman. I think Shallman & Skelton will work on Dan's campaign for District Attorney. But after Huizar's crushing defeat by Gil Cedillo, Dan will look for a new consultant.
Leo Terrell
Boi from Troy in a desire to be heterosexual.
Mayor Sam is Antonio...
Mayor Sam= Ben Affleck
Meat= JLO
Athena=Parke Skelton acting like a Latino
Cut and Paste Crew are not Hahn staffers but covert Villaraigosa staffers using reverse psych.
Mayor Sam= Ben Affleck
Meat= JLO
Athena=Parke Skelton acting like a Latino
Cut and Paste Crew are not Hahn staffers but covert Villaraigosa staffers using reverse psych.
Mayor Sam is Bonny Herman from VICA. That is how he outed Boi from Troy.
Mayor Sam is Rob Reiner, Chief Parker is MEAT.
Dick Riordan said he was going to get rich off the Grand Ave project and that it was all a bunch of baloney.
Mayor Sam is Marion Berry. The bitch set him up.
It's Dan Shallman. I heard it too.
Szabo you had to chime in at some point during this the existence of this blog. Not saying you are one of the famous bloggers or posters.
Notice no one is refuting the Dan Shallman charge either....
And the thought of Dan running for elected office is almost as laughable as the folks who thought Hahn would win another term
Chief Parker is my hero!
Ben Austin has never had a creative, original thought in his life. He just steals ideas from his staff. He could never do this blog.
Mayor Sam is Joan Milke Flores and Chief Parker is Joy Picus.
Is Ben Austin related to Steve Austin?
Dan Shallman---who is this guy that everyone is saying is Mayor Sam?
Mayor Sam is Steve Austin and Chief Parker is the 6 Million Dollar Woman
Mayor Sam, Your site is literally trash now. It used to be interesting to browse, but not anymore...sayonara...
I guess 4th floor bloggers I or II would be my first choice. Although I only ever knew of one.
Matt Szabo is a good choice.
I thought Shallman was more Democrat and he must be younger.
I believe it could be a woman for sure, yet none come to mind.
Definitely from the Valley or worked for a valley pol.
I think 90% of the posters have nothing to do with City Hall really. They just like to read about it.
I think you know who I am.
Yes we do (Ex)Mayor Hahn. You must have a lot more time on your hands now.
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