Support For Hahn Staffers
As a public service, we here at the Sister City are offering assistance for Hahn administration staffers. The following hot links may be of interest to them:
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
That's cold, Cowboy.
Hi Mayor Sam,
I love your site, but you failed to mention all of the drug rehabilitation centers for Antonio Villaraigosa's staff. The Cocaine Anonymous, Liars Addiction club, AA, wife cheaters club, and can't finish a job center.
There were a couple of other fights today at a CD 14 High School; It was racial. Call LAUSD.
Oh my, oh my, Anon 5:03 pm is soooooooooooo hilarious!!! Ha, ha, ha!!! Yes, it's good to see how much of a sore loser you are after your boy Hahn got his ass handed to him on a silver platter by Villaraigosa with that 59-41 defeat. Keep that spirit up, because you definitely need it.
Instead of ADV still going for photo ops he should be dealing with the LAUSD racial fights going on around the city.
All time low Mayor Sam for the listings. KARMA
They can use the same U-Haul's that brought all the ADV dimwits into L.A. from Sacramento 2 years ago.
Hopefully ADV's new staff will get lost trying to find L.A. after they move in.
But at the end of the day, regardless of all the trash talking... VILLARAIGOSA WON!!! VILLARAIGOSA WON!!!
So there, that's the REAL end of story!
Did you hear that today Antonio mentioned raising taxes? What a coward not to mention during campaign! Those over 2 million who didn't vote will now see what a truly corrupt, incompetent idiot LA has for a mayor. Let's see who he appoints to police commission, dwp, and the other major boards.
Let's see if the LA Times devours him the way they did Hahn. Trouble is Antonio has that nasty temper
Cardenas bet the Times columnist that Villaraigosa wouldn't win, saying Los Angeles wasn't ready to elect a Latino. After holding out to the end before endorsing Villaraigosa, Cardenas was conspicuously absent from the speaker lineup at the election party.
I can't wait to see Gil hire his little girly friend onto his staff....
Dan-your employer doesn't mind all this time you devote to this site?
It must suck Dan to live in the shadows of your brother through this web site. He snickers about it behind your back.
Sorry to say, this is as conservative as it gets down here in L.A.
Maybe you mean Orange County?
ADV won, did everyone catch that?
It's all down hill from here.
Did they forget to mention Tony V. won?
He won!
Tell your friends.
I think you mean Mayor-elect ADV... show some respect.
Do you think he can stay focused long enough to be sworn in, or will Ace Smith have to take the pledge for him?
Do you?
He does, trust me!
We can say now, unquestionably, McOsker is the weakest mayoral chief of staff in memory. He surrounded himself with a bunch of dimwits so he can show relatively brighter. Ofcourse, the mayor bears the ultimate responsibility. His ship has been taking water for a long time and he or his chief of staff did nothing about it. You can say they were arrogant but I say they were not smart enough to detect what was going on. This city has not seen such disconnect in a long time. They paid the price: a humiliating drubbing. Check out, guys and good luck.
When did he can you? (Or did he just never hire you?)
It's pretty obvious now...
We can say now, unquestionably, JIMMY BLACKMAN is the weakest councilmanic chief of staff in memory. He surrounded himself with a bunch of dimwits so he can show relatively brighter. Of course, VILLARAIGOSA bears the ultimate responsibility. His COUNCIL ship has been taking water for a long time and he or his chief of staff did nothing about it. You can say they were arrogant but I say they were not smart enough to detect what was going on. That COUNCIL DISTRICT has not seen such disconnect in a long time. They paid the price: a legacy with no accomplishments. Enjoy them at City, ADV-lovers, rots of ruck.
Has anyone mentioned in the past hour that ADV won.
He won, by the way.
Nothing moves from here on out.
Get over him, he won.
Hey Sam,
The problem for you is there is a Hahn staffer who knows who you are. That person may not think this post is funny.
Mayor Sam,
I wonder if any Hahn staff would be kept.
I don't trust the pollsters, the one I went to was letting my aunt vote and she does NOT have legal papers. I told her to stay home, but she went and voted.
Hey 10:07
If you know who mayor sam is, just say it...I am sure at this point he/she does not really care, but I am curious.
Hi Mayor Sam,
The new Mayor should expand the Mayor's Office of Economic Development. Specifically, the Business Team. Under the Hahn rule he literally destroyed Riordan's Business Team.
In addition, it took Hahn a year to hire a Deputy Mayor for Econ. Dev.. The new Mayor should send a message to the business community immediately and not wait a year to hire an inexperienced campaign worker.
Please convey this message to Robin Krammer, Bob Hertzberg and Antonio V.....
Business Owner in San Fernando Valley
OK, OK, try Annika at:
She's living away at law school, but does LA stuff a lot, as you can see...
I agree with Anon 9:37 pm, Jimmy Blackman is without the dumbest Councilmanic Chief of Staff ever! Afterall, he's so dumb, Antonio ONLY won his district by 73/27. That doesn't compare to how smart Hahn is, since he was able to beat Villaraigosa by 62/38 in his own district!
Hold on, let me check that... oh, Villaraigosa won his own district by a wider margin than Hahn won the district where he lives in and his sister represents in the City Council.
Ok, sorry Jimmy, I guess you're not as dumb as these bloggers think so.
Jimmy Blackman does the job with quiet efficiency. Do not mistake his quiet demeanor for incompetence.
Compared to Eliseo and some of the other CD 14 geniuses, he looks like Karl Rove.
I guarantee that if Jimmy was running the recall (for instance), he'd have had the signatures instead of whining about some slight to Pacheco, real or imagined or some park or some museum, he'd have been taking care of business.
Maybe you morons should emulate Jimmy instead of slamming him, and perhaps you could actually succeed in something besides boring us to death with CD 14 trivia.
Please return your key to Room 300. You won't be needing it after July 1.
Don't you wish you had been a little more civil to Mayor Villaraigosa?
Payback's a bitch, ain't it?
What's the diffrence between a sore winner and a sore loser?
Already Antonio on the news last night is saying he wants to raise taxes and put the 1/2 cent sales tax to get more officers. They blasted him on KCAL9. Kermin Maddox called him a flip flopper because not that long ago hee voted AGAINST putting a city tax even though the city voted 64% to pass. Now Antonio wants a county wide. IT WON'T PASS Not after those loser Board of Supervisors FOUND $309 million after Measure A failed.
I would think all the ADV lovers would be celebrating their win. They still sound very very bitter. Could it be that they know ADV has no clue how to run a city and will in a very short time embarrass them.
Did anyone from the Hahn-hating camp post this again in the last hour -- I just want to make sure everyone remembers.
ADV won... he won.
Just in case it wasn't mentioned.
He won.
Now the decline really picks up speed. But he did win!
ADV won, get over him.
Villaraigosa was pressed on the significance of his planned appearance in Washington next month at a conference organized by the group Campaign for America's Future.
Hey, Antonio is already working it for the Governor. job.
Just in case anyone forgot since this morning, ADV won.
L.A.'s future is the loser.
But ADV won. Congratulate him.
Buy gold and hide it in your mattresses.
But ADV won.
Make sure everyone knows that. Don't forget.
He's responsible for what happens here on out, and it won't be pretty.
But he did win. Don't forget that.
you guys are fools. antonio is a worker and he will make sure that things get done. plus his commissioners will not be corrupt (what a concept). the city will work much, much better than it did under hahn. wait and see.
Yeah, ADV won, but talk about the lesser of two evils. Hahn is sort of like the useless person on Survivor who the better, stronger people want to "take to the final two" because there ain't no way the jury is going to vote for THAT guy.
That guy is totally Jim Hahn.
That said, there are a few of Hahn's staffers that I have worked with who are good, conscientious, hard-working people who embody what a public servant ought to be. They deserve better than this post, Mayor Sam, even if their boss IS a scumbag.
Rep for ADV, that is a good assessment of Mr. Blackman.
Will Villaraigosa sign the ethics pledge too? Is he just having others sign it only? It would be important and necessary for him to also sign an ethics pledge he is toating around for his new staff. He was on 107.1 today in the morning, he sounded ok, but the dj's kept saying he will do for the Latino community. Every Latino expects him to delliver for the Latino, and Villaraigosa agreed.
"A person posted this on a previous thread, it's interesting."
La Colectiva was never a Pacheco shop. La Colectiva was incorporated in 1994, while Nick was finishing up law school. Although La Colectiva started as a food cooperative, based out of the same church, Santa Isabel, that launched UNO and Las Madres del Este, the sheer membership of these cooperatives propelled it into political activism.
La Colectiva worked over 30 victorious campaigns, as verified by the Times, and was the first bilingual-bicultural phone bank in operation in the country. In 2000, La Colectiva made over 3 million calls for Democratic candidates under a contract with the DCCC facilitated by Congresswoman Lucille Roybal Allard. Want to know why Gore had a late surge in Florida that year, 75,000 calls to Latinos in the last day and a half of that race.
La Colectiva also made calls to mobilize Latino pockets for Adam Schiff, Jane Harman, Honda, and Davis - all were in tight races that year and La Colectiva was able to pull out the Latino vote. The La Colectiva phone bank was the brain child of Lloyd Montserrat and was up and running way before Miguel Contreras had his up for the County Fed.
The Marina message that most try to pin on Nick was orchestrated by Paige Richardson, Xavier Becerra's out of state campaign manager - this is verified by a DA report. In addition, La Colectiva had four judges rule in our favor against the county when Gloria Molina started the rumors that La Colectiva was using county funds. This was all investigated by the DA - two more investigations - and nothing was found.
If La Colectiva was found to be doing anything illegal, I would be paying the price or in jail right now. When all these allegations against La Colectiva started, I removed myself from political activities, against Nick's wishes. This I did because my daughter had just been diagnosed with autism and I needed to be home. For too long now I have let any and all accusations against La Colectiva go unchallenged - I had other priorities and they didn't concern me.
But for those that know me, including Jose Huizar, Enrique Gasca, Alvin Parra, and Antonio Villaraigosa and his wife Corina, know that I have always operated with the highest integrity and with my community's best interest in mind. Well my daughter is much better now and I am back.
I quickly learned that a good legal team is more valuable than a good organizing team in the Villaraigosa age of slime politics. I will not let any accusation go unchallenged any longer. So if you have anything to say against La Colectiva, please have proof or you will be served with a lawsuit. It's funny how I never intended to be a lawyer but have become quite an expert at defamation law.
Mayor Sam, any such lawsuits will first go through your website and subpoenas can get nasty, but as you mentioned before, thank God for IP addresses.
I will make any and all information pertaining to La Colectiva available to anyone requesting it. That is the Marina Message DA investigation, the lawsuit against the County, past history, etc.,. Just e-mail me at or send me a letter at 2148 Fremont Street #19, Alhambra, CA 91803.
Chief Parker, you talk about divisive politics, the 14th District, my home district, was well on it's way to becoming a safe, organized, clean area with plenty of youth opportunities - before Antonio's spite and ambition split this community. For any one doubting this, look at all the coverage of the 1999 CD 14 race. If I read this correctly, this was the biggest community movement and victory since Edward Roybal in 1948. There is only one solution against well connected, and yes - corrupt Latino politicians - and that is Grass Root activism. Antonio turned away from this method of political participation - we still believe in it in the barrio because it tranlates into voter education. Something our Latino community desperately needs and Antonio Villaraigosa and Antonio Gonzales from SVREP only causually address during political campaigns.
In conclusion, I like Jose Huizar. He is from the same state that my mother is from, Zacatecas, Mexico. He has a lot to offer our community. But your character became suspect when you aligned yourself with Antonio - you know this. All this Grass Root activism could have been yours, but true colors come through when you are under pressure - and you caved to Antonio, not the kind of leader we need. But lots of luck to you and your team, strong aggressive campaigns only make our community that much stronger.
Martin GutieRuiz
former CEO La Colectiva Inc.
I did not say say La Colectiva did something illegal; I said they slimed Antonio in the first Mayor's election.
That is his perception and mine.
That is enough for the CD 14 to not send Pacheco to the Council and have the district pay for his actions.
Maybe the blog editors will need to use those employment sites at the top, now that sister city is a ghost town.
Not even trying to rile up Anti-Antonios against meat seems to be working to get this active again.
10:38 a.m., heard it all before Spring 2003.
Still waiting... still waiting... still waiting... still waiting.
Two years.
Nothing, nada, zilch. Some called him Villarai-go-slow, but those were the optimists. Should have been Villarai-no-go.
he's already gotten a commitment from bratton to stay, you pinhead, and he doesnt even take office until july 1. clown.
ADV ran, he won, but he can no longer hide. Every step he takes from this day forward will be examined carefully be media and citizens.
No assembly or city council to hide behind now - no group work to take partial credit for. Hi is one his own as never before in public life, and like the Hahn-haters said of the outgoing mayor, he should know everything, he should be proactive - not reactive, he should do and not have things done for him.
ADV is one lost puppy, all alone in the big, mean city.
This is going to be fun, with major media ripping him a new one through that oh so very thin skin, beginning July 2.
Bratton was going to stay under Hahn, too.
We should be used to this after all the claims of district accomplishments that no one could ever prove throughout the campaign.
Oh, he'll rise on Hahn's budgets and coattails for a few weeks, but then... every damn day, people will be askin. Well, what's he doing. For me? Today?
I hear Antonio already has his budget prepared for the next fiscal year (that was fast).
Oh yeah, Hahn did that - and ADV didn't even show up to vote on it... too busy campaigning to even weigh in on the budget he's going to have to work with the first year.
Very "engaged" isn't he.
When does the next campaign begin? August 1?
So that other blogging ADV-lover wants Tony to get credit for Bratton staying around, i.e, "fixing" something that would never have risked getting broke if he had kept his promise to his district not to run?
Yeah, I broke your window, neighbor, but I got it fixed before you got home. Give me credit, pat me on the back, and say thanks!
Not hardly. Keep trying.
Tell AV's COS that one of Hahns greatest failings was not putting key people in regions of the City to rep him like Bradley did and even Riordan. McOsker was told over and over that he needed the "Dodo Meyers" types in each region of the City. But Tim refused and Jim got screwed. This should be a lessen to the AV team. No teenie boppers need apply. Get some mature, well-known community staffers and give them some authority.
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What about Julie Wong? Name one reporter that actually likes/respects her ...
You applied for her job too, I see.
Get over it -- send ADV your CV and try again.
So if AV were to steal the best council staffers who should he pick, and for what job?
What are you implying.
He won, didn't you hear? (But the ethical, constituent service minded won't work for him!)
Why do you think he had to import everyone from Sacramento two years ago?
Get over him!
Bunch of sore losers...
End of story.
I'm bored, so I decided to pose a question for those that are in the know. Is AV keeping any of his mistresses on staff? I heard Jenny is right next to him, literally.
Nice to see that even in defeat, you still have energy to throw out false rumors meant to trash people.
Get a life.
Has anyone posted yet that ADV won the election this week.
Hahn lost.
Just in case you didn't hear earlier. ADV is the mayor-elect.
Get over him.
What about a list of the best and worst Hahn staffers? And before someone says it, don't be cute in saying there are no good Hahn staffers. maybe two or three!
And then a list of potential staffers for ADV?
Martin, this is not directed at you. It is directed to Pacheco. Pacheco, I find it interesting that you would list endless accomplishments taking full credit, and then put the La Colectiva issue on the table and attempt to link Lloyd to it. Why would you do that? Yes, La Colectiva was founded before you became a City Councilman but anyone who was within the city limits knew that YOU took care of La Colectiva. That is common knowledge.
It saddens me to hear what has happened to Las Madres and its scholarship program. The Gutierrez family are good people who have dedicated years of their lives to our community. They didn’t deserve this and neither did Lloyd. It amazes me that you have no problem listing endless accomplishments while taking full credit for them….not linking Lloyd to any of them. Yet, you have the nerve to once again attempt to link Lloyd to your scandal. Anything that was POSITIVE related to your time with the City of LA is courtesy of Lloyd and you know that and more importantly the community knows that. Lloyd’s good work benefited the youth, seniors, and all community members.
This message is not directed to you Martin. We don’t have an issue with you. We will always admire the dedication to community that the Gutierrez family stands for. It is directed to Pacheco. Pacheco, don’t mention Lloyd Monserratt’s name again.
Signed by those people who will always honor Lloyd's memory
I hear that hahn's staff people are having difficulty finding jobs...So, far, only two deputy mayor's have jobs....
The best hahn staffers; The only deputy mayor's that I slightly respected were mario marin, brian williams and elizabeth kaltman... they were at least honest and somewhat intelligent.
THE WORST HAHN STAFFERS: That idiot Doane Lu, Julia Kirwin, Julie Wong, The entire business team, that Stein chick ( whose mom is on the DWP Board), Tim McOSker
elizabeth kaltman is very good.
Brian Williams is a slug; he is afraid of his own shadow. Roberta Yang can't get out of her own way.
Doane Liu is an arrogant, over educated fool. At the end, McOsker handed everything to him and he thought he was running the City. He probably was; too bad.
All of the good ones left and the slugs were left behind to try to make something of the lack of direction that came from Hahn and McOsker.
The one good one left months ago; he saw the writing on the wall.
Matt Middlebrook is one smart guy. When he left, he knew the house was falling down.
For the last few months, McOsker has been wondering why his phone calls were not being answered.
Here's the answer, Tim. We all saw this coming, and when you didn't return our calls for three years and eight months, or took days or weeks to return them, and when you sluffed off reasonable suggestions and requests to the "Kiddy Korps" of ineffective "Deputy Mayors", the chickens were coming home to roost.
What goes around comes around. Enjoy your retirement in San Pedro and try to get another job where people will kiss your ass and tell you how wonderful you are.
Next time, check to see if it is you, or just the position you temporarily hold.
So thanks again to:
Ted Stein
Leland Wong
Troy Edwards
John Stodder
Doug Dowie
James Acevedo
Chris Hammond
Pierce O'Donnell
Alan Abrams
Charles Fitzgereald
The Alan Casden Group
And all of you others, too numerous to name, who helped bring down this most corrupt, most investigated administration in the recent history of Los Angeles.
Don't think it hasn't been fun, because, it hasn't.
Viva Villaraigosa. The air smells cleaner already.
Whoa, how could you leave off that genius, Deputy Mayor Renata Simril?
You know, the one who can't read a damn RFP?
She's the member of the Kiddy Korps who blew the FOUR BILLION DOLLAR($4,000,000,000) Stem Cell Research Biocenter!! Just couldn't read the REQUIREMENTS that said MANDATORY, MUST have it all on one or two floors connected by internal staircase, and MANDATORY MUST have a guaranteed 15 year lease.
Another great job by Hahn, McOsker and the Kiddy Korps.
Is it any wonder there is not a crane in Los Angeles, other than the one in Century City?
This City is stagnant because we have been paralyzed by a do-nothing, risk nothing administration.
So don't feel bad for those who have contributed to this demise.
And whatever you do, don't hire them. The whole bunch of them are worthless slugs who cannot function in the real world.
Goodbye Hanistas. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
"Public Works Board member Ellen Stein abruptly retired Friday from her $107,000-a-year position, creating an opening for one of the most coveted commission seats at City Hall.
Stein announced her plans to leave on Wednesday, the day after the election, but did not return calls to explain why.
Hahn's office declined to release her letter of resignation.
Stein is the wife of Ted Stein, the controversial figure who resigned as president of the city Airport Commission last year after he came under fire for contracting practices at the airport."
Awww. Hey Ellen, don't let the door hit you in the butt, either.
Antonio won, did you hear? Now he'll bring his staff on bioard.
They'll make you cry for the
"good old days" when Hahn's staff was in City Hall. You'll want to beg them to come back. Very soon.
Tom Lykeus was slamming Antonio yesterday on his radio show. All his men callers were saying Antonio was a "pussy" for merging his wife and his name. The guys calling in were hilarious and
YES Latino.
Reality has set in for many who didn't care to vote. Media is jumping on Antonio saying he now wants to raise taxes to get cops. During his campaign he kept saying he wanted to hire more cops but never said how. Now we know. Antonio and Parks will make Bratton's life so miserable Bratton will want to leave. He was all for show Antonio saying he wants Bratton to stay. LA will now see what an incompetent idiot Antonio is and see what happens when he puts all his crooks in key positions.
Since Tuesday's election officer morale has gone down. They are worried about Parks telling Antonio what to do and are certain the 3-12 will be taken away. If that happens expect LAPD to lose another 1,000 officers. Some have already put in their papers. They refused to work for a mayor who supports gang bangers and they're afraid the gang bangers will act up knowing there's a Latino mayor. How sad!
I'm curious to know where Hahn's Executive Staff worked prior to joining his administration... and for those who have secured new jobs, where they are headed and what they will be doing. Anyone care to share?
Their bios are all on the mayor's web page. I am not sure where they are going. Mcosker to a small san Pedro law firm, I bet. Maybe with Hahn? Natalie to Gil Cedillo's office.
Or maybe Natalie to Padilla's office?
Anon 8:21
That's a great reason that everyone should have voted for Hahn... not for his qualifications; but because some whiny LAPD officers are supposedly scared. This is just a scare tactic by the suddenly political weak PPL.If officers leave a good job just because of Antonio and Parks, the city can do with out them. They probably would have ended up costing the city money by beating up somebody with a flashlight or something.
This has turned into an interesting post. Mayor Sam, how about listing the best city hall staffers?
No idiot the city lost over $100 million in lawsuits because of Bitter Bernie and Rampart. Can hardly wait for Connie Rice's investigation report she was holding on Rampart until after election. Parks is an asshole! Officers hate him. If you think they're whiny get your ass out there and see what they put up with. You'd run home crying.
Blacks have already told their community they have Antonio in their hip pocket for their votes. Antonio doesn't have the balls Hahn did. He's a crybaby.
That's a good idea, 4:17 p.m., we already have less than half the Cops a city this size needs... we'll let you run off the ones you don't particularly like so we have one-third. Why not just issue everyone in the city their own firearm and body armor and let us shoot it out (then a hire a couple hundred more coroners).
Solves overcrowding and traffic, too.
Police recuitment IS going to be much harder under and ACLU-crony mayor. No two ways about it. Who wants to put their lives on the line with one hand always being tied behind your back.
ADV may actually get some new money for cops, but then he'll never find anyone for the positions. They'll have to start offering huge bonuses and perks like the army recruiters, just to stay even.
If Rice's report is accurate(and it won't be) it would find the same thing that the previous Rampart Reports did: that Parks is clean and actually discovered the problem. If she does some real digging(which she won't) she would find that Jimmy as a City Attorney is more at fault for Rampart than any other public official. Oh by the way, she only has until June 30 to get that report out. I doubt she's going to try to piss off Parks while she tries to beg Antonio to keep her job.
Anon 8:26: You're the asshole. You and your whiny LAPD colleagues may not like him. But, voters listened to him. And, like it or not, he's the reason your favorite incompetent Mayor doesn't have a job.
Anon 2:23: If loads of officers leave like you report(which they won't), we should really get rid of the 3-12 so we can finally get the full use out of the officers we have. Also, the ACLU label didn't work during the campaign. It sure as hell isn't going to work here. And, you talk about bonuses? The Police Department has already gotten its beloved three-day workweek and a shit load of raises and recruitment still isn't up. You just proved my point, bitch!
Recruitment is down moron because they know that Antonio was going to win with the Latino vote. Recruits don't want to join LAPD when its obvious behind the scenes Parks will be pulling the strings along with John Mack, Danny Bakewell and the other idiot black racists. 3-12 was implemented to get more officers. LAPD lost 1,000 under Parks and if you don't think more will walk if they take it away go gargle with razor blades. There's over 300 veterans that can retire today if they want. You can replace that kind of experience.
If you can read, get a book called "Labyrinth" by Randal Sullivan. He lays out the whole case and how Parks knew Raphael Perez and the Mack officer way back when. Parks' daughter had them over to dinner at Parks house. Parks recruited Mack who did the BofA bank robbery and is now doing time. Parks knew about Rampart and tried to cover it up.
Connie Rice was going to put out her report before the election but knew it would be damaging to Parks so she was pressured to hold it. She's a very smart lady. It will be interesting to see what that report will have to say.
Connie Rice will have about as much to say as you do: NOTHING.
Did officers know three years ago that Antonio was going to win in 2005... NO! So why hasn't recruitment gone up since then.
The 3-12 was put into place four years ago. So, why hasn't recruitment gone up?
And, Parks has been called everything from a racist to someone who is "not black enough" on this blog. Which one is he?
Lastly, you're just spouting off more PPL bullshit. Parks uncovered Rampart while Jimmy made it worse. No one in his family knew Perez or Mack... and they never came over for dinner. Not all minorities know each other.
BTW let me clear up some other myths about Parks:
1. He never drove for Kenny Hahn. And, the Hahn family had nothing to do with his success
2. He doesn't own the Pantry... Riordan does
3. He is "black enough"
4. Jr. is not a hip-hop gangsta'
5. The book "Labrynth" is a crock. The key source is Russell Poole who was an LAPD officer that was going to be fired... but he retired instead.
Anything else from the Klan, er, PPL?... or are you guys still licking your wounds from that ass-kicking you took Tuesday night?
Gee, you sound just like Bitter Bernie. Det. Poole had all the facts and the dept. under Parks didn't want to hear it and stopped his investigation in its tracks.
Recruitment was fine last year up until the Stanley Miller case then the Devin Brown. Who the hell wants to work for a dept. in a city that threatens to burn down because an officer did what he was trained to do? LAPD officers are constantly scrutinez because the blacks are a bunch of crybabies. Look what Baca did and they're still crying and Jesse Jackson comes out and says it was a "hate crime" with that shootoutin Compton. Forget the officers got a call of man with a gun. Blacks now think they have all this power and with Antonio in their pocket they don't have a chance. Watch officers start to walk. You think we're in bad shape now lagging behind 5 of the biggest cities. It'll only get worst
Does anybody know where the deputy mayor's are going? I heard that "Stem Cell Lady" Renata Simril is going to Genesis LA or to LA CRA. Tim Mc.. is going to a small law firm in Pedro. Brian Williams will be running a Radio Shack on Crenshaw. Eric Brown will be working for one of the those orgnization he gave money to while under the hahn rule. Roberta who cares? Carmel Sella who cares? Natalie will marry Gil next year.
Any info please let us all know?
Best Hahn Staffer was Elizabeth Kaltman.
when do you start pissing on av and his girlfriends?
also i hear that the vaunted latimes held up stories on tony and morello . . . guess that they want you know who to win! pc latimes will have to explain that.
when do you start pissing on av and his girlfriends?
also i hear that the vaunted latimes held up stories on tony and morello . . . guess that they want you know who to win! pc latimes will have to explain that.
If all this is true about Parks, where are the grand jury investigations? The U.S. and District Attorney have proven that they're not shy when it comes to dealing with your boy Hahn.
These rumors have existed for years, and if they meant anything you would think that Parks would be behind bars.
Blaming the lack of recruitment on Devin Brown and Stanley Miller is especially low... even for a "PPLer".
And when you say "the blacks are a bunch of crybabies" does that go for all blacks... because I don't consider myself a crybaby. This is further proof why a white hood should be part of the PPL uniform.
And again, why are we lagging behind the five biggest cities? I thought the 3-12 was the answer to all the recruitment problems.
To Martin and Jorge and all the rest of you who feel how these two losers feel: Pacheco is a slimy piece of sh*t and must have a serious bdsm thing because he must love public humiliation. The 1st incumbent to ever be spanked in a primary? He ran for DA and only got 15 points? Jesus...this guy should just put on the leather and ask constituents to randomly whip him up in Eagle Rock where he lives. It might make great theater and get more people to that crappy flea market they call a "farmers market".
10:37 anon I'm Latin so stop blaming PPL or Hahn staffers. Parks promoted his corrupt buddies like Deputy Chief Moore who the FBI and IRS are investigating on money laundering his cocaine son gave to daddy. Cmdr. Kim another cronie was arrested for domestic violence and Parks promoted that idiot. Parks never asked for more officers they entire time he was chief. He never cared about the rank and file. And lets not forget Hahn had 320 budgeted for more officers when those lame ass councilmembers voted NO in 2003.
Blacks are crybabies. Whenver anything goes wrong they threatened just like Bakewell, Naji Ali, John Mack and the rest of those racists to burn down the city. If anybody should be wearing hoods it should be them.
Mayor Sam, Your site is literally trash now. It used to be interesting to browse, but not anymore...sayonara...
Very nice post!
Ray Brickman
Apartment for Rent in the Philippines
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