Do Nothing Republicans
We told you how Jim Hahn bought and paid for Republican support by opening his checkbook.
The sad part, is that the same folks who gladly took checks from a Democratic mayor are running the local and state GOP into the ground.
Doug Boyd, his wife Linda (Chairman of the LA County Republican party) and others have failed the members of their party. Like the state GOP, they have not at all been aggressive about finding, developing and electing strong Republican leaders in Los Angeles. The Democrats are highly effective of moving future leaders through their paces within unions and other organizations, then electing them to lesser positions such as water boards, school boards, etc. - then moving them up to City Council, State Legislature, etc. On the other hand, the neanderthals running the local GOP are more content to indulge in bris and chablis and get paid by low life Democrats like James K. Hahn.
Because of this, we get people like Jackie Goldberg and other wacko liberals elected to state office. Then, rather than solve the problems of the state, they spend their time debating bills banning internet hunting and deciding what names sports teams should have.
Those of us who support a conservative, even moderate agenda have to wake up and take charge of the local GOP to begin to work to elect decent, thoughtful, intelligent Republicans to local office and more of them. Indeed, there are many folks out there whom properly educated, would find basic conservative principles of individual freedom and limited government appealing. But we have to do this ourselves. The media won't do it and the Democrats and liberals will continue to lie.
And when I talk about electing some good Republicans, I'm not talking about the same old cavemen such as David Dreir, Tony "Jim Hahn" Strickland, etc., but some innovative conservative leaders such as David Hernandez, Mike Gin, Heather Peters and others.
But first, we have to revolt and then reform the party.
Here at the Sister City, as time goes on, we are going to shine the brightest spotlight we can on our local Republican leadership. We helped take down a Mayor, we can take these clowns down easy.
And who knows, maybe then Wacko Walter might come back to the fold.
The sad part, is that the same folks who gladly took checks from a Democratic mayor are running the local and state GOP into the ground.
Doug Boyd, his wife Linda (Chairman of the LA County Republican party) and others have failed the members of their party. Like the state GOP, they have not at all been aggressive about finding, developing and electing strong Republican leaders in Los Angeles. The Democrats are highly effective of moving future leaders through their paces within unions and other organizations, then electing them to lesser positions such as water boards, school boards, etc. - then moving them up to City Council, State Legislature, etc. On the other hand, the neanderthals running the local GOP are more content to indulge in bris and chablis and get paid by low life Democrats like James K. Hahn.
Because of this, we get people like Jackie Goldberg and other wacko liberals elected to state office. Then, rather than solve the problems of the state, they spend their time debating bills banning internet hunting and deciding what names sports teams should have.
Those of us who support a conservative, even moderate agenda have to wake up and take charge of the local GOP to begin to work to elect decent, thoughtful, intelligent Republicans to local office and more of them. Indeed, there are many folks out there whom properly educated, would find basic conservative principles of individual freedom and limited government appealing. But we have to do this ourselves. The media won't do it and the Democrats and liberals will continue to lie.
And when I talk about electing some good Republicans, I'm not talking about the same old cavemen such as David Dreir, Tony "Jim Hahn" Strickland, etc., but some innovative conservative leaders such as David Hernandez, Mike Gin, Heather Peters and others.
But first, we have to revolt and then reform the party.
Here at the Sister City, as time goes on, we are going to shine the brightest spotlight we can on our local Republican leadership. We helped take down a Mayor, we can take these clowns down easy.
And who knows, maybe then Wacko Walter might come back to the fold.
Bravo Antonio, buena suerte!
Viva Zapata!
Viva Castro!
Hasta que gano el candidato que nos va a ayudar, finalmente.
Ditto the thoughts about Villaraigosa above. You got a lot of nerve complaining about GOP people supporting Hahn when you sank to a new low with Antonio. And you mention Goldbger, PLEASE, she and Antonio have been like twins the assmebly. YOu could chart them together like tire treads from the same car on the political landscape.
Other than the infamous child killer bills that Villaraigosa got so much mention of in recent weeks, their votes are always together.
This is going to be Antonio's first big test. The city council voted 12-3 approval. Now Antonio wants them to reconsider. Let's see who the "real" kiss asses are and if he can convince them to change their minds. It may be too late for them to reconsider.
LAX plan is OK'd over Villaraigosa's opposition
The FAA's action will require Villaraigosa, who has not offered a comprehensive alternative blueprint, to make some tough decisions about LAX this summer. Complicating the matter is Villaraigosa's assertion that he would kill the proposal's most controversial projects. Attorneys for the city and opponents argue that removing the second phase would invalidate the plan's environmental analysis. The new mayor also would have to grapple with how to hold capacity at LAX to 78 million passengers. The plan to do that, by removing 10 gates for airplanes, is part of the second phase.
I wish we had more credible journalists like the "Z" man David Z. from Daily Breeze. The puff pieces that Rick Orlov, Jessica Villagarrison, Richard Fausset, Patrick McGreevy, David Hernandez and the rest of the tabloid reporters is bullshit.
Since Tuesday's election officer morale has gone down. They are worried about Parks telling Antonio what to do and are certain the 3-12 will be taken away. If that happens expect LAPD to lose another 1,000 officers. Some have already put in their papers. They refused to work for a mayor who supports gang bangers and they're afraid the gang bangers will act up knowing there's a Latino mayor. No mistake Antonio will get rid of Rick Caruso first for calling Maxine Waters a BITCH and rightly so. She is. Then putting morons like the other black racists on the police commission all hand picked by Parks. Antonio will just be a puppet to Parks.
Hahn had the courage regardless of what the blacks thought knowing it would hurt him and got rid of Bitter Bernie. Antonio doesn't have the balls and is scared shitless that he made promises to the blacks and doesn't have the courage to make his own decisions. Now he'll know what it feels like to be pressured to do as they say or else.
Its a lot different for me as a single registered Republican to support AV for Mayor than for elected leaders of the party to use their time and party resources to support a Democrat. Sure, what choice did we have, but where were they Boyds et al on the front end. They knew in 2001 that Jimmy Hahn would be up for re-election, why didn't they start then to develop a plan to elect a Republican? With the right planning and money, they could have potentially elected Keith Richman.
Instead, people like Strickland (who isn't even from LA) make deals with Hahn for $$$. Its not about making the party better, or even the city or state, its about personal aggrandizement.
The mission of the Sister City is to bust tinhorns where we see them, regardless of party. Doug Boyd and other Do Nothing Repubilcans are on our list.
(Like 300,000 conbstituents in CD14 were used as "extras" in a two-year long campaign commerical).
Get over him.
He won, we all lose.
Get over him. The legend of Villaraigosa dies today.
Get over him.
First Sunday after the historic election and ADV is gone from the front page of the A section, Regional, and relegated to the back end of Opinion.
The "invisible mayor" has become the non-existent one.
What if ADV held a "photo op" and nobody came? Any day now. . .
That's what happened with the doggie parke boondoggle. The host community and the organizers BOYCOTTED the campaign photo op.
People will catch on real fast now that he's alone.
Real fast. . .
If you don't think Parks has something over Antonio for that endorsement you're living on another planet. Even Linda Breakballs pointed out that Antonio called Parks "Chief Parks" twice in one day. Linda said officers are nervous. Antonio HAS NEVER BEEN HIS OWN MAN.
Don't forget over 2 million people didn't vote. The only reason Antonio and all media reported it was because Hahn's two greatest accomplishments were his downfall, getting rid of Bitter Bernie and Session. What a hell of a way to win!!!! only 30%
Yeah, you'll be "missed" anonynmous screen name. Like Hell!
1 in 10 people who are or should be registered to vote in L.A. voted for ADV.
That ain't a mandate, that's a non-event. It's already off the front pages. Now he has to do something awesome to ever get people's attention again. And he never has done anything even close to "big" in his whole career. Just lots of little compromises and piffle. He's now the most historic non-issue in city history.
ADV got another consolation prize. Let the tears flow like whine!
Just watch, "moderate" Republicans that supported ADV will be the first one's to pull out a rope and start forming a noose when ADV goes way left in his social policies and is unable to fund them with any kind of fiscal innovations. People who endorsed will be shaking their heads and saying "he's such a disappointment" by years end.
He always is. Better get over him, before he gets over on you again.
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