Huizar Dives in "Officially"
With "One bill" Gil dropping out and Pacheco out of the gates early, "sneezy" Huizy has jumped in officially. While the Chief officially has Huizy's back in the fight, I don't have a preference yet. Rick Orlov brings us up to speed here.
To Pacheco's credit, he submitted a 90 page pdf file last night of his "transition" memo to MEAV for the dead Mayor's to read. I won't bore you with most of it, but suffice it to say it is quite in depth. If nothing else it shows organization. It also offers a great glimpse of what he will most likely use as the spine of his campaign while touting his accomplishments. Among the interesting highlights are barbs from the cover memo to AV:
Note I didn't add the happy face. Nick did. Think he was setting AV up for a rematch? Will Whomever AV backs have to defend AV's record of living up to Nick's challenge? The specific challenges will be coming shortly. They are numerous. I don't want to rehash the "80 neighborhood watch crap" get debated on ad nauseum. They will incite more conflicts than this one post will hold, so I'll release them one by one for you to argue over after I do some homework. Stay tuned. Parker, are you there?
To Pacheco's credit, he submitted a 90 page pdf file last night of his "transition" memo to MEAV for the dead Mayor's to read. I won't bore you with most of it, but suffice it to say it is quite in depth. If nothing else it shows organization. It also offers a great glimpse of what he will most likely use as the spine of his campaign while touting his accomplishments. Among the interesting highlights are barbs from the cover memo to AV:
Welcome to the world of local politics. It is a very exhilitrating place to serve. The LA City Council is one of the most unique bodies in the country. Because we represent close to a quarter million residents, we face many diverse challenges; especially when you are expected to be inclusive to the many different ethnic groups in the District.
You will find that much of your time will be spent speaking directly to your constituents. This time will be the most cherished moments of your day; especially when you have solutions to their problems. The 14th Council District residents have overwhelmingly been very supportive of my work and enjoy the time spent with them at their homes or problem areas.
Enclosed you will find information that should be helpful as you assume your duties and responsibilities. The community members identified in this transition memo look forward to working with you to improve their neighborhoods. I have assured them that you also strongly believe in neighborhood empowerment and your vast network of contacts will assist them in all your joint ventures.
I wish you well and am confident you will find the District has been well taken care of in the past four years. Feel free to contact me at ****** if you have any questions.
Nick Pacheco
Councilmember, 14th District
P.S. If you haven't been told by now, " Yes, you are responsible for everything in the District.":)
Note I didn't add the happy face. Nick did. Think he was setting AV up for a rematch? Will Whomever AV backs have to defend AV's record of living up to Nick's challenge? The specific challenges will be coming shortly. They are numerous. I don't want to rehash the "80 neighborhood watch crap" get debated on ad nauseum. They will incite more conflicts than this one post will hold, so I'll release them one by one for you to argue over after I do some homework. Stay tuned. Parker, are you there?
Chief FAKER where are the 85 neighborhood watches????????????????????
DO you guys think Sleazy Huizy will have a 90 page memo listing his accomplishments? Let's start:
-$300,000 plus private bathroom while Rocky is threatening to sue the District for the bathroom conditions at most inner city schools.
-50% high school drop out rate, no change since sleazy huizy got elected but since enrollment actually went up, the raw numbers have considerably increased
-teachers fleeing the district in record numbers, despite caving in to UTLA on virtually every issue
-Taylor Yard, according to Meruelo, he bought the property because LAUSD dropped the ball, I wonder who was holding that ball
-racial strife in schools becoming a daily occurrence with no end in sight and Sleazy Huizy having no idea what to do.
-Special Education being repeatedly short changed to the tune of tens of millions of dollars
-Roosevelt High School, the flagship school in Sleazy Huizy's district being forced under state stewardship
Are you sure you want to run Sleazy Huizy? This is just a partial list.
Weezy better just stick to the school board unless he can get out there with that baseball bat and bullhorn and put an end to this racial violence.
Jose Huizar is incompetent civil servant responsible for weathering, protecting, and covering up the horrific drop out rate in our city.
Pathologial Liar
End of Story
Can someone at Villaraigosas office please answer their phones in the El Sereno council office. I have been calling for days and no answer!
Any truth to the rumor that Huell Howser is jumping into the race?
I don't know if the previous poster is serious or not, but if it is true, Huell Howser has my vote. He would be an awesome councilman. Finally, someone that cares about this city, not the poster fed fakes thrown at us as bait.
Anon 4:34
Call the campaign office. Staff is probably at that office or City Hall transitioning their tushies. Jennie is pretty good at returning calls--that is if you have tolerance for a 2 week wait.
Shiling Chiang for Councilwoman CD14!
Chief Faker fakes again. yea right Hahn has the list.
there is no list cause there are no watches.
MEADVĀ® never even started a crossing guard let alone a neighborhood watch.
fake away faker
where can we see a photo of Jenny?
Is Huell Howser gay?
The best candidate for the position would be Eliseo Villanueva.
Wait a minute Eliseo is going to do what position with Huell Howser???
that's rude
Yes. He is. And Tom LaBonge is his little piece on the side.
You men, and I repeat men sound obsessed with gay men.
What the hell does gay men, Huell Howser and Tom LaBonge have to do with Huizar?
Some of you people can't stay on topic to save your life!
Hahn's campaign didn't know about the public information request. ADV's office didn't respond properly to the public info request of specifying date neighborhood watch was created and who the senior lead officer rep was for the particular watch. Lisa Sarno from ADV's office stated that it was a privacy issue. And we all know that was total BULLSHIT. Again the public information request was submitted with no response. How the hell can it be a privacy issue when she was only requesting the DATE and SENIOR LEAD?????
Can we all just get along!
Huizar 80%
Pacheco 20%
end of story.
Racial fights between Latino and Blacks this week at LA High, Jefferson High and Carver. WHERE IS JOSE, SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT?
This should be a clue to people that he a whuss and balless idiot. Lacks leadership, experience, vision and common sense.
Wilson High had racial fights last week too. Was this school taken over by the state?
ADV's record in the district?
What record?
You got to hang around after the photo ops to get a "record!"
THERE ARE ONLY 12 NEIGHBORHOODS IN CD14... how could there ever BE 80 neighborhood watches.
Look at ADV's council site on the city Web - he lists them; 10-12, tops.
I DO know this... there are at least 80 FAILING SCHOOLS in Huizar's LAUSD district, and THOSE are public record, and until Chief Faker posts the 80 WATCHES he lied and said he collected SPECIFIC information on weeks ago - said he had counted MORE THAN 100!!!
I'll begin posting the details of the 80 FAILING SCHOOLS that Sleazy Huizy has been responsible for 4 years... MANY have even DECLINED under his watch!
BOY, will THIS be fun. How do you brag about building a bunch of NEW BUILDINGS at MASSIVE COSTS (not in Glassell Park, of course!)
and MEANWHILE, your 10th graders are reading at SECOND GRADE LEVEL.
Pull out now, SLEAZY HUIZY. These daily revelations are going to be F-ING Brutal. You've got the street level folks in your LAUSD sector thinking you've made progress -- the the line by line details are HORRENDOUS!
Declines in YOUR AREA, especially, on YOUR watch, every DAY... RIGHT HERE, for the media to mull over...
And all because Chief Faker is backing you and lied about the 80 watches, over and over.
Deputy Chief of ADV staff, Lisa SarNO, at a public meeting:
"Listen if someone on MY staff doesn't return your phone calls, you call ME. I'm concerned about that..."
"Lisa, I called you, as well -- you never got back to me!?"
Yeah, I've been using that Pacheco transition memo to track ADV's staffs progress since they won the council seat.
When does that CM term officially start, I mean, when do they start working on the CD14 projects. Two years, millions in salaries... no change in the district!?
Chief Faker, post the link, to where in the archives you,"already posted regarding their existence."
Then I'll post the link where you said you would reveal the specifics of your "research" on the Hahnwatch blog, one month ago!!
I think we've found the REAL patho-liar!
That's pretty funny in the DN, Huizar saying he's "dealt" with drops outs.
With what a better accounting system? He hasn't decreased the NUMBER of dropouts.
Huizar on McIntyre, "I think we need to track the students, so we know who's actually dropping out!"
You think?? Don't you need a junket to a school district in Bolivia somewhere, first, to see if that's something viable??
IN CASE, anyone cares about "facts" Hal Netkin was released -- no charges, and the thugs who attacked his car at the speech and tried to overturn it, then pretended to get "hurt" are being charged, instead. Good reporting there, again, Sam and Faker!
Chief Faker's LATEST brilliance...
"...i have it on pretty good knowledge that most of the Hahn operatives believe Huizar will be a shoo-in."
Um, scuze me. MOST of the Hahn operatives thought the mayor's race was going to be "close," too.
Buy better tasting shoes if you're going to keep sticking them on your mouth like that!
"...most of the Hahn operatives..."
...are also out of work, now, and if they're lucky, maybe Pacheco will glance at their resumes out of respect for the late JKH, before trashing them, when he brings his team on in place of the brain dead CD14 field staffers.
I hear they're so STUPID, they're removing them "B" keys from all the computer keyboards, because they know Nick is coming back.
(You know, Nick B-acheco? The guy who left 50 approved, mostly funded projects for you to just finish with a little busy work, paper pushing, and you completed... like, NONE in two years!)
Uh, I think Mayor Sam said Hal Netkin was released.
It was LA Observed that reported a biased, one sided story.
Does the candidate have to be Mexican?
there are no 80 watches
C'mon Chief Faker you NEVER posted your investigation. Every Senior Lead in Hollenbeck and Northeast will tell you THEY DON'T EXIST. This would have hurt ADV if it came out. At the debates he kept saying this was one of his accomplishments. HE WAS LYING AND LAZY WEAK ASS REPORTERS ALLOWED IT.
Eliseo Villanueva cannot run for CD 14.
He has begun a Recall Mayor Villaraigosa campaign that will take all of his time.
He has already acquired more signatures than he had for the Recall Councilman Villaraigosa campaign.
He has five (5) (Count'em) signatures (already) and at least two (2) are qualified to vote in the City of Los Angeles.
Go Eliseo!!!
Eliseo, you are King!!!!
Eliseo Del Rey!!!!
5:59 PM anon,
Send that information about the schools to the media. The public should know the truth about Huizar's failure in LAUSD.
Here's full list of Antonio's transition team. Didn't ADV say he wouldn't put HIS FRIENDS on anything as to not give the wrong impression. He has Baca's Wife, Danny Bakewell, John Mack, Magic, Mark Ridley Thomas's director, Molina's chief of staff, and Paul Kim retired Cmdr. LAPD who was arrested for domestic violence. Most of these people either gave to his campaign, endorsed him or are family of his friends. Good way to start his administration.
In Los Angeles Unified, larger schools will be divided into
groups on the same campus, Romer said. Also, many new
schools will be built as smaller campuses.
Liliam Leis-Castillo, an administrator who is leading the
development of small learning communities in the district,
said each school would determine its redesign.
Six of the seven board members approved Romer's
proposal. Board member Jose Huizar was absent.
Board members and union leaders said they supported
small learning communities but expressed concern over
how the reforms would be implemented.
Why don't we just blame the lord our problems.
Sound stupid but those who are trying blame Jose our full of shit.
7:39 Anon
Let's see...Antonio won by 17 points. He was projected throughout the race as a double digit winner. LA Times reported in the last financial report that many of Hahn's money supporters were jumping ship and giving to Antonio as not to be left behind.
Now the transition team...81 people of all backgrounds, diversities and careers. All acknowledged leaders in their own fields and communities. Perhaps they did give to the campaign. But according the Times, it seems everyone gave cause they knew Antonio was going to win. I don't recall seeing any kind of transition team like this ever before in LA history. And these folks will be the ones setting the standard for the next four years.
There's really nothing you can fault about it. You're just a hater...but I think the readers here are used to it by now. You know, hate can eat you up. You should really let go of it and take up a more constructive playing in traffic.
Many talented people are out in our communities that can be an asset in the mayors office as staff, but for some reason I feel that some will not apply due to lack of college education. The NC in the area I live in is absolutely great, he is smart, inclusive, and would do great in the mayor's office. I asked him last night if he would apply for a position with the mayor's office and he replied,"No, they will probably hire people with degrees."
8:48 ANON
What are you trying to say? Piecing together your incomprehensible dribble, it looks as if you're trying to get Sleazy Huizy off the hook. The campaign hasn't even started yet and already you're getting testy. Wait until the real fireworks begin. But when you try and defend Huizar and how he is being blamed for everything, ask yourself, who's the president of the board? Where does the buck stop? Sleazy Huizy has been on the board for five years, certainly that is enough time for even the most trivial improvement - can you tell me what it is?
To those who are new to politics:
Elections have consequences!
Winners get to choose their people for jobs.
The important thing is not who is on the transition team, for that is but window dressing.
Notice that it is a "Politically Correct" mixture of proper proportions.
The job of the "Team" is to take credit for being on it and to recommend and send in resumes of qualified individuals for staff and commissioner positions.
The real test is when the actual appointments are made. Watch to see if there are lobbyists or political, connected folks who will use their postions to influence decisions in the right or wrong way.
See if there are folks like Ted Stein, or Leland Wong who will blackjack people into giving money in order to have business with the City.
If there are, then criticize like crazy. But, if the people are class acts and will do the right thing for the City of LA and her citizens, then praise the Mayor.
But until they are announced, just shut up and take a short break from telling us about Antonio's sex life or trashing some lower level staffer.
The Adminstration begins on July 1. You won't have long to wait.
Take a trip or worry about Pacheco getting elected and having a feud with the Man who holds the purse strings now. After all, you unhappy CD 14ers suffered for two years while Hahn squeezed your Councilman, afraid to let him have success so he might challenge him.
That is the base of your concerns, so try it with a Councilman who does get along with the Mayor.
That wouldn't have been One Bill Gil, and it won't be Pacheco. It certainly won't be Eliseo.
It might Huizar, or maybe someone else. Is there anyone else in CD 14, or do you guys just blog all day long?
Keep tuned. If the appointments dissappoint, you will hear from me as well.
ITEM NO. (41)
04-2218-S1 CD 14 MOTION (VILLARAIGOSA - LUDLOW) relative to additional funding and
support of neighborhood and community services in Council District 14.
Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: TRANSFER $10,000 in the Council District 14 Real Property Trust Fund, No. 696 to the
General City Purposes Fund No. 100-56, Account No. 0714 (CD 14 Community Services) for additional funding and support of neighborhood and community services efforts in
Council District Fourteen.
Kids have hope now, if they didn't before and it comes from seeing a minority candidate elected to office representing one of the largest cities in the U.S. Latinos & African Americans keep your heads up high and be proud, do not buy into the concept of racial differences, instead focus on what you have in common. We are all in America to prosper and make a better and happy life to live in. If any high school kid reads this, concentrate on college, stay away from bullying and remember that in the long run the reward will be much nicer.
Phil, you don't know too much. One of the most effective councilmembers was Mark Ridley-Thomas. And if anybody hated Ridley-Thomas it was Mayor Riordan.
I gotta say, I did not care for Pacheco, and I did not vote for him in 03, and I voted for AV this year...
BUT: I did not know about that transition memo. That, and his demeanor publicly since then, well, I'm starting to think he's a class act.
I lean Pacheco over Huizar.
Huizar is no Antonio, and to be quite honest, I find it MOST DISTASTEFUL that Antonio would try to pick his successor, like some Mexican party boss (Mexican meaning in Mexico, ala the PRI, NOT meaning a slur on my countryman Villaraigosa).
Anon 8:03AM:
Mark was good, but never as good as he could have been. He was never in the majority of the Council, either, so he hurt on both counts.
Furtehr, he fussed with Magic, annoying him as well.
But, he is articulate and a minority, so he was able to use his edge to move some issues.
If he had kept a relationship with Dick, and had supported Ferraro, and worked better with magic, life could have been better for him and his District.
What Mark did with Magic is another question.
Can Pacheco work with Villaraigosa? Of course.
Can Villaraigosa work with Pacheco? If he loves his own district, he will!
Look at how Hertzberg and Villaraigosa are working together. If those two can patch it up - why not Pacheco and Villaraigosa?
To the Anonymous CD 14er:
Are you naive enough to think that Villaraigosa and Hertzberg have really "patched it up"?
Go get a copy of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and read it carefully.
Read especially the chapters entitled "My enemy's enemy is my friend" and "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer". If you can't find the book, try Machiavelli's "The Prince".
Hertzberg took a drubbing from Villaraigosa, but he wanted to salvage something, so he threw his support to Villaraigosa.
Villaraigosa saw that Hertzberg could raise some big money and didn't want to have to face a contentious Hertzberg in four years, so he give him the title of "Chair of the Transition Team". There are 82 members of the "Transition Team".
Try to find out what their duties are.
Robin Kramer is running the transition. She doesn't need a title.
Antonio, with Robin's aid, will make the key decisions, because he will be held responsible if any Ted Stein or Leland Wong types are appointed. Antonio understands all too well that if there is corruption in his administration, it, too, will end in four years, and so will his career. He's not ready to retire yet.
The "Team" will recommend people who have already sent in their resumes.
When it is all said and done, Antonio will be firmly in the driver's seat.
It happened the same way in Sacramento, and Antonio knows how to govern, something Jimmy never learned.
When Antonio's term was ending, he then literally gave the Speakership to Hertzberg.
Well, you may argue, Antonio really "owes" Bob. I say, that may be true slightly, but when you look at an eighteeen (18) point massacre, one could hardly say that one endorsement or another was the sine qua non of the election.
Antonio has done what he does best, bring folks together to create a coalition.
No, watch closely, Hertzberg will live off derivative power only for a while then dwindle.
It happened to him in Sacramento with Arnold as well. If he was as close to Arnold and Maria as he advertised, why did Arnold not endorse him?
Circles of power are interesting studies. I've been doing it now for a long time, and being dead helps the perpective.
Pacheco made the mistake of sliming Antonio and Hertzberg did the same thing to him earlier as well.
Antonio may appear to forgive but he is not stupid enough to forget.
Pacheco, if you are foolish enough to elect him, will never be close to Antonio and the District will not do well under him.
If you love CD 14 (and I do not doubt that you do), find another candidate.
Anyone will do.
Phil, you don't have a clue to what's going on. "A little bit of knowledge" is dangerous. Politicians don't have friends just allies. If it suits Hertzberg and Villaraigosa to work together, they will. When Antonio runs for governor, I'm sure Hertzberg will run one more time for mayor. If Pacheco wins, and in CD14 that seems a given, the new mayor and the new councilman will get along on some things and not on others. That's politics. I suggest you read the Art of War, again, Phil. You're trying to give your rather uninformed opinion an intellectual rationale.
Phil, this statement alone tells us you don't have a clue...Antonio has done what he does best, bring folks together to create a coalition. Because the press protected Antonio no one really knew how bad a councilman he was expect his own district. I strongly suggest you go to a community meeting in Boyle Heights some time. ASK those residetnts why they didn't vote for Antonio and how bad he was. I'm not talking about all the fake voters that Southwest had their people going into precincts and voting. I'm talking about the most active, vocal residents who are involved and hated Antonio because he was a "do nothing councilman."
Is is it true that field deputy to Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Eric Robles, was on Sleazy Huizy's payrol recently to secure an early endorsement from, as Eric says, "The Boss?"
Eric Robles, Congresswoman Roybal Allard's field person was helping Jose Huizar during his un-opposed run for LAUSD board. Residents on the Eastside were upset because before the mayoral elections really got going everyone thought Jose wasn't going to endorse ADV cause he told everyone in the community he was a lousy councilman. Residents went to his breakfasts and dinners thinking there was no relation with ADV. They voted for Jose and next thing you know Jose endorses Antonio. That's a great way to pissed off voters.
Isn't that a conflict if Eric is still working for Congresswoman? Isn't BIG O running the campaign for Jose now?
"Well", I said to myself, "since you are an old, dead political consultant lobbyist type, maybe you don't know what you are talking about..".
So, I took the bus over to the City of Los Angeles Election Central and got the numbers for the May 17, 2005 Election in the 14th Councilmatic District.
Here they are:
81,350 (Total votes registered) 24,456 (Total cast)
30.06 (Percentage voting)
18,839 (Villaraigosa) (77.4%)
5,503 (Hahn) (22.6%)
Now, based upon the Anonymous bloggers' appraisal of my stupidity, I would have figured that the CD 14 folks knew how bad Antonio was and really came out against Antonio.
Let's see here, he won the City by 59% to 41% but in his district only managed to eke out a win by 77.4% to 22.6%.
Based on my "old math", that seems like a 54.8% spread.
Maybe I better learn "new math", so I can figure out just how it was that Antonio lost and Hahn won this election.
It must have been the CD 14 folks who powered Hahn to victory.
No wonder I am dead. I want to be, if this is how new math has changed the world.
I guess this argument is over; I'm moving on to another thread where there is someone with a brain with whom to discuss politics.
I'm sorry you packed up your marbles and left us, Phil. But maybe it's for the better - clearly debating is not your strong point.
And based on your second to last post, I would forget about reading such high and mighty books as the Art of War and suggest you invest in a primer on statistics. Get a feel, Phil, for the story behind the numbers.
Phil, even with your calculations Antonio did horribly in his own district. There are 1.8 mil Latinos in LA and ADV got less then 100,000 votes and that was with Southwest Voter's help and corruption. Still doesn't look good for ADV in CD14.
When you folks learn what a 50% margin of victory means, come back and we can talk.
To tell me people didn't vote means nothing. People NEVER vote.
The light turnout was not a phenomenon; it is par for the course.
Antonio won the City in a landslide and CD 14 in a bigger landslide. Can you not get it?
This is silly.
Some fool tells sme that Antonio is in trouble in a district where he got almost 80% of the vote, and I am crazy enough to be arguing with him.
I want to be dead.
What am I talking about? I am dead.
Compare the turnout for Mayor, Dead-head Phil, where on Latino was running, with two years ago when there were three running for CM. They don't always "not" vote.
If Hahn had been Latino, and an incumbent, CD14 would have pissed on Villaraigosa -- empty-suited charisma, and all! And turnout would have been 50 percent higher in CD14.
It's racial, grow up!
Not Huizar for CD 14! Please...
And Antonio you should know better for courting him all over the place. You look very out of control. We all know you are Riordan and Broad boys.
Please be real for once in your life...
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