Hertzberg Chairs MEAV Transition Team
As expected, the announcement was made today, but many guesses were wrong. Hertzberg chairs. Robin Kramer isn't mentioned, but word on the street has her the lead onsite person in the new 15th floor digs and Hertzberg the ceremonial head along with almost 70 of his friends.
On the reporter scorecard, looks like Orlov had it right, while Garrison missed the headline.
The LA Business Journal has the scoop today!
Update ***
The LA Times, Daily Breeze and Daily News coverage not available when I posted last evening.
On the reporter scorecard, looks like Orlov had it right, while Garrison missed the headline.
The LA Business Journal has the scoop today!
Update ***
The LA Times, Daily Breeze and Daily News coverage not available when I posted last evening.
So where do we drop off our resumes?
(In cause if you don't feel like typing the long address)
I like the idea of a transition team. Quite a coalition. Hopefully some sound decisions will result. Who will get the prestigious commission? Airports, Harbor, DWP and Board of Public Works?
I'm back!
I had to go and console poor Kenny Hahn. He still can't figure out where he went wrong.
OK, this is too much fun, so I am sticking around for a while.
Really clever move by Antonio!
Hugsberg was promised a role, so he gets it here!
As part and parcel, people on the "transition team" had to promise not to do business with the city for a year.
I am told that Hugsberg actually signed this.
But, safety in numbers. Mayor Frank is right; Hugsberg takes the bows and Robin Kramer runs the show.
With 81 members, the "team" will be forwarding resumes and recommendations; staff will sort them out and a few folks will meet and go over them and in the end the Mayor (AV) will make the selections with Robin's input.
After their history, does anyone really think AV would trust Hugsberg to make the crucial decisions for his administration?
This is modeled on the Schwarzenegger Transition. Lots of folks get to take bows, and the real business will be done by the pros.
It has always been thus...
Channel 2 reported last night Danny Bakewell and John Mack are also on the team. Remember these are the two who threatened to burn down the city whenever anything happens in the south. These are two of the biggest racists in the city.
Antonio's answer to all the racial violence in the schools yesterday, "This will not be tolerated."
We're all sitting back and laughing. Antonio is proving what I've said all along, he owes the blacks big time for the vote and they want payback.
Who does Antonio think he's kidding? Leave it to the only great reporter in LA David "Z" man from Daily Breeze to report it like it is. Does anyone know where we can see the full list??
.....One of the things I've said is, I don't want to be influenced by friendships, by any previous relationships, by people who contributed in the past or whatever."
Still, some members of the transition team were major financial supporters of Villaraigosa's campaign. Michael Delijani, president of the Delson Investment Co., and his family contributed $19,500 to Villaraigosa's campaign over the past nine months.
South Pasadena resident Andrew Cherng and his co-workers at the Panda Restaurant Group gave $8,950 to Villaraigosa's mayoral campaign.
And Dick Ziman, who is a major property owner in Los Angeles, held at least one fund-raiser for Villaraigosa during his runoff against Mayor James Hahn.
Smells rotten in City Hall, wonder what's next. Keep the AV staff under the microscope, this is going to get messy in the next couple of months. The papers are in the business of selling papers, and a Mayoral "type" story, documented, proven, and witnessed can be just the welcoming package AV can get.
Mr. or Ms. Mayor Sam,
Can I make a suggestion? Will you make the next topic, "Name individuals who can be in charge of key positions at City Hall that are not associated with any conflict of interest with the future Mayor of Los Angeles and the campaign fundraising." Choose a straight out honest person who cares about the people.
I do not agree with ex staff, current staff, or campaign staffers to have positions at City Hall. This is not ethical.
Villaraigosa: Border is an opportunity
The mayor-elect says he will defend migrant's rights when he can and will work to improve ties with Mexico.
Los Angeles mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa the city's first Latino mayor since 1872 said Wednesday that Mexico will play an important role in shaping his policies.
In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, Villaraigosa spoke about the Real ID act and its effect on migrants and recent proposals which would allow local police to detain undocumented workers for deportation.
Los Angeles is second only to Mexico City in Mexican population, and Villaraigosa stressed that as mayor he would look to improve relations with Mexico.
"We are starting a new era. Instead of closing the borders, as stated by (California Governor Arnold) Schwarzenegger, we should look at our border as an opportunity," said Villaraigosa. "This is a time of great importance, not just for us to rediscover our roots, but looking to create a mutually beneficial relationship."
Ramirez would not confirm that the fight had racial overtones. She said students would be sent home at 12:15 p.m. today to avoid the lunch hour, when fights have occurred. School Police Chief Alan Kerstein said students need to learn racial tolerance.
"You see an incident like this — it's really nothing more than somebody flashing signs at another kid and they each take offense," Los Angeles School Police Chief Alan Kerstein said at the scene.
"And that goes to the core of what starts this. And it's not just here at this corner, but all over this community and probably across the nation. Everybody has got to learn diversity, has got to learn tolerance, has got to learn patience with each other."
pay to play in city hall? oh please start to investigate!
Attention: In the "know" people-
Which current campaign personnel is Mr. Antonio Villaraigosa keeping and transitioning to City Hall positions? If you know of any already chosen, the scoop is welcomed. Does Mr. Antonio Villaraigosa consider his field representatives capable of holding demanding positions at City Hall? Do you care to reply?
Ok the transition team member that made me laugh was Maxine Waters' husband. Now you have Danny Bakewell, John Mack, Magic Johnson and Mr. Waters are black racist idiots. Missing are the many Latinos that actually helped ADV get into office.
Word around the city is people are now getting a reality check into what ADV is all about. He's going to allow the morons of the city run city hall cause he owes them. Top power players are loving these stories in the papers today.
Where's little Jose in all this racial violence going on? He's hiding under a table cause he doesn't have a clue how to solve the big issue. Yup, LAUSD expected to lose thousands by all the students who are staying home for the next couple of weeks. Good going Jose, Mr. President
DAMN, people I told you this, here! On this blog, nerly a WEEK AGO... Hertzberg to lead team!! Days before any "news" media got it!
When are you going to learn that CD14 Anon's know EVERYTHING!
12:13 p.m. last Sat.
"Does Mr. Antonio Villaraigosa consider his field representatives capable of holding demanding positions at City Hall?"
ADV's field drecks can't handle their much less demanding durrent jobs... PLEASE! Constituent service has NEVER been worse, not even under SNYYYYYYDER!
Jose hiding? He really is a man after chicken-S ADV's heart.
Is he going to roll up his sleeves while he hides?
Is it true Antonio is having a dinner next week for seniors in CD 14? Today at a senior center flyers were given out to us to attend. It says Antonio will be attending to celebrate and congratulate us. Can we take pictures with him?
To: 6:56 AM and 10:15 AM
Stop your own racism. If you have a problem with the individuals, fine. But now these individuals supported a white guy (Hahn last time) and a Latino. Hardly the measure of a racist.
Your identification of them as "black" racists is telling. Also referring to an entire group as "the blacks" is even more telling. It would have been enough to say someone is racist, but you take it a step further by pointing out their ethnicity. Also, it's enough to say Antonio owes African Americans or blacks, but "the" blacks is striking. That one word shows you have a problem with "them" and probably others.
Your divisive attitude has no place in a multicultural society.
If Jose had any balls he would head out to those schools with a bullhorn and a baseball bat and get those kinds in order just like Joe Clark did in New Jersey. (the guy Morgan Freeman played in the movie)
Yeah, I see that movie on cable every once in a while. That's a good movie.
That movie was called "Lean on Me."
Baby Jose's would be called.
"Help Wean Me!"
Good for L.A. Weekly... maybe now that they don't have Hahn to kick around anymore they can open their eyes a bit and see what we DID get stuck with. . .
LA WEEKLY - MAY 27 - JUNE 2, 2005
Not-News Week
Los Angeles voters slept right through the election last week. Newsweek noticed, putting Mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa, beaming in a suit and tie with the Malibu surf in the background, on the cover. But the headline, “Latino Power,” suggests the East Coast–based magazine just woke up from at least a decadelong slumber of its own. We hate to dump on Newsweek when it’s down, but California has a long line of Latino officeholders, from Speaker of the Assembly Fabian Nuñez to Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante. The major breakthrough in the Latino vote came not last week but in 1991, when Gloria Molina became the first Latino elected to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors in nearly 100 years. It’s been a decade since Latinos became the biggest ethnic group in Los Angeles. And if Villaraigosa had been elected four years ago — without the support of Valley whites and South L.A.’s African-Americans, a case could be made for the power of L.A.’s Latino electorate. But this time Villaraigosa won in most demographics. This time he is an L.A. mayor who just happens to be Latino — albeit L.A.’s first Latino mayor in a century.
We can’t expect Newsweek to keep track of our recent history, demographic trends, or even current slate of public officials, but the city is now 48 percent Latino, 31 percent white, 11 percent Asian and 10 percent black. We applaud the good sense of an editor sitting in New York who thought the outcome of the mayor’s race in the nation’s second-largest city worthy of a cover. But we’ll take a wild guess and assume the idea of “Latino Power” was a ploy by that out-of-touch editor, more prone to gimmicks than thoughtful analysis, to increase market share among Latino readers, at least for a week. Latino power is nothing new, Newsweek. And we can’t help but wonder whether, in an election where only 30 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot, the outcome says little about voters’ power, whether it’s blue, gray, black, green or brown.
Hey 11:11 anon you're missing the point and you obviously have never heard these idiots at any meetings rant and rave about being black and how the city owes them. Yes, there are Latino racist etc. etc. My comment was to say that there are blacks who aren't racist but Waters, Bakewell, Mack, and the rest of these morons are racist. Some people don't know who Mack and Bakewell are so I let them know. When you have grown adults going on tv and threatening to burn down the city anytime something happens in the South these are the leaders. WHERE ARE THEY NOW WITH THE VIOLENCE IN THE SCHOOLS? Where's Jesse, Sharpton etc. They sure as hell came out to dump on the Sheriff's who shot at that suspect but when he happens to high school kids they hide.
The only reason Antonio will ever be back in CD14 is for his own personal agenda. That being trying to convince the seniors to support Jose who has no experience and lacks leadership skills. Look, he can't even take care of the violence in the schools.
Mexico is very racist. Look at what Fox said about blacks. And in Mexico, they still have minstrel shows and other crap ON TV that would never ever be considered politically correct here.
If Mexicans want to be taken seriously, they better denounce that crap quick. Or Blacks will never back them again.
Too bad, Jack Weiss. Sorry that your opponent in the City Attorney race primary is getting more camera time next to Antonio than you are.
Can we forget about the neighborhood watch thing?
Hey,2:42 Anon
Antonio was at my nephew's school yesterday for Memorial Day celebration.I didn't see him campaigning for anyone. He was there last year too.
Happy to forget about ADV's lies, if we can forget about every other candidates "lies" when I support them...
How does that work for you!
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