Mayor Sam's Ballot Picks
We are not endorsing in any race that is unopposed or in which we have no opinion. We also have no position on the two ballot measures which relate to pensions.
We’re voting for Laura Chick. She’s a pitbull and has challenged the status quo. Laura was even hired by the US Army to advise local bureaucrats to avoid corruption in
We’d love to vote for someone as interesting and different as Jeff Bornstein, but we don’t live in the district. The LA Weekly loved his politics but felt that since Dennis Zine was already the incumbent, he was up to speed and would be ahead of the game more than Bornstein. So if you want to know what we think, who cares, vote for either one.
You’ve told us again and again that Jack Weiss is an idiot. However, he did vote against the sales tax increase. On the other hand, Ty Vahedi sounds like a thoughtful and articulate guy. Since Weiss is part of the establishment – and like Survivor we should eliminate at least one incumbent for good measure – vote for Ty.
We don’t know anything about Peter Torres or Edward “Eddie” Reyes (not to be confused with 1st District Councilman Ed Reyes) but after years and years of Rita Walters, Jan Perry is a refreshing change. She’s smart, pro-business and has served her district well. Send her back to Spring Street.
Flora Gil Krissloff has a lengthy NIMBY resume, and Angela Reddock is an impressive young woman, but our vote goes to Bill Rosendahl. He’s an experienced communicator with a good knowledge of the city and a business background. It would be good to have someone with his personality and experience on the Council.
Nancy Pearlman is the kind of LA pol we like to see lose an election. Gerald Wayne Pertulla is a teacher who is running for the spot, but we know little about him. Maria Grunwald-Agazaryan however is very young and very liberal, but we think she makes the best choice in this race. She has a long history of community activism and served on the Board of Trustees as its student trustee in the past, so she is no stranger to the district. She’s a parent and since she’s in the same general age range as many of the students, it might be a good move to have her on the Board.
Mayor Sam, bravo on your endorsement of Bill Rosendahl! Bill is an excellent choice for the Westside 11th Council District seat. He's got great ideas and an uncanny ability to build a coalition of supporters from opposing view points. Who else other than Bill Rosendahl can be endorsed by Norman Lear and Bill Simon? Probably no one. GO BILL GO!
Yeah, Like Mayor Sam's pick for Mayor is gonna be some big surprise... what's the shocker, MS. You saying "Moore is Better" after all?
Agree Weiss is one big loser and idiot. Get rid of his butt. I like the cop Peter Torres for CD9. He truly is an inspiration and lives in Newton Div. where he is an officer. He has a big heart for his community. I hope Mayor Sam you pick anyone but Attention Deficit Villaraigosa for Mayor. It amazes me how uninformed people are as to what an asshole he is and the damage he's done to his own community. Good for El Sereno coming out against him yesterday
You hate Weiss because he backs Villaraigosa and brings a lot of westside money and clout to the deal. Your endorsement won't save the guy running against him. LA Times has Vahedi looking like a animal rights wacko who can't get his facts straight. Maybe the poor guy can run for dog catcher if he doesn't embarrass himself even more before Tuesday.
Mayor Sam and cronies:
How much has the Hertzberg campaign paid you so far (under the table, of course)? Do you get a bonus after your endorsement is official on Monday, or was the part of original deal?
You endorsing Hertzberg is like Armstrong Williams endorsing No Child Left Behind...
Only if you are a supporter of Villaraigosa are you pure and untainted. If you support anybody else you must have been bought. And I notice the Villaraigosa followers are already playing the race card. They are putting out that if you are against Villaraigosa you must be against Mexican-Americans.
Proud Mexican-American Against Villaraigosa.
Mayor Sam, c'mon with the Rosendahl endorsement. You think the LA Weekly would endorse a NIMBY? Fact is that Krisiloff has worked for the district for 20+ years and Rosendahl worked as a lobbyist for Century and Adelphia Cable during that same time. By the way Mayor, how many of our current City Councilmembers have an MBA like Krisiloff? Answer:0
I give you this, he knows how the City works. How else could he have sucked off it's blood for so long?
And the benefit of having a Masters in Business Administration has exactly what value in a legislative body like the City Council?
Maybe someone thinks the CC is looking to turn a profit, or post an IPO...
Let's run the City Council like the "Apprentice" then. That has some merit. "Antonio, you've missed more committee meetings and council sessions than the next three CMs combined -- "you're fired!"
Anon stated:
"I notice the Villaraigosa followers are already playing the race card."
When you have stupid candidate who can't point to his accomplishments and does not have the cranial capacity for genuine thought, what else is there but the race card. This is how Johnny Cochran got O.J. off, and Tony's non-Latino handlers are looking to do the same. These conultants have a long history of fulfilling their "race victim" fantasies using minority candidates as their stooges. What is it that Parke Skelton always says, "We don't do white people, just minorities, gays and lesbians." What a way to advance the social situations of our truly disenfranchised minority populations - let's get some idiot who we can control. Even peace loving Gandhi got rid of all his white advisors before launching his revolution in India. He knew the importance of ownership. Parke obviously doesn't understand this and that is why Tony will never mobilize the Latino masses - they don't see him as someone they would take a bullet for and that is why he will lose again.
So who are your picks for the other unchallenged seats on the CC and LAUSD? Do these knuckleheads deserve to come back?
If you are going to slander me, you should be a little more careful than to put quotation marks around made-up statements. Indeed my firms' clients, including Adam Schiff, Debra Bowen, Mike Gordon, Jane Harman, Brad Sherman, Henry Waxman, the late George Brown, Dave Jones, Hannah Beth Jackson, Alan Lowenthal, Beverly O'Neill, Dede Alpert, Scott Wildman, yes and even Janice Hahn would be quite amazed to learn that I don't do races for non-gay, non-minorities.
And thanks for the endorsement of Bill Rosendahl.
Parke Skelton
From a Proud Mexican-American.
I do not want to be associated with the comments of the anon who spoke of Gandhi getting rid of his white advisors. You are just as bad as the Villaraigosa supporters who are pushing the claim that to be against Villaraigosa is to be a supporter of Hal Netkin.
That was a quick response... obviously Tony V.'s handlers are on emergency "fire watch" (or maybe in L.A. that should be "mudslide" watch) for anything that might hurt their candidate late, in a tighter race then they anticipated (or told AV it would be when that started taking his money, again). Lip-service otherwise, their big guns are definitely concerned about who might be monitoring Mayor Sam's.
That's an endorsement you can take to the bank, Yorty. You DO matter!
From Proud Mexican-American.
Oh, I am against Villaraigosa, make no mistake. And I agree with SacromentoNighties that Villaraigosa always plays the victim. Yet at the same time his supporters even on this site make the most slanderous statements about other candidates. Mr. Skelton is right to worry about his image and in turn he should worry about those people he or his minions so readily slander.
Touchy, touchy! I guess I struck a nerve with all that race victim fantasy talk. And you're right. The quote didn't come from you, but it did come from your office. I just verified the quote from Wayne Bannister, a candidate for county assessor in 2000. He went to your office to try and hire you but he was turned away by Allison Morgan and the direct quote is "We don't do straight white guys, just minorities, gays and lesbians." Why don't you call Wayne at the county assessors office, he'll tell you the same.
But should you really be playing all these little games while your "boy" is about to get hammered.
As for proud Mexican American, read Gandhi or watch the movie. There is a very important conversation between Gandhi and Walker (the "white" guy who was always by his side and ironically played by Mexican Amercian Martin Sheen in the movie). In the conversation Gandhi convinces Walker that from that point on, the revolution must be for Indians by Indians. There was no hint of bigotry or race baiting. Being the enlightened person that Walker was, he understood this and stepped aside. The result is the largest democracy in the world.
And Parke, you brought up the word slander. If you are worried about your reputation, maybe you should worry about the people you take under your wing. You still don't know everything about Tony, but you're about to find out. And if you want to sue me, go right ahead. I'll be happy to oblige your lawyers, I'll even go to your office to identify myself.
Seems like the posters on here are getting a little nervous.
I think the real concern should be the yelling that was heard at Hahn’s Wilshire headquarters. I think Hahn’s staff wasn't expecting this ad from Antonio.
As for Sacramento Nighties and his pontifications about Antonio. I think you are in love with Antonio, I mean you seem so infatuated with him its getting me a little nervous.
But then again you are crazy, so why should any of your rants surprise me.
blog away dum-dum
I guess your playing diversion for Parke once again. Stick to the topic from the previous post! It's just a matter of time before the press calls Wayne Bannister.
Attention Deficit Villaraigosa and his cronies love to use the "race" card when it suits them. they use it in ELA and other minority communities. Then when his ass is on the Westside it's a whole different ballgame. He doesn't dare want the westsiders or valley people to even know he supports illegal immigrants and vendors in his own district. Word is his TV attack ads against Hahn are backfiring. People are remembering 2001. To think the drug dealer when arrested had something like 400 kilos of cocaine. Is that true? At least Huggy had the balls to admit he made a mistake. Clown Antonio stumbled his way through the media when asked the question yesterday. Yup, he's playing the race card in his own district. The First Latino Mayor. Good luck asshole
At least Hahn had the gutts to put out his ad on Huggy and ADV. Cry baby Antonio thought he had people fooled by having a little tag at the bottom of is commercial as if people don't know its from him. He didn't even have the nerve to put his face or voice on it. But the laughs on him cause everyone knows. What a whuss! What a pussy! Meat we all know who you are and deny all you want YOU ARE A PAID STAFFER IN ANTONIO'S OFFICE.
"I think Hahn’s staff wasn't expecting this ad from Antonio," said MEAT.
I know you think Hahn's people are all stupid, but I'm sure most can read, LAUSD notwithstanding. Why wouldn't the incumbent's people think the opposing ever-sleazy campaign (run by the exact same unimaginative people who's asses they whooped 4 years ago) would make a TV ad about the same material they've been giving speeches on, mentioning at every debate, and focussed on in every interview.
If this was a "sneak" attack from ADV, maybe they should put a muzzle on the meat-man, since he's been SHOUTING THE EXACT SAME CLAIMS FROM THE ROOFTOPS OF THIS BLOG 29/8 FOR WEEKS! (Look out, Hahn, ADV's people are STILL talking about corruption -- I think it's a TRICK!)
Wow Parke, just looking over your client list. Maybe the quote shouldn't have been "We don't do straight white guys..." but "We don't do straight white Christian guys..."
Previous poster said: "Then when his ass is on the Westside it's a whole different ballgame."
No kidding -- he doesn't even have to make the drive... I overheard this at a community meeting in CD14 back when Antonio was running for council. One minute he was talking to (someone he thought was) a middle-class Anglo and chatting her up about "gentrification" and attracting more "upper-middle income" families to the area and "upscaling" things (because he thought that's what she wanted to hear), and then 60 seconds later his other face was telling someone from a lower-income Latino family about the need for more "affordable housing" there. ALL in the exact same small community. This guy can switch pandering gears faster than most NFL QB's can call an audible. Funny thing was, the "middle-class" person he started pandering to was appalled, "where are we (she and her lower-middle class neighbors of all races) going to live when everything here get's upscaled?" - she asked later. Swear to God, I heard it all, start-to-finish!
OK, just for the record. Alison Morgan does not and has not ever worked for me or in my firm. She is my wife, and, until our 2nd baby was born, was one of the top Democratic fundraisers in the state. If Bannister called her, it was probably to try to contract with a fundraiser. I don't know what she told him, but she has worked for straight white males (Lockyer and Feuer come immediately to mind - neither of whom has been a client of my firm)
(Bannister by the way, went on to receive an impressive 1.7% of the vote, finishing in 12th place for Assessor. Looks like Ali made the right decision.)
Now, I've got work to do.
Too late, Parke, sit back and relax. No use working over split milk. Your people have already handed the mayor's spot to Hertzberg. Third time's the charm? There's always '09. Maybe you can figure out how Hertzberg is "dirty," too -- by then.
Morgan WOULD have said that -- and she ends up raising funds for a lot of the same candidates as Parke represents. No secret there.
Point Parke.
But to the poster that swears they heard Antonio say this, or to the person that says you don't know everything on Antonio.
Well people spill the beans. Where did Antonio say this and to who? What's all the bad stuff thats about to be spilled? Hey Mayor Sam and Chief Parker -- it's friday and didn't those FAKE recall people claim there was supposed to be some BIG announcement made against Antonio this week?
And if there is ALL THIS DIRT -- whose going to be your shill in the run-off to say all this stuff? Hahn -- love to seem him go there.
Oh wait, i know - the dirt is all going to be posted on this blog and repeated over and over again to your same 5 friends.
Maybe just maybe, one of the reporters that read this blog (because luckily for you bastards every major city hall reporter does read this dribble)will take pity on you and run with your fake story.
So i am curious have i taunted you guys enough, because clearly no one is afraid of all your big threats and tough talk. Fact is - Antonio is in first and your little loser candidate isn't, and that just makes you mad as heck.
blog away dum-dums
"Point Parke" are you joking, meat?? No wonder ADV has less support than four years ago, if this is what your side gives "points" for in a debate.
His defense was "I don't know what she said" -- and "the guy who SAID she said that went on to los the election" (so he MUST be lying? Huh?) Those don't even qualify as non-denial denials! Obviously guys who lose elections lie about what happened during them, to save face, right? Make's sense to me. Antonio lost the mayor's spot 4 years ago by an embarrasing margin (vs. a dull candidate), and he and his campaign people have been lying to themselves and everyone wlse who will listen about why and how that happened.
Don't forget - and lying to get another job in between!
MEAT taunts: "Well people spill the beans. Where did Antonio say this and to who?"
I said already, in CD14 (while campaigning late 2002), and I heard it myself--both conversations, word-for-word. So, are YOU calling ME a liar, Mr. equally-anonymous-(hiding-behind-a-screen name)-81-percent-approval-rating-in-the-district? Don't even go there. Lies are the coin of the realm in Villaraogosa camp. He never met a lie he could use to pander to someone.
Stow that where the rain won't hit. You have no credibility here.
If the press is reading this then they should do their homework and report that NO 80 neighborhood watches exist.Damn, the entire CD14 know that even the cops. Antonio took money from 2 neighborhood councils while sitting on thousands and its documented in their minutes and in fact one NC tapes every meeting. MEAT you denied that but what do you say now? There are so many people in CD14 that have been threatened by ADV and his cronies that if they come out in support of anyone else they could lose their funding. THAT'S A FACT MEAT. People are afraid cause they're stuck with this idiot for another 2 years. He's an arrogant, egotisical, sexual harrasser. He has 2 things on his tv ad he's done in 2 years. Give me a break
You want a contrast? ADV takes money FROM his NCs (or has them spend their "community improvement" funds to entertain the City Council, and the last guy in CD14 left money behind FOR NCs. One neighborhood council is still working on spending the $45,000 in a separate community improvement trust from '03; funds left in their "Pacheco fund" for community improvements... TWO YEARS LATER.
Right, right -- tell us the names of the people who ratted out ADV's pandering while campaigning in 2003. Names and numbers, right now. We'll teach them to open their disloyal CD14 mouths. Anyone here remember the character assassinations that went on for 2-3 days when a half dozen names of CD14 activists supporting other candidates were dropped on the blog a week or so ago? DAAAAAMN! Sure, please tell MEAT who was disployal to their absentee councilman.
That's nothing compared to what will happen AFTER the primary, you step out of line. "You're screwed now in the district, and you're double-screwed when my "staff" goons move up to City Hall." You won't be able to get running water by the time they're through with you.
Point Parke? Boy are you looking through rose colored glasses. Let's see, Parke has how many races to attend to this season? And he takes time off to research Wayne Bannister. And that excuse, Ali has never worked for me, she just married me and had my two babies. Boy talk about passing the buck. And Parke, maybe Wayne would have gotten more votes if he was able to hire you, or should we say, if he weren't a "straight white Christian guy..."
Meat, look over the posts before you respond, I never said Tony made these comments. But given that people in his camp did goes to show what kind of person Tony is, he could never think for himself. And no, Parke doesn't know everything about Tony, otherwise he wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole - eventhough Parke wants him to be the great brown leftist hope.
Let's see if I follow your ironclad argument:
1) First you opine: Skelton never ever works for "white people" unless they are gay.
2) I have a direct quote from him saying that. "Skelton always says..." you write.
3) OK, it wasn't Skelton, it was his wife who might have said that to some loser Assessor candidate in 2000.
4) OK, so Skelton does work for non-gay, non-minority candidates, but there are a suspiciously large number of Jewish names in his client list. (anti-Semitism, a nice touch guys)
5) OK, so his wife also has worked for numerous non-gay, non-minority candidates as well (Boxer, Eastin, Lockyer...)
So what were you saying again?
I can't wait for your Wes Bannister press conference. Film at 11.
At least Parke has the balls to come out and say who he really is. all of the rest of the twisted Villaraigosa haters sit behind their little city computers and think about how they can slander with anonimity.
And is anyone out there really wondering who mayor sam is going to endorse on Monday? this has to be the most blatant Pro-Bob blog in operation.
Mayor Sam will endorse Bob. As will Chief Parker.
That said, when its a Hahn vs Antonio campaign, mayor sam and chief parker will come back home to the next mayor of Los Angeles.
Antonio Villaraigosa
Bob needs a much bigger buy if he wants to break through for the weekend. Early on he paid his staff waaayyy too much money, money that could be buying ad time right now.
blog away
Another LAUSD grad chimes in...
"At least Parke has the balls to come out and say who he really is. all of the rest of the twisted Villaraigosa haters sit behind their..."
Deconstruct your sentences there, fella, and you just called Parke Skelton a "twisted Villaraigosa hater." Course that WOULD explain why he's dragging ADV through this hopeless exercise in self-mutilation again, when he can never be elected in a citywide L.A. race.
Hertzberg had to pay his campaign staff extra, they were slipping part of it to Villaraigosa's campaign to help ADV self-destruct.
All quiet on the campaign trail, Parke? You're sure spending a lot of time monitoring this worthless blog -- maybe to make sure the 5 sleazy bar owners don't hit too close to home? Or maybe just making sure MEAT doesn't tip us off to anymore "campaign secrets?" Like... ("Hahn will go negative, but we have a non-response, counter-attack ad in the can already" or "we're saying ADV has an 81 percent approval rating in CD14, even though the never-seen referenced poll has nothing to do with the council position," and "there aren't even 80 neighborhoods (to set up watches in) in all of the district.")* Shhhh, MEAT, these are campaign secrets.
(*Yes, those were quote marks, but not meant to imply that Parke, or anyone he's related to or knows actually said those words in that exact order at any time in modern history It's a "creative interpretation" of past comments by supporter here carrying ADV's water (but mostly spilling it).
I'm honored to be getting so much attention from you, didn't you say you have to get back to work? What ironclad argument? I never had an argument, just stating the obvious fact on you playing the race card. If you play the race card, make sure you have an Ace up you sleeve, no pun intended.
With regard to Wayne Bannister, there will be no press conference. Wayne and his girlfriend actually support Tony, that's why he went to your office where the conversation with Morgan took place. But unlike Tony, Wayne is an honorable guy and he won't lie when the press questions him. There will be no press conference because this isn't about you, it's about Tony.
About the nice touch of being anti-semitic, sorry Parke, it's either the race card or the anti-semitic card, you can't chose both. You listed your clients. I made no reference to their religion. And this might surprise you, I probably have more Jewish blood than you do. And not Ashkenazi blood but true Hebrew descendant Sephardic blood. Remember, before 1492 there nearly 1 million Jews in Spain. Most of the Cruz's or De La Cruz's in Mexico have Jewish ancestry. My family, and the small pueblo they came from in Mexico still celebrate Friday night candle lit dinners - do you?
I'm honored to be getting so much attention from you, didn't you say you have to get back to work? What ironclad argument? I never had an argument, just stating the obvious fact on you playing the race card. If you play the race card, make sure you have an Ace up you sleeve, no pun intended.
With regard to Wayne Bannister, there will be no press conference. Wayne and his girlfriend actually support Tony, that's why he went to your office where the conversation with Morgan took place. But unlike Tony, Wayne is an honorable guy and he won't lie when the press questions him. There will be no press conference because this isn't about you, it's about Tony.
About the nice touch of being anti-semitic, sorry Parke, it's either the race card or the anti-semitic card, you can't chose both. You listed your clients. I made no reference to their religion. And this might surprise you, I probably have more Jewish blood than you do. And not Ashkenazi blood but true Hebrew descendant Sephardic blood. Remember, before 1492 there were nearly 1 million Jews in Spain. Most of the Cruz's or De La Cruz's in Mexico have Jewish ancestry. My family, and the small pueblo they came from in Mexico still celebrate Friday night candle lit dinners - do you? And my great grandmother still has the heirloom ceremonial knife she uses to slaughter cattle and sheep. In fact, I never had carnitas until I came here. So be careful when you pull the anti-semitic card, you remember what happended to the little boy who cried wolf?
Sorry about the double post there, my mouse got away from me.
Something tells me he won't be getting any more "crappy little" business from J. Hahn. Gee, hope there's some squirreled away for a rainy day -- ADV won't need help with his next campaign for another 6-8 months (and the firm's reputation tarnish will spread thick and fast when he loses the mayor's race AGAIN in 6-7 weeks).
It's interesting how the discussion among the ADV following has changed from "ADV won't even make the runoff" to "he's going to lose in 6-7 weeks."
Sounds like a concession for Tuesday's election.
Not at all, NO concession -- unlike the ADV "lovers" on the list, there are differences of opinion among his detractors. Not all one mind. Wrap your cultish little Tony V. groupie mind around that, if you can. I posted the "6-7 weeks" and have always leaned that way. Sorry to confuse you -- this isn't someone's united campaign staff, it's not "bitter" Pacheco supporters from two years ago, it's not "Hahnistas" or "Hertzbergers" or some other group under the mind-control of one candidate. Speaking for myself, but from the sound of it, a lot of the other disgruntled CD14 people posting here... Tony V. WILL lose, the main point of difference among the non-group you try to group together is simply a matter of WHICH week this Spring it happens.
Antonio will make the runoff. If it's against Hahn, Villaraigosa definitely loses. If it's against Hertzberg it will be closer. But Antonio still won't be mayor.
No. No. No. In 6-7 weeks, Antonio will be recalled.
Viva The Recall.
Mayor Sam and Chief Parker are just two votes, MEAT. The overwhelming majority of posters here, I bet, will go with Anybody But Villaraigosa in the runnoff.
HEY, I'm all for a two-fer; lose the runoff AND get recalled for lying about running plus screwing around for the past year (or more) chasing a pipedream instead of serving the district. (And this is where his lovesick supporters chime in and say "Oh, but he can serve the district SO much better as mayor").
If that was the case, we wouldn't need city councilmembers at all.
To: Parke
From: Former Big-Time Fan
Parke, I'm disspointed that you would spend your valuable time responding to such losers.
Anon said:
"I said already, in CD14 (while campaigning late 2002), and I heard it myself--both conversations, word-for-word. So, are YOU calling ME a liar, Mr. equally-anonymous-(hiding-behind-a-screen name)-81-percent-approval-rating-in-the-district? Don't even go there. Lies are the coin of the realm in Villaraogosa camp. He never met a lie he could use to pander to someone."
What city campaign were you working on? Not a city campaign year. Sure are defensive about being called a liar as being anonymous and not having any kind of hard examples to back up. To follow your knee jerk logic, I guess you're a fabricator.
ADV's attack ads on Hahn are backfiring. The perception is he's a crybaby. Bob's is much better. They're showing voters their character flaws. Its ok to gang up and bully for months then one person says the truth about them and its crying time. ADV will have to go back to a district that he has now alienated. His one supporters have turned on him and are on Hahn, Huggy and big group with Alarcon now. He threatened the district by telling anyone who would listen NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT HIM KNOWING IN THE DISTRICT. NO FLYERS FROM ANYONE SHOULD GO OUT WITHOUT MY NAME ON IT. He even has his name on all the SPAY AND NEUTER GOING ON IN BOYLE HEIGHTS. Maybe he should have been in line with the animals to get taken care of.
So what if Mayor Sam endorses Bob? You Hahn campaign staffers seem to be really agitated by that. If he was supporting your guy your tune would be different, you wouldn't dissing Sam.
Buzz around the third floor that in ITA's net usage monitoring Mayor Sam's site is the most visited followed by LA Times and Villaraigosa's campaign site. Imagine that! The porn sites aren't even in the top 10 anymore!
That's not even believable as a joke. With hundreds of employees, most of them oblivious to who runs the mayor's office, campaign sites are not even going to be on the radar (and Villaraigosa's boring site barely changes one item a day). Twit!
In the 3rd district, I support Jeff Bornstein. He is not some boring politician. He is progressive and with it. And he is a Democrat in a district that is 48 percent Democratic and only 30 percent Republican. Zine is an idiot and a right wing ex-cop who acts like a Democrat in his mailers!
Best debate of the whole campaign season; finally the candidates tell the TRUTH:
Public Safety was Attention Deficit Villaraigosa's main issue when running for 14. There's been 14 homicides in 14 since Jan. and that little asshole hasn't said a word. Everyone knows ADV is a liar, sleazy and just look at LAT today. He's in a beauty shop with women (place he's most comfortable). He doesn't even try to cover up his addict behavior. You got Bitter Bernie dragging around poor Mohammed Ali who has no clue who's he's with or where he's at. A true hero but Ali so he's just being used. Huggy won't answer questions why he's getting paid $20,000 from his law firm if he's not working. Go Hahn!!!
Who the hell is Jeff Bornstein?
Idiot - he's talking about the Mayor's office staff. I work in ITA and its true that most of those desktops are going to this site as well as porn sites. I wouldn't say Antonio is number 3, but a lot of folks from up there are surfing that site as well as Hertzberg and other blogs.
If you actually worked in ITA you fake mofo, you would know it's impossible to tell on a network of that size the specific net usage office-by-office, floor by floor, let alone run usage spikes down to specific sites. If the mayor's staff was looking at porn, and you could track it, they would have all been fired by now. Prove your silly fake claims, and report to the world and media what the mayor's staff has been looking at instead of working, or shut your fake wannabe lie-hole and go back to beating your MEAT!
Thanks for the plug.
blog away
Always have to have the last word? Oops...
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