Drama at the Neighborhood Council
Election fatigue sets in, but it might be fun to read the latest drama at LA-32 Neighborhood Council:
Greg Nelson
General Manager
ATTN: Marco Perez , DONE Program Coordinator
Dear Mr. Nelson:
At the request of our Interim President, Mr. Alvin Parra, I am forwarding this correspondence to you. On Wednesday, March 2, 2005, at the LA-32 Neighborhood Council (NC) General Board Meeting, Mr. Richard Acosta was relieved of his duties as LA-32 NC President. A successful motion to censure Mr. Acosta was presented and passed by our board by a significant margin. The board voted eleven-ayes, three-nayes and one-abstention. The motion to censure (attached) was presented by Boardmember Pete Navarro and seconded by Boardmember Enrique Gasca, followed by discussion and the vote. Several boardmembers – during the discussion period – provided testimony describing Mr. Acosta’s misconduct and/or dereliction of duty while acting as President. As a result of our board action Mr. Acosta will no longer be the Chairperson of the Development Committee, or will he be a member of the Executive Board. Mr. Acosta will retain his status as an LA-32 NC General Board member.
At this moment our Executive Board remains intact with three members, Alvin Parra as Interim President, Joe Manzano as Treasurer and myself as Corresponding Secretary.
We are respectfully requesting that any and all correspondence to our NC, General Board members, Executive Board and any of it’s officers be sent to the following address:
LA-32 Neighborhood Council
Your department may have received requests from former President, Richard Acosta, to forward LA-32 NC correspondence to his residence or another address. We are asking for you to change the address officially so that our board may properly receive all correspondence in a timely manner. I, Hugo Garcia, in my capacity as Corresponding Secretary, will attend to our mail. Furthermore, we are requesting that all forms of correspondence (letters, emails, phone calls, LA-32 NC Directory, etc.) be modified to remove Mr. Acosta’s name as President and replaced with Mr. Parra’s.
Mr. Nelson, you can rest assured that our board will continue to operate in the most efficient manner possible. We are confident that, under the capable leadership of Interim President Alvin Parra, our NC will most assuredly work to serve and represent the interests of the El Sereno community.
In an unrelated matter, at the same General Board Meeting, our Board voted by a successful motion to formally reinstate Boardmember Reverend Chacon, who had submitted a notice of resignation a few months ago. Reverend Chacon had withdrawn his resignation bid shortly after resigning and continued to attend General Board meetings and participate on the board. We welcome the Reverend back.
If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the above please contact me at your convenience.
Yours in service,
Hugo Garcia
Corresponding Secretary
LA-32 Neighborhood Council
cc: LA-32 NC Board
Alvin Parra, LA-32 NC Interim President
Darren Martinez, City Attorney’s Office
CD-14 Councilmember Antonio Villariagosa
Ricky Ho,
Alvin Parra is the biggest loser walking this earth. He's not only an Attention Deficit Villaraigosa hard core campaigner, wasn't he the one that did something illegal to hurt his wife's chances to get on school board? He's been labeled a crook, sleazeball and has no credability whatsoever. I hear LA32 is nothing but ADV supporters and anyone who goes against them this is what they try to do. A bunch of insecure losers who care only about themselves.
THAT's a new political animal - recall by virtue of "censure" (how's that work exactly?)
Parra was the one tried to get his wife tied in with the Riordan, Eli Broad big bucks for her school board race. When the letter came out he'd written to the mega-millionaires (saying "take her, she's "your" candidate... for the RIGHT price of course), it was a huge embarrassment to her, and her campaign people (Parke Skelton, et al... sound familiar?)
Parra was obviously feeling a bit left-out at the time, since he'd just been "kicked to the curb" as someone else succinctly put it here, when ADV carpet-bagged in to CD14 to run for CM in '03. Parra was told to "heal," not split the anti-incumbent faction, and wait for another turn like a good lapdog. (Looks like he's getting in line and looking for a bit more visibility to make the run when ADV wins mayor... NOT!).
TOO BAD, Alvin, ADV is screwing you again by supporting someone else as his heir apparent (that makes two sore wannabees in his LA32 camp that thought he'd support them for his "vacant" seat). Just how many people can ADV promise that follow-on position to before they start getting "wise" that they're getting "used?"
ANOTHER dysfunctional NC in Tony-ville. What happened to Mr. consensus-builder? Oh yeah, he'd have to stay in town and VISIT an NC, to be of any help there.
Guess that won't get fixed anytime soon... Hahn's visited more of the CD14 NCs than Villaraigosa has (ever).
Didn't ADV just endorse Jose Huizar for CD14? ADV might as well relax cause he ain't going anywhere. No way in hell he's going to be mayor. Especially now that the westsiders, valley, and south LA are beginning to find out he's been an absentee councilman and let his community go down the drain while he campaigned for Kerry last year. He's been campaigning for himself all over the city and not paying attention to his district. ADV is not a supporter of NC's and everyone knows it even though he's on the Education and Neigborhood Committee
Uh oh the wackos of this blog are back
Here's a little run down on these three stooges.
Steve Lopez from the L.A. Times branded Alvin as the "HOMER SIMPSON OF L.A. POLITICS" because of his reaction after getting busted for that memo - DOH! And how did Parke Skelton react to that memo sent to his office, his best Sergeant Shultz impersonation " I know notheen, noootheeen."
Enrique Gasca, boy you have your head up so far Tony's ass, how are his tonsils? What about you supporting independent leadership as you previously posted. I guess too much independence is not a ggod thing. Does Jose Huizar know you are going to blow it for him?
Pete Navarro, good ole' Petey. Navarro is actually a good guy but still thinks he owes Tony because as Tony's Cathedral High classmate, Tony covered for him when they got caught smoking out - back when marijuana was a serious drug. Pete went on to graduate from Cathedral and get his law degree and actually passed the bar. If the tables were turned, maybe Tony would have been the one passing the bar.
The funny thing is that all these El Sereno "activists" oppose the Long Beach freeway. Did you guys know that the rallying cry for the recall people in El Sereno is that Tony sided with South Pasadena over El Sereno when he pushed for the connector road, which by the way gave contracts to Tony's and Alatorre's buddies. People there are eatin git up - 1500 signatures so far. Boy, El Sereno really looks up to you bozos - DOH!
Even though I am an AV supporter -- it's extremely too early to be anointing ANYONE to end his term. At this point - it's all just talk amongst you bloggers; trying to make things up when there is no story.
Huizar is a good guy - but he's never had a real race in his life - unproven. Alvin is an also-ran (tainted)and Cynthia lives in a glass house - she won't run. La Colectiva Pacheco should focus on getting and keeping a real job instead of gossiping all day on this blog- feed your daughter not your ego. In any case, we'll probably end up with another 13-14 candidates running, like in 2001.
In terms of LA-32 - did any of you attend at least one LA-32 meeting under Richard? That fool couldn't run a meeting to save his life. I'm glad they took his ass out. Since then, they've been able to at least go through all the agenda items.
All NCs are dysfunctional. At least this puts the eastside NCs at the same level as Brentwood or Pacific Palisades. As long as DONE keep a tight clamp on the NCs they will never be able to effect any real change. Why would anyone do business with them when it takes DONE 4-6 months to approve checks?
You gotta love how these idiot Antonio supporters always try and blame postings to other people cause they're in denial that there are actually tons of us out here who want ADV OUT. El Sereno (LA32) is now made up of Antonio supporters. They have no clue what the rest of the city is doing. They are no where to be found when the big issues come before city council. You figure anyone who wants to align themselves with a crook like Alvin Parra is guilty by association. Then in turn guilt by association with Alvin and Antonio. These people do things unethically, underhanded and very sneaky. By the way DONE says you can't get recalled off a board for just 1 time being censured. Idiots!!
Is there any truth to the rumor that AV did a dual endorsement of Huizar and Triumph the Insult Dog?
Hopefully, Triumph makes it to the run-off.
I truly beleive that some folks on here are nut cases.
Jose Huizar has huge name recognition and I would help get him elected to the city council even though I am not supporting Antonio in the MAyors Race.
Stop bringing him up and those of us antt adv might just fight back
somebody please tell me it is tru that JOse Huizar has teh endorsement of ANtonio Villaraigosa. I am sure Jose HUizar would get teh endorsement of teh whole city council , why , he has done great things on teh school baord. plus he is a nice guy.
ANON at 12:13 said of a previous CD14 race - "In any case, we'll probably end up with another 13-14 candidates running, like in 2001."
If your claims and accusations are as accurate as your memory (that race was in 1999; 2001 was the last mayor's race), then I think we can discount your entire post, nes pas?
Right you are, 12:32 anonymous. Same angry ADV-supporter just accused the "Pacific Palisades" NC of being just as dysfunctional as the Eastsides.
There IS no Pacific Palisades NC, never has been... that community opted out of the process entirely. (DONE still lists them as "in process" just to avoid having to tell people they really "weren't interested.")
Can we call you "Anon-NOT-in-the-know?"
Fact is, the NCs on Tony's turf ARE among the very worst... recalls, no elections, unable to make quorums, can't even figure out how to spend their $50K (or spending half of it on "snacks" for board members). The WORST!
You forgot the nasty, ongoing turf wars over who gets to "name" what within other NCs boundaries in the district. ADV's "crack" council staff pitting one council against another over a pocket park identification (payback for a campaign fundraiser who want to be a "commissioner" when she grows up).
So, bottom line, Acosta is still the president of LA32 (per the city), and Parra is kicked-to-the-curb, again! Poor, poor Alvin. He needs a new political network. This one's kicking the crap out of him every time he trys to "better" himself. Even with ADV on the committee that oversees NCs, no help whatsoever.
Why would Jose Huizar leave being President of the School Board at a time when education is the number one issue for Latinos?
Why would Jose Huizar damage the Latino community at the school board by leaving that position and having a new Latino school board member try to learn the job and be ineffective for at least two years?
Why would Jose Huizar think that CD 14 would want to choose him (a novice) over Pacheco, who knows how to do the job?
Isn't he going to look bad by causing damage on two fronts, CD 14 gets behind again for another 2 years while he tries to learn the job and Latinos lose a school board president for a new inexperienced school board member?
He's going to look like Villaraigosa and be perceived as ONLY caring about his political advancement.
He should be careful not to ruin his image.
It is no wonder that Hahn and Villaraigosa are not considering the Neighborhood Councils as a strategic priority. Look at how they conduct themselves. Furthermore look at these post about the LA-32 issue.
It is a shame, but until the NCs get their act together they will never be taken seriously. The Neighborhood Councils are fortunate that there are a few NCs out there that are representing for all the screw ups.
Otherwise they should tank the whole program.
Hahn deserves a hell of a lot of credit when it comes to NC's. He's done more for NC's. There are some great NC's. Antonio hasn't even been to the Boyle Heights NC in 2 years. Yet ADV is on the Education and Neighborhood Committee. Funny how the press doesn't print that. BHNC is the largest and one of the best. The reason is because many of the reps are not Antonio supporters and they don't allow ADV or his stupid staffers to ruin or run it. Good for them.
Jose Huizar ruined his reputation once he aligned himself with ADV.
Hey Rick I just read that toilet paper that 4-eye hearning aid low life kiss ass ADV Alvin puts out. PLEASE GET A GOOD ATTORNEY and show that ADV Alvin what a good ass kicking will do when you clean him out. The adv will never be President in a honest race. why his wife stay with him after what he pulled.Hey maybe the adv kiss ass can get a job with the other low life his good friend Victor.
To the adv that said finally a good meeting since richard is gone. well since you are a spcial adv I guess you didn't notice they didn't have agendas for that meeting. oh yea let's blame richard for that two. Just cause he's not a ass kisser like the rest of the adv board they want him out.a word to the rest of the board WAKE UP you still can change things in your community in the honest way like richard has been trying to do without the help of those ADV.Alvin get your self a really JOB and then maybe you can learn to be honest cause when it come's to low life's you take the cake, or is steal the cake with you..
To the adv that said finally a good meeting since richard is gone. well since you are a spcial adv I guess you didn't notice they didn't have agendas for that meeting. oh yea let's blame richard for that two. Just cause he's not a ass kisser like the rest of the adv board they want him out.a word to the rest of the board WAKE UP you still can change things in your community in the honest way like richard has been trying to do without the help of those ADV.Alvin get your self a really JOB and then maybe you can learn to be honest cause when it come's to low life's you take the cake, or is steal the cake with you..
To the adv that said finally a good meeting since richard is gone. well since you are a spcial adv I guess you didn't notice they didn't have agendas for that meeting. oh yea let's blame richard for that two. Just cause he's not a ass kisser like the rest of the adv board they want him out.a word to the rest of the board WAKE UP you still can change things in your community in the honest way like richard has been trying to do without the help of those ADV.Alvin get your self a really JOB and then maybe you can learn to be honest cause when it come's to low life's you take the cake, or is steal the cake with you..
To the adv that said finally a good meeting since richard is gone. well since you are a spcial adv I guess you didn't notice they didn't have agendas for that meeting. oh yea let's blame richard for that two. Just cause he's not a ass kisser like the rest of the adv board they want him out.a word to the rest of the board WAKE UP you still can change things in your community in the honest way like richard has been trying to do without the help of those ADV.Alvin get your self a really JOB and then maybe you can learn to be honest cause when it come's to low life's you take the cake, or is steal the cake with you..
March 16,2005
La-32 Neighborhood Council
P.O.Box 32007
Los Angeles
Dear Board Of Directors:
We recieved a letter from your Neighborhood Council dated March 10,2005 regarding the censure of the board president which took place at your last general board meeting.
This action has raised several concerns about the board's ability to censure and relieve the president of his duties. Our department has also recieved a formal complaint by a stakeholder against that action. That complaint has been fowarded to your Neighborhood Council for handling.
We requested advise from the Office of the City Attorney regarding this matter. We recieved very clear advise. We also understand that there is a petition circulating to recall the board president that the board will eventually adress.
Based on the board's action to censure a board member, the City Attorney"s office has said that the LA-32 Neighborhood Council does not have the ability to take this type of action.
The definition of "censure" is to criticize a board member, and does not include the ability to strip a board member of duties required under the bylaws. A motion for censure does not nullify those obligations.
Therefore, Richard Acosta must continue to remain as the stakeholder-elected president vested with all official duties under the bylaws. Mr. Acosta remains a member of any committees unless and until the appointing entity takes appropriate action.
On March 7, 2005, our department recieved a formal complaint submitted by susan Lavine, a stakeholder. As with all formal complaints, it was fowarded to the board to allow the Neighborhood Council to address it first. The complaint suggest and request immediate action to resolve this issue. It also states that an appeal would be made directly to the board at the next general board meeting.
Considering the advise that has been recieved by the City Attorney's office that the removal of Mr. Acosta was improper, we do not feel that it is necessary for any further action to be taken on the complaint by your Neighborhood Council, except maybe to recieve and file it.
There are specific provisions in the bylaws regarding the use of a petition to remove a board member that must be followed. The petition requires that the board first schedule a special election to determine if Mr. Acosta should be removed. as president.
Until this process is followed, and a majority of the stakeholder voters support a recall, Mr. Acosta remains as board member with all of the official duties noted in the bylaws. If the board has not yet scheduled a special election, we strongly advise your Neighborhood Council to schedule one within the allotted timeframe. Of course, our department is always available to assist you in understanding and carring out this process.
Please feel free to contact our office or Marco Perez,
project Coordinator at 323-224-2314. We look foward to continue working with your board in support of the goals and objectives of the neighborhood council process.
Greg Nelson
General Manager
(Hard copy to follow )
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Now let me get the straight ADV Alvin stated in his ass wipe paper that the City Attorney found it was illegal for Mr.Acosta to appoint him self to the development committe, then sent's out the letter from done stating what Alvin and the rest of the ADV low lifes did was found to be illegal. well to the number on ADV Tony you really now how to train your monkey's. The word for this board is RECALL FOR THE ENTIRE board. Mr.Parra did you really think you were going to get away with this S----? you can even fine your way out of the first mess that you did with your wife's run for office,
Okay, got it straight?
As a stakeholder of LA-32 I am sick and tired of Mr.Parra and all the ADV Loser on that board. You Alvin are the biggest loser of all time. I can see you sitting at your desk crying I want to be president well not in this life time not at the cost of this taxpayer of our great community. Just do as the City Attorney has Rule and move on and don't even try to have an election in April cause we will call for this NC to be DECERTIFY if you think this is joke just try and move forward cause the taxpayers voted you in and we can vote you out. And to you Alvin All you will ever be is a CORRUPT WANNA BE POLITICIAN....So get a life and for the sake of our community Mr.Acosta Please move forward and don't be like the rest of the ADV and keep your head up high for the sake of our community,
EXcellent -- now DONE GM Greg Nelson is threatening to ask the BONC to decertify LA32's entire neighborhood council if they don't follow their own bylaws, accept that Richard Acosta is still the president, and stop pretending that wannabe Alvin Parra is the "interim president."
I love it. . . ADV's toadies slapped down by the city and he's impotent to help them (since he's never at the Ed & Neighborhoods Committee, anyway, and wouldn't know his way through a set of NC bylaws if they up an slapped him in his increasingly wrinkled pretty-boy face!
"From: Greg Nelson
The advice that we have provided is the result of advice that we received from the
Office of the City Attorney. They are the legal counsel to your Neighborhood Council
also. Here is some additional advice:
1. It is very unwise to act as your own legal counsel.
2. The Office of the City Attorney is the legal counsel for the Neighborhood Councils.
They are there to defend the Neighborhood Councils and its individual board members
against lawsuits, however that may not be possible if the board or its members did
not act legally or properly, especially when advised.
3. If a complaint were to be filed against your board of directors for acting improperly,
such as violating the bylaws, and the Neighborhood Council was not able to remedy
the complaint, and an appeal was made to us, and we found that the Neighborhood
Council had violated the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils and
the Neighborhood Council refused to correct the mistake, the Plan says that we MUST
ask the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to decertify the Neighborhood Councils.
We are here to help you prevent that from happening. The solution is simple: follow your bylaws."
EXcellent -- now DONE GM Greg Nelson is threatening to ask the BONC to decertify LA32's entire neighborhood council if they don't follow their own bylaws, accept that Richard Acosta is still the president, and stop pretending that wannabe Alvin Parra is the "interim president."
I love it. . . ADV's toadies put in their place by the city and he's impotent to help them (since he's never at the Ed & Neighborhoods Committee, anyway, and wouldn't know his way through a set of NC bylaws if they up an slapped him in his increasingly wrinkled pretty-boy face!
"From: Greg Nelson
The advice that we have provided is the result of advice that we received from the
Office of the City Attorney. They are the legal counsel to your Neighborhood Council
also. Here is some additional advice:
1. It is very unwise to act as your own legal counsel.
2. The Office of the City Attorney is the legal counsel for the Neighborhood Councils.
They are there to defend the Neighborhood Councils and its individual board members
against lawsuits, however that may not be possible if the board or its members did
not act legally or properly, especially when advised.
3. If a complaint were to be filed against your board of directors for acting improperly,
such as violating the bylaws, and the Neighborhood Council was not able to remedy
the complaint, and an appeal was made to us, and we found that the Neighborhood
Council had violated the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils and
the Neighborhood Council refused to correct the mistake, the Plan says that we MUST
ask the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to decertify the Neighborhood Councils.
We are here to help you prevent that from happening. The solution is simple: follow your bylaws."
EXcellent -- now DONE GM Greg Nelson is threatening to ask the BONC to decertify LA32's entire neighborhood council if they don't follow their own bylaws, accept that Richard Acosta is still the president, and stop pretending that wannabe Alvin Parra is the "interim president."
I love it. . . ADV's toadies put in their place by the city and he's impotent to help them (since he's never at the Ed & Neighborhoods Committee, anyway, and wouldn't know his way through a set of NC bylaws if they up an slapped him in his increasingly wrinkled pretty-boy face!
"From: Greg Nelson
The advice that we have provided is the result of advice that we received from the
Office of the City Attorney. They are the legal counsel to your Neighborhood Council
also. Here is some additional advice:
1. It is very unwise to act as your own legal counsel.
2. The Office of the City Attorney is the legal counsel for the Neighborhood Councils.
They are there to defend the Neighborhood Councils and its individual board members
against lawsuits, however that may not be possible if the board or its members did
not act legally or properly, especially when advised.
3. If a complaint were to be filed against your board of directors for acting improperly,
such as violating the bylaws, and the Neighborhood Council was not able to remedy
the complaint, and an appeal was made to us, and we found that the Neighborhood
Council had violated the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils and
the Neighborhood Council refused to correct the mistake, the Plan says that we MUST
ask the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to decertify the Neighborhood Councils.
We are here to help you prevent that from happening. The solution is simple: follow your bylaws."
Hey Manny,GEE why don't you first take an English class and learn how to write properly before you start posting any messages.
March 16,2005
LA-32 Neighborhood Council P.O. Box 32007
Los Angeles, Ca. 90032
Dear Board Of Directors:
We recieved a letter from your Neighborhood Council dated March 10,2005 regarding the censure of the board president which took plach at your last general board meeting.
This action has raised several concerns about the board's ability to censure and relieve the president of his duties. Our department has also recieved a formal complaint by a stakeholder against the action. The complaint has been foward to your Neighborhood Council for handling.
We requested advise from the Office of the City Attorney regarding this matter. We recieved very clear advise. We also understand that there is a petition circulating to recall the the president that the board will evetually adress.
Based on the board's action to censure a board member, the City Attorney's Office has said that the LA-32 Neighborhood Council does not have the ability to take this type of action.
The defination of "censure" is to critize a board member, and does not include the ability to strip a boarp a board member of duties required under the bylaws. A motion for censure does not nullify those obligations.
Therefore, Richard Acosta must continue to remain as the stakeholder-elected president vested with all official duties under the bylaws. Mr. Acosta's board seat remains in effect unless and until there is compliance with the removal process in the bylaws. Mr. Acosta remains a member of any committee's unless and untill the appointing entity takes approriate action.
There are specific provision in the bylaws regarding the use of a petition to remove a board member that must be followed. The petition requires that the board first schedule a special election to determine if Mr. Acosta should be removed as president.
Until this process is followed, and a majority of the stakeholder voters support a recall, Mr. Acosta remains as aboard member with all of the official duties noted in the bylaws. If the board has not yet scheduled a special election, we storngly advise your Neighborhood Council to schuedule one within the allotted timeframe. Of course, our department is always available to assist you in understanding and carring out this process.
Please feel free to contact our office or Marco Perez, Project Coordinator at 323-224-2314. We look foward to continue working with your board in support of the goals and objectives of the neighborhood council process.
Greg Nelson
General Manager
MARCH 17,2005
RE: DONE:To: LA-32 Board
Re: Censure
The Advise that we have provided is the result of advise that we recieved from the Office of The City Attorney. They Are the legal counsel to your Neighborhood Council also.
Here is some additional advise::
1. It is very unwise to act as your own legal counsel
2. The Office of the City Attorney is the legal council for the Neighborhood Councils. They are there to defend the Neighborhood Councils and its individual board members against lawsuits, however that may not be possible if the board or its members did not act legally or properly, especially when advised.
3. If a complaint were to be filed against your board of directors for acting improperly, such as violating the bylaws, and the Neighborhood Councils was not able to remedy the complaint, and an appeal was made to us, and we found that the Neighborhood Council had violated the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils and the Neighborhood Council refused to correct the mistake, the Plan says that we Must ask the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners to decertify the Neighborhood Councils.
We are here to help you prevent that from happening.
The solution is simple: follow your bylaws.
March 31, 2005
To: LA-32 Neighborhood Council
Board of Directors
From: Greg Nelson
General Manger
Department of
Re: Agenda for Meeting of Apri
The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment request that an item be placed on the agenda for your meeting on April 6, 2005 that would allow us to make a presentation to the board regarding the legal limits of motions to censure; bylaws, standing rules, and an explanation of the bylaw amendment process; an explanation of the indemnification protections provided by the City; and the possible consequences of not allowing Mr. Rick Acosta to continue to act as the President of the Neighborhood Council. To be perfectly clear, I consulted with your legal counsel once again, and because the action to strip Mr. Acosta of his duties was not done legally, there is no need to place an item on the agenda to reverse that action. He is the President.
From Greg Nelson
To: Alvin Parra
April 1, 2005
Re: Complaint Process- Stept 1-9
The 1-9 steps that you listed are not really not necessary. The time limit that you describe for each step appears to be, in part, those of the neighborhood council. Our process is not anywhere near that detailed.
There is one very important point I have made that I need to repeat:
If a violation cannot be remedied by the NC and the violation is a violation of the Plan, such as the NC's refusal to allow Rick Acosta to assume his duties as the President, we Must ask for decertification.
The issue of whether or not his duties were stripped from him illgally is not an item for discussion or mediation. We are getting exhausted making our exhaustive efforts to get your NC to comply with the bylaws. The question that your NC must ask itself is whether or not the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners would agree with your NC's continued refusal to let him resume as president is grounds to begin the decertification process, I am hoping that this is not the legacy that the board wishes to leave behind.
It will be critically important wether or not Mr. Acosta will be chairing the meeting on April 12.
I'm glad I found this blog.
I don't quite understand what LA 32 does or attempts to do. I'm not the only one. When do they ever relese there minutes? To whom do they release their minutes? Are they ever readily available?
One thing is for sure. They don't represent our neighborhood----University Hills.
Who was elected on April 20th?
Is there anyone representing
University Hills?
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