Subway to The Sea, Anyone??

The MTA is holding meetings to have public input about the design and construction of future Metro stations on the planned Westside extension of the subway system.
You're invited to attend Metro's upcoming meeting to discuss potential subway stations in your area. We want you to “roll-up-your-sleeves” and engage with us to discuss station locations and entrances, easy connections to and from the stations, and other issues.
Content will be tailored for each meeting, and will be not be replicated for each location — so be sure to attend the meeting which reflects your particular interest.
Thursday, October 22, 2009, 6– 8pm
Stations to be discussed: Wilshire at Bundy, 26th, 16th& 4th Street
Santa Monica Public Library – Multi-Purpose Room
601 Santa Monica Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Served by Metro Lines 4, 20, 33, 333, and 720 and Santa Monica Big Blue Bus Lines 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Validated vehicle and free bike parking is available.
Monday, October 26, 2009, 6– 8pm
Stations to be discussed: Wilshire at Crenshaw, La Brea & Fairfax
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) – Terrace Room, 5th Floor
5905 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Served by Metro lines 20, 720, 920, 217 & 780. Validated vehicle parking is available in the Museum’s 6th Street
underground garage. Enter from 6th and Ogden.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 6– 8pm
Stations to be discussed: Hollywood/Highland, Santa Monica Boulevard at La Brea,
Fairfax & San Vicente & Beverly Center
Pacific Design Center
8687 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA 90069
Served by Metro Lines 4, 10, 105, 305 & 704. $10 self-parking is available in the Pacific Design Center Parking Lot off Melrose. Metered street parking is available on San Vicente Blvd.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 6– 8pm
Stations to be discussed: Wilshire at La Cienega & Beverly
Beverly Hills City Hall – Municipal Gallery
455 N. Rexford Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Served by Metro Line 4, 14, 16 & 704. Free 2-hour parking is available in the adjacent structure.
Thursday, November 5, 2009, 6– 8pm
Stations to be discussed: Century City, Westwood/UCLA & VA Hospital
Veterans Administration – Wadsworth Theatre
11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90073
Served by Metro Lines 20 & 720 and Santa Monica Big Blue Bus Lines 2, 3 & 4.
Free parking is available in the lot adjacent to the theatre.
Quick post by Jennderjahn to change the subject.
Down with Essel.
Phil= Essel front with no credibility.
No one cares what you have to say.
Big Laugh at the first two posts.
Could not happen to a nicer guy.
The subway to change the subject is more like it.
Your just posting a news story, we can read that in the LA Times.
What is your take of it?
Seems like you have nothing to say.
Among friends and paid advisors -- and I like to think of myself as both -- Tony V. calls this the "Subway to BE seen!"
Now really kiddies, do you expect him to waste any of his last few months in office, not to mention post-prime "dating" years, dealing with an infrastructure improvement that he's never going to be credited for pushing through? With few, if any, photo ops?
Any of us would have to be fairly altrustic (or very young) to spend much time thinking about this one, because anyone over 30-35 is going to already be 6-feet underground before any subterranean choo-choos start running much past Koreatown.
OH, maybe Antonio'll get to turn the first shovel of dirt, before he is (. . .dirt, that is), but even that's if someone with some real money fasttracks it.
Unless maybe he thinks Antonio Villar III has a chance at being mayor by then? (Hmmmm, I wonder if one of my kids could end up running THAT campaign!? I better start teaching them the patented last-minute slime tactics, now).
Uh oh. Parque has spoken. Here's comes Red Spot to lick his boots.
Mass transit = socialism. Why is Phil promoting this???
Main Entry: boon·dog·gle
Pronunciation: \ˈbün-ˌdä-gəl, -ˌdȯ-\
Function: noun
1 : a braided cord worn by Boy Scouts as a neckerchief slide, hatband, or ornament
2 : a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft
I'd pick definition 2 here, and stick with it on most projects connected with city involvement.
in cd-14
Speaking of the Boy Scouts, it's a real shame that LAPD had to sever its ties with them because some in the LGBT community insisted.
The L A Scouts don't discriminate and vowed to enforce non-discrimination but the city attorney didn't give them a chance, ordered LAPD's Police Commission to sever ties despite lots of heart-felt testimony that it's extremely well-run, most of its members are at-risk black and Latino youths who learn all sorts of good character-building things - and that changing to another umbrella group won't improve the program but will add lots of costs in new uniforms, badges, literature and PR, tons of stuff.
I don't understand the objection to a subway system anywhere in Los Angeles. I think it's one of the best answers to our current traffic situation and therefore, for those of you who are complaining that the City of LA is shortsighted particularly when it comes to infrastructure, why are you now complaining that you won't see it?
Isn't that the current problem? If you are going to demand that politicians do something, then you have to be very concerned about what happens 25-50 years from now.
Just out of curiosity, what would you like to see in place of a subway system? I live in the Valley and I wish there was a subway under the 405, 101, 118, 5, 210 and the 14 with stops every mile.
So why the hate on the subway?
The Slimes doesn't often get their editorials right lately, but they ARE right today that these regional so-called leaders including Democrats like Judy Chu (joining eastsiders Gloria Molina, Gloria Romero and rightwing outlying areas reps Antonovich and Knabe, South L A anti-westsider Ridley-Thomas) are all wrong to be out to "bring home the bacon" to their own outlying areas and join for the kill against the ONE most highly traveled, most-neglected, area.
Whose people pay the most in taxes and get the least, whose Red Line SHOULD have been extended through the westside to take some of the burden off the streets DECADES AGO. (Yeah, the old farts oppose this like they have for decade and actually argue we can widen the roads forever - they're history.)
Yes Zev, Waxman are responsible but now they're trying to do the right thing and even their fellow Democrats are being parochial. WHY "greater L A" is unworkable, unlivable.
11:42 a.m.
You can kiss my (Icelandic) saga-ing arse . . . gently . . . twice on each cheek, and with the same fervor each time.
(oops, let's try that again, so it makes sense in context; damn these new eBlogger controls!)
11:42 a.m.
You can kiss my (Icelandic) saga-ing arse . . . gently . . . twice on each cheek, and with the same fervor each time.
That makes 4X on each cheek, now...
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