Congratulations President-Elect Obama
Today I proudly cast my ballot for a good man, John McCain.
FoxNews just declared Barack Obama to be elected the 44th President of the United States.
We fought a good fight but now the election is over and a historic decision has been made. Now is the time for everyone to unite around our new President, pray for him and our country, and offer him as much support as possible.
We will not agree with everything or even most of what he may have planned. Then again, considering the election race and results and all that goes with it and what he may have heard on the trail, he may surprise us.
There is no call for the supporters of Senator McCain nor Senator Obama's opponents to return the hate and venom that some of Mr. Obama's supporters have offered up for so many months. President-Elect Obama's supporters deserve to celebrate and to feel good tonight.
We can salute Senator McCain and Governor Palin for standing up to fight for their country. Senator McCain especially has given much to this country and should be respected for that.
In the end, I am concerned that a person with Mr. Obama's politics and platform has been elected. I am however once again proud of my country that we have yet again shown that America is a place where anyone - regardless of color, creed, religion, gender or anything else that people use to divide us - can acheieve their dreams.
Once again, congratulations President-Elect Obama. You wlll soon be my President and you have my support. That's what America is about.
(And now back to your regularly scheduled program.)
FoxNews just declared Barack Obama to be elected the 44th President of the United States.
We fought a good fight but now the election is over and a historic decision has been made. Now is the time for everyone to unite around our new President, pray for him and our country, and offer him as much support as possible.
We will not agree with everything or even most of what he may have planned. Then again, considering the election race and results and all that goes with it and what he may have heard on the trail, he may surprise us.
There is no call for the supporters of Senator McCain nor Senator Obama's opponents to return the hate and venom that some of Mr. Obama's supporters have offered up for so many months. President-Elect Obama's supporters deserve to celebrate and to feel good tonight.
We can salute Senator McCain and Governor Palin for standing up to fight for their country. Senator McCain especially has given much to this country and should be respected for that.
In the end, I am concerned that a person with Mr. Obama's politics and platform has been elected. I am however once again proud of my country that we have yet again shown that America is a place where anyone - regardless of color, creed, religion, gender or anything else that people use to divide us - can acheieve their dreams.
Once again, congratulations President-Elect Obama. You wlll soon be my President and you have my support. That's what America is about.
(And now back to your regularly scheduled program.)
Labels: barack obama
Very gracious and heartfelt concession speech from Senator McCain.
After President Clinton was re-elected over Senator Dole, President Clinton awarded Senator Dole the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest honor. That was a classy act by President Clinton.
That might be a nice gesture by President Obama.
His speech was good. What was up with the booing from the crowd?
Hateful folks on both sides. Those are not Mayor Sam's nor Antonio Watch's Republicans.
Higby you FAT RACIST REPUGTARD kiss off! you have no right to congratulate our new President. I hope you and all racists die for your hate!
Oh wow Higby-
Does this mean the anonymous option is back? Thank you!!!!!
Now, while I really liked your congratulations post, I do believe there was much hatred spewn from both sides. Even the comments saying how much one side or the other hates is hatred.
I hope we can all get past that and focus on LA. There is much to change.
Oh get off of your high horse. You lost!
I believe that I heard the President-Elect's crowd applaud McCain. Not so at camp McCain-Palin. Whatever.
Higby you threw around so much hatred and false information about obama for a year. You were not conciliatory yesterday. Suddenly you are? You are as sincere as Delgadillo and Antonio.
Nobodyhere other than your racist henchmen buy it. For the love of christ, you named your blog after a racist and hater..
Joe, you are as much of a hater of the paylin crowd as they appear to be of o'bama.
Step away from the hate machine!
I don't despise Palin, she is just not Vice Presidential material.
Get over it.
you were anything but gracious toward obama higby. as recently as yesterday, you thought that your hatred would work.
don't repeat the boring stories about how your family did this or that. you named your hating blog after a color hater. What your family did or did not do doesn't get you a cup of coffee.
Loser Higby!
Kiss my brown a**!
Looks like we all need to now forgive Michael for the hatred and distrust of blacks he's allowed here for so long.
You've been so wrong to treat humans this way.
Right Joe. You only wrote about your hate of her and her ilk the way your fellow hater Higby did.
You can't revise what you've already preached. You won. I hope he lives up to his promises. But don't try and redefine what you already expressed so clearly.
I votedfor Obama too. But it's despite your hatred. Not because of it.
How dare that you write about the hate and venom of the Obama supporters HIPPOCRITE!!!!!
Joe, I suspect those folks in AZ don't represent all McCain supporters as much as the wackjobs on Daily Kos represent Obama supporters.
9:47, Wow! Okay, go find the hate words I have ever said about Palin.
I'll be waiting.
MS, with all due respect, you should give it a rest.
Give what a rest Joe? John McCain gave a good speech. So did Barack Obama. I'm conceding gracefully and allowing folks to post rubbish about me.
I'm not sure if you read comments at DailyKos or 538 but it's full of trash including occasional crap from some Republicans. I agree those folks (the ones who booed, we don't know what percentage it was of the crowd) were wrong but they don't represent folks like me, Solomon, Red Spot, et al.
Those folks on those other blogs are wrong too and I don't believe they represent you, Ed Headington, etc.
So I am not sure I understand what you are talking about.
The election is over and I'm not looking to re-fight it, even though some readers are.
A live audience is a much more accurate barometer than whatever keyboard warriors post. You cannot compare the 2. McCain was classy ( I thought his speech was good,ok, I thought it was lame, but it was respectful), his audience was anything but. I'm just saying....
Not necessarily. Most of the folks at the McCain event were party hacks or campaign workers. Obama's event was more conducive for the general public to show up.
Also they won. That probably had something to do with it.
I wouldn't say McCain's speech was lame. He even took credit for his loss, didn't make a negative speech like Jimmy Carter or George HW Bush or John Kerry.
Just an observation, take it as you will.
Michael don't argue with Joe. He is a bitter liberal. I would like to know what he thinks about the Obama supporters on Crenshaw on Channel 11 throwing gang signs on TV.
Bitter? Not tonight! Actually, not ever.
Joe is not bitter. At worst he's partisan, but aren't we all? I am sure Joe is not bitter tonight!
I am not sure if that was the same group but I saw folks on Crenshaw but they were celebrating, playing drums, dancing. Didn't see any gang signs.
Look I'm not happy Obama won either but for Christ sake folks give it a rest!
Now I finally get to go to sleep! The Hotsheet is done, the election is done and it's back to our regularly scheduled program.
I just hope I wake up tomorrow morning to see that Prop 8 lost and so did that vulgar Al Franken. President-Elect Obama doesn't need Democrats in the Senate that bad.
Only tonight you are graceful mayor sam. But that is because you don't have a choice. You were not graceful for the entire campaign. There is nothing to be afraid of with a black president. You are just unable to handle it and call this rubbish. It isn't. It is the way of the world now and your party is dying. Registration is down, so let Joe and us have our good time even if it is on your blog. There is now a black liberal democrat in charge and that is going to be the way the country is run for a long time to come. There is no more Reagan country!
I think Franken is going to win.Do you hate people who wear glasses as much as you hate black people? You didn't write as much about Minnesota, but if you hated the man, why didn't you?
Higby did you forget your posts comparing the Obama supporters to Hitler supporters?
Higby did you also forget your post with the title "Obama Bin Biden"?
Highy you are a no class, no credibility ass-hole and have spewded your hatred for montns, I say F**K Mike Higby and his smear campaign !!!
Higby is a Fat low class loser, that is obvious to all !!!
Mayor Sam-which black man do you revulse from more, Mark Ridley-Thomas or Bernie Parks? You obviously dislike both of them. But which one do you hate more? No doubt, you hate the darker one more. Focus on the policies instead of race.
11:52 you are having some trouble.
I endorsed Bernard Parks back on September 18th.
I'm throwing my support behind Bernard Parks for County Supervisor. I have my issues with Bernie but he's one of the few local pols who comes as close to "getting it" when it comes to business and jobs - despite lapses such as voting for Jan Perry's goofy fast food ban. Doug McIntyre writes in the Daily News Wednesday that Parks' opponent, Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas, has the "stench of whoredom dripping" from him when it comes to the millions of dollars spent by public employee unions to elect Ridley-Thomas. Unions who will expect Ridley-Thomas to "service them" when he gets into office.
No one is not letting Joe have his fun. I am sure he would tell you that.
You'd be surprised if I told you who gave me the title "Obama Bin Biden."
It was part of the same thing as calling Palin "Caribou Barbie" or "Bible Barbie," all part of the rough and tumble.
By the way, I also endorsed Ted Hayes, a very dark skinned homeless Black man from LA for Congress.
You fail.
People with glasses. Now that's funny!
Right, blame it on Joe. Listen, he was right from the begining. You are a mud slinger.
It is wrong to call you fat, but you are a loser in the sense of the campaign. You are also a loser in the game of life because you are unfair to people of color and we all recognize that even if you do not.
We expect you will now tell us what you once did for a black person by helping them cross the street or something right?
Hayes was a thousand years ago. See that is what MS does. Helping a black person cross the street in 1979 and thinking it makes up for all the smear and venom here.
You do seem to hate everyone with glasses except Sarah Palen. She is the website's nubile goddess who thankfully isn't so open with her hatred
Christ Higby! I voted for Obama but I don't know what you did to get this left wing nut so upset. Please don't think we are all that way. I think you are witnessing what happens when angry people get drunk.
Uh Zuma said this:
Based on Barack's acceptance speech Zuma Dogg says Barack's policy most likely will end up bankrupting the Country and turning the U.S. into something we have never seen before.
Truer words were never spoken than Zuma's quote at 12:29. As regards the fatmouth hater, the frequent abuser of the English language and the perpetual rider of the "short bus" when it comes to political maneuverings and rhetoric I will only say: "Lets hear from you 6months down the line". Maybe it's time to put down the rubber duckie, DQ and step away from the bathtub..You've epitomized the value of slapstick stupidity during this long and arduous campaign. We ALL salute you with the rousingest Bronx cheer we can muster. Final note: Way to Rope-a-Dope, Higby. YOU'RE the class act in this current dump. Thanks for the concise election results and whatever else you've done. Bravo!
Joe B, Palin isn't 'good female role model' material, either. Maybe it will go away for good now.
McCain's speech was very good.
Obama's was appropriate.
McCain's speech was great. I felt like crying. Regardless of who you voted for now you need to support the new President! United we stand! We are still the greatest country on the planet earth and I'm proud to be an American!
12:11 et al, what the hell are you talking about? Michael doesn't have a racist bone in his body. He's a die-hard Republican, true. One does not equal the other.
Stop being such a crybaby, 12:11 et al, suck it up, and get on with it.
I think MS considers himself more of a libertarian than republican. He also has recessive liberal genes (he spent years as one), so I'm not sure if there is actually a word to describe him.
Well yeah, okay, and you guys pegged me as a democrat when in fact I am 100% "decline to state, dammit!" and vote for whoever I think is the best person for the job regardless of party -- so there.
C'en est assez.
Onward and upward.
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