1000 Deaths of NIMBY

Greg Nelson has a fascinating story over at CityWatch about the Chinese method of dealing with those that oppose bad planning decisions.
L.A. developers... don't even go there. Seriously.
The L A Times yesterday ran a feature about how in Mexico City, they blockade streets to protest. Like in "an upscale, leafy area" of the city, where traffic and congestion became too bad, and only blocking themselves off from the city make the city take notice and respond.
Funny, how even in Mexico City they have zoning and upscale, leafy areas. Yet Reyes looks at the hills and the westside and sees them as places to expand his TJ's. Maybe we need the Mexico City upper classes to come here and help us deal with their fools and masses.
Can't we just get Greg Nelson back working in the city again? He's so needed. Why the hell did Villaraigosa get rid of him? With all the horrid, mismanaged departments, why did he start with Greg and DONE? I think it's just because it was Hahn's thing. So if Hahn liked it, Villaraigosa hates it? I can't figure out why else he made such a dumb move.
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