Vote Late and Often

In a piece that is going out to voters, which we have excerpted here, the Speaker reminds voters to get out there on June 8th and cast their votes for DeLeon. (Click on the image to see a larger verison)
The problem is the election is June 6th. Oh well.
I'm sure that is an accurate quote. Fabain is not one of the brighter politicians.
Wow! how embarrassing. maybe Fabian has "bent" the campaign laws to create a Special Election Day for his l'il buddy Kevin. Bending the rules is the only way Kevin and Fabian will win.
It's the mail consultant's fault. Who did the mail piece?
I guess Kevin's team is so confident that they don't bother to proofread.
The mail consultant is Larry Grisolano and The Strategy Group. Maybe next time they should also hire The Proofreading Group.
The Proofreading Group?! That is hilarious!
Who will get fired?
What a joker this guy is. Watch out Alvin. There is a another contender for the "Homer Simpson of Politics" title.
And what about the nasty push poll the DeLeon camp is diong? Must be desparate.
What is a nasty push poll?
What about the nasty whisper campaign Elena is doing...
yeh, what push poll?
Kevin de Leon is not the sharpest tool in the shed. You'd think Fabian would have hired smarter consultants for his LB (Lil Buddy) to make up for what Kevin lacks in the brains department.
i wonder what Elena is using if she really is running a whisper campaign, as 5:14 claims. there is so much dirt to choose from. that guy has more skeltons in his closet than Elton John has rhinestone suits.
Why do we have to wait for elena to dish out the dirt? You seem to know what it it out.
Why do we have to wait for elena to dish out the dirt? You seem to know what it it out.
Where is tofu girl when you need her? I am sure she can dish all the dirt on this race.
Lets make this simple.
Kevin Deleon is the former Kevin Leon.
The name change is the reason the mayor is not endorsing him.
It was done to hide past and current problems with the law.
Richie Ross will exploit it to no end.
bye bye kevin ala Arrellano.
The mail consultant and the general consultant is no longer the Strategy Group or Larry Grisolano. It's John Shallman.
Kevin Leon AKA Phantom.
It doesn't matter what is said....he has still out fundraised everyone...the angry lawyer (Popp) and that girl..whats her name, Cesar' Chavez's granddaughter,
Fabian Nunez is an idiot. He's also a total traitor to his own caucus. Two weeks ago he went behind the back of the Senate democrats to do a backdoor deal with Schwarzenegger for the much-talked about infrastructure bond. Nunez agreed to let Arnold & the GOP have their multitude of water projects in exchange for putting 8 billion in the bond for schools. Couple huge problems with that: The water projects included dams & other types of aboveground storage that would be exempted from ALL enviornmental laws. YES, Nunez agreed to that. Other problem: the most powerful Democrat in the state, Senate Pro Tem Perata had initiated all this infrastructure talk months before Arnold and his big concerns were transportaton and housing as well as levees yet Nunez hid his dealings with Arnold from Perata and the rest of the Senate. Yes, the top guy for Democrats in California and Nunez totally bent him over. Worse, Perata is impotent to do anything about Nunez' repeated screw-ups and betryals because he constantly threatens him with a "Latino boycott". Even in Sacramento where you can find trash in every office, Nunez is a unique piece of garbage. I wish everyone knew how many Democrats in the Assembly as well as the Senate hate his slimy guts. Now he's going to stick us with the borderline retarded De Leon. If De Leon can be elected, a doorknob can be elected.
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