TGIF Briefs on the Los Angeles Political Machine
Longtime South LA Newspaper Columnist Betty Pleasant gives the "Bottom Line" on CD 9 City Councilman Curren Price's support of more liquor licenses within his Council District.
LA Wave Newspaper Columnist Betty Pleasant.
CD 9 City Councilman Curren Price.
Great Friday to all as the hot air blows from the canyons .......... and from the keyboard of longtime LA Wave Newspaper Columnist Betty Pleasant.
Newly installed CD 9 City Councilman Curren Price, is feeling the hot journalistic breath of the reigning purveyor of South LA Yellow Journalism, as Price is taken to task for his support of additional liquor licenses that were being pushed by the lobbying company of now Assistant Chief of Staff Robert Katherman. An excerpt ..............
Six activists wrote Price a letter Tuesday calling for a meeting with him to thrash this liquor business out. The others are Brother Kokayi, Pastor K.W. Tulloss, president of National Action Network Los Angeles; Pastor William Smart of SCLC; Donald Bakeer of Project Islamic Hope and Najee Ali of Project Islamic Hope and political director of NAN of Los Angeles, who said that while a coalition of leaders and stakeholders put Price in office “our community is too intelligent to keep someone in office who’s going to help harm it. We have worked too hard to rebuild South L.A. Curren is our friend, but the concerns and best interests of the community come first, before any political friendship.”Tulloss, who said that while his organization celebrated Price’s recent City Council victory, “we stand united with the community opposing any new liquor store permits. Our community has fought hard to keep these stores from opening since the riots and we’re prepared to stand against anyone seeking to push a self centered agenda that’s not in the best interest of the community they serve.”
During an interview Tuesday, Price said The Times’ story was inaccurate and did not portray his position on the sale of alcohol in his district.
“I’m sensitive to these areas and the concerns about the over abundance of alcohol. The story is slanted and does not reflect my policy commitment or my actions on this council,” he said. “I’m not just sitting here approving every liquor license that comes before me.
....... wonder if past and future CD 9 City Council Candidate Ana Cubas has any comments?
** Speaking of the former CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Chief of Staff and CD 9 City Council Candidate Ana Cubas, former Mayor Sam Bloggin Colleague Joseph Mailander was able to chat up Cubas on her thoughts, in his recent "political chisme missive", posted at "MSNBC City Watch".
I had a good chat with Price's former antagonist and opponent Ana Cubas the other day. Price's district is one that the old wily Latino demographers hope to capture someday soon, maybe even in the next election. Cubas, who lost to Price in the recent election, has formed a State registered PAC devoted to increasing voter participation in the District. Cubas notes to me that the District is now 80% Latino by census tract and 51% by voter registration. Cubas also expressed concerns to me about a recent Times story regarding Price and the issuing of permits for liquor stores--something the Councilman's district probably doesn't need many more of. Cubas wants more Latino involvement in the district and it's pretty obvious why.
.......... can't wait for the Price vs Cubas Rematch in 2017.
** We find on this Friday our bloggin friend and "Reigning Scribe of Wit", Downtown News Editor Jon Regardie, lamenting six City Hall stories that never met a deadline. In this excerpt, Regardie is pondering this potential Pulitzer-garnering missive on City Clowncil Central Committee Strongman Herb "Mini Amin" Wesson.
When Herb Wesson Met Tony Soprano and Friends: I started planning my Pulitzer acceptance speech about 90 seconds after coming up with the concept of a fictional steak dinner meeting with City Council President Herb Wesson and the patriarch of “The Sopranos,” Stringer Bell from “The Wire,” John Gotti and Whitey Bulger. There were so many avenues to explore. Who’d get the biggest steak? Who’d get to order first? Who’d end up sleeping with the fishes? Then I realized that putting the president of the city council in the company of some of the biggest gangsters ever is pushing it, even for me. Good thing I never mentioned this column to anyone.
........ and now the whole bloggin cybersphere knows.
Your thoughts ...................
Scott Johnson in CD 14
But keep whatever ISM you live by in your own home. Do not force it into other people's homes like mine. I do not want your noise from your religion like Divine Saviour Catholic Church's tape recorded bells and music. Put it within your 4 walls. You have no right to blast it into my home. No church noise!! No church amplified sound systems!! No church bullhorns!! No forced religion into ones home!!
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