Mail Issues in the 46th Assembly District (or is it CD 2?) Contest

Well, well Political Consultant John Shallman isn't the only campaign guy regurgitation mailers. But then we are talking democratic consultants here and what is the number one affliction that ails democrats? "Bush Derangement Syndrome".
Thus, we can cut 46th AD Candidate Adrin Nazarian Consultant Eric Hacopian a little slack for falling back on a tired tactic of linking moderate democrats to the past policies of our last two-term president George W. Bush. But what counts is that the former CD 2 Campaign Mailer against Chris Essel above was part of a winning campaign strategy that sent the "Empty Vessel called Chris Essel for City Council", consulted by Shallman, sinking into a political abyss.
From the CD 2 Chris Essel and CD 15 Pat McOsker Campaign graphic of sinking ship via John Shallman.
From the CD 2 Chris Essel and CD 15 Pat McOsker Campaign graphic of sinking ship via John Shallman.
Lastly, what is wrong with 46th AD Candidate Laurette Healey photo with LA County Sherrif Lee Baca?
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: 46th Assembly District, Adrin Nazarian, Brian Johnson, Eric Hacopian, john shallman, laurette healey
So, are you telling me Andrew Lachman is the most normal of the 4 AD46 candidates?
So many interesting races in the city...
AD39... with sitting LA County Young Dem President and current communications director for Clowncilman AlarCON, posting negative videos on Felipe Fuentes and Bocanegra.
Lets not forget CD30 shenanigans.
And of course, AD45... who is lining up to run for that seat when (not if) Blumenfield wins council district 3?
If the she fits then it fits, Brian is a Republican in Dem clothing.
He wants to privatize education and is proud to be supported by people who support Vouchers.
If I were a voter in AD46, I'd write in Satan's name before I would vote for Andrew Lachman.
Anyone but Brian. He is awful. He will bring an end to public education. Nazarian is the only choice.
Lachman is a joke and put his signs all over public property in the Valley. This merely shows he will treat the Valley as his toilet. Johnson did a nasty hit piece onm Nazarian and bragged how he is from Stanford. I guess Stanford turnd out nasty people who flaunt their degree. We don't need him. Loretta blew off our neighborhod group and was ano show because she sais her staff screwed up. It makes you wonder how she will run her office. And Stern, the Republican, reminded me of Moon Newt. Obviously I support Nazatian. He is the only one who knows what he's doing.
I checked with Satan, he's voting for Nazarian (Johnson was a close second for him, but a deal's a deal and he voted for Healey last time).
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