Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Monday
"Watch it, Bernard Parks, you fish-eyed fool!" |
Greedy public employee unions conned unions who represent people who make nowhere near as much as them to march in the rain for higher than average wages and gold plated pensions for the government unions. In the meantime the Mayor is cutting a deal with public employee unions that only forestalls bankruptcy a little while.
Following the latest census numbers, CD 13 is in need of additional territory due to population shifts. The folks at Griffith Park Wayist are hoping the big park could be moved into Eric Garcetti's district. That would put an awful crimp in Tom LeBong's plans.
City sign makers don't seem to have any quality control procedures. One sign in CD4 gets the spelling of the Mayor's name wrong. Another one in CD2 seems to have missed that Wendy Greuel hasn't been the Council member there for nearly two years.
Labels: bernard parks, griffith park, public employee unions
"Greedy public employee unions conned unions who represent people who make nowhere near as much as them to march in the rain for higher than average wages and gold plated pensions for the government unions. In the meantime the Mayor is cutting a deal with public employee unions that only forestalls bankruptcy a little while."
No con, we wanted to be there to support our fellow union brother & sisters! You need to get your facts straight, shill.
I'm a union (non-public) member and my union was there. I wasn't because I saw through the con. I'm sick and tired of "union" members being lumped into one big category. It's not reality. Public and private unions are two different things. Now if you'll have the taxpayers of the City of Los Angeles reimburse me for my losses every time my 401K takes a dump, then feel free to lump me in with the public employee unions.
Even if the mayor succeeds in getting concessions from the other unions, it will not come close to closing the projected deficit forecasted by the CAO over the next four years.
There will need to be layoffs, but the union leaders will not hesitate to throw their brothers and sisters under the bus to maintain the influence they have over our officials.
For once, Higby, your photo and caption made me "lol."
Ha ha ha
Good one!
Now, can you please ask Joe B to explain how Obama can be bombing Libya AND HAVE BOOTS ON THE GROUND, even though he has a Nobel PEACE prize?
Oh, this should be a good one.
No boots on the ground for US!!
Others will assume that role whilst we bomb the shit out of the country, killing everyone in sight, strafe after we run out of bombs and Tomahawk missiles, and re-fuel all the fighters.
Obama didn't deserve the Nobel, but then again, he didn't deserve to by CinC.
Our country is on the brink; if he is re-elected, we are Greece.
I work for the city of LA and I hear an awful lot of grumbling about the proposed concessions. Mostly it's because the Mayor and the City Council callously reneged on the last Agreement we ratified in 2009. It doesn't sound like they're in a mood to get fooled again. No matter how well or how quickly the union staff and the CAO try to Bum Rush this through.
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