DailyKos: "We're....f'ed"
Here's Kos himself:
Don't look now, but Republicans are crushing Democrats in the use of social networks.
R's have an avg. of 38,718 FB friends and 14,009 Twitter followers.
D's have an avg. of 8,260 FB friends and 2,591 Twitter followers according to HeadCount.org
This stuff matters. Republican consultants have embraced the social networks as a way to spread their message in a way that our shitty Democratic ones have not. What online advantages progressives have -- the blogosphere and sites like ActBlue -- have been created outside of the establishment's grasp. Otherwise, we'd be even more fucked.
Labels: dailykos, facebook, social media, twitter
I think Carly and Meg are f'ed. Next week they'll get to do what they do best, lay-off a bunch of people. Meg should slug a bunch of 'em.
Oh 9:36pm, not so much, I think.
There's definitely a lot less "hope and change" in the air these days, and Americans soon lose there tolerance for snake oil salesmen.
But I've got some "hope and change" for y'all - it'll start right about 8:05pm on November 2.
See you at the Victory Party - d'ya think Jerry will sneak out the back door without a "thank you" like Jackass Weiss did?
Infighting at Meg camp! She is finally realizing she's not going to win this one. Pete Wilson was actually yelled at by Meg in front of staff today. Thick tension and Dark clouds in the campaign.
Michael, I know you've lost your mind of late, but I was hoping you'd be able to turn the lights on at some point and realize that that Kos comment was purely satirical, which should be obvious by the kind of numbers touted.
The numbers came from MediaShift and not Kos. Kos is cleary besides himself begging people to early vote so they can have time to GOTV with ACORN every last homeless person to vote for Pelosi and Reid possible.
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