This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
"We support Linda McMahon!"
Did he get free tickets?
Caption: Rad Spit needs to get a life; even a bad one.
Dude, Rush Limbuerger ain't even as obsessed with Obamer as you are with CD14's two best-known Latino electeds. And he gets PAID to be.
I'm starting to think they both better alert what's left of the:
... in their area to warn them when you come "stocking" - (hey, I spelt it that way so's you would know what it mean).
"and this is how you do a titty twister"
"Even this boring photo shoot is more exciting than Higby's and Red Snot's life."
"Sorry, but you're like grandpa old."
Lookout Lou, your replacement is looking sooo goood!
"If only I take the right picture with the right person everyone will love me again and forget about my performance as mayor."
Caption: Someone tell Scott Johnson to put his pants back on.
AV news is boring
Caption: "There's that imbecile Scott Johnson. Let's laugh at him like everyone else."
You so called bloggers know nothin about LATINO POLITICICS. This was BIG,BIG news on the LA Spanish news channels. The Disenfranchized that live in Ramona Gardens can be easily bought, plus don't forget the big muscle also coming from the projects via the gang ellement who is now savy enough to use the politicians and the law to it's favor. You have many educated bangers in Ramona, YEAH THEY GO TO COLLAGE AND BANG AT NITE. SURPRISE YOU?????. If I was YOU I'd say/STAY the HELL away from Ramona, hope not to hear Scott was found columbian neck tied to a project tree. The gangs run the politicos AND LOOKIN AT THE WAY THINGS ARE GOING THEY RUN THE CITY TOO! JMO
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