Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Wednesday
Stupidvisor Mark Ridley Thomas working on his office renovation.
Getting closer to Christmas. The Clowncil is on extended recess. Next few days of Hotsheets may not be 100% political. Deal with it.
Mayor Villaraigosa appoints former Burbank City Manager and ex-CRA chief Bud Ovrom as head of the Department of Building and Safety. This is a good appointment. Perhaps with Ovrom in charge and ex-Burbank elected Paul Krekorian on the Council we can bring some of the successful methods of that City to make LA more business friendly. Sidenote: San Fernando Valley business leaders are optimistic about Krekorian's victory.
Tom LeBong joins the nanny state and wants to ban outdoor smoking patios in LA. I HATE cigarette smoke but I also believe in freedom of choice. If a restaurant allowed smoking I would not go there. But I think its up to them and the market. In any case Tom LeBong is a greater danger to his District than second hand smoke is. Just ask anyone who lives there!
Stupidvisor Mark "Curly" Ridley Thomas will hold off on his mega-dollar office renovation. The County Stupes took a vote that sends the project to an auditor for review but inside sources told KFI's Eric Leonard that Curly will now do the project ala Johnny Cash and build it "one piece at a time" under the radar after the smoke clears. Let's keep an eye on that if we can!
David Markland at LA MetBlogs catches onto something MayorSam and Griffith Park Wayist have had on their radar lately: LA's politicians have had a near obsessive relationship with The Grinch this holiday season. What's next? Green Eggs and Ham with Jan Perry?
Paul Hatfield pens a brilliant Christmas poem for Mayor V.
Forget about TV 35 and trying to save public access TV. That's so not 2010. Apple Computer is on the verge of deploying the killer app that is going to do to cable TV what blogs have done to fishwraps and add to that services like Roku, YouTube and Hulu. Anyone can be a TV producer these days.
Mulholland Terrace reports via a cached version of a story removed by a ball-less Chicago Tribune website that "Sam Zell is leaving control of Tribune Company in the hands of a former shock jock who used to reportedly roam the offices of a past employer with a rubber penis tied around his neck." Randy Michaels, who takes the CEO reins from Zell who remains Chairman, "made a name for himself back in the '70s and '80s farting on the air, cracking jokes about gays and tantalizing listeners with descriptions of 'incredibly horny, wet and ready' naked in-studio guests." And you were worried about the fishwraps!
Simon Cowell will step down from his role as the chief judge on Fox's popular "American Idol" television program. We suggest Jack Weiss be his replacement. He still needs a job so why not?
FBI files on Michael Jackson that were to be released Monday and then were delayed have finally been put on public view. However much of the information has been redacted and a lot of it is miscellaneous and sheds no light on his alleged child molestation activities nor his mysterious death. It is not certain if these files were scrubbed but what is clear is that its the files of the LA and Santa Barbara County District Attorneys that will be more revealing. No word on when or if those documents will come forward.
Labels: apple computer, bud ovrom, jack weiss, mayor antonio villaraigosa, michael jackson, mulholland terrace, paul hatfield, paul krekorian, simon cowell, the grinch, Tom LeBong, tribune company
Who won the Ass Clown 2009 award?
However inside sources say the lake and waterfall would instead be handled as a maintenance request and filled one bucket at a time by County Janitors which will not require board oversight.
Mayor Sam why are you spending your time running your mouth at phil's blog?
You seem very bitter when it comes to arguing with Walter. I don't see you ever sticking your neck out to run for office or running a campaign, yet you have a fat mouth when it comes to criticizing someone who did try and came in second.
For a man who claims to be very busy with his day job behind a desk, you sure have a lot of time to joust with Walter who, as you know, is a succesful attorney and real estate BROKER.
When you're not jousting with Walter, you're doing the same with us here, and making, by your own admission, "pocket change" here.
I know you won't ever post this comment because you are such a pussy, so I will remind you that you are likely to die of your obesity with a massive corony in your early 50s, which is right around the corner. Fuck you.
Now go delete.
There is no need for the Supes to send the MRT remodelig issue to an auditor, unless it's to avoid making a touch decision. This is strictly a policy issue. Should any public money be spent on his office or anyone else's if it doesn't involve a health or safety issue?
"Discussion of the lake has become a needless distraction inflamed by misleading and erroneous information about the species of fish I had planned to stock it with," Ridley-Thomas said in a statement yesterday. "We do, however, intend to move forward with construction of my 18-hole golf course, tentatively named Ridley Acres."
Really glad to get that breaking American Idol news about Simon Cowell. I don't want to read about American Idol whether council is in recess, or not. Do I all of the sudden have to care about that just because council is on break. You don't get it.
Does Preznit Obama know that precious stimulus dollars were spent on an apartment for a man who has no intention of working even though he's perfectly capable?
Lots of people didn't make it into Ass Clown of the Year who should have--Cecilia Estolano comes to mind. But Carmen the Clown you would think is halfway there, via eponymous fiat. As far as I can see, it can only be between John Shallman and Carmen the Clown.
Jack Weiss did a segment on a KNBC show called the Filter which is new, but set to roll out regularly next year. Talking about politics, from local issues to the healthcare debate. I have to say I was surprised he was so articulate and candid, like he'd held himself in all those years on the council from saying what was really on his mind. He was spot on about everything he said. I think Celeste Fremon was in a segment with him and they had a dialogue. he's also been interviewed elsewhere like in LA mag on politics and wrote some articles elsewhere including on general issues concerning LA, sports and culture. Really smart and made Celeste say she missed his insights and hopes he'll be back in public office. But if he goes the political commenter route he'd have the smartest voice out there, and I can't think of anyone else who's a political commenter now with the same depth of experience. They always get people like Sherry Bebitch Jaffe for tv analyses, but other than teaching at SC i don't know what gives her any unique perspectives? Then there's Joel Kotkin, the conservstive at Pepperdine, a few more but again, they're just academics.
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke was so much classier than Ridley, too bad it couldn't have rubbed off on this buffoon. Just because you are a black man that can speak correct English does not entitle you to your arrogant attitude. What is it that society owes you? Perhaps a couple of more million from dues paying union members to keep you in office while you throw your buddies (Alejandro Stevens) under the bus and into jail? Perhaps more staffers and more cars on the public dime to keep your district so underserved? Perhaps several hundred million to fund a joke of a hospital (MLK should have the name changed)to let people (mexicans) die in the lobby?
It is amazing how you claim that you wanted that $700,000 plus $300,000 for furniture for "your" staff. You don't even sign the checks for "your" staff as they are county employees and thus "our" staff! Maybe when you can start your own business you can make that claim. Until then you are nothing more than a glorified public servant. What hubris indeed!
7:52 AM -
Need a little holiday cheer? You seem awfully cranky so early in the morning on the day before Christmas Eve.
7:52 = Walter Moore
I agree with 752, especially the last part. Higby has turned into a child.
think 7:52 is you/know/who.
The building of that waterfall and the stocking of the fish would have created jobs and homed fish. But you had to ruin it.
Another bone head move by BECK to appease the idiot Mayor. The troops are fuming thinking the extra 130 cops being put on the street were coming from desk duty. BUT NO...they are coming from a task force that goes after gang bangers CREW'
""" Charlie Beck failed to emphasize that the move would break up an effective, mobile, crime-saturation unit that has been used to target gangs and problem areas in the city.
11:10AM = Don Duncan or some other pot head. Jack Weiss as a political commentator? Gimme a break. That asshole hasn't got a clue about politics, unless the definition of politics is "pay to play," in which case he's an expert.
I vote Walter Moore for Ass Clown of the Decade.
It is TERRIBLE for anyone to wish for Higby to die from a heart attack due to his obesity.
On the other hand, I want Higby to die of a brain aneurysm for his stupidity in hiring Phil Jennerjahn to bother us all year long, and for still letting him comment here after he fired him.
re: All the hateful comments about Higby
Is Walter Moore that mad Higby voted for the other guy?
The photo is brilliant.
Comments for the Ass Clown Award have been closed despite the fact that we were just getting warmed up, and no winner has yet been announced.
Could it be that the public wants Phil to win but MS can't bring himself to bestow any award on this manchild?
Did he get paid?
As the "Parks and Rec" writing team spent time researching local politics, that included at least one visit to a Los Angeles City Council meeting. As a result, you may notice a character on the show who was inspired by infamous L.A. gadfly Zuma Dogg.
Walter is campaigning for Ass Clown of the Year.
He has lost out several years now and his streak is almost as long as his court losing streak.
Give him chance; add him to the nominations list.
Actually, the best choice for Ass Clown of the Year is Tiger Woods.
He is the first man in history to back into a fire hydrant and set himself on fire.
After due consideration, I have to cast my vote for Mark Ridley-Thomas.
Whilst in the middle of a serious investigation regarding his longtime relationship with a female lobbyist, he has the unmitigated gall (English for "Chutpah")to spend a huge amount of money fixing up his already sumptious offices while there are huge gaps in the budget for needy projects, many of which are in his own Suupervisoral District.
This arrogance puts him well above Walter Moore's stupidity and Phil's Jennerjahn's inanity, both of which are notable but, in the final analysis, they fall short of Ridley-Thomas' political tin ear.
Congratulations, Mr. Supervisor, it isn't easy to best those strong contenders, but you found a way!!
note to 3:12
the mean comments of 7:52 am are probably from the "other guy"
Walter is not that vindictive or revengeful.
Geez Walter Moore sure turned out to be a warm fuzzy fella ehh folks? Merry Christmas to you too Wally! So Higby didn't vote for you? Wah wah!
Thank the sweet baby Jesus you got your ass handed to you in the election!
2;05, jack weiss is by far the smartest person on the council, maybe in some time. You haven't heard his show or read the articles but you're saying nasty things anyway, as usual for you people. Slinging allegations is a lot easier than knowing what you're talking about, isn't it?
However he may not have suffered fools with the patience he should have. Anyone who has actually worked with him or knows him knows that. It starts with education but what makes a person intelligent is a keen awareness and understanding of the world, the ability to understand and analyze and synthesize and then formulate policy. Government on the other hand is a notoriously slow and cumbersome process, more about getting a lot of other people who may not be bright to see things your way. In that regard the Tom LaBonge's or Janice Hahns who would not have otherwise been qualified for executive jobs are the ones who have most reason to be grateful just to be able to show up, and can best stick it out.
And look at the result. It would be even harder for anyone who's terribly bright and wants to do serious work to have to sit there for hours a day and listen to the kinds of regulars who show up to rant at the council. Being city attorney was exactly the right fit for someone like that. However being a commenter means you can be totally frank unlike in politics.
Actually some people in this town do say whatever they want but it's often untrue or back-biting, Bratton may have been right that it's more true in this town than elsewhere, where reasonable discussion or a good honest fight followed by a handshake is more the norm.
7:52 is not "Mr. You Know Who" or "That Guy." Who do you think could present an argument like that for someone other than the person them self? I think a Mr. Someone didn't expect Higby to let it fly for all to see and now a diversion must be created by claiming it's probably others.
First of all, Jack Weiss is nowhere near as smart as Garcetti.
If you're saying that he's smart in general, then he wasted that intelligence as a City Councilman and candidate for City Attorney. He should have won that race.
If you're saying that he's politically smart, he proved that he isn't.
If you think that he's saying smart things now, what kept him from saying those things while he was in the City Council or running for City Attorney? If people like him for what he's saying now, why wouldn't they have also liked it while he held office?
If Jack was half as smart as he thinks he is, he would have won that race and be City Attorney right now.
Eric Garcetti would smear Caruso in a mayoral race. The idea of an unknown Republican developer in Los Angeles against a brilliant, half-Latino city council president is a joke.
Caruso running is a joke. Why do you think it didn't happen before? Smart people don't even begin the process if they know they can't win. Caruso's polling proved he's got no name recognition and the grass roots activists won't want him because he's a developer.
Eric vs Wendy and it's Eric all the way...
12:40 says "Eric Garcetti would smear Caruso in a mayoral race."
Nice to see that Eric's taking the low road before he even starts. OF course we know that Wendy plans to, against Eric and everyone, since she's hiring Shallman the Master of Slime. It's true these two could really hurt each other since they referred to each other as "council wife and husband," they were on the phone so much even every morning and night after they left the office. They must know where a lot of each other's bodies are buried. Disgusting.
Eric may not be a developer but he's Mr. Density - and "brilliant" as far as talking and talking but meanwhile he let giant digitals go up in Hollywood and acted shocked when constituents who had them shining in their homes finally got him to respond, and only then did he realize years too late that the money coming in from Rocky's deals wasn't even enough to hire the inspectors needed to count how many were legal, that the dept. was lazy anyway, and citizens had to do it.
He has a mostly renter district and lots of immigrants and ethnics, can spout his 'progressive' nonsense because they're a lot more apathetic about politics than elsewhere. If he'd been councilman in the militant CD5 or even CD11 or one of the west valley districts where homeowner groups virtually control things including their councilmember, he'd be out as he will be when he runs for mayor. Still he's sharper than Wendy whose head is now swelled because she had an easy victory over two nonames with no money while she used the Shallman Slime Machine.
He can't manage the city staff or councilmembers as he should, even lost control of Zuma dogg while the Board of Dupes has managed to keep him and the other public comment gadflies from disrupting their meetings and taking over hours and hours to waste time. He's helped make the whole council including himself look even more ridiculous and out of control.
Thanks to him and Wendy being part of the backbiting none of them trust each other either, and their assertions here that they're both going to "slime" each other and any other candidate as first offense, is proof.
Tragic that as our city is in crisis we elect one idiot after another because they resort to sliming their opponents, we have that Republican hack and loudmouth clown buffoon as city attorney, Cooley's puppet, and Zine his wingman, at odds with this bunch. (Being at odds with "city hall" was his only advantage, and we see where that's got us, expensive and time-wasting internal battles.)
The mayor is finally trying to create jobs but he has no effective bureaucracy in place to help him. Jeff Carr and Carson are outside the loop, seems he's hoping Ovrum can help.
And the homeowner groups of course are trying to kill every development as we need jobs, even threatening to recall Koretz already because they didn't get their puppet Vahedi, and they've got Rosendahl flipflopping back and forth. They're going after La Bonge and Cardenas next, and are mobilizing in Smith's district. While some NIMBYism is good, these people have killed revenue in L A while cities next to us like Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Burbank and Glendale build to our borders and leave us with the traffic and congestion and no revenue. They're part of the problem not the solution. Garcetti as Mr. Density has no hope of finding the middle here, and certainly Reyes and Perry don't. The council doesn't work together as a coherent group, too busy saving their own asses.
12:40 Caruso sees now that he could have won if a rightwing racist like Moore got as many protest votes. Saying that Eric's qualifications include being half-Latino and that he will slime Caruso and Wendy is a disqualification if you ask me. He's never had a major challenge and these days with anti-development homeowner groups for better or worse his being all about dense affordable housing is the wrong recipe for success. Especially for his Latino half to whom he's trying to speak poor Spanish. Caruso may be a developer but he hasn't created the budget crisis like Garcetti and his close cronies which is key to people as he's seen to just be kicking the can down the road with ERIP and other schemes.
Wendy's loudly warned that his much touted efforts still leave the cith with a billion dollar deficit looming, so I'd say that will be her pitch for mayor. That she COULD stay on as Controller another 8 years but she can't sit by and watch Eric and the mayor and council sit idly by while this happens. Of course that's all bullshit since she's part of the problem and hasn't done anything yet but point out the obvious, but that's where these two are going.
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