Assemblyman John Perez likely Speaker after Kevin De Leon withdraws Consideration
With De Leon bowing out of the Speakership battle, this sets the stage for the openly gay, first-cousin of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to make history in Sacramento.
But as this battle ends, another may be looming for Perez. State Senator Gilbert "Gil" Cedillo has told anyone who would listen. in political circles, that he is definitely running for the 45th Assembly Seat.
This would set up a bruising and expensive inter-party battle between Perez and Cedillo, with possible state-wide implications.
For De Leon, this must be a bittersweet moment, after being the front-runner for Speaker, only to see his "ambitions and linkage" to former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, kill his chances to replicate the political ascention of his political mentor/soulmate.
Behind the scenes, the race appeared over shortly before Thanksgiving, when Villaraigosa hosted a private meeting of Perez, de Leon and former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, de Leon's childhood buddy and lifelong friend, Capitol officials said.
The session ended over a bottle of wine, officials said, with de Leon expected to become speaker and Perez targeted to run with no major Democratic opposition for the Senate seat of Cedillo, who has long coveted a move to the Assembly once he is termed out next year.
But De Leon's "ambitious drive" might of undone this Getty House conclave.
Many of his own Democratic colleagues felt that de Leon, chairman of the powerful Assembly Appropriations Committee, had not led committees focused on major policy issues and was not "up to the job" of speaker.
"Too many people believe that he didn't earn his stripes, that Fabian Nunez did all the heavy lifting for him," [Assemblyman] Torrico said.
For De Leon, he will most likely win re-election to his last term as the 46th District Assemblyman, while Perez faces the wrath of Gil Cedillo.
Thus, in time both De Leon and Perez may see their political aspirations denied, due to their respective political linkage/ baggage.
Your thoughts................
Labels: Assembly speaker, john perez, kevin de leon
"The session ended over a bottle of wine"
Such scumbags gulping wine & cutting deals like they are so important. Villar, Nunez, Perez, de Leon, a la verga! Vote them all out!
DeLeon is Fabian's childhood friend. And Cedillo is the Mayor's BFF from back in the day.
Gil and Tony use to cruise through Boyle Heights in Tony's canary yellow 1964 Chevy listening to Art Laboe on the radio.
The scene was immortalized in the opening credits to "Chico and the Man"
If someone had neutered Tony V'd dad and siblinges we wouldn't be having a lot of the City problems we are having right now.
Fuck this! Where's the 19 cd2 stories for today?
They are all worthless!
Very sad that this is what California has to offer.
How depressing.
Actually may turn out better for De Leon. He'll have an easy run into Cedillo's Senate seat while Perez has to deal with a much more popular and well known Cedillo in a district that is much more socially conservative regarding gays.
Could be the shortest speakership ever. Look for Isadore Hall to reap the benefits when Perez loses the primary in June.
Such a sorry ending. De Leon would have been a far better speaker than Perez. At least De Leon had the guts to cast some votes that were unpopular with big labor, which Perez did not. Perez followed the labor line at all times.
The dumbest part is this whole feud between Cedillo and Villar started over... wait for it... a girl.
Pinche horndogs!
But as bad as Cedillo is, we must plug our noses and support him against Perez. Contribute and volunteer! Down with Villar!
We are not fortunate enough for both of these no loads to fade into the sunset
At least we can be certain the battle between Perez and Kevin is not over a girl!
"Kevin De Leon WITHDRAWS Consideration" please, not "withdrawls," that appears to mean "withdrawals" but wrong anyway.
And on the content, they are all lousy choices and as politicians, not good role models unless you would like your kids to look up to the pimps and thugs that they are.
Cut the pay, part-time the job, and that would weed out the slimesters.
OMG! Jennerfool has come out from under his rock. I'm surprised he was able to get his girlfriend Essel to move over so he could emerge from under that rock. But, hell, can't you go back under. Things were some much more civil without your lunatic rants.
We have had enough of these folks. Time to get behind the Part Time Leglislature. Check it out and get involved.
Since fixing Assemblymember term limits, the Speaker slot doesn't matter. "You're no Willie Brown, Assemblyman."
Great - I was going to sit out 2010 but I guess I better write Cedillo a check and get started.
I like how you describe Perez as "openly gay." What about
Jan Perry - Openly corrupt
Antonio - Openly lecherous
Wendy Greuel - Openly self serving
Ed Reyes - Openly dimwitted
Eric Garshady - openly useless
Paul Koretz - openly pro pot
Fabian - openly slimey
Maria Shriver - Openly scofflaw
Tiger Woods - Openly straight
Look for DeLeon to be Majority Leader.
You mean 46th AD? Perez is the Assemblyman for the 46th AD.
Let the political musical chairs begin! So, Cedillo goes after Perez's seat and De Leon after Cedillo's seat --- so who's next in line for De Leon's seat?
Can Cedillo give it rest now? Didn't he learn his lesson in his congressional race?
This place is so infected with vermin, lice and cockroaches...all because of open borders! The aforementioned Villar, Nunez, Perez et al are all spawn of wet(bks), but we have a new breed now...Mark Ridley Thomas...the devil spawn of Obama...the most pretentious, ignorant crook of them all! Ken and John are going after him with a vengeance...$707K to redecorate his office!
Are there any Whites left in this city??? I don't think so! We bid hasta la vista 2 years ago...and the weather is great here in Oregon...
Come on folks, give 'em a chance. They're all Krekorian's friends too.
Please take December 10, 2009 9:25 PM's comment and update your post to correct the error of which Assembly Districts your talking about.
If you're going to try to sound intelligent about a topic, you should make sure not to mess up in this manner.
10:56 who white-flighted to Oregon:
You left your heart here, huh? You describe your whereabouts as "this place".
So the immigrants have taken over Oregon? Is that what you're trying to say?
Or are you really just sitting right here in Los Angeles bitching and moaning?
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