CD 2 Candidates Forum
Another night, another Council District 2 candidates forum in the Valley. This Forum was sponsored by the Laurel Grove and Valley Glen Neighborhood Associations, and the Valley Village Homeowners Association. Judging from the tone of the night, Tamar Galatzan must be making some major progress in the race because for several other candidates, it seemed like it was "Let's team up on Tamar" night.
Local businessman Frank Sheftel landed some serious blows by calling out Paul Krekorian and Tamar Galatzan about not finishing the political terms that they were elected to. He said something like "Come on're a know what a contract is!" Sheftel is being managed by David Hernandez and David seems to have Frank ready with great stuff at all these events.
One of the biggest laughs of the night came courtesy of David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg, when in a reply to a question about accepting money from developers, Zuma said, jokingly, that "I have turned down millions from developers!" The room roared in laughter. Zuma piled on the abuse of Tamar by haranguing her over an answer about whether she would vote to raise taxes. "Answer the question...yes or no!" Zuma demanded.
Tamar fought back reasonably well and stated, in a response about accepting money, that " I'm not accepting money from developers in CD 2." Christine Essel was not so lucky tonight. She seemed to bungle some questions about her fundraising and money lead. She was being portrayed as a carpetbagger and a phony by some of the other candidates. On occasion, the moderator gave candidates the chance to respond when attacked. Essel turned down the chance to respond to an attack at least once.
It was clear that there was no love for Essel at this event. Most of her responses were met by silence.
When she told the crowd about her fundraising, she said the limit for a contribution is $500... and added "My vote can't be bought for $500.!" The unspoken understanding of the crowd was that her vote actually costs a lot more.
This answer actually seemed to make the crowd angry. Sometimes, I'm not really sure what Essel is doing in this race.
Mary Benson and Joe Essavi were trying to catch the Big 3, but they need help. Benson had a rather good answer about Measure Q, stating how "There was a fatal flaw in the assumption. It was unreasonable at best, and fraud at the worst". But I wasn't sure everyone was following Benson on the answer. Essavi had a good answer about stopping more Medical Marijuana sites from opening.
Carpetbagger Krekorian seemed also to turn into BandWagonJumper Krekorian whenever someone gave a good answer. He would say..."Not only do I support that statement...but also...I will go one better..."
His insincerity bothered me. Typical hack politician.
Unfortunately for Augusto Bisani, Michael McCue, and Pete Sanchez, their campaigns seem to be circling the drain as they cannot seem to find issues to electrify the voters. Most of their replies received a tepid response.
It is still Krekorian, Essel, and Galatzan right now.
The others are trying to fight to pass one of these 3 candidates.
But after a few more good forums like this .... that might change.
Zuma dogg getting an apt. in Studio City all of a sudden and refusing to tell us who from, after he was talking about Nuch reneging on his promise to give him a job but saying he'd do anything for anyone if they gave him a place to sleep - now all of a sudden he's shilling for Nuch again and bashing everyone else for him - clearly it's Nuch who's giving him the crash pad. Friends of his think so too.
If this isn't true Zuma dogg needs to prove it.
He's such a loudmouth hypocrite but when it comes to himself he won't tell us this very basic thing. If not Nuch (which it clearly is) who's it from and why.
He has no income as well all know.
Dear Zuma Dogg,
Please answer the following.
It is clear that some people in City Hall have a resentment towards you.
If you are elected to represent CD2, How do you plan to over come their animosity for you?
I ask because I don't put it past shady politicians to work against some one they dis-like, purely to spite them.
Phil, why haven't you written anything about Zuma's claim two days ago that the Local 300 was raided by the FBI?
He wrote it. You read it. But it's not in any of the other media.
So unless every media outlet in town missed it, Zuma was wrong and announcing false and potentially damaging things.
Instead of focusing on describing the debate as if it was a boxing match, maybe you can actually ask ZD a challenging question about this false claim.
Higby 1:12am makes a great point! Can you follow up on that?
Zuma Dogg was homeless, as he confirmed, just a week or two ago.
Since he does not have any income source, but suddenly has an apartment in CD2, it is reasonable to ask him how it is being paid for.
Can you do this for us, the readers?
The answer to that question is "Why isn't anyone asking the same question of Essel" or related carpetbagging questions for the other candidates. We'll get to those questions later. The issue for Essel isn't that how it's being paid for, since she is quite wealthy. The question for her is how long she has been in the District.
The question for Zuma Dogg is how is his apartment being paid for? I think he made a big mistake ANNOUNCING it to the world. Since I have sent him numerous questions about the funding of his apartment, he has answered "noone" of them. Can you look into this?
I enjoy reading Zuma's blog, where he has nuggets like:
"Dale Thrush was an attorney from a powerful lawfirm and gave up $500,000 million a year"
A Council Member should know the difference between $500,000 and$500,000,000,000?
The screwball quotient will go through the roof if he wins and makes his first incorrect motion, and Garsetti has to correct him because there aren't 12 zeroes in $500,000.
"Mr. Dogg, do you mean a half million or $500,000 million?"
Should I carry hand sanitizer to these events if I end up shaking Krekorian or Tamar's hand?
Is this the same Sheftel who used to do a cooking show on the radio?
Its NOT Trutanich giving Zuma the apt.
so clearly ur wrong 1.12 am
no-one's 'paying' for the apartment, it was vacant and needs a couple minor repais, so someone let him use it for a hot second.
if you were really smart on this blog, you'd be able to figure it out from some of the things Zuma says.
but I'm not saying, because its way more fun watching you guys trip all over your conspiracy theories.
anyone got video of the Valley G forum?
Tamar translation: "I'm accepting money from developers in every other district except CD2"
Someone from the Mayor's office I see is complaining that Nuch or someone else may be more effective at taking a homeless person off the streets than the Mayor is. The benefactor is donating $600 a month worth of in-kind space, without spending taxpayer money.
The Mayor's approach to getting homeless off the streets? The Mayor would have given $300,000 of the City's money to a developer and a contractor for a single unit and then asked Zuma to wait in line for four years for a chance at taking an affordable housing lottery ticket to "solve" homelessness.
Joseph the point you are missing is that Zuma ALREADY said he'd back off of the election if someone would give him a place to stay.
Whether someone is donating it, or if he is getting it in order to support another candidate is murky, and unless he comes out to clear it up, it'll be hanging over his head.
If you missed the place where he said this, I suggest you read his blog.
It is obvious by now and it will be very clear by election day that Essel is an empty skirt ,a front of the special interests and City Hall,not ready.But let`s not underestimate the slimy Shallman.
Gosh - from reading the comments it seems people are really afraid of Zuma Dogg. Clearly they've figured out that once E$$el, and the two opportunists Tamar and Krivorkian implode, Zuma will be the candidate.
The city could use a breath of fresh air like Zuma in City Council. Certainly he shows up more to council mtgs than most of the councilmen getting paid.
Re Zuma's new digs. Frank Sheftel is one possibility. He's stated he had offered Zuma a place and that he is in real estate.
The other possibility is the producer of the documentary they are making on Zuma's run for CD2.
How can Zuma back off the election if the producer of his documentary on running in the election is paying for the joint?
So,Essel did not personally support SB1818, but was only reflecting the opinion of her organization.Well,now we have a person who speaks her mind!In WW II some people were only reflecting the opinion of their organization.......and look what happened!
I accidentally thought that this blog ended in 2008. Very glad to see that it is still going.
I am dealing with non stop corruption in the criminal courts. I'm a falsely accused person, and they know it and they know that I can sue them and the corrupt Threat management unit of the LAPD, and Lavely and Singer. So, very dirty tricks are their only recourse ---Judges Jessner, Mary Lou Villar, Edmund Willcox, John Martinez, Dennis Landin have all made rulings in my case that have zero basis in law and were made with unnoticed motions. Now, they are trying to make me "incompetent" to stand trial as they have grown desperate. Judge Samantha Jessner has "ordered" this illegal, degrading, and incredibly unwarranted competency hearing with no evidence and no noticed hearing and open court ex partes.
Something must be done to alert the citizen of what is being done in thier courts.
All three judges that have signed illegal and insane search warrants were appointed by Shwartzenneger!
The case number is 8CA10541(Temple court) and the minutes alone are astounding.
I can't get over how many bad peopel there are-- judges???
Joseph the point you are missing is that Zuma ALREADY said he'd back off of the election if someone would give him a place to stay.
No, the point is that even as the backer of someone else in the race, you feel you have to snipe from behind an anonymous duck blind in order to get away with sliming someone who's not your own favored candidate as "a loudmouth hypocrite."
Big Laugh.
Essel the empty vessel.
I am a member of the Laurel Grove Neighborhood Association and live down the street from last night's forum. I sat in the back with the peanut gallery, and here is my sense of how the evening went for the candidates.
First off, I think you are spot on when you question what Essel is doing in this race. None of her answers were valley specific. Read the room: Most of the people in there had been living in NoHo, VG and VV for a long time, most were seniors. At least pretend to know what people are talking about when they complain about the blight at Laurel Canyon and Victory.
SB 1818 is a real hot button issue in this part of the valley. I have to disagree with you on McCue on this. I think he articulated very well the Studio City anger over this issue, and several Studio City residents near me were very receptive to his message. McCue could probably get more traction on SB 1818.
Sheftel is interesting, but having him, McCue and and Sanchez together on the end created a kind of ghetto for them. Same for Benson, Bisani and Essavi on the right.
Bisani - what is he doing there? Still, he got some big laughs, particularly when during the question summing up Wendy Gruel's best success and failures "Look, I don't know the lady, OK?" Gotta give the guy credit but he's hurting Essavi at this point.
Benson seemed really knowledgeable about SB 1818 and other land issues, but she's not candidate material. Frankly, I wish whoever wins would hire her as staff - she knows the valley and has a command of the issues. She'd be a great asset to any Council office.
OK, the ''Big Three":
Krekorian - ugh. The man literally said nothing. All political doublespeak. I couldn't tell you a single point he made. He and Essel, it's all blah blah blah commissions and blah blah blah panels, and blah blah blah task forces and yawn forget it.
Tamar: say what you will, and I still have issues with Tamar, but she came across as two things that Essel and Krekorian are not- whip smart and savvy. Her answers were fast, clipped, and her citing of existing laws did impress. Let's just say I hate her the least of those three. She has serious baggage with the Home Depot thing and leaving the school board, so I'm not sold, but if I had to hold my nose and vote for her or Krekorian I'd vote for her. The big question is did she have a falling out with the Mayor's political machine or is that just a ruse to get her on the council? And that answer to the developer question "I'm not accepting developer donations in CD2" was snarky, to say the least.
The freak factor was high last night but there are a LOT of really pissed off people in this district and I think one of the smaller candidates could really light a fire here. Over 200 people showed up to this thing, the bloggers are doing their jobs but word of mouth is spreading in the neighborhoods too. This ain't over yet. But I predict Essel is going down in flames - ha ha ha what a waste of money.
omg wrong again.
look. someone, who likes what Zuma stands for, is helping him not be homeless during this run for CD2.
I can understand how theres no time to do any regular 'job' if youre running around blogging and exposing city waste and abuse, and taking calls from all the whistle blowers and all the Brown Act and whatever violations are being perpetrated.
Zuma's a ghost buster and everybody calls.
so, someone likes what he stands for, provided a pad. end of story.
I know Zuma's his own man. everyone should know that by now.
so Zuma was ALREADY saying the right thing as far as this contributor is concerned, so there's no 'deal', no apartment for endorsement, of any candidate. Zuma endorsing one of the candidates in this race.
[other than himself]
too funny.
keep it coming.
really though. get over it.
there's so many people with axes to grind against City, there could be a thousand potential ZD benefactors.
Sheftel has nothing to do with Zumas Apt.
And he never offered him anything.
ZDs digs are temporary and from another
friend of his who felt sorry for him.
It is predictable how zuma or his supporter responds to any & all criticism by referring to it as fear by the critic.
With that logic, it could be said that zd is "fearful" of Antonio because he sure does comment about him a lot.
See how dumb that sounds now? it's equally dumb sounding when you use this logic
Further demonstrating his instability, Zuma Dogg is referring to himself in the third person on his own blog, in his own posts:
Sound like a stable councilman?
Forget about the apartment!! I want to know who is the person feeding Zumma all of the "Feds raided the Union 300 Villargrosa is being investigated Garcetti is going down here come the indictments" bullshit day in and day out. Not only is it fucking annoying as hell it make Zumma look like a bigger fool than he is.
ZD got it wrong yet again. I think that's because his overwhelming need for attention causes him to put into print any rumor that he hears, rather than taking the time to check it out.
Dale Thrush did not come a big law firm. He was a sole practioner. Might have had one partner. Generating cash flow was questionable from month-to-month, so he decided to take a salary cut and go to work for Councilmember Joel Wachs.
Most of the stuff against Zuma comes from Tamar and Sheftel camps.
No one in the race fears Zuma Dog. He is, and will forever be an inconsequential candidate. The reason that people keep raising the question about the apartment is because they don't want him to act like all those other shady politicians.
Why is everyone else answering this question for him? Why doesn't he just post the truth (how horrible can it be) on this site and put the matter to rest.
But so many other politicians he appears to be avoiding or talking around the truth.
It's sad. Isn't there one honest and forthright person left to run for office?
Essel is going to win this, so the noise around Zuma is a bit of a waste of time, eh?
Joe M at 10:11 accuses someone who wants to know who Zuma gets his free apt. from, since he already said he can be bought for even a free night in a good bed, of "sniping and sliming" from behind an anonymous since they're supporting another candidate.
First, the one who slimes and snipes and is the nastiest person ever to enter City Hall Chambers is the Dogg himself. HOW can a man who is sometimes as articulate as Joe pretend he doesn't see this just because Zuma attacks the people Joe wants him to? Talk about sliming someone because you don't agree with their views.
I am not that other poster and I don't live in CD2 or have a candidate but a slimy guttersnipe who admits he is a whore for a free night or a meal, not revealing who's paying him off?
Tamar is up to her lying tricks again. Just like she ran for LAUSD. She promised reform and delivered NOTHING, now she is making promises and lying. Don't let this woman into city council!! For heaven's sake!!
Whoever said Sheftel never offered Zuma a place is a lying sac of crap.
Heard Sheftel say it himself.
I'm not even going to spend my time on the 7 other candidates becuase they don't really have much of a chance. It's clear that several know the issues, but knowing the issues isn't enough to get elected, you have to be able to make friends with people other than just your NC buddies. Good for comedic relief though especially, Bisani.
Out of the 3, Krekorian is the best speaker, but mostly talked about the big picture, a little light on specifics.
Essel is out of place in this race, "I'm not a shill for downtown interests" ha, that's what all the shills say.
Tamar is great with the nuts and bolts, but in reality a council member doesn't deal with nuts and bolts, staff does. She just doesn't come off as a leader. Which makes me think she'd make a great staffer for whoever gets elected.
Anyone heard about Jack Weiss endorsement for Tamar right after Labor Day. That should seal it for her.
Regarding my apartment, someone who knows me from my activism over the past three years saw me recently all clean shaven in a nice suit with a haircut and knows I've been working hard at what I do, but didn't know how I was living...and when I was telling them that part they told me they could help me with that. A lot of my supporters have always hoped someone would step up and help ZD with a place to crash and luckily it finally happened, although only temporarily until the unit is occupied again. So it's lucky, but because I cleaned up and was out there, so that's how you bump into people. Again, if I hadn't mentioned my living situation in the conversation, we would have walked away, and it wouldn't have happened. KARMA Y'ALL! (Brad All American Burger Voice): LEARN IT! LIVE IT! LOVE IT!
P.S. Zuma Dogg decalres David Saltsburg CLEAR victor in the forum last night. Hoody hoo!
FRANK, I heard someone heard you tell me I could stay with you! WHEN AM I MOVING IN? Common man, someone heard you say it! IT'S TRUE!
And what's wrong with me saying "Zuma Dogg had a great time?" HE DID!
I don't care who your for as long as it is any one but Essel.
Wouldn't TECHNICALLY it be the big 4 now?
Seeing as Benson was invited to Fica/Vica/Mika/Dika....the one @ Sportsmans Lodge in Studio City.
Dear Zuma Dogg
I see that you have replied to all comments to/about you except for mine.
I will re-post it for you:
"Please answer the following.
It is clear that some people in City Hall have a resentment towards you.
If you are elected to represent CD2, How do you plan to over come their animosity for you?
I ask because I don't put it past shady politicians to work against some one they dis-like, purely to spite them."
8:20pm, No, I did not reply to all comments except yours. If you want an answer on that call me at 213-785-7272 and I'll answer it for you.
Los Angeles Times
Agus 19, 2009
“Pot farm fire reveals a troubling trend”
Narcotics agents said Tuesday they had little doubt that the nearly 90,000-acre La Brea fire was started by Mexican drug traffickers who were tending a large, sophisticated marijuana farm plated on the side of a mountain.
Investigators found 30,000 top-grade cannabis plants ranging in height from 2 feet to 6 feet. Stacks of propane tanks, melted irrigation tubing, empty fertilizer canisters, mounds of trash, a torched cooking stove and a semiautomatic rifle were also found at the Los Padres National Forest location, the sheriff and other agents said.
U.S. Forest Service fire investigators believe a propane-fed camp stove sparked the fire Aug. 8.
“Frank Sheftel owns a marijuana dispensary in Toluca Lake. He says he does everything on the up and up -- and "favors" more regulations.”
Angelenos are naive to this notion. Is there anyone who can educate Angelenos as to who provides marijuana dispensaries the marijuana or CD 2 Candidate Frank Sheftel. Are the marijuana suppliers operating legally within city, state, and federal laws?
Don't answerZD she's you know who.
Oh thats funny. Someones going after Sheftel now. After the way he put the other top 3 on the hot seat the other night wonder which camp is going out for dirt on him?
After hearing him the other night and seeing his flyer,
pot or not he's got my vote.
Dear Zuma Dogg,
I appreciate you taking time to reply to my comment, however I was expecting an answer.
Please email me with an answer please.
I don't care about Zuma's apt. I only hope that he somehow wins this election.
When he talks, people are listening.
Zuma, you know darn well how you'll handle the people in city hall who resent you. You will handle the animosity perfectly, I am positive. It's all in who you hire and I know that you'll not listen to people you shouldn't. I just know it for a fact.
I disagree Matt. It is boring to read Zuma-bashing bullshit posts. I'm not finding it fun even when they are tripping all over their conspiracy theories.
Zuma at 2:49. Zuma at 2:52. Zuma at 2:56
STOP accusing me of being Zuma. I post whatever I want, whenever I want and I'm not Zuma. You just look more stupid than you already are when you post that. I'm not even a man, dumb shit.
I think it's hilarious that you think that Zuma has no supporters.
He does. Trust me on that. I wish he would get out more and meet more of them or he won't stand a chance, but he deserves to win this election.
For the record, the emotional weakling at August 20, 2009 9:56 PM who says I made anonymous posts at (whatever times) IS 100%, COMPLETELY WRONG. In other words a flat out lie. I DID NOT POST ANY OF THOSE COMMENTS. But I see what moderators still allow to go on here and it's hilarious. Have fun and good luck to your loser candidate!
OH NO...I'm on a computer that was about to cut me off and I didn't have time to sign into my Google account, so that comment about
August 20, 2009 9:56 PM loserishness is FROM ME, the BIG ZD...Master of Kara-o-ke!
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