This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Beck screams like a little girl
Wingnut award!
I think he screams for good reason. No other country comes close to providing the type of quality health care the U.S. does. They come from Canada to be treated right away as opposed to waiting in line for treatment as if it is the DMV. The government does sucha great job taking care of our veterans. Let me keep my health care, you can keep the "change".
Wish people would turn this A-hole off.
"The government does sucha great job taking care of our veterans."
You are fucking kidding. What planet have you been on?
Good reasons for screams!!! If it is such a good system, why the screams? Conservatives are just about making a profit off sick people under the guise of "free market" enterprise.
In this country - under capitlism - there are plenty of other commodities besides a persons illness to make money from. Profiteering from society's infirmed is immoral.
Because Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart or Bill Maher never ever totally lose their composure.
This is such an idiotic non-story.
It's as stupid as, "Rush Limbaugh said something controversial today".
Beck is an entertainment personality....get it?
STG...thick as fucking bricks.
Caller was a typical Leftist who lives in a utopian fantasy world. Of course Doctors will spend hundreds of thousands and 15 years of training to become a specialist in their field so that they will be told how much they are going to be paid by the government. The problem is that more than half of the country has this mentality of "entitlement" fostered by the growth of the social welfare state over the last 40 years.
You go Glenn!!!
Scream a little louder so the liberals can actually hear what you are saying.
Me, I just wish they'd all move to Canada...
This country already has free health care. It is called Medi-Cal. And, if your illegal there is also free health care. It is called the Emergency Room.
Profiteering from the sick is immoral?
Umm I'd rather be on a profit-driven drug than a non-profit driven drug any day.
I challenge you to not use any profit-driven medicine the rest of your life. That means pretty much all medicine.
Enjoy Obamacare suckers.
Glenn Beck is right. The caller was a pinhead.
Leaders of other Socialist nations come here for health care when they have a crucial health situation. All the worlds best hospitals and research clinics are here.
Because we have a meritocracy. Competition forces people to get better at their jobs.
The evil of government oppression in the marketplace creates hospitals in other countries that are eerily similar to our DMVs here in California.
Really Phil? Can you back all that up with some sources?
Speaking of koolaid drinkers...
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