This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
pathetically desperate Higby, just like your slimeball hero Trutanich, digging up something that's long been settled and proven a red herring on numerous media sources.
The more you, Wet Spot and the rest of the haters here revert lower and lower the more I'm voting for Weiss and would vote ABT even if my next- door neighbor the senile 90-year old lady were running against him or her 8-year old great grandson.
Gosh darn, what's wrong with a little laundered money? Get real. How can Weiss, Rocky and Antonio function without it? Leave them alone. They have important stuff to do. At least that's what they tell us. You're sure mean.
These clips represent politicians doing what ever they want to suit their own needs. Sometimes they seem to forget that the reason their paychecks don’t bounce is because the people’s money is paying their way. Being in elected office means leading by example and doing the right thing all of the time, not just when it's comfortable or politically convenient.
Bernard Parks returned the laundered money, which was the right thing to do. As for the others, I am concerned that elected office has somehow, especially as of late, placed some of those who are elected, above the law.
It is a frightening thing to know that our politicians are doing whatever they want, regardless of the rules because they don't think they apply to them.
No one should vote for anyone who owes, or thinks they owe, laundered money to the Ethics Commission. At the same time the Ethics Commission is showing selective favoritism by not acting on holding the officials accountable. Looks to me like the Ethics Commission could use a little independent oversight of their own.
I think the people of the city of L.A. can do better than elect people who wipe their feet on the law, as if it were their doormat.
209 is on crack if he thinks anyone believes he is some random voter that switched from Weiss to Nuch because of this blog.
No one is voting for Jack Weiss for City Attorney. He is so far up Antonio's ___ he doesn't have a thought of his own. Being a past prosecutor you'd think he would have returned the money found out to be laundered. But oh no, he's a criminal too. Let's not put him or any of his cohorts into office. These idiots have spent all the dollars in the bucket we have paid as property owners and in taxes to the city. They never thought of looking at the balance in the city's checkbook and seeing a negative balance... Throw him and all his buddies out of office and end their lying self serving careers. Not one of them truly care about you or me or the family down the street.
Thank god most of them will be termed out next time... especially Eric Garcetti, he's a laugh a minute. Can anyone be more blind?
If you don't stop these stupid posts Fatso, I WILL vote for Jack Weiss.
One thing that I agree with the Mayor is to get rid of the “Dead wood”. How about starting with him and all the City Council? That's what they are useless and incompetents DEAD WOOD!
When people start waking up and decide to take back their power we’ll see change.
“The price of power is responsibility for the public good”. Withrop Aldrich
One thing that I agree with the Mayor is to get rid of the “Dead wood”. How about starting with him and all the City Council? That's what they are useless and incompetents DEAD WOOD!
When people start waking up and decide to take back their power we’ll see change.
“The price of power is responsibility for the public good”. Withrop Aldrich
read this before you vote
Ace Smith in da house (the last post). Starting Tuesday, "smear and fear" is the politics of old. Weiss' campaign is going down in flames and Ace is going down with him. Tru change is coming.
oh yeah, visit if you want the real story.
Thomas S. Sayles
Thomas S. Sayles, 55, currently vice president of governmental and community affairs for Sempra Energy, will become vice president of federal and state affairs, reporting to Knight. Sayles has served in a range of management roles with Sempra Energy and its predecessor companies since 1994.
Unified Grocers Directors Re-Elect Lou Amen Chairman...
Feb 27, 2008
Thomas S. Sayles, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications. and Government Affairs, Rentech, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. * Robert E. Stiles, President
They did not listen to Tom Sayles. In a long day and night of speeches, what Tom Sayles said to the University of California regents on Thursday stood out. It stood out because of who he is-regent, Republican, former member of Pete Wilson's Cabinet, former deputy attorney general, native of south Los Angeles, graduate of Stanford and Harvard law, corporate executive and black man. It stood out, too, because of the way Sayles said what he had to say. He sat with his arms folded across his chest. He did not look at the cameras. He did not look at the crowd. He looked straight at Wilson and the other regents seated at a large rectangular table. He told them, evenly, firmly, that now was not the time to be tossing out admission policies calibrated to open the university to people of all colors. He told them that blaming affirmative action, as some were, for the racial divisiveness loose in the land was "akin to blaming chemotherapy for cancer." And he told them a story about himself. A few weeks ago Sayles had gone with his wife and children to look at a house he wanted to buy. He went, as he put it, "to this upscale neighborhood in my upscale car and upscale clothing." A portrait of success. When Sayles arrived at the house, however, he did not receive upscale treatment. This was the real estate agent's first look at Tom Sayles, and her eyes did not stop on the fine car or clothes. She told Sayles to wait and then, making sure he would overhear, concluded a curbside conversation with another prospective buyer.
Calif. links insurers, contractors to rebuild L.A. (California Commissioner of Corporations Tom Sayles, Los Angeles, California)
Major insurers are working with California's commissioner of corporations to increase minority participation in reconstruction efforts in South Central Los Angeles.
Commissioner Tom Sayles, who heads up Gov. Pete Wilson's cabinet-level Committee on Revitalizing Los Angeles, said six insurers have agreed to appoint ombudspersons to work with local and community-based contractors in the riot-affected areas, and another 10 "seem interested in participating."
Commissioner Sayles emphasized that the program is voluntary and insurers are doing it "because they think it's the right thing to do. Insurers want to be active participants in the rebuilding effort." ...
weiss is going to win and maybe once and for all the idiots that post here on ms will shut up.
CalPERS eyes more PE
May 18, 2009, 12:01 AM ET
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CalPERS’ investment committee is leaning toward increasing the $178.5 billion system’s private equity and fixed-income allocations and adding cash while reducing its global equity exposure.
The investment committee discussed the changes as part of an asset allocation review, in which it looked at nine allocation options.
The options were presented by the investment committee staff as well Wilshire Associates and Pension Consulting Alliance. Committee members expressed a preference for a moderate-risk portfolio that would boost private equity to 15% of total assets from the current 10% and fixed income to 19.3% from 19%. It would add a new cash allocation of 2%. Global equities, which include hedge funds, would be cut to 48.7% from 56%.
Inflation-linked assets would remain at 5% and real estate at 10%.
The committee will decide on June 15 whether to adopt the revised strategy.
The Obama administration's $787 billion stimulus plan gives about $4 billion to local law enforcement, including $1 billion to hire and retain officers. But the hiring money has not been distributed, and applicants have requested more than is available.
If the mayor had any clout in Washington the council would know money is coming
the bottom line is that Weiss and his cronies took the pension money and invested it in loser projects.
city employee pension money, retirement funds, that is so despicable except that they knew it would be guaranteed by the general fund, so effectively they reamed every taxpayer in the City of Los Angeles for so may years to come.
all those nice bonds on the ballots that raise money for things we want in the conmmunity? gone.
wait, the bonds are not gone, just the money that was borrowed. we still have to pay it back, we're just not getting the result.
so effectively, your taxes and assessments and fees are all UP, and the services will go way down because of furloughs and reduced employees and other cuts.
we warned about this exactly. we said Vote NO on all those bond issues because the money never ends up where you voted it to. right now it all has to go to pay the pensions. forget infrastructure. forget street repairs.
and the mayor loaded the LAUSD board with dirty money when the law told him he couldn't take clusters under his wing....
and they duly stripped the wealth out of the school system to the point where David Brewer couldn't take it anymore.
and yes, look at all the cuts and strikes and drama there.
people don't realise the depth of this hole Jack and his Wetherly cronies have put the City.
he needs to be City attorney to cover the tracks of the whole filthy ordeal, the corrupt money laundering racketeering pay to play system that comes in the shape of a horse-shoe.
the longer it takes to replace this axis of evil, the more pain the residents of Los Angeles will be forced to endure.
removing jack Weiss from the loop kills two birds with the one stone.
it stops the future cover up in the attorneys office, and it sends a big message to the horseshoe that constituents are not going to let this BS go on.
and one other forgotten benefit, it placates all the CD 5 residents who wanted Weiss' ass recalled.
You put up a video citing Richard Fine as an authority?
Fine is a disbarred attorney who is currently residing in the Los Angeles County Jail due to his unwilingnes to disclose his assets to a judge who has held him in contempt of court and will not free him until he discloses his assets to the court and the person to whom he owes money due to a lost lawsuit.
He's a great authority for slamming Jack Weiss.
Who does your reserach, Mike Saltsburg???
Felons like Fine for Trutanich!
Anonymous 9:12, Anonymous 11:00.
Plenty of upstanding citizens, such as Daniel Ellsberg have been jailed for contempt of court.
Associating a felony with Richard Fine may not be supported by the facts. Provide a reliable source stating that Fine has been convicted of a felony. Otherwise, you will have the same lack of credibility associated with Jack Weiss and his supporters.
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