Huizar Aide Arreseted On Suspicion of Domestic Violence
The LA Times reports that Deputy Chief of Constintituent Outreach for Council Member Jose Huizar, Henry Casas, has been arrested at his home on charges of alleged felony domestic violence.
No word if the Mayor has announced yet that Casas is a "good boy."
Casas is out on bond and due to appear in court on January 23rd.
No word if the Mayor has announced yet that Casas is a "good boy."
Casas is out on bond and due to appear in court on January 23rd.
Labels: henry casas, Jose Huizar
Anyone have a pic of Casas?
The staff of that office is cursed. It's a domestic extension of the arrogance that permeates the office from the top on down.
We deserve the shitty city leadership we've got by voting for these guys.
He's on facebook. Good looking guy. Obviously has some anger management issues.
you got to be kidding! all you idiots can think about is finding a picture of this asshole? you should be thinking about how the management of these office is the worst we have ever had in this council office. It is a true reflection of the sleazy and dirty top to bottom staff - including the top "dog" huizar.
Liars! He was not arrested! You are making it up you racist liars!
Wow, I sure hope WE never lose our principle of "innocent UNTIL proven guilty." But I guess that is futile on this blog from what I can see.
Does this shock anyone? The rumor around the eastside is that Huizar came here illegally. No shock that his hand-picked staff also breaks laws.
We have a Speaker of the House whose son stabs people, a Mayor who calls him a good kid.
Rosendahl's aide gets drunk and vandalizes a house in WeHo. And the voters are snookered.
Wimps like Mitch Englander think they can just apply to be a temp cop and snooker the voters into thinking he is tough on crime.
Wimps like Eric Garcetti (and Andrei Cherny for that matter) think they can join the naval reserves to rid themselves of what people call the wimp factor. (Plus, no chance of seeing combat that way). And the voters are snookered.
There's a big uproar over Blagojevich trading favors for action, yet no uproar when Villaraigosa trades commission appointments for dropping out of races, like he did with Cindy Montanez.
Alarcon drops out of a just won Assembly seat to get a few more years on his sad-sack hide in Council, thanks to the outrageously deceptive Measure R.
And the voters stay snookered.
Mayor Sam, you'd do a service by having a post not on each of these news stories, but a general question asking, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?
It seems to be WIDELY ACKNOWEDLED what a joke Villaraigosa and the Council are. Yet no one of substance runs; they keep getting re-elected.
Where is the outrage?
9:19 - we didn't say he was guilty, we didn't say he was convicted. We said he was arrested.
And despite what the spinner is saying, that is true.
Unless of course the LA Times is lying.
9:19, relax, that "presumed innocent until proven guilty" just applies to the operation of the criminal justice system. Nobody else has to "presume" anything of the sort with their personal opinions. Without some factual allegations provided, we can just speculate on what caused the arrest.
And domestic violence is one of those things where there's a "must arrest" factor; "Ma'am, did he hit you?" or "I see some bruises and she said you did it," so off to jail you go.
And didn't the new law kick in this year where the "victim" can be charged with a crime if she(or "he")refuses to testify or something of that nature? What timing.
A lot of arrests for felonies filter out to misdemeanors by court time and might even be filed as misdemeanors to begin with.
Anyway, do you think there's going to be a job opening in Jose's office soon? And will Jose need a disposition of the charge against his man before the paid-leave status ends?
And why does there have to be any paid-leave aside from personal time? He's not an employee carrying a gun like a cop and he's not making any arrest decisions himself. And besides, this isn't like an officer-involved shooting at all. Jose should have his guy's ass back at work and give us some value (albeit low-value, like the performance everywhere else that's city council-related) and see how long this case stretches out.
Paid-leave and no work done? Think about it, Jose. Stop giving away tax dollars. Maybe YOU should cover this from your own salary if you want him to be kept under wraps- you made the selection for this position; it all comes with the job so he needs to put out, so to speak, if he's to be getting paid.
As for outrage and no one of substance running? I think we have become numb to the eff-ups that have been committed by officials and appointees.
"Substance"? I would be satisfied with some people who were HONEST- what a concept. Not lying and not cheating and even working while on the payroll.
They have lowered that bar where even the most adept limbo dancer cannot pass below it. And that would leave the council members who might try that move to fall flat on their backs, which might be more than coincidence, the way another profession makes a living.
In cd-14, still.
This is why this blog is #2 in California no matter how much the drunkards and haters cry!
??? #2 in California?
Are you nuts?
Who is #1? Zuma Dogg?
Oh, I get it, must be the worst blogs in California, because Zuma's is defintely that...
Hey, i live in district 14, and i read your column every once in a while, i dont think henry casas or councilman huizar are as negative as you point them out to be. I think Councilman Huizar represents our district and cares about our community. It seems like there is a personal vendetta against him per your blogs. do you ever write about positive things? or is this just a overly hyped political gossip column?
I think there is outrage among many city employees but there's too much power all around. We are afraid to say anything openly because there will be retribution. Just look at the snubbish looks of the Mayor's appointees - commissioners, staff, etc. He's lucky he surrounded himself with some intellect but someone outside the city is still pulling those puppet strings. It's ashame and the city politics inside and out stink
Are we surprised by Huizar's inability to pick ethical people to fill positions in CD14. Check out President Siguenza of the El Pueblo Commission. Anyone realize that he broke up his marriage by cheating with one of his CSUN students? 19 years old. Siguenza is set to turn 50 in 2009. Any question on Ethics???? From Domestic Violence to cheating... Huizar really knows how to pick them.
The El Pueblo commissioners are selected by the mayor not Huizar you dumbass.
Does anyone know what happened to Henry Casas. Didn't he have a court hearing on February 23rd. Is he still on the City payroll.
Huizar is the most incompetent councilman CD 14 has ever had because he goes thru staff like a jailbird goes thru socks. There are a lot of losers and holes on his staff that should not be paid with tax dollars.
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