Hotsheet for Thursday?
Nope, I've been working on the annual NoHo Jaycees Operation Santa Project (with special outreach to the children in Sylmar this year) this evening and I'm going to bed. So consider this your open thread.
But first, a couple of morsels for you. Ben Austin is promising a major revolution to be announced soon at his website. Riddle me this Ben-Man, if you can't get your own damn signatures or at least hire a decent signature gatherer why the hell would we trust you to lead a "revolution?"
Secondly - in case you wanted to see Mayor Villaraigosa spending the 89% of his time he is getting paid by you but not working for you, here's video of the Mayor as a Dr. Seuss character.
Blog away dum dums!
But first, a couple of morsels for you. Ben Austin is promising a major revolution to be announced soon at his website. Riddle me this Ben-Man, if you can't get your own damn signatures or at least hire a decent signature gatherer why the hell would we trust you to lead a "revolution?"
Secondly - in case you wanted to see Mayor Villaraigosa spending the 89% of his time he is getting paid by you but not working for you, here's video of the Mayor as a Dr. Seuss character.
Blog away dum dums!
Labels: ben austin, dr. seuss, mayor antonio villaraigosa, operation santa
Does this mean Austin is going to run a write in campaign? is it possible to run a viable write in at this level with real resources behind it? i hope he does it -- it'd at least keep things interesting.
The first thing I'd do if I were Austin and I were contemplating a write-in campaign, is that I would NOT hire Sue Burnside. The second thing I would do is NOT hire Robert Urteaga. If he can successfully accomplish those two goals, he's got a shot.
What else could he be talking about on his website?
Why would Austin do a write in campaign? He's an idiot if he does. He probably couldn't win. And he can probably do more good for kids working at Green Dot anyway.
I work at Green Dot Public Schools. We all feel terrible about what happened to Ben. But when it comes to signature gathering, let me tell you: this may have gone badly because he hired an incompetent or corrupt consultant. That is on Ben. But Ben was the person that ran a much more sophisticated and complicated signature gathering campaign: the campaign to take over and transform Locke High School for the children of Watts. He did a brilliant job. NOBODY in America had every done this before. And because of that -- only because of that -- we are now making education reform history and are giving real opportunity to the children of Watts that's been denied them for generations. Ben got fucked, and we all feel terrible. But Ben is a smart operator who knows what the hell he is doing, and has put his skills to work for REAL social change.
Ben should of hired Zuma Dogg.
Can anybody NOT watch the Antonio Dr. Seuss video and keep from throwing up?
btw there is another candidate in the race, who gathered his own signatures (which were validated!) and who is a teacher but NOT endorsed by the corrupt "keep-everything-the-way-it-is" UTLA leadership - Mike Stryer. Teacher with business experience. Someone who has worked a budget before. What a concept!
7:20 you are all hot, meaningless air. He didn't even get the signatures to get his name on the ballot. I don't want to hear anymore about how great he is. He is only great at dropping the ball. He's over! Who is going to take him seriously, now? Yeah, write in campaign. Ben the Butterfinger Clown for LAUSD! Smart operator? Not so much?
A better question...
Can anybody watch Antonio and keep from throwing up?
Based on public perception what grade (A-D) do you give these eighteen highly paid elected officials based on overall impression in 2008?
Mayor Villaraigosa (D)
City Attorney Delgadillo (D)
City Controller Chick (A)
1. Reyes (D)
2. Greuel (C)
3. Zine (C)
4. LaBonge (C)
5. Weiss (D)
6. Cardenas (D)
7. Alarcon (D)
8. Parks (C)
9. Perry (D)
10. Wesson (B)
11. Rosendahl (C)
12. Smith (D)
13. Garcetti (C)
14. Huizar (C)
15. Hahn (C)
You guys slam Weiss but everyone is saying what a great job he's done on all those gun ordinances that will help finally nail the gang bangers. Finally someone doing something positive to help with the gun violence. Bitter Bernie and Smith want to stop LAPD recruitment. Hey, why not cut the salaries of all those Mayor aides and deputy mayors salaries reported in yesterday's Daily News. Damn what is the Mayor's office budget now compared to when Hahn was in office? Does anyone know?
Zuma you need to remind the voters of Villaraigosa's support for the drug dealer Vignali a friend who he wrote a letter to Clinton to have him pardoned. Now Vignali is one of the biggest real estate developers in Downtown LA. This is the reason Becerra turned down the Obama appointment. He didnt' want it brought up that he to supported Vignali. The Mayor supporting a drug dealer will hit home to voters and say NO for a
2nd term
what is austin referring to on his website? where is this going? interesting...
OK, I'll bite:
Mayor Villaraigosa D- His lack of future was revealed; open outrage is unsealed.
City Attorney Delgadillo D- The most laughable official in city gubmint; all due to exceedingly poor judgment.
City Controller Chick A Exposes city wrongdoing to the sun; Blumenfield sure is lucky she didn't run.
Councilmembers later.
Good to see the mayor finally speaking in front of a crowd at his level...KIDS! His short, two word speech patterns are perfect for little children. And I'm sure Villaraigosa felt right at home, in front of the camera, with a bunch of other mascots.
C THEY SHOULD GET F's. Weiss has revived himself with the gun ordinances. Chick screwed up cause she lacked the will to go after the non profits because they are all politically connected. Rocky I would give a solid B. He's the only one who had the guts to go after the gang bangers and do something to keep them in check. Parks a solid F. bitter Bernie still can't move on. Huizar, Reyes solid F for being afraid to go after illegal vendors in their districts. They've become a dumping ground for filth and blight. Perry solid F for being two faced about fast food chains and being sneaky with the billboard companies.
L.A. Voters For Change - Candidate Slate (March 3, 2009 General Election, City of Los Angeles)
* Mayor: David Saltsburg (Aka: Zuma Dogg)
* City Attorney: Noel Weiss, Carmen Trutanich
* City Controller: Nick Patsouras
* Council District 1: Jesse Rosas
* Council District 3: Dennis P. Zine
* Council District 5: David T. Vahedi
* Council District 7: Richard Alarcon is running un-opposed.
* Council District 9: Jan Perry is running un-opposed.
* Council District 11: To Be Announced
* Council District 13: To Be Announced
* Council District 15: To Be Announced
* LAUSD District 6: Louis Puglise
* Ballot Prop: NO on B (DWP)
NOTE: In the City Attorney election, both candidates mentioned have support with LA Voters For Change. Look into NOEL Weiss and Carmen Trutanich and vote ONLY for one of the two. (NOT Jack Weiss.)
Zuma Dogg would like to remind you, PLEASE do not re-elect Mayor "Flappers."
(Next time you see the mascot mayor, call him Mayor "Flappers", he'll get a chuckle out of it!)
BOY, now that ZD is a candidate for mayor, people seem to want to tell me everything about Antonio from his days growing up in CD 14.
Mayor Antonio Flapperaiogsa
You're all crazy. The mayor did nothing wrong in this video. I thought the whole thing was adorable, including their (Universal Studio character) introduction. I happened to see the mayor earlier in the day at a different press event (to which he was invited-it's not like he goes around asking to attend ride openings) and needless to say, you Mayor Sam readers are unnecessarily harsh. We should be so lucky to have someone that is well known as our mayor.
You meant to say he should HAVE hired Zuma Dogg, not he should OF hired ZD.
4:53 is:
Higby please tell Zuma Dave to shut the fuck up.
Why do they call him Flappers?
And yes, the mayor is adorable up there, just like any good mascot. He is second only to Mickey Mouse as the City's most beloved mascot.
I just spoke to someone who is very plugged into the Green Dot machine. It sounds like there may be a well-funded write-in campaign in the works for Ben Austin...
Believe it, or not...I actually think Ben could actually win in a write-in campaign. Villar, Broad, Barr/Green Dot...and all those "ben austin's parent union" parents (gee, wonder why Green Dot started the "union?")...add it all up, and all they have to do is tell all those sucker-puppets to write him in. Villar spent a million bucks to get Tamar Galatzan on the board. He'll roll out whatever it takes to get Ben in there. And the REAL grassroots candidates can't touch the Green Dot machine.
Zooma Dave we told you to shut up.
I heard from two green dot people last night that they are putting together a write in campaign. that they have serious grassroots support and serious $$ behind it. could be interesting...
i have heard from a neighborhood council president in venice who's been called by allies of austin about a write-in. he thought austin could pull it off.
really? if ben austin is that desperate to be on the LAUSD school board that he'll do a write-in campaign, then he will just prove that he's no different from anybody else. It is all about power. He works at the Los Angles Parent Union. Isn't that a better platform to advocate for the "revolution" anyway, assuming it is really all about the kids as he says. If he runs a write-in campaign, it would not be a romantic grassroots effort. it would be a big money effort. I agree with Zuma that Austin would probably win. But this is my question for Ben Austin Parent Advocate: do you care about power or do you care about kids? If you care about power, then go to your billionaire buddies and buy this school board seat. If you care about kids, then go to your parents union, go be a real "parent advocate," and start a real "revolution." This is how we should judge whether this politico is sincere or not. He has more articulate and poetic rhetoric than your average local politico. but is it just because he has an extra graduate degree, or is it because he is real? It sounds like he's full of shit like the rest of them, but I guess we will find out soon.
Things are getting a little crazy. This could be fun, Zuma...
Austin is officially NOT a revolutionary if he does a write in, win or lose. he's a power-hungry, win at all costs, cozy up to the billionaires politics as usual hack. let's see what your made of mr. revolution. viva revolution! go advocate for kids, not billionaires if you are real!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone saw the Northeast Parade in Highland Parkon channel 35. How rue our Grand Marshal Monica Garcia was on her cellphone the entire Parade. Monica that is very disrespectful to the community. Overall it was nice
Lincoln Height neighborhood council and the parade committee they choose who can be on their parade and they did not let certain school and group be on their parade. Esther and her parade committee had made that decision. Lincoln Height always has a problem with the community, and the parade start late.
I work for one of those rich funders that everyone loves to blast on this blog. I can tell you that austin has not come to us yet to fund a write in. I think if he's going to do it, he'll need our money. I hope he does, and if he does we'll fund it. And he'd have a shot to win. but i think all this talk is bullshit because he hasn't talked to us about it.
If Ben Austin is running as a write-in candidate as the mayor's boy, why is he slamming cortines on his website?
He has secured funding and is running. watch what happens right after the new year.
Did they need two cars to carry Monica Garcia as Grand Marhsall?
What a bunch of bullshit having Monica Garcia and Yoli Flores Aguilar as grand marshalls of the Highland Park Holiday parade. I'm not saying they shouldn't have been part of the parade, but these two school board members have many parents in literal tears over what they have done to Eagle Rock High School. They are two pretty politically divisive figures for Grand Marshalls of a Christmas parade.
I was told they were being honored for their outstanding achievement for kids. What a bunch of b.s.
How about having some kids, teachers, principal or staff instead?
These city parades have degenerated into nothing more than political campaign routes under the guise of Halloween, or Veteran's Day, or Christmas.
And the most sickening part of it all, is that "The Honorary" Jose Huizar demands that his cheesy picture be slapped on every banner.
And you have Reyes running around saying how he can have the parade shut down, if he doesn't get bumped up to the front, right away.
And have you noticed Huizar is referring to himself as "Honorary" all the time now?
Can I bow down and kiss his ring? How about he bends down and kisses my ass!
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